12 research outputs found

    Schwannoma in oropharynx: a rare site posing diagnostic challenge

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    Schwannomas are benign nerve sheath tumors. These arise from Schwann cells of the neural sheath. Intra oral region is a relatively uncommon site of these tumors. They are solitary, slow growing, smooth surfaced, usually asymptomatic, and encapsulated tumors, about 25% of all schwannomas are located in the head and neck, but only 1% show intraoral origin. A 22-year-old female came with dysphagia since, 3 years. FNAC was not feasible and so excision biopsy of the lesion was performed. Histopathology revealed schwannoma like picture and it was confirmed with diffuse S-100 positivity on immunohistochemistry. Hence, finally confirming schwannoma of the oropharyngeal region. Schwannomas can be found anywhere in the body but a quarter of all occur in the head and neck region. Intraorally its percentage is only 1% with tongue being the commonest. Pharyngeal presentations of schwannoma are rare. Schwannomas are benign tumors having excellent prognosis. Basically, this case report is important as these very rarely occur in the oropharyngeal region and it’s a must to consider them in the differential diagnosis of lesions at this site

    Coexistence of iron deficiency and thalassemia trait: a study in antenatal females

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    Background: Thalassemia is most common genetic disorder worldwide and about 7% of world population is carrier. The prevalence of Beta thalassemia trait (BTT) is 3.5–10% in India. The National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3) of 2011 reveals the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) as 70–80% in children, 70% in pregnant women, and 24% in adult men. As both of them are close differential diagnosis and both can coexist together, this study aims to detect hemoglobinopathies in pregnant women and quantify the effect of iron deficiency on HbA2 levels in order to improve the detection of β thalassemia trait with and without iron deficiency.Methods: Hb, RBC indices, and peripheral smears of 90 pregnant females with microcytic hypochromic blood picture were studied. Serum ferritin and HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) was performed. The results were analysed statistically by using SPSS version 16.0.Results: 93.3% patients had HbA2 4.0% which characterise BTT and remaining 2.22% had between 3.0%-4.0%. HbA2 <2.0% may be seen in IDA, ATT, HbH disease and Delta thalassemia. 91.11% had reduced serum ferritin and 2.22% had normal ferritin levels.Conclusions: This study reveals that there is frequent occurrence of iron deficiency anaemia in patients with thalassemia traits. This can substantially invalidate the diagnosis of the latter. Hence, iron deficiency should be identified and rectified in patients with suspicion of thalassemia trait

    Idiopathic Lipoid Pneumonia: An incidental finding in autopsy specimen

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    Lipoid pneumonia is a rare form of pneumonia which was initially described to be caused by inhalation or aspiration of fatty substances. Certain autopsy studies have reported the incidence to be 1.0-2.5%. Based on the mode of lipid acquisition, it has been classified into endogenous, exogenous or idiopathic types. Almost 50% of the patients with lipoid pneumonia are asymptomatic, and may be discovered by chance during routine chest imaging. In symptomatic patients, the symptoms are non- specific. However, it can produce inflammatory pneumonitis that can progress to irreversible pulmonary fibrosis as seen in our case. We present a case of a 53-year-old deceased male. A piece of one of his lungs was received after autopsy, which appeared normal grossly. There was no history of any illness before death. Microscopy revealed interstitial fibrosis with collection of foamy macrophages in alveolar spaces and cholesterol crystals surrounded by inflammatory reaction including occasional giant cells. The clinical picture and radiologic changes in cases of lipoid pneumonia can mimic bacterial pneumonia and tuberculosis. The occupational history is of extreme importance and should always be investigated

    Lamellar body count as a predictor of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome in preterm premature rupture of membranes

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    Background: Lamellar bodies are present in amniotic fluid and their quantity increases with increased gestational age. Preterm premature rupture of the membranes (P-PROM) is one of the most common complications of pregnancy and is a major cause of preterm deliveries and thus the important cause of RDS. Fetal pulmonary maturity can be assessed by direct or indirect measurement of surfactant phospholipids secreted by the fetal lungs into amniotic fluid. Lamellar body count (LBC) has been introduced as an alternative to other methods.Methods: The study’s prime aim is to establish LBC as a predictor of RDS in P-PROM. We included pregnant women with P-PROM and gestational age between 28 weeks and 37 weeks and singleton live pregnancy. The lamellar body counting from amniotic fluid was done with the use of a standard hematology cell counter, sysmex KX-21. There was statistically significant co-relation between lamellar body count and period of gestation (by applying ANOVA).Results: Lamellar body counts were significantly less in cases of RDS as compared to non RDS cases.Conclusions: LBC count was selected among all other tests because the test can be performed with equipment found in most clinical analysis laboratories and is reliable in predicting fetal lung maturity

