336 research outputs found

    Constraints on Muon Decay Parameters from Neutrino Mass

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    We derive model-independent constraints on chirality-changing terms in the muon decay Lagrangian using limits on neutrino mass. We consider all dimension-six operators invariant under the gauge symmetry of the Standard Model which contribute to either a Dirac neutrino mass or muon decay. Taking an upper limit on neutrino mass of 1 eV, we derive limits on the contributions of chirality-changing operators to the Michel parameters four orders of magnitude tighter than the current experimental constraints. We also identify two operators which, due to their flavor structure, are not constrained by neutrino mass. If near-future experiments find contributions to muon decay from these operators, it could indicate interesting flavor structure in physics beyond the SM.Comment: 4 pages, contribution to the proceedings of CIPANP 2006 (May 30-June 3, 2006), Rio Grande, Puerto Ric

    A Review of Parasites and Disease Impacting Moose in North America

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    Moose (Alces alces) are relative newcomers to North America, believed to have crossed the Beringian land bridge during the late Pleistocene, 10,000–15,000 years ago.  Their evolution in Asia may have left them relatively ill-prepared to cope with a suite of North American parasites that have proportionately greater impacts on moose than other cervids.  We review the current state of knowledge regarding impacts of parasites on North American moose populations, including brainworm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis), arterial worm (Elaeophora schneideri), giant liver fluke (Fascioloides magna), winter tick (Dermacentor albipictus), and others.  We then pay specific attention to recent research and monitoring of moose, parasites, and disease, in the context of potentially declining moose populations in Montana and elsewhere. Notably we have preliminary evidence suggesting minimal impacts of winter ticks in Montana relative to the eastern US, but also a separate and poorly understood parasite- or disease-induced reduction of adult female moose survival in a southwest Montana population.  These results are preliminary and we discuss them as yielding more questions than answers thus far

    Identifying Priority Areas for Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance in Montana

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    Chronic Wasting Disease is a fatal prion disease affecting ungulate species throughout North America.  As of 2013, no CWD positive deer have been found in the state of Montana, however, several surrounding states and provinces have identified multiple cases of the disease.  We used information on mule deer habitat selection, abundance, and locations of CWD cases in surrounding states to identify priority areas in Montana for CWD surveillance. The habitat selection models were based on over 10000 VHF and GPS locations collected from mule deer from 1975-2011, and predicted resource selection function (RSF) values for winter and summer in 5 of the 7 wildlife management regions in the state of Montana. We estimated mule deer density using the aerial survey counts weighted by the value of the RSF for each pixel. High priority areas were those that contained the highest densities of mule deer and were closest to locations with CWD positive deer. This information can be used to inform Montana’s CWD surveillance program for mule deer. We concluded that based on mule deer distribution and movement patterns several mule deer herds in Montana were at risk of coming into contact with deer from known infected herds

    Proactive Management of Pneumonia Epizootics in Bighorn Sheep in Montana—Project Update

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    Pneumonia epizootics are a major challenge for effective management of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). Approximately half of the herds in Montana have suffered die-offs since the 1980s, many of which were pneumonia events. A set of models that identify risk of pneumonia and the best management decisions given that risk would be of great value for proactive management of pneumonia epizootics. Our first objective is to design and test a risk model that will help predict a herd’s risk of pneumonia. We hypothesize that various factors increase risk through pathogen exposure, pathogen spread, and disease susceptibility. Analysis of these factors comparing herds with and without recent pneumonia histories using Bayesian logistic regression will allow us to design a risk model. Our second objective is to develop a proactive decision model that incorporates estimates of pneumonia risk to help evaluate costs and benefits of alternative proactive actions appropriate to those estimates. We will use a Structured Decision Making framework, which provides a deliberative, transparent, and defensible decision-making process that is particularly valuable in complex decision-making environments such as wildlife disease management. Together the resulting risk and decision models, to be completed this year, will help managers estimate pneumonia risk and identify the best management action based on both the severity of each herd’s predicted risk and costs and benefits of competing management alternatives. Ultimately, this project will demonstrate the development and application of risk and decision models for proactive wildlife health programs in Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks

    Control of a Programmed Cell Death Pathway in Pseudomonas aeruginosa by an Antiterminator

