8 research outputs found

    Brazilian version of the Berg balance scale

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    The purpose of the present study was to translate and adapt the Berg balance scale, an instrument for functional balance assessment, to Brazilian-Portuguese and to determine the reliability of scores obtained with the Brazilian adaptation. Two persons proficient in English independently translated the original scale into Brazilian-Portuguese and a consensus version was generated. Two translators performed a back translation. Discrepancies were discussed and solved by a panel. Forty patients older than 65 years and 40 therapists were included in the cultural adaptation phase. If more than 15% of therapists or patients reported difficulty in understanding an item, that item was reformulated and reapplied. The final Brazilian version was then tested on 36 elderly patients (over age 65). The average age was 72 years. Reliability of the measure was assessed twice by one physical therapist (1-week interval between assessments) and once by one independent physical therapist. Descriptive analysis was used to characterize the patients. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Pearson's correlation coefficient were computed to assess intra- and interobserver reliability. Six questions were modified during the translation stage and cultural adaptation phase. The ICC for intra- and interobserver reliability was 0.99 (P < 0.001) and 0.98 (P < 0.001), respectively. The Pearson correlation coefficient for intra- and interobserver reliability was 0.98 (P < 0.001) and 0.97 (P < 0.001), respectively. We conclude that the Brazilian version of the Berg balance scale is a reliable instrument to be used in balance assessment of elderly Brazilian patients.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Disciplina de ReumatologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Disciplina de GeriatriaMcGill University Division of Physical and Occupational TherapyUNIFESP, EPM, Disciplina de ReumatologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Disciplina de GeriatriaSciEL

    Clinical Dementia Rating independently predicted conversion to dementia in a cohort of urban elderly in Brazil

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    Background: Dementia is a major public health problem in aging populations. the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) classifies the severity of dementia and identifies borderline cases that supposedly have higher rates of conversion to dementia. This study aims to verify the dementia conversion rate (CR) in a subsample of an elderly cohort (70+ free of the disease), and to identify risk factors, determining whether CDR is able to predict which individuals have high likelihood of converting.Methods: A subsample of 156 participants was clinically evaluated for dementia at baseline in which 80 patients without dementia were reassessed after 2.6 years on average to verify the conversion. the CR was analyzed according to demographic, health variables, and CDR classification at baseline, using the Poisson regression method in univariate and multivariate analyses, with exposure time as an offset variable (person-years).Results: From those re-evaluated, 50% had CDR = 0 and a CR of 38.1/1,000 person-years and the other 50%, CDR = 0.5 (70% with sum of boxes scores 1, CR = 216.8/1,000 person-years). CR was 91.3/1,000 person-years on average. in the multivariate analysis, when compared with those with CDR = 0, the hazard ratio of those with CDR = 0.5 was 3.82; and for those with CDR = 0.5 and sum of boxes scores > 1, 5.69.Conclusions: Conversion rate to dementia was significantly higher among those with CDR = 0.5 and even higher for those whose sum of boxes scores was > 1. Therefore, CDR was able to predict which individuals had a higher likelihood of converting to dementia.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Prevent Med, BR-18017204 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Prevent Med, BR-18017204 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    The use of the Clinical Interview Schedule for the evaluation of mental health in the aged community

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    As a part of a survey to study the health and living conditions of the elderly population, a random sample of residents aged 65 and over are examined using the Clinical Interview Schedule (CIS) in order to evaluate their psychiatric status. The aim of this study is to evaluate this standard method of assessment as a case-identification instrument in our country. The schedule was completed by 91 subjects. It is easily administered, easily scored, and economical on time. Its completion rate is high. The weighted total scores (WTS) range from 0 to 48. Using the case criteria defined by Cooper & Schwarz (1982), 27 subjects (30 %) are considered cases and 64 (70 %) are regarded as non-cases. The sensitivity coefficients for the WTS are examined against the overall severity rating at different cut-off points. The optimum cut-off can be anywhere between 16 and 20 points. The WTS has higher validity coefficients to detect the following diagnostic categories (sensitivity, specificity): normals (100 %, -); personality (100 %, 92 %) and affective disorders (100 %, 75 %). In general the CIS items are given low ratings. Psychotic symptoms are rarely found in this sample. One main problem arose: the item depersonalization is misunderstood by some patients probably because of interpreting it as an upsetting memory disturbance.ESCOLA PAULISTA MED SCH,DEPT PREVENT MED,BR-04023 SAO PAULO,BRAZILESCOLA PAULISTA MED SCH,DEPT PREVENT MED,BR-04023 SAO PAULO,BRAZILWeb of Scienc

