409 research outputs found

    Higgs boson production through bbˉb \bar b annihilation at threshold in N3^3LO QCD

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    We present threshold enhanced N3^3LO QCD corrections to inclusive Higgs production through bottom anti-bottom annihilation at hadron colliders using threshold resummed cross section. The resummed cross section is obtained using factorization properties and Sudakov resummation of the inclusive cross section. We use the recent results on threshold N3^3LO corrections in QCD for Drell-Yan production and three loop QCD corrections to Higgs form factor with bottom anti-bottom quark to achieve this task. This is the first step towards the evaluation of complete N3^3LO result. We have numerically demonstrated the importance of such corrections at the LHC.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    Massive three loop form factors in the planar limit

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    We present the color planar and complete light quark QCD contributions to the three loop heavy quark form factors in the case of vector, axial-vector, scalar and pseudo-scalar currents. We evaluate the master integrals applying a new method based on differential equations for general bases, which is applicable for any first order factorizing systems. The analytic results are expressed in terms of harmonic polylogarithms and real-valued cyclotomic harmonic polylogarithms.Comment: 10 pages; Proceedings of the Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory, 29th April 2018 - 4th May 2018, St. Goar, Germany; Report number modifie

    Two-Loop QCD Corrections to Higgs →b+bˉ+g\rightarrow b + \bar{b} + g Amplitude

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    Exclusive observables involving Higgs boson in association with jets are often well suited to study the Higgs boson properties. They are rates involving cuts on the final state jets or differential distributions of rapidity, transverse momentum of the observed Higgs boson. While they get dominant contributions from gluon initiated partonic subprocesses, it is important to include the subdominant ones coming from other channels. In this article, we study one such channel namely the Higgs production in association with a jet in bottom anti-bottom annihilation process. We compute relevant amplitude H→b+b‾+gH\rightarrow b+\overline b+g up to two loop level in QCD where Higgs couples to bottom quark through Yukawa coupling. We use projection operators to obtain the coefficients for each tensorial structure appearing in this process. We have demonstrated that the renormalized amplitudes do have the right infrared structure predicted by the QCD factorization in dimensional regularization. The finite parts of the one and two loop amplitudes are presented after subtracting the infrared poles using Catani's subtraction operators.Comment: Published version; 25 pages, 2 figures; v2: analytically continued result added, typos are correcte

    Spin-2 Form Factors at Three Loop in QCD

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    Spin-2 fields are often candidates in physics beyond the Standard Model namely the models with extra-dimensions where spin-2 Kaluza-Klein gravitons couple to the fields of the SM. Also, in the context of Higgs searches, spin-2 fields have been studied as an alternative to the scalar Higgs boson. In this article, we present the complete three loop QCD radiative corrections to the spin-2 quark-antiquark and spin-2 gluon-gluon form factors in SU(N) gauge theory with nfn_f light flavors. These form factors contribute to both quark-antiquark and gluon-gluon initiated processes involving spin-2 particle in the hadronic reactions at the LHC. We have studied the structure of infrared singularities in these form factors up to three loop level using Sudakov integro-differential equation and found that the anomalous dimensions originating from soft and collinear regions of the loop integrals coincide with those of the electroweak vector boson and Higgs form factors confirming the universality of the infrared singularities in QCD amplitudes.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Pseudo-scalar Higgs Boson Production at Threshold N3^3LO and N3^3LL QCD

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    We present the first results on the production of pseudo-scalar through gluon fusion at the LHC to N3^3LO in QCD taking into account only soft gluon effects. We have used the effective Lagrangian that describes the coupling of pseudo-scalar with the gluons in the large top quark mass limit. We have used recently available quantities namely the three loop pseudo-scalar form factor and the third order universal soft function in QCD to achieve this. Along with the fixed order results, we also present the process dependent resummation coefficient for threshold resummation to N3^3LL in QCD. Phenomenological impact of these threshold N3^3LO corrections to pseudo-scalar production at the LHC is presented and their role to reduce the renormalisation scale dependence is demonstrated.Comment: 34 pages, 17 figure

    NNLO EW⊗QCD corrections to on-shell Z production

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    In this proceeding, we outline the computational details and present the results for NNLO mixed EW\otimes⊗QCD corrections to on-shell production of Z boson at the LHC. We use the method of differential equation to obtain all the master integrals analytically, appearing in virtual and real-emission contributions. These results increase the accuracy of the predictions and contribute to reduce the theoretical uncertainties

    Pseudo-scalar Higgs boson production at N3^3LOA_{\text{A}}+N3^3LL′^\prime

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    We consider the production of a pseudo-scalar particle AA at the LHC, and present accurate theoretical predictions for its inclusive cross section in gluon fusion. The prediction is based on combining fixed-order perturbation theory and all-order threshold resummation. At fixed order we include the exact next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) plus an approximate next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N3^3LOA_{\rm A}) which is based on the recent computation at this order for the scalar case. We then add threshold resummation at next-to-next-to-next-to leading logarithmic accuracy (N3^3LL′^\prime). Various forms of threshold resummation are considered, differing by the treatment of subleading terms, allowing a robust estimate of the theoretical uncertainties due to missing higher orders. With particular attention to pseudo-scalar masses of 200200 GeV and 750750 GeV, we also observe that perturbative convergence is much improved when resummation is included. Additionally, results obtained with threshold resummation in direct QCD are compared with analogous results as computed in soft-collinear effective theory, which turn out to be in good agreement. We provide precise predictions for pseudo-scalar inclusive cross section at 1313 TeV LHC for a wide range of masses. The results are available through updated versions of the public codes ggHiggs and TROLL.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 1 table. Now includes a more precise assessment of the uncertainty on the approximate N3LO. Final version accepted by EPJ
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