28 research outputs found


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    The Treaty of San Stefano brought peace after the Russian-Turkish and the second Serbo-Turkish wars. Russian interests prevailed in this treaty, creating Greater Bulgaria as a Russian interest sphere, among other things. This state of things did not bode well with European powers, which found the possibility of regulating the new state ofEurope in convening the Congress of Berlin and revising the Treaty of San Stefano. At the Congress,Serbia, still a vassal country de jure, could not participate, so it defended its interests by a whole spectre of diplomatic activities, on the margins of the Congress and in the capitals of the powers that had the power to decide at the Congress.Serbia did not attain the maximum of its interests, but what it did attain was much more than what the Treaty of San Stefano offered


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    Abstract. The importance of, the need for and development of school sport over the past few years has been an important field of study by both professionals and research institutes alike in Serbia. This research represents only one of the many studies which were meant to offer certain answers. The sample of participants consisted of 329 schoolchildren, divided into two subsamples. The first subsample consisted of 176 elementary school children, while the other one consisted of 153 high school students, all from the Republic of Serbia. The data were collected using a questionnaire, consisting of twenty-four items – claims. The questionnaire was in the form of a five-point Likert scale. The responses were provided in the form of grades from 5 to 1. In order to process the data in this study we used the appropriate nonparametric statistics procedures: frequencies, percentages and the Mann – Whitney U test for determining the significance of the differences between the studied subsamples of schoolchildren. The analysis of the results indicated that there are significant differences in the case of individual claims between elementary and high schoolchildren, especially in terms of the development of school sport. It has also been determined that high school students had more positive attitudes, that is, had a more mature was of expressing themselves than the elementary school children

    The Impact of the Oil Phase Selection on Physicochemical Properties, Long-Term Stability, In Vitro Performance and Injectability of Curcumin-Loaded PEGylated Nanoemulsions

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    A nanotechnology-based approach to drug delivery presents one of the biggest trends in biomedical science that can provide increased active concentration, bioavailability, and safety compared to conventional drug-delivery systems. Nanoemulsions stand out amongst other nanocarriers for being biodegradable, biocompatible, and relatively easy to manufacture. For improved drug-delivery properties, longer circulation for the nanoemulsion droplets should be provided, to allow the active to reach the target site. One of the strategies used for this purpose is PEGylation. The aim of this research was assessing the impact of the oil phase selection, soybean or fish oil mixtures with medium chain triglycerides, on the physicochemical characteristics and injectability of curcumin-loaded PEGylated nanoemulsions. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy demonstrated the structural impact of the oil phase on the stabilizing layer of nanoemulsions, with a more pronounced stabilizing effect of curcumin observed in the fish oil nanoemulsion compared to the soybean oil one. The design of the experiment study, employed to simultaneously assess the impact of the oil phase, different PEGylated phospholipids and their concentrations, as well as the presence of curcumin, showed that not only the investigated factors alone, but also their interactions, had a significant influence on the critical quality attributes of the PEGylated nanoemulsions. Detailed physicochemical characterization of the NEs found all formulations were appropriate for parenteral administration and remained stable during two years of storage, with the preserved antioxidant activity demonstrated by DPPH and FRAP assays. In vitro release studies showed a more pronounced release of curcumin from the fish oil NEs compared to that from the soybean oil ones. The innovative in vitro injectability assessment, designed to mimic intravenous application, proved that all formulations tested in selected experimental setting could be employed in prospective in vivo studies. Overall, the current study shows the importance of oil phase selection when formulating PEGylated nanoemulsion

    Развојни концепти вишепородичног пасивног стамбеног објекта са елементима аутоматизације

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    Опис: Приказано технико решење представља сублимацију модерних знања из архитектуре, машинства, електротехнике и грађевинарства, као и економије. Различити су концепти енергетски ефикасних објеката. Приказано техничко решење представља изузетно енергетски ефикасан, пасиван стамбени вишепородичан објекат, по први пут, на овај начин, повезујући значајан број области примењених наука у целину, која има свој научно-стручни, али и друштвено-економски значај.Реализатор: Машински факултет у Београду Корисник: Агенција за инвестиције и становање Града Београда Научни пројекат Министарства за науку и технолошки развој Републике Србије: ев. број 391-00-00027/2009-02/164 Подтип решења: ново техничко решење са техничко-технолошким и друштвеним иновацијама, категориј

    Развојни концепти вишепородичног пасивног стамбеног објекта са елементима аутоматизације