    Eating patterns among the elderly of different socioeconomic groups resident in an urban area of Southeastern Brazil

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    Two hundred and eight three male and female elderly subjects were studied. They participated in the Multicentric project: Health assessment of elderly people living in the urban area of S.Paulo, Brazil, and were stratified by socio-economic level in three areas of S.Paulo city. The food frequency questionnaire was applied in order to discover their food pattern. The results show that for the energy-producing foods more than 90% of the total sample eat tubers, rice, bread and pasta; however, only the rice and bread are consumed daily. As for protein, 70% or more of the elderly people eta beans, beef, poultry, milk and eggs but for the daily consumption there are differences between the 3 regions. More than 85% of the subjects eat fruits, leafy and other vegetables; nevertheless, the frequency of their daily consumption is bigger in the walthierarea. The dietetic information shows that the group analysed has the same food pattern as other population groups as far the energy-producing foods are concerned; there are, however, some defference as regards the protein foods and fruit and vegetables.Foram estudados 283 idosos do sexo masculino e feminino pertencentes ao projeto multicêntrico Identificação de Necessidades dos Idosos Residentes em Zona Urbana do Município de São Paulo, estratificados por nível socioeconômico em três regiões do Município de São Paulo, SP - Brasil. Utilizou-se o método de freqüência de alimentos para se obter o padrão alimentar do grupo analisado. Os resultados indicam que no grupo de alimentos energéticos, mais de 90% dos indivíduos das três regiões ingerem feculentos, arroz, pão e macarrão; porém, apenas o arroz e o pão são utilizados diariamente. Quanto ao grupo de alimentos protéicos, 70% ou mais dos idosos consomem feijão, carne de boi, aves, leite e ovos, entretanto, no consumo diário, existe uma diferenciação entre as regiões analisadas. Dos reguladores, mais de 85% dos indivíduos têm por hábito consumir frutas, verduras folhosas e legumes, mas, ao se avaliar o consumo diário, verifica-se que a prática é maior na região de melhor nível socioeconômico. As informações dietéticas mostram que os idosos analisados apresentam o mesmo padrão alimentar de outros grupos populacionais no tocante aos alimentos energéticos, porém, diferem quanto aos protéicos e reguladores

    Profile of the elderly in an metropolitan area of Southeastern Brazil: results of a household survey

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    A multicentre study concerned with the health needs of the elderly population living in urban areas and coordinated by the Panamerican Health Organization was undertaken in 6 Latin-American countries. In Brazil, 1,602 elderly residents (of 60 years of age and over) in the District of S. Paulo, constituting a multistage random sample stratified by socioeconomic status, participated in a household survey using a multidemensional functional assessment questionnaire. The results showed a highly deprived population (70% had a per capita income of less than US$ 100 per month), living mostly in multigenerational households (59% were living with children and/or grandchildren), with a high prevalence of chronic physical illnesses (only 14% referred no illness) and psychiatric disorders (27% were considered psychiatric cases), a high proportion of them showing a loss of autonomy (47% needed help in performing at least one of the activities of daily living). The results are put into perspective concerning future needs in terms of specialized health services and social support for the growing population of elderly people in Brazil.Trata-se de estudo multicêntrico visando levantar as necessidades de saúde da população de idosos residentes em zona urbana, conduzido em 6 países na América Latina e coordenado pela Organização Panamericana da Saúde. No Brasil, 1.602 idosos (60 anos e +) residentes no Distrito de São Paulo, participaram de inquérito domiciliar com questionário de avaliação funcional multidimensional - amostra populacional aleatória, em múltiplos estágios, estratificada por nível socioeconômico. Os resultados mostraram uma população bastante carente (70% tinha uma renda per capita de menos de 100 dólares por mês), vivendo predominantemente em domicílios multigeracionais (59% viviam com os filhos e/ou com netos), com alta prevalência de doenças crônicas (somente 14% referiu não ter nenhuma doença) e distúrbios psiquiátricos (27% foram considerados casos psiquiátricos), e com uma elevada proporção de pessoas com perda de autonomia (47% precisavam de ajuda para realizar pelo menos uma das atividades da vida diária). Os resultados são analisados tendo em vista as demandas futuras por serviços de saúde especializados e suporte social por parte da crescente população de idosos no Brasil

