4 research outputs found

    Evaluation of spectral similarity indices in unsupervised change detection approaches

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    Unsupervised change detection (UCD) is a subject of Remote Sensing whose objective is to detect the differences between two multi-temporal images. In some cases, spectral similarity indices have been used as the comparison block in algorithms of UCD. The aim of this paper is to show in a quantitative way the performance of four spectral similarity indices in the correct identification of changes. Comparison is performed in terms of precision (overall accuracy and kappa index) over medium and high-resolution images (SPOT-5: Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre and Quickbird), with a reference obtained through a post-classification method (based on Support Vector Machines, SVM). The results show dependence on the automatic thresholding technique, as well as on the classes associated with the change.La detecci贸n de cambios de forma no-supervisada (UCD) es un 谩rea de teledetecci贸n, cuyo objetivo consiste en encontrar las diferencias entre dos im谩genes multi-temporales. En algunos casos, los 铆ndices de similitud espectral son utilizados como bloque de comparaci贸n de UCD. El objetivo de este documento consiste en analizar de forma cuantitativa el desempe帽o de cuatro 铆ndices de similitud espectral en la correcta identificaci贸n de cambios. La evaluaci贸n se realiza en t茅rminos de la precisi贸n (mediante la precisi贸n global e 铆ndice kappa) utilizando im谩genes de media y alta resoluci贸n (SPOT-5: Sat茅lite Para la Observaci贸n de la Tierra y Quickbird), as铆 como una imagen de cambio de referencia obtenida a trav茅s de un m茅todo de post-clasificaci贸n (basado en M谩quinas de Soporte Vectorial, SVM). Los resultados obtenidos presentan dependencia con la t茅cnica autom谩tica de umbralizaci贸n, as铆 como con las clases asociadas con el cambio

    Detection of Changes in images multispectral for the Landsat 7 satellite of the Nasa

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    En este proyecto se desarrollo una nueva metodolog铆a para detecci贸n de cambios, en im谩genes satelitales (Landsat 7), con base en 铆ndices de comparaci贸n espectral. Para determinar la eficiencia del m茅todo propuesto, se realizaron pruebas con otro tipo de im谩genes satelitales (Quickbird), a trav茅s de las m茅tricas Overall Accuracy (OA) y Kappa Index (K), para comparar los resultados entre ambos tipos de imagenes.In this project was developed a new methodology for the detection of changes in satellite images (Landsat 7), based on indices of spectral comparison . For determine the efficacy of the proposed method, were tests with other types of satellite images (Quickbird) in based with the metrics. Overall Accuracy (OA) and Kappa Index (K), for compare the result between both types of images.Pregrad

    Strategy for automating repetitive activities in the execution of IT processes

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    Mediante la investigaci贸n realizada se pretende definir un m茅todo que permita identificar la informaci贸n empleada para cada uno de los procesos ejecutados dentro del 谩rea de Gobierno TI, la cual pertenece a la organizaci贸n que ser谩 denominada en adelante Empresa Tecnol贸gica, que pueda ser automatizada teniendo en cuenta la metodolog铆a BPM (Bussiness Process Management). Con esto se busca dar soluci贸n a la problem谩tica presentada actualmente, ya que al haber varias actividades repetitivas, en algunos casos la entrega de esta informaci贸n se ve afectada a nivel de tiempos y tambi茅n en integridad de la misma, por esta raz贸n se busca a partir del m茅todo cualitativo, mediante la ejecuci贸n de una encuesta como herramienta para recopilaci贸n de informaci贸n que permita obtener las principales variables a tener en consideraci贸n al momento de generar informes y mediante el uso de recursos tecnol贸gicos poder visualizarla en tiempo real, lo que garantizara el cumplimiento con los tiempos de entrega establecidos con el cliente, adem谩s de la mejora continua en los procesos del 谩rea.Through the research carried out, it is intended to define a method that allows the identification of the information used for each of the processes executed within the IT Governance area, which belongs to the organization that will be called the Technology Company, which can be automated considering the methodology BPM (Business Process Management). This seeks to provide a solution to the problem currently presented, since there are several repetitive activities, in some cases the delivery of this information is affected at the time level and also its integrity, for this reason it is sought from of the qualitative method, through the execution of a survey as a tool for the collection of information that allows obtaining the main variables to be taken into account when generating reports and through the use of technological resources to be able to visualize it in real time, which will guarantee compliance with the delivery times established with the client, in addition to the continuous improvement in the processes of the area.Especializaci贸

    Evaluation of spectral similarity indices in unsupervised change detection approaches

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    Unsupervised change detection (UCD) is a subject of Remote Sensing whose objective is to detect the differences between two multi-temporal images. In some cases, spectral similarity indices have been used as the comparison block in algorithms of UCD. The aim of this paper is to show in a quantitative way the performance of four spectral similarity indices in the correct identification of changes. Comparison is performed in terms of precision (overall accuracy and kappa index) over medium and high-resolution images (SPOT-5: Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre and Quickbird), with a reference obtained through a post-classification method (based on Support Vector Machines, SVM). The results show dependence on the automatic thresholding technique, as well as on the classes associated with the change