4,749 research outputs found

    Uma introdução às técnicas de avaliação multicritério para planejamento urbano, territorial e de transportes

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    Co-financiado por uma agência de fomento à pesquisa brasileira (CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) e outra portuguesa (ICCTI - Instituto de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica Internacional de Portugal)Documento elaborado no âmbito do projeto de pesquisa intitulado "PLANEJAMENTO INTEGRADO: EM BUSCA DE DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVEL PARA CIDADES DE PEQUENO E MÉDIO PORTES", co-financiado por uma agência de fomento à pesquisa brasileira (CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) e outra portuguesa (ICCTI - Instituto de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica Internacional de Portugal). A presente versão foi produzida para um curso no Brasil, ministrado pelo Professor Rui António Rodrigues Ramos no Departamento de Transportes da Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos da USP, tendo sido a sua organização e edição realizada por Antônio Nélson Rodrigues da Silva, Professor Associado desta Universidade e coordenador do projeto no Brasil junto à CAPES

    Accessibility evaluation model to support decision-making in urban investments: the case of Santarém-Brazil

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    The main goal of the paper is to present an accessibility evaluation model for the urban area of Santarém, in Brazil. Located midway between the larger cities of Belém and Manaus, Santarém plays a crucial role in the region of Lower Amazonia. The paper describes the research instruments, sampling method and data analysis proposed for mapping urban accessibility. Basic activities (education, health, services, leisure and commerce) provided by the city were used to identify the main key-destinations. The model was implemented within a Geographic Information System (GIS). It estimates an accessibility index for each point of the network aggregating weighted sub-indexes referring to each group of key-destinations. GIS database components are the urban transport network, the location of key-destinations and their relative importance. The model also integrates the individual’s perspective, through the definition of each key destination weight, reflecting their significance for daily activities in the urban area. The city of Santarém was divided into homogeneous groups of districts, according to geographical continuity, socioeconomic features and infrastructures locations. Questionnaires were used to characterize socioeconomics issues, inhabitants’ daily activities, maximum distance travelled to perform those activities and main urban accesses. The map of Santarém showing the spatial distribution of the accessibility index highlights the areas with lower levels of accessibility to the most important key-destinations. The map exposes the actual inequity level of accessibility to main infrastructures of education, health services, leisure and commerce. Hence, the results of this model application can support city administration decision-making for new investments in order to improve urban quality of live. In addition, the model can simulate and analyze several planning proposal for the city, e.g., expansion of the transport network, the construction of new education and health services, helping to understand which will be the consequences of those actions

    Avaliação em ambiente SIG da acessibilidade global regional na Amazônia : aplicação no baixo Amazonas - Brazil

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    O trabalho apresenta o resultado da aplicação de um método de avaliação da acessibilidade, com estudo de caso na região do Baixo Amazonas, Estado do Pará, na região Norte do Brasil. O modelo empregado permitiu gerar mapas de acessibilidade às atividades básicas produtoras de viagens em ambiente georeferenciado, em cada um dos cinco municípios estudados. Para uma análise regional foi também efetuado um mapa com a acessibilidade ao conjunto dos municípios. Os mapas gerados permitem identificar as sub-regiões com maior e com menor acessibilidade e, consequentemente, as áreas prioritárias para o investimento em infraestrutura de transportes

    Redes pedonais para pessoas com mobilidade reduzida : exercício de avaliação multicritério em Braga, Portugal

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    A mobilidade urbana é um fator primordial para os planeadores urbanos e decisores no desenvolver da sua atividade, principalmente quando esta tem como objeto as viagens da população com mobilidade reduzida. No âmbito da realidade portuguesa, o presente trabalho avaliou se as características físicas de um determinado espaço urbano respeitam as exigências do Decreto-Lei 163/2006. Neste enquadramento foi idealizado um modelo de avaliação multicritério do grau de conformidade dos espaços. De acordo com as normas vigentes foi gerada uma classificação dos locais estudados. Este modelo integra a normalização das medições efetuadas para os itens considerados e a sua agregação, gerando um índice que exprime o grau de conformidade do local avaliado. O modelo foi implementado em ambiente SIG para permitir a representação dos resultados alcançados em mapas e aplicado a um caso de estudo na cidade de Braga, Portugal.Mobility is pointed as a key issue to urban planners and managers, especially when dealing with the mobility of pedestrians with mobility constraints. The goal of the present work is to analyze factors that limit the circulation of people with mobility constraints and to map those conditions in central urban spaces. Taking into account only the physical characteristics of urban spaces, the assessment is performed in agreement with the standards specified in the Portuguese Law. A multi-criteria model was developed to evaluate the compliance of urban spaces with those standards. Its integration within a GIS platform was performed, enabling a spatial analysis of the results. A case study was conducted in a central area of the city of Braga, Portugal. Maps showing levels of compliance with the standards were produced and the results were discussed

