24 research outputs found

    Objets particuliers sur andouillers de cerf provenant d’habitats néolithiques lacustres suisses

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    Des objets très particuliers aménagés sur andouillers de cervidés (moins d’une dizaine de pièces connues), pourtant mentionnés dès le XIXe siècle, n’avaient jusqu’à présent jamais été publiés de manière détaillée. Nous proposons dans cet article quelques hypothèses d’utilisation de ces artefacts, utilisés aux IVe et IIIe millénaires en contexte d’habitat, dans une zone géographique bien définie : la région des Trois Lacs en Suisse occidentale. Des parallèles avec un instrument en os provenant de la fouille de Paris-Bercy et avec une série de poignées de portage inuit, utilisées jusqu’au milieu du XXe siècle, complétées par une première approche tracéologique, donnent des pistes de recherches pour définir la fonction de ce type d’objets à l’époque néolithique.Very specific objects made from cervid antler tines (less than a dozen known pieces), mentioned as early as the 19th century, have until now never been published in detail. In this article, we propose a few hypotheses for the function of these artifacts, used in the 4th and 3rd millennia in settlement contexts in a well-defined geographic zone : the Three-Lakes region in western Switzerland. Parallels with a bone artifact from the site of Paris-Bercy, and with a set of Inuit carrying handles used until the middle of the 20th century, complemented by a preliminary use wear analysis, provide research directions to identify the function of this type of object during the Neolithic period.Sehr eigenartige Artefakte aus Hirschgeweih (es sind weniger als 10 solcher Artefakte bekannt) waren, obwohl bereits im 19. Jh. erwähnt, bis heute nie im Detail veröffentlicht worden. Im vorliegenden Artikel schlagen wir einige Hypothesen zur Verwendung dieser Artefakte vor, die im 4. und 3. Jahrtausend in den Siedlungskontexten einer geographisch klar definierten Zone, dem Drei-Seen-Land in der Westschweiz, benutzt wurden. Für diese Hirschgeweihartefakte sind folgende Parallelen bekannt: ein Fund aus der Grabung von Paris-Bercy und eine Reihe von Traggriffen der Inuit, die bis Mitte des 20. Jh. benutzt wurden. Eine Gebrauchsspurenanalyse wurde durchgeführt, um die Funktion dieses Typs von Artefakt in neolithischer Zeit zu definieren

    Nothing New in the (North) East? Interpreting the Rhetoric and Reality of Japanese Corporate Governance

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    Japan finally seems to be pulling itself out of its lost decade (and a half) of economic stagnation. Some grudgingly or triumphantly attribute this to micro-economic reforms, freeing up arthritic markets, although there is also evidence that macro-economic policy failures have been a major cause of poor performance since the 1990s. Many point to overlapping transformations in corporate governance, broadly defined to cover relationships among managers and employees as well as between firms and outside shareholders, creditors, and other stakeholders. These relationships are in flux, with moves arguably favouring shareholders and more market-driven control mechanisms. It has certainly been a found decade for law reform in Japan, particularly in corporate law, with a plethora of legislative amendments commencing around 1993 and culminating in the enactment of a consolidated Company Law in 2005. This modernisation project, particularly since 2001, is reportedly aimed at (i) securing better corporate governance, (ii) bringing the law into line with a highly-developed information society, (iii) liberalising fundraising measures, (iv) bringing corporate law into line with the internationalization of corporate activity, and (v) modernizing terms and consolidating corporate law. Because the suite of revisions has moved away from strict mandatory rules set out originally in Japan\u27s Commercial Code of 1899, modeled primarily on German law, another growing perception is that Japanese corporate law and practice is or will soon be converging significantly on US models. However, assessments remain divided as to whether these moves in corporate governance and capitalism more generally in Japan amount to a new paradigm or regime shift . Focusing primarily on quite influential commentary in English, Part I of this paper outlines two pairs of views. It concludes that the most plausible assessment is of significant but gradual transformation towards a more market-driven approach, evident also in other advanced political economies. Drawing more generally from these often virulently divided views, Part II sets out five ways forward through the proliferating literature and source material on corporate governance in Japan. Particular care must be taken in: (i) selecting the temporal timeframe, (ii) selecting countries to compare, (iii) balancing black-letter law and broader socio-economic context, (iv) reflecting on and disclosing normative preferences, and (v) giving weight to processes as well as outcomes, when assessing change in Japan - and any other country\u27s governance system. Part III ends with a call for further research particularly on law- and policy-producing processes, rather than mainly outcomes. It also outlines the usefulness of this analytical framework for analysing the broader field of Corporate Social Responsibility, now emerging as the next major area of debate and transformation in Japan - as elsewhere

    Nothing New in the (North) East? Interpreting the Rhetoric and Reality of Japanese Corporate Governance

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    Temperature evolution inside a pot during experimental surface (bonfire) firing

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    Time–temperature evolutions of different parts inside a pot were recorded during three experimental surface (bonfire) firings. The experimental vessels were shaped from a calcareous clay, tempered with 30% vol. of oolithic limestone. The temperature–time recording showed: (1) Tmax. was reached after 12–22 min and differed between the firings as well as inside individual vessels; (2) the range of the thermal variation within one single firing was found to be as high as 390 °C, and up to 220 °C on a specific cross-section; (3) the lowest temperature was not systematically recorded in the core of the object, as is generally expected. Under the polarizing microscope, no textural and mineralogical changes were observed in the ceramic bodies. This is sustained by powder X-ray diffraction analyses evidencing no dolomite or calcite breakdown. The presence or absence of specific illite and chlorite peaks can be generally related to Tmax. and soaking time, but equivalent firing temperature estimations do not match the measured temperatures

    Les harpons néolithiques d'Europe occidentale

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    Ramseyer Denis. Les harpons néolithiques d'Europe occidentale. In: Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, tome 85, n°4, 1988. pp. 115-122

    Emmanchements de l'outillage lithique néolithique de quelques stations littorales du canton de Fribourg (Suisse occidentale)

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    Since the middle of the 19th century the Swiss lake-settlements have yielded many tools with often well-preserved handles of wood, bone or antler. All the hafted stone axes and the flint knives presented in this study have been found in the canton of Fribourg at Portalban and Muntelier. They are the two richest lake-side settlements that have been excavated in the last twenty years.Les stations littorales néolithiques des lacs du Plateau suisse ont livré depuis le milieu du 19e siècle, de nombreux outils dont le manche, en bois ou en matière osseuse, a été remarquablement bien conservé. Les haches en pierre polie et les couteaux en silex (racloirs emmanchés latéralement) présentés dans cet article proviennent tous du canton de Fribourg, notamment de Portalban et de Montilier qui sont les deux plus riches gisements fouillés au cours de ces vingt dernières années.Ramseyer Denis. Emmanchements de l'outillage lithique néolithique de quelques stations littorales du canton de Fribourg (Suisse occidentale). In: La Main et l’Outil. Manches et emmanchements préhistoriques. Table Ronde C.N.R.S. tenue à lyon du 26 au 29 novembre 1984, sous la direction de D. Stordeur. Lyon : Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée Jean Pouilloux, 1987. pp. 211-218. (Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient, 15