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    In Pseudomonas aeruginosa the alp system encodes a programmed cell death pathway that is switched on in a subset of cells in response to DNA damage and is linked to the virulence of the organism. Here we show that the central regulator of this pathway, AlpA, exerts its effects by acting as an antiterminator rather than a transcription activator. In particular, we present evidence that AlpA positively regulates the alpBCDE cell lysis genes, as well as genes in a second newly identified target locus, by recognizing specific DNA sites within the promoter, then binding RNA polymerase directly and allowing it to bypass intrinsic terminators positioned downstream. AlpA thus functions in a mechanistically unusual manner to control the expression of virulence genes in this opportunistic pathogen

    A Risk Model for Proactive Management of Pneumonia Epizootics in Bighorn Sheep

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    Pneumonia epizootics are a major challenge for management of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). Risk factors associated with the disease are poorly understood, making pneumonia epizootics hard to predict; such epizootics are thus managed reactively rather than proactively. We developed a model that identifies risk factors and addresses biological questions about risk. Using Bayesian logistic regression with repeated measures, we found that private land, weed control using domestic sheep or goats, pneumonia history, and herd density were associated with risk of pneumonia in 43 herds in Montana that experienced 22 epizootics out of 637 herd years from 1979–2013. Within high-risk areas occupied by herds, risk increased with greater amounts of private land and use of domestic sheep or goats for weed control. Herds had >10 times greater odds of having a pneumonia epizootic if they or neighboring herds within high-risk areas had a history of pneumonia. Risk greatly increased when herds were at high density, with nearly 15 times greater odds of pneumonia compared to herds at low density. Number of federal sheep and goat allotments, proximity to nearest herds, ram:ewe ratios, normality of winter and spring precipitation, and herds with native versus mixed or reintroduced origin were not associated with increased risk. We conclude that factors associated with risk of pneumonia are complex and may not always be from the most obvious sources. The ability to identify high risk herds will help determine where to focus management efforts and what risk factors most affect each herd, facilitating more effective, proactive management

    Modeling Proactive Decisions to Manage Pneumonia Epizootics in Bighorn Sheep

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    Pneumonia epizootics in bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) are a major challenge for wildlife agencies due to the complexity of the disease, long-term impacts, and lack of tools to manage risk. We developed a decision model to facilitate proactive management of pneumonia epizootics in bighorn sheep in Montana. Our decision model integrates a risk model to predict probability of pneumonia epizootics based on identified risk factors. It uses a structured decision making (SDM) approach to analyze potential decisions based on predictions from the risk model, herd-specific management objectives, and predicted consequences and trade-offs. We demonstrated our model’s use with an analysis of representative herds and analyzed the recommended decisions to understand them clearly. We learned that proactive management for each herd was expected to outperform in meeting multiple, competing management objectives compared to ongoing status quo management. Based on sensitivity analyses, we also learned that the recommended decisions were relatively robust with limited sensitivity to variations in model inputs and uncertainties; we expect this to be the case in future analyses as well. Our decision model addressed the challenges of uncertainty, risk tolerance, and the multi-objective nature of management of bighorn sheep while providing a consistent, transparent, and deliberative approach for making decisions for each herd. It is a unique tool for managing pneumonia epizootics using an accessible framework for biologists and managers. Our work also provides a case study for developing similar SDM-based decision models, particularly for other wildlife diseases, to address challenges of making complex decisions

    Sex‐specific alterations in whole body energetics and voluntary activity in heterozygous R163C malignant hyperthermia‐susceptible mice

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    Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is characterized by induction of skeletal muscle hyperthermia in response to a dysregulated increase in myoplasmic calcium. Although altered energetics play a central role in MH, MH‐susceptible humans and mouse models are often described as having no phenotype until exposure to a triggering agent. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the R163C ryanodine receptor 1 mutation, a common MH mutation in humans, on energy expenditure, and voluntary wheel running in mice. Energy expenditure was measured by indirect respiration calorimetry in wild‐type (WT) and heterozygous R163C (HET) mice over a range of ambient temperatures. Energy expenditure adjusted for body weight or lean mass was increased (P < .05) in male, but not female, HET mice housed at 22°C or when housed at 28°C with a running wheel. In female mice, voluntary wheel running was decreased (P < .05) in the HET vs WT animals when analyzed across ambient temperatures. The thermoneutral zone was also widened in both male and female HET mice. The results of the study show that the R163C mutations alters energetics even at temperatures that do not typically induce MH