    Preguntas necesarias para rastrear dependencia en actividades de la vida diaria en ancianos

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    OBJECTIVE:To analyze non-redundant questions on independence in activities of daily living in the elderly, representing the spectrum of dependency.METHODS:Multicenter project with a probabilistic population sample of 5,371 elderly residents in São Paulo, SP, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Fortaleza, CE and Bambui, MG in 2008. A household survey was carried out and a questionnaire with 20 activities of daily living applied for the elderly to self-assess the difficulty/need for help in performing them. The responses were analyzed according to: the prevalence of some kind of difficulty/need for help for each activities of daily living, the frequency of non-response, and the grouping of activities in factor analysis.RESULTS:The personal activities (e.g., dressing) have, on average, a low prevalence of difficulty or need for help, compared to instrumental activities (e.g., shopping), and have lower rates of non- response. In factor analysis it was possible to identify three factors grouping the activities of daily living: one relative to mobility (e.g., walking 100 m), another for personal needs (e.g., bathing) and one relative to what someone else can do for the elderly (e.g., washing clothes). The activities of daily living with the highest eigenvalues in each group were also analyzed in the light of the prevalence of reported need for help and the proportion of non response. Three activities of daily living were selected as representing the spectrum of dependency and being well understood by the elderly - getting out of bed, bathing and walking 100 m.CONCLUSIONS:With only three activities of daily living we can have a simple and reliable screening instrument capable of identifying elderly in need of help in daily life. Estimating demand for care on a daily basis is an important indicator for planning and administration of health services within the paradigm of chronic diseases and population aging.OBJETIVO:Analizar aspectos no redundantes sobre independencia en las actividades de la vida diaria de ancianos que representen el espectro de dependencia en ancianos.MÉTODOS:Proyecto multicéntrico con muestra poblacional probabilística de 5.371 ancianos residentes en São Paulo, SP, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Bambuí, MG y Fortaleza, CE, (Brasil), en 2008. Se realizó pesquisa domiciliar y se aplicó cuestionario con 20 actividades de la vida diaria de los ancianos para auto-evaluación de la dificultad/necesidad de ayuda para realizarlas. Las respuestas fueron analizadas de acuerdo a: la prevalencia de alguna dificultad o necesidad de ayuda en cada actividad de la vida diaria; la frecuencia de respuesta no válidas; y el agrupamiento de las actividades en un análisis factorial.RESULTADOS:Las actividades personales (ej: vestirse) tuvieron prevalencia de dificultad o necesidad de ayuda referida baja al compararse con las actividades instrumentales (ej: hacer compras), además de tener tasas de respuestas: inválidas más bajas. Se identificaron tres factores de agrupamiento de las actividades de la vida diaria: movilidad (andar 100m); necesidades personales (bañarse) y lo que otra persona puede hacer por el anciano (lavar ropa). Las actividades de la vida diaria con mayores auto-valores en cada grupo fueron analizadas a la luz de la prevalencia de necesidad de ayuda referida y de la proporción de respuestas válidas. Tres actividades fueron seleccionadas como representativas del espectro de dependencia y bien comprendidas por los ancianos: levantar de la cama, bañarse y andar 100 m.CONCLUSIONES:Con tres actividades de la vida diaria podemos tener un instrumento de rastreo simple y confiable capaz de identificar ancianos con necesidad de ayuda en el día a día. La estimativa de demanda por cuidados en la vida diaria es un indicador importante para la planificación y gestión de los servicios de salud dentro del paradigma de las enfermedades crónicas y del envejecimiento poblacional.OBJETIVO:Analisar questões não redundantes sobre independência nas atividades da vida diária de idosos que representem o espectro de dependência em idosos.MÉTODOS:Projeto multicêntrico com amostra populacional probabilística de 5.371 idosos residentes em São Paulo, SP, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Bambuí, MG, e Fortaleza, CE, em 2008. Foi realizado inquérito domiciliar e aplicado questionário com 20 atividades da vida diária dos idosos para autoavaliação da dificuldade/necessidade de ajuda para realizá-las. As respostas foram analisadas segundo: a prevalência de alguma dificuldade ou necessidade de ajuda para cada atividade da vida diária; a frequência de não resposta; e o agrupamento das atividades numa análise fatorial.RESULTADOS:As atividades pessoais (e.g., vestir-se) tiveram prevalência de dificuldade ou necessidade de ajuda referida baixa quando comparadas às atividades instrumentais (e.g., fazer compras), além de terem taxas de respostas inválidas mais baixas. Foram identificados três fatores de agrupamento das atividades da vida diária: mobilidade (andar 100 m); necessidades pessoais (tomar banho); e o que outra pessoa pode fazer pelo idoso (lavar roupa). As atividades da vida diária com maiores autovalores em cada grupo foram analisadas à luz da prevalência de necessidade de ajuda referida e da proporção de respostas válidas. Três atividades foram selecionadas como representativas do espectro de dependência e bem compreendidas pelos idosos: levantar da cama, banhar-se e andar 100 m.CONCLUSÕES:Com três atividades da vida diária podemos ter um instrumento de rastreio simples e confiável capaz de identificar idosos com necessidade de ajuda no dia a dia. A estimativa de demanda por cuidados na vida diária é um indicador importante para o planejamento e gestão dos serviços de saúde dentro do paradigma das doenças crônicas e do envelhecimento populacional