    Autopsy: a value to primordial and primary prevention for lung diseases

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    Background: Lung disorders spectrums include congestion, oedema, various inflammatory lesions, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and neoplastic lesions. The clinical and radiological findings in respiratory diseases are nonspecific and therefore a histopathological study is essential. Autopsies are necessary to establish cause of death of the person with help of antemortem history and investigations to rule out lung lesions. Aims and objectives were to identify the histopathological spectrum of lung disease and frequency of various lung pathologies in respect to age and sex.Methods: The retrospective study of 285 lung autopsy specimens received were fixed and processed. Routine paraffin sectioning was done followed by hematoxylene and eosin (H and E) staining. Relevant clinical and postmortem findings, gross and microscopic examination findings were recorded.Results: Most common lung pathology found was Edema and congestion in 149 cases (52.2%), pneumonia in 87 cases (30.5%) followed by tuberculosis in 33 cases (11.5%). Out of total 285 cases, 222 (77.9%) were males and 63 cases (22.2%) were females. The male to female ratio was 3.5:1. Maximum numbers of cases, in age group of 31-45 years were 108 cases (37.89%) followed by in age group 46-60 years were 90 cases (31.57%) followed by age group of 16-30 years 15.8%.Conclusions: Advances in diagnostic technology have not reduced the value of autopsy for the study and evaluation of the disease process. It has become crucial for adopting correct prophylactic actions for primordial and primary prevention of pulmonary dysfunctions

    Knowledge and attitude among Indian medical students towards thalassemia: a study in Delhi NCR

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    Background: Thalassemia can easily be prevented by awareness, education, screening, premarital genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis. There are only a handful of articles on knowledge and awareness about thalassemia among general population or parents of thalassaemic children. Aims and objectives was to evaluate the level of awareness, knowledge and attitudes of medical students towards thalassemia as well as to analyse the differences if any between the first year and second year MBBS students and their correlation with various socio-demographic parameters.Methods: This was an institutional based cross sectional observational descriptive study regarding knowledge and attitude of first and second year MBBS students about thalassemia using a pre-designed, structured, self-administered questionnaire. Data was analyzed using SPSS software version 17. Values of p<0.05 were considered significant.Results: Mean knowledge scores of second year MBBS students compared to first year MBBS were 11.73±1.78 versus 10.8±1.92, the difference being statistically significant, however, the difference between mean attitude scores was not found to be significant. There was no effect of age, gender, region or Kuppuswamy’s socio-economic class on the knowledge or attitude of MBBS students towards thalassemia.Conclusions: Majority of the MBBS students had good knowledge and positive attitude towards thalassemia. To confirm the observations, large scale studies need to be conducted comprising of different study populations. Screening for thalassemia should be made mandatory, as part of medical examination, at entry to a medical college so that the medical college students are sensitized and can spread awareness among general population

    Association of coagulation profile with microvascular complications and glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus – a study at a tertiary care center in Delhi

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    Introduction: Type 2 diabetes mellitus, characterized by insulin resistance, corresponds to approximately 90% of cases of diabetes worldwide. Hyperglycemia in diabetes contributes to hyperfibrinogenemia and activates the coagulation cascade thereby producing atherothrombotic events. Objectives: This study was designed to evaluate the coagulation profile (activated partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin time and fibrinogen) in Type 2 diabetes and to analyze correlations between body mass index, fasting blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin and duration of diabetes with coagulation parameters. Methods: This study included 60 type 2 diabetics and 30 controls. Diabetic patients were grouped in two sets based on the presence or absence of microvascular complications. The demographic profile and clinical details were recorded. Fasting blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin, coagulation parameters such as prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time and fibrinogen along with other biochemical parameters were investigated. Results: There were statistically significant differences in the coagulation parameters between the two groups of diabetics (with and without complications). The present study also found significant correlations between age and the duration of diabetes with and without complications and coagulation parameters such as the activated partial thromboplastin time, which was found to be significantly lower, and fibrinogen, which was found to be significantly higher in subjects with complications compared to subjects without complications. Conclusion: Clinical tests for prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time and fibrinogen are relatively inexpensive and readily available. The present study shows that shortened prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time and increased fibrinogen levels might be useful hemostatic markers in diabetic patients, especially in those at high-risk for thrombotic complications. Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Coagulation, HbA1c, PT, APT

    Out-of-pocket expenditure for hospitalization in Haryana State of India: Extent, determinants & financial risk protection

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    Background & objectives: India aspires to achieve universal health coverage, which requires ensuring financial risk protection (FRP). This study was done to assess the extent of out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditure and FRP for hospitalization in Haryana State, India. Further, the determinants for FRP were also evaluated. Methods: Data collected as a part of a household level survey conducted in Haryana 'Concurrent Evaluation of National Rural Health Mission: Haryana Health Survey' were analyzed. Descriptive analysis was undertaken to assess socio-demographic characteristics, hospitalization rate, extent and determinants of OOP expenditure and FRP. Prevalence of catastrophic health expenditure (CHE) (more than 40% of non-food expenditure) and impoverishment (Int$ 1.25) were estimated. Multivariate logistic regression was used to assess determinants of FRP. >Results: Hospitalization rate was found to be 3106 persons or 3307 episodes per 100,000 population. Median OOP expenditure on hospitalization was ₹ 8000 (USD 133), which was predominantly attributed to medicines (37%). Prevalence of CHE was 25.2 per cent with higher prevalence amongst males [odds ratio (OR)=1.30], those belonging to scheduled caste and scheduled tribes (OR=1.35), poorest 20 per cent households (OR=3.05), having injuries (OR=4.03) and non-communicable diseases (OR=3.13) admitted in a private hospital (OR=2.69) and those who were insured (OR=1.74). There was a 12 per cent relative increase in poverty head count due to OOP payments on healthcare. >Interpretation & conclusions: Our findings showed that hospitalization resulted in significant OOP expenditure, leading to CHEs and impoverishment of households. Impact of OOP expenditures was inequitably more on the vulnerable groups. OOP expenditure may be curtailed through provision of free medicines and diagnostics and removal of any form of user charges