5 research outputs found

    Investigation of implantable multichannel biotelemetry Semiannual report, Mar. - Aug. 1968

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    Multichannel, physiologically implantable telemetering system for biological measurement

    Investigation if implantable multichannel biotelemetry systems Semiannual report, Sep. 1967 - Feb. 1968

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    Operation and maintenance of multichannel, physiologically implantable telemetering systems for biological measurement

    Advanced electronic technology and the design and development of an integral circuit, multi-channel telemetry system for bio-medical applications Final report, Mar. 1966 - Feb. 1969

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    Application of electronic technology to design and development of integrated circuit, telemetry system for biomedicin

    Solid State Electronics Laboratory Semiannual report, Feb. - Sep. 1969

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    Design and performance of miniaturized portable heart rate and electrocardiographic monitoring system for prolonged space flight