    Physical activity interventions in Latin America - A systematic review

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    Background: Recommendations for physical activity in the Guide to Community Preventive Services (the Community Guide) have not been systematically examined or applied in developing countries such as those in Latin America. the aim of this systematic review was to assess the current evidence base concerning interventions to increase physical activity in Latin America using a modified Community Guide process and to develop evidence-based recommendations for physical activity interventions.Methods: in 2006, a literature review of both peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed literature in Portuguese, Spanish, and English was carried out to identify physical activity interventions conducted in community settings in Latin America. Intervention studies were identified by searching ten databases using 16 search terms related to physical activity, fitness, health promotion, and community interventions. All intervention studies related to physical activity were summarized into tables. Six reviewers independently classified the intervention studies by the categories used in the Community Guide and screened the studies for inclusion in a systematic abstraction process to assess the strength of the evidence. Five trained researchers conducted the abstractions.Results: the literature search identified 903 peer-reviewed articles and 142 Brazilian theses related to physical activity, of which 19 were selected for full abstraction. Only for school-based physical education classes was the strength of the evidence from Latin America sufficient to support a practice recommendation.Conclusions: This systematic review highlights the need for rigorous evaluation of promising interventions to increase physical activity in Latin America. Implementation and maintenance of school physical education programs and policies should be strongly encouraged to promote the health of Latin American children.St Louis Univ, Sch Publ Hlth, Prevent Res Ctr, St Louis, MO 63103 USACtr Dis Control & Prevent, Div Nutr & Phys Activ, Atlanta, GA USACtr Dis Control & Prevent, Prevent Res Ctr Program, Atlanta, GA USAWHO, Pan Amer Hlth Org Reg Off, Washington, DC USABrazil Minist Hlth, Div Situat Analysis & Prevent Nontransmissible Di, São Paulo, BrazilCtr Estudos Lab Aptidao Fis Sao Caetano Sul, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Prevent Med, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Prevent Med, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc