205 research outputs found

    Health status of hostel dwellers: Part IV. Immunisation of children

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    The immunisation status of children (0 - 5 years) living in the Zones, an urban migrant council-built hostel in Langa, was investigated to examine the effect of migrant labour and related to this, the effect of circular or oscillating migration between Cape Town and the eastern Cape (Transkei/Ciskei) on access to this preventive health care measure. 'Road-toHealth' cards were available for 69,4% of subjects - 78,8% for those born in Cape Town and 50,8% for those born in Transkei. Immunisation Of 'Road-to-Health' card holders ranged from 71,8% to 95%. The range dropped to 41 - 79,1% if it was assumed that children without 'Road-to-Health' cards (i.e. without positive proof of immunisation) had not been immunised. Children born in Cape Town have a significantly higher immunisation coverage than children born elsewhere (Transkei accounted for 82,7% of these children). Immunisations administered in Cape Town numbered 80,6%, while 62,6% of subjects were born in Cape Town. In Transkei, payment is required for immunisation, in Cape Town it is free. By implication, cost appeared to be an important reason for low coverage in Transkei. The findings of this study suggested that hostel migrant children who had access to the Cape Town health services through working parents had better immunisation coverage than children at the home-base who seldom or never reached the city

    Детермінанти застосування маркетингу в соціальних мережах на малих, середніх та мікропідприємствах під час пандемії Covid-19

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    Purpose: This study aims at assessing the determinants of Social Media Marketing adoption in small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) during the Covid-19 pandemic. Design / Method / Approach: The study seeks to understand the viewpoints and motives for employing social media campaigns. Thus, a structured quantitative questionnaire was provided to 150 respondents to assess social media marketing in their firms, using convenience sampling. A descriptive analysis of data was undertaken using the SPSS. Findings: The study's findings showed that most respondents agreed with items related to Social Media Marketing’s facilitating conditions, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and cost implications. Theoretical Implications: The study contributes to the extant literature on Social Media Marketing during the Covid-19 pandemic in the developing world, wherein poor infrastructure, bureaucracy and culture play an important role in business performance. Practical Implications: SMME owners and managers should encourage their employees and customers to use social media regularly in order to drive traffic towards the business. Originality / Value: The study is unique as it analyses Social Media Marketing during a turbulent time in which the Covid-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on economies globally. Research Limitations / Future Research: Researchers should consider analysing the effect of Covid-19's lockdown restrictions on specific sectors in an attempt to facilitate tailor-made solutions to the problem. Paper type: EmpiricalPurpose: This study aims at assessing the determinants of Social Media Marketing adoption in small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) during the Covid-19 pandemic. Design / Method / Approach: The study seeks to understand the viewpoints and motives for employing social media campaigns. Thus, a structured quantitative questionnaire was provided to 150 respondents to assess social media marketing in their firms, using convenience sampling. A descriptive analysis of data was undertaken using the SPSS. Findings: The study's findings showed that most respondents agreed with items related to Social Media Marketing’s facilitating conditions, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and cost implications. Theoretical Implications: The study contributes to the extant literature on Social Media Marketing during the Covid-19 pandemic in the developing world, wherein poor infrastructure, bureaucracy and culture play an important role in business performance. Practical Implications: SMME owners and managers should encourage their employees and customers to use social media regularly in order to drive traffic towards the business. Originality / Value: The study is unique as it analyses Social Media Marketing during a turbulent time in which the Covid-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on economies globally. Research Limitations / Future Research: Researchers should consider analysing the effect of Covid-19's lockdown restrictions on specific sectors in an attempt to facilitate tailor-made solutions to the problem. Paper type: EmpiricalМета роботи: ДДане дослідження спрямоване на оцінку визначальних факторів прийняття маркетингу в соціальних мережах малими, середніми та мікропідприємствами (SMMEs) під час пандемії Covid-19. Дизайн / Метод / Підхід дослідження: Дослідження спрямоване на розуміння точок зору та мотивів використання кампаній у соціальних мережах. Таким чином, 150 респондентам було надано структуроване кількісне запитання для оцінки маркетингу соціальних медіа в їх фірмах, використовуючи зручну вибірку. Описовий аналіз даних було проведено з допомогою SPSS. Результати дослідження: Результати дослідження показали, що більшість респондентів погодилися з пунктами, пов’язаними з умовами полегшення маркетингу в соціальних мережах, сприйнятою простотою використання, сприйнятою корисністю та витратами. Теоретична цінність дослідження: Дослідження робить внесок у існуючу літературу з маркетингу в соціальних мережах під час пандемії Covid-19 у країнах, що розвиваються, де нерозвинена інфраструктура, бюрократія та культура відіграють важливу роль в ефективності бізнесу. Практична цінність дослідження: Власники та менеджери SMME повинні заохочувати своїх співробітників та клієнтів регулярно користуватися соціальними мережами, щоб залучити трафік до бізнесу. Оригінальність / Цінність дослідження: Дослідження є унікальним, оскільки воно аналізує маркетинг у соціальних мережах у неспокійний час, коли пандемія Covid-19 завдає шкоди економіці у всьому світі. Обмеження дослідження / Майбутні дослідження: Дослідникам слід розглянути можливість аналізу впливу обмежень блокування Covid-19 на конкретні галузі, намагаючись знайти індивідуальні рішення проблеми. Тип статті: Емпірични

    HIV/AIDS: The mirror in South Africa's face

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    Special SFSA Plenary Debate: ‘The future of transdisciplinarity: How do we relearn to be human in new ways?’

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    This Structured Conversation took place among Dr Mamphela Ramphele, Prof. Coleen Vogel and Prof. Daya Reddy. Dr Ramphele was invited to deliver a Plenary address at the Science Forum South Africa 2020. Her address was followed by a response from Prof. Vogel, and the discussion was moderated by Prof. Reddy


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    Biko revisitedSyncopeAn integrated healing approac

    Predicting grade progression within the Limpopo Education System

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    One way to improve education in South Africa is to ensure that additional support and resourcing are provided to schools and learners that are most in need of help. To this end, education officials need to understand the factors affecting learning and the schools most in need of appropriate interventions. Several theories, models and methods have been developed to attempt to address the challenges faced in the education sector. Educational Data Mining (EDM) is one which has gained prominence in addressing these challenges. EDM is a field of data mining using mathematical and machine learning models to improve learners’ performance, education administration, and policy formulation. This study explored the literature and related methodologies used within the EDM context and constructed a solution to improve learner support and planning in the Limpopo primary and secondary schools education system. The data utilized included socio-economic environment, demographic information as well as learner’s performance sourced from the Education Management Information Systems database of the Limpopo Department of Education (LDoE). Feature selection methods; Information Gain, Correlation and Asymmetrical Uncertainty were combined to determine factors that affect learning. Three machine learning classifiers, AdaboostM1 (Decision Stump), HoeffdingTree and NaïveBayes, were used to predict learners’ grade progression. These were compared using several evaluation metrics and HoeffdingTree outperformed AdaboostM1 (Decision Stump) and NaïveBayes. When the final HoeffdingTree model was applied to the test datasets, the performance was exceptionally good. It is hoped that the implementation of this model will assist the LDoE in its role of supporting learning and planning of resource allocation

    Participatory research in programme formulation with a youth group

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    Social ScienceM.A.(Social Science: Mental Health


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    The COVID-19 pandemic aftermath allows us an opportunity to reimagine Africa’s cities, towns and villages to create more ecologically sound human settlements. Africa’s chaotic cities and towns are relics of colonial social engineering not fit for purpose in the 21st century. The city architecture reflects deliberate distancing of the centre and the periphery. The centre as the locus of power and privilege for colonial elites is distinguished by the best amenities and public services, whilst t..


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    Resilient cities are places where individuals, communities, institutions, businesses, and systems have the capacity to survive, adapt and grow no matter what stresses and acute shocks they experience. Social cohesion is essential to marshal the energies of all the players to enhance the resilience of cities. In a recently published ground breaking book, Africa’s Urban Revolution, the authors make the point that African cities need to escape legacies of slavery, colonialism and apartheid that..