    Avaliação da acessibilidade global em ambiente SIG em cidades do Baixo Amazonas - Brasil

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    O trabalho apresenta o resultado da aplicação de um método de avaliação da acessibilidade, com estudo de caso na região do Baixo Amazonas, Estado do Pará, na região Norte do Brasil. O modelo empregado permitiu gerar mapas de acessibilidade a atividade básicas produtoras de viagens em ambiente georeferenciado, em cada um dos cinco municípios estudados. Para uma análise regional foi também efetuado um mapa com a acessibilidade ao conjunto dos municípios. Os mapas gerados permitem identificar as sub-regiões com maior e com menor de acessibilidades e, conseqüentemente, as áreas prioritárias para o investimento em infraestrutura de transportes

    Pedestrian mobility : mapping circulation conditions for people with mobility constraints in a central urban area

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    Nowadays, pedestrian mobility is regarded as a key issue to urban planners since several studies have pointed it as an influential factor to the quality of life in central city areas. Consequently, walking conditions must be evaluated and some measures should be taken whenever the results show inappropriate implementations. This concern increases when focusing on the movement of people with mobility constraints, because for them a physical obstacle can represent an insurmountable obstruction. The goal of the present work is to analyze factors that limit the circulation of people with mobility constraints and to map those conditions in central urban areas. Taking into account only the physical characteristics of urban spaces, the assessment is performed in agreement with the standards specified in the Portuguese Law, defined by Decree-Law Nr 163/2006, in short DL 163/2006. The first part of the work introduces a multi-criteria model developed to evaluate the compliance of urban spaces with those standards. This model defines the normalization of measured values for each considered criterion, as well as their aggregation to achieve an index that expresses the compliance level of the evaluated urban spaces. The integration of the model within a GIS platform was performed in order to implement a spatial analysis of the results. The second part shows and discusses the results of a case study in a central area of the city of Braga, Portugal. The chosen area allows for the analysis of sidewalks and crosswalks of streets as a continuous network. Some sidewalk segments constructed before the approval of this law were also included allowing a comparative analysis with new (or improved) segments. The map of results highlights the sidewalk segments with worst performance, reflecting lower index values. This map is very helpful to city managers when identifying critical areas that require an intervention in order to improve the mobility of those pedestrians. Moreover, the proposed model can be easily adapted for other cities and countries

    A multicriteria model for evaluating conformity of travelling conditions for pedestrians with mobility constraints

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    For people with mobility constraints, the conditions offered by pedestrian environments are crucial for their ability to remain independent and self-sufficient. Mobility is also a key factor to maintain people actively involved in the community. Taking into account only the physical characteristics of urban spaces, the goal of the present work is to analyse the factors that limit the circulation of people with mobility constraints and to map those conditions in central urban spaces. The assessment was performed in agreement with the standards specified in the Portuguese Law. A multi-criteria model was developed to evaluate the compliance of urban spaces with those standards. Its integration within a GIS platform was performed in order to implement a spatial analysis of the results. A case study was conducted in a central area of the city of Braga, Portugal. Maps showing levels of compliance with the standards were produced and the results are discussed.(undefined

    A GIS-based multi-criteria approach for finding urban growth directions : a case study in Siem Reap, Cambodia

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    The main objective of this paper is to describe a methodology to estimate in which directions of urban expansion can occur in Siem Reap town, Cambodia. Three main urban driving force factors were identified: population density, distance to road networks, and distance to existing urban. Geographic Information System based multicriteria approaches were integrated to implement this research model. Fuzzyfication process was used to normalize data, allowing posterior aggregation. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) pairwise comparison method was used to assign weights to each factor. This define hierarchy was integrated to map the direction of urban growth in Siem Reap by GIS spatial analyst tools

    Circulation environment in urban spaces for pedestrians with mobility constraints : a case study in Braga, Portugal

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    Mobility is pointed as a key issue to urban planners and managers. In particular the case of pedestrians with mobility constraints implies considering specific parameters. The goal of the present work is to analyse factors that limit the circulation of people with mobility constraints and to map those conditions in central urban spaces. Taking into account only the physical characteristics of urban spaces, the assessment is performed in agreement with the standards specified in the Portuguese Law. A multi-criteria model was developed to evaluate the compliance of urban spaces with those standards. Its integration within a GIS platform was performed in order to implement a spatial analysis of the results. A case study was conducted in a central area of the city of Braga, Portugal. Maps showing levels of compliance with the standards were produced and the results were discussed

    Decision support system for university campus quality of life evaluation based on users’ perception : a case study applied to the Campus of the University of Minho

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    This paper presents the work that conduced to the development of an information system to evaluate and monitor university campi quality of life. The system embodies two main functions: to provide information to the community and to support campus planning and management. Using a scenario describing possible actions, some users evaluated how its implementation would interfere with the quality of life on the campus. Results showed that it would produce a global improvement, in comparison to the year of the study