26 research outputs found

    Design of the Prototypical Cryomodule for the EUROTRANS Superconducting Linac for Nuclear Waste Transmutation

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    International audienceOne task of the accelerator workpackage of the EUROTRANS program for the design of a nuclear waste transmutation system is dedicated to the engineering and realization of a prototype cryomodule of the high energy section of the linac, equipped with elliptical superconducting niobium cavities. We review here the present status of the design and the planned program that foresees the experimental characterization of the fully equipped cavity and RF system under its nominal operating conditions

    Deliverable D2: RF source development- Three RF source units

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    This document reports on the 352 MHz solid state RF sources development

    Joule Expansion Imaging Techniques on Microlectronic Devices

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    We have studied the electrically induced off-plane surface displacement on two microelectronic devices using Scanning Joule Expansion Microscopy (SJEM). We present the experimental method and surface displacement results. We show that they can be successfully compared with surface displacement images obtained using an optical interferometry method. We also present thermal images using Scanning Thermal Microscopy (SThM) technique to underline that SJEM is more adapted to higher frequency measurements, which should improve the spatial resolution

    Joule Expansion Imaging Techniques on Microlectronic Devices

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    We have studied the electrically induced off-plane surface displacement on two microelectronic devices using Scanning Joule Expansion Microscopy (SJEM). We present the experimental method and surface displacement results. We show that they can be successfully compared with surface displacement images obtained using an optical interferometry method. We also present thermal images using Scanning Thermal Microscopy (SThM) technique to underline that SJEM is more adapted to higher frequency measurements, which should improve the spatial resolution

    Asynchronous ultrafast pump-probe experiments: Towards high speed ultrafast imaging with ultrahigh spectral resolution

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    Femtosecond pump-probe experiments allow the generation/detection of acoustic waves in the GHz-THz frequency range for investigating matter properties at sub-micron scales. To circumvent the main drawback of these experiments, namely their limited acquisition speed due to the use of mechanical delay line, asynchronous optical sampling (ASOPS) has emerged in the 80's. The key feature of this method consists in using two different lasers for pump and probe pulses. A slight difference between their repetition rates creates the pump-probe delay, the mechanical delay line being then no longer needed: The acquisition rate is considerably sped up. Pump-probe delays from zero to the inverse of the repetition rate are scanned during one beating period (in the millisecond range) between pump and probe asynchronous pulse trains. The strong potential of this technique has been demonstrated in the ultrafast acoustics community with 1 GHz repetition rate lasers

    Asynchronous ultrafast pump-probe experiments: Towards high speed ultrafast imaging with ultrahigh spectral resolution

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    Femtosecond pump-probe experiments allow the generation/detection of acoustic waves in the GHz-THz frequency range for investigating matter properties at sub-micron scales. To circumvent the main drawback of these experiments, namely their limited acquisition speed due to the use of mechanical delay line, asynchronous optical sampling (ASOPS) has emerged in the 80's. The key feature of this method consists in using two different lasers for pump and probe pulses. A slight difference between their repetition rates creates the pump-probe delay, the mechanical delay line being then no longer needed: The acquisition rate is considerably sped up. Pump-probe delays from zero to the inverse of the repetition rate are scanned during one beating period (in the millisecond range) between pump and probe asynchronous pulse trains. The strong potential of this technique has been demonstrated in the ultrafast acoustics community with 1 GHz repetition rate lasers

    Coupler conditioning bench

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    This document reports on the design of the coupler conditioning benc

    D5 - Power coupler conditioning bench

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    This documents reports on the design of the power coupler conditioning bench

    Agir contre les micropolluants issus des établissements de soin : un exemple de démarche concertée entre Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole et la Polyclinique Saint-Roch (Montpellier)

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    International audienceDepuis 2015, la métropole de Montpellier finance des actions de recherche et développement au travers de contrats de délégation de service public de l’assainissement. Un des projets a porté sur l’évaluation des actions de réduction à la source des micropolluants d’un établissement de soin, la Polyclinique Saint-Roch, engagé depuis 2013 dans une politique de développement durable, de réduction de ses impacts sur l’environnement, qui a fait l’objet d’un transfert dans un nouvel établissement en 2016. Veolia a lancé, dans ce contexte, une étude multipartenaire (Polyclinique Saint-Roch, UMR HydroSciences Montpellier, métropole de Montpellier et Veolia Eau), afin de caractériser les rejets d’assainissement de l’ancien et du nouvel établissement, ce dernier ayant mis en oeuvre de nouvelles pratiques pour diminuer ses rejets. Cette étude se décline en plusieurs actions : sélectionner au préalable des molécules susceptibles d’être représentatives de l’activité de soins, les quantifier dans les eaux usées, prédire les concentrations de molécules médicamenteuses représentatives (calcul d’un PEC : concentration prédite dans l’environnement) et les comparer aux valeurs mesurées. Le changement des pratiques a une répercussion significative sur la réduction des flux de micropolluants rejetés au réseau par la Polyclinique Saint-Roch, qui est suffisante pour ne pas engager de prétraitements sur leur site. La démarche est transposable aux autres établissements de soins de la métropole. La méthode de calcul des PEC dans les eaux usées est acceptable et intéressante pour un diagnostic préalable et/ou une approche globale des émissions

    Developments and Tests of a 700 MHz Cryomodule for the Superconducting Linac of MYRRHA

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    The MYRRHA projects aims at the construction of an Accelerator Driven System demonstrator. The criticality will be sustained by an external spallation neutron flux; produced thanks to a 600 MeV high intensity proton beam. This beam will be delivered by a superconducting linac which must fulfil very stringent reliability requirements. To carry out “real scale” reliability-oriented experiments a 700 MHz Cryomodule was developed. Several tests were performed to commission the experimental set-up. We review here the obtained results and the lessons learnt by operating this module, as well as the on-going developments