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    Опис: Приказано технико решење представља сублимацију модерних знања из архитектуре, машинства, електротехнике и грађевинарства, као и економије. Различити су концепти енергетски ефикасних објеката. Приказано техничко решење представља изузетно енергетски ефикасан, пасиван стамбени вишепородичан објекат, по први пут, на овај начин, повезујући значајан број области примењених наука у целину, која има свој научно-стручни, али и друштвено-економски значај.Реализатор: Машински факултет у Београду Корисник: Агенција за инвестиције и становање Града Београда Научни пројекат Министарства за науку и технолошки развој Републике Србије: ев. број 391-00-00027/2009-02/164 Подтип решења: ново техничко решење са техничко-технолошким и друштвеним иновацијама, категориј

    Police state in the service of national goals and reflections of the constitutional laws of Prince Mihailo

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    Having ascended the throne once more in 1860, Prince Mihailo fundamentally changed the constitutional situation in the country, setting as the highest goals transformation of the state and national liberation. In order to avoid Turkish interference in constitutional questions of the Principality of Serbia, still a vassal state at the time, Mihailo derogated the 1838 Constitution with constitutional laws. His constitutional laws, according to some of his contemporaries and many authors, created the conditions for a 'police state' to function. The laws on the National Assembly, on the Central government administration, on the Council of State, on Municipalities and municipal governments, made possible the functionality of an authoritarian regime, that is, a type of absolutism. However, Mihailo's enlightened absolutism gave the Prince and the state bodies a possibility for quicker prosperity of the state and the beginning of reaching highly placed national goals. The so-called 'police state' can, in certain historical moments (especially in a peasant state in the making, as was the case with Serbia), be a more efficient and desirable way of state organization than other state regulations

    The eastern question and its reflections on governmental legal procedures in the Balkans

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    Geostrateška cjelovitost Balkana i Podunavlja i strateška stremljenja velikih sila naslijeđena iz prethodnih stoljeća odredili su polazne točke europskih gibanja XIX. vijeka. Njemački prodor na Istok, rusko širenje na Jug i težnja za primatom u borbi za tursko naslijeđe, nastojanje Turske da reformama svoju imperiju vrati iz mrtvih i ostane na desnom brijegu savsko-dunavskog sliva, čuvajući ga kao svoju prirodnu granicu i težnje balkanskih naroda za oslobođenjem, uobličili su geopolitička, strateška i državno-pravna odličja onoga čiji je zajednički naziv Istočno pitanje. U kontekstu sklapanja i rasturanja velikih saveza, čije su ishodište, ali često i početna točka bili kongresi velikih sila ovog razdoblja, balkanski narodi, teško nalazeći prave puteve za konstituiranje i razvitak svoje državnosti, suočavali su se se na nespojivim naslijeđem i suprotstavljenim uticajima. Takvi utjecaji često su ih vodili na stranputicu državno-pravnog razvoja. Obuhvaćanje svih detalja ovog pitanja zahtijeva jednu veliku studiju, ali prostor i okviri koje pruža jedan članak daju mogućnost da se ukaže na važne trenutke i utjecaje koji su obilježili državno-pravni razvitak balkanskih naroda. Sažimanje ovih uticaja može se najbolje sagledati kroz specifičnosti izgrađivanja hrvatske državnosti, sudar Istoka i Zapada i formalnog i faktičkog u hodu Srbije ka izgradnji građanske države, posebnosti nastanka Bugarske i etničko-religijski galimatijas Bosne i Hercegovine. Ovaj rad je prilog promišljanju o najvažnijim segmentima Istočnog pitanja, čiji neriješeni tragovi opterećuju Balkan i u suvremenom dobu.The geographical unity of the Balkans and Podunavlje and the strategic pursuit of major powers inherited from previous centuries have determined the starting points of European movements in the 19*1 century. The German invasion in the East, the Russian expansion in the South and aspiration for priority in the fight for the Turkish inheritance, Turkish attempts to resuscitate its Empire by reforms and to remain on the right hill of the Sava-Danube Basin keeping it as their natural border, and the aspirations of the Balkan people for liberty have carved the geographical, strategical and governmental legal characteristics of that which the Eastern Question is the common term. In the context of forming and breaking great alliances the result and often also the starting point of which were congresses of the major powers of this period, the Balkan people, finding with difficultv the right ways to constitute and develop their own statehood, were faced with an irreconcilable inheritance and opposing influences. Such influences would often lead them up the wrong path of governmental legal development. Bringing together ali the details of this question demands one large study but the space and the framework which one article offers give the possibility of emphasising the important moments and the influences which have marked the governmental legal development of the Balkan people. The summary of these influences can be best seen through the peculiarities of creating Croatian statehood, the conflict between the East and West and the formal and the factual in Serbia\u27s path to building a civil state, the peculiarities of the inception of Bulgaria and the ethnic religious galimatias of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This paper is a contribution to the deliberation on the most important segments of the Eastern Question the unresolved traces of which burden the Balkan in contemporary times as well

    Legal, historical and political aspects of lobbying in Serbia and the neighbouring countries

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    Lobbying is a legitimate and necessary political instrument in a democratic society. Politics is no longer a process which can be directed (in hierarchical structure] only by politicians elected to sit in Parliament or in Government. Nowadays, politics has largely become reliant on political counseling and external consultants (lobbyists] in different areas of social life (economy, science, etc.]. In many developed democracies, lobbying has been institutionalized through the adoption of relevant legislation. In transition countries, in order to lay grounds for the prospective action, it would be necessary (first of all] to prepare the society for the process of introducing the concept of lobbying into the legislative framework. In that context, this initial stage may include devising a straightforward and well-prepared public relations strategy which would justify its introduction and most transparently provide for its institutionalization

    Djak's mutiny and the beginning of the modern security forces in Serbia

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    The creation of the security forces in Serbia, during its formation and path towards formal recognition of self-government, is an important segment of its state apparatus creation. Djak's Mutiny, with all the social and political characteristics, was an important moment in the comprehension of the necessity of creation of a real state apparatus and security system in it. After Djak's Mutiny, prince Milos formed twelve 'companies of enrollment cops', who were the beginning of armed forces, and whom the Turkish authorities addressed as 'soldati' (soldiers), and network of suppliers which represented the beginning of the secret police. Although these bodies were part of the state apparatus in its infancy, where executive power was rarely separated from judicial power, and where real legislative authority did not exist, they represented a solid basis for further development of Serbian statehood, with all internal and external elements


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    The aim of the study was to investigate the correlation between the tendency to manifest psychosomatic reactions and procrastination in students of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, as well as to examine the differences in the tendency to manifest psychosomatic symptoms and procrastination in relation to gender and age. The study involved 459 students from the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Niš, of which 25 subjects with chronic diseases (asthma, allergies, diabetes, etc.) were excluded from the study. Subjects completed the Psychosomatic Symptoms Scale (PSS) (Vulić-Prtorić, 2005, 2016) and Procrastination Assessment Scale (PASS) Solomon & Rothblum, 1984. The results showed that there was a statistically significant positive correlation between the tendency to exhibit pseudoneurological, cardiovascular-respiratory, gastrointestinal and pain-musculoskeletal symptoms and procrastination, a statistically significant positive correlation between age and the frequency of pseudoneurological symptoms, as well as a statistically significant correlation between age and procrastination rate. We also found that women were more likely to exhibit psychosomatic problems than men.Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanosti između tendencije ka ispoljavanju psihosomatskih reakcija i prokrastinacije kod studenata Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja kao i ispitivanje razlika u tendenciji ka ispoljavanju psihosomatskih simptoma i prokrastinacije u odnosu na pol i godine starosti. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 459 studenata Fakulteta sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja u Nišu, od kojih je iz ispitivanja isključeno 25 ispitanika koji boluju od hroničnih bolesti (astma, alergije, dijabetes itd). Ispitanici su ispunjavali upitnike Psychosomatic Symptoms Scale (PSS) (Vulić-Prtorić, 2005, 2016) i Procrastination Assessment Scale (PASS) (Solomon & Rothblum, 1984). Rezultati ovog istraživanja su pokazali da postoji značajna pozitivna korelacija između tendencije ka ispoljavanju pseudoneuroloških, kardiorespiratornih, gastrointestinalnih i muskulatornih simptoma (uz osećaj bola i slabosti) i prokrastinacije, statistički značajna pozitivna korelacija između godina starosti i frekvencije javljanja pseudoneuroloških simptoma, kao i statistički značajna korelacija između godina starosti i koeficijenta prokrastinacije. Takođe smo utvrdili i da žene češće pokazuju tendenciju ka ispoljavanju psihosomatskih tegoba od muškaraca