364 research outputs found

    Random-phase reservoir and a quantum resistor: The Lloyd model

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    We introduce phase disorder in a 1D quantum resistor through the formal device of `fake channels' distributed uniformly over its length such that the out-coupled wave amplitude is re-injected back into the system, but with a phase which is random. The associated scattering problem is treated via invariant imbedding in the continuum limit, and the resulting transport equation is found to correspond exactly to the Lloyd model. The latter has been a subject of much interest in recent years. This conversion of the random phase into the random Cauchy potential is a notable feature of our work. It is further argued that our phase-randomizing reservoir, as distinct from the well known phase-breaking reservoirs, induces no decoherence, but essentially destroys all interference effects other than the coherent back scattering.Comment: 4 pages,5 figure

    Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Nanographite Ribbons

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    Electronic and magnetic properties of ribbon-shaped nanographite systems with zigzag and armchair edges in a magnetic field are investigated by using a tight binding model. One of the most remarkable features of these systems is the appearance of edge states, strongly localized near zigzag edges. The edge state in magnetic field, generating a rational fraction of the magnetic flux (\phi= p/q) in each hexagonal plaquette of the graphite plane, behaves like a zero-field edge state with q internal degrees of freedom. The orbital diamagnetic susceptibility strongly depends on the edge shapes. The reason is found in the analysis of the ring currents, which are very sensitive to the lattice topology near the edge. Moreover, the orbital diamagnetic susceptibility is scaled as a function of the temperature, Fermi energy and ribbon width. Because the edge states lead to a sharp peak in the density of states at the Fermi level, the graphite ribbons with zigzag edges show Curie-like temperature dependence of the Pauli paramagnetic susceptibility. Hence, it is shown that the crossover from high-temperature diamagnetic to low-temperature paramagnetic behavior of the magnetic susceptibility of nanographite ribbons with zigzag edges.Comment: 13 pages including 19 figures, submitted to Physical Rev

    Multifractal current distribution in random diode networks

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    Recently it has been shown analytically that electric currents in a random diode network are distributed in a multifractal manner [O. Stenull and H. K. Janssen, Europhys. Lett. 55, 691 (2001)]. In the present work we investigate the multifractal properties of a random diode network at the critical point by numerical simulations. We analyze the currents running on a directed percolation cluster and confirm the field-theoretic predictions for the scaling behavior of moments of the current distribution. It is pointed out that a random diode network is a particularly good candidate for a possible experimental realization of directed percolation.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 5 eps figure

    Current Distribution in the Three-Dimensional Random Resistor Network at the Percolation Threshold

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    We study the multifractal properties of the current distribution of the three-dimensional random resistor network at the percolation threshold. For lattices ranging in size from 838^3 to 80380^3 we measure the second, fourth and sixth moments of the current distribution, finding {\it e.g.\/} that t/ν=2.282(5)t/\nu=2.282(5) where tt is the conductivity exponent and ν\nu is the correlation length exponent.Comment: 10 pages, latex, 8 figures in separate uuencoded fil

    DD-dimensional Arrays of Josephson Junctions, Spin Glasses and qq-deformed Harmonic Oscillators

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    We study the statistical mechanics of a DD-dimensional array of Josephson junctions in presence of a magnetic field. In the high temperature region the thermodynamical properties can be computed in the limit DD \to \infty, where the problem is simplified; this limit is taken in the framework of the mean field approximation. Close to the transition point the system behaves very similar to a particular form of spin glasses, i.e. to gauge glasses. We have noticed that in this limit the evaluation of the coefficients of the high temperature expansion may be mapped onto the computation of some matrix elements for the qq-deformed harmonic oscillator

    Resistance and Resistance Fluctuations in Random Resistor Networks Under Biased Percolation

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    We consider a two-dimensional random resistor network (RRN) in the presence of two competing biased percolations consisting of the breaking and recovering of elementary resistors. These two processes are driven by the joint effects of an electrical bias and of the heat exchange with a thermal bath. The electrical bias is set up by applying a constant voltage or, alternatively, a constant current. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to analyze the network evolution in the full range of bias values. Depending on the bias strength, electrical failure or steady state are achieved. Here we investigate the steady-state of the RRN focusing on the properties of the non-Ohmic regime. In constant voltage conditions, a scaling relation is found between /0/_0 and V/V0V/V_0, where is the average network resistance, 0_0 the linear regime resistance and V0V_0 the threshold value for the onset of nonlinearity. A similar relation is found in constant current conditions. The relative variance of resistance fluctuations also exhibits a strong nonlinearity whose properties are investigated. The power spectral density of resistance fluctuations presents a Lorentzian spectrum and the amplitude of fluctuations shows a significant non-Gaussian behavior in the pre-breakdown region. These results compare well with electrical breakdown measurements in thin films of composites and of other conducting materials.Comment: 15 figures, 23 page

    Driven interfaces in random media at finite temperature : is there an anomalous zero-velocity phase at small external force ?

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    The motion of driven interfaces in random media at finite temperature TT and small external force FF is usually described by a linear displacement hG(t)V(F,T)th_G(t) \sim V(F,T) t at large times, where the velocity vanishes according to the creep formula as V(F,T)eK(T)/FμV(F,T) \sim e^{-K(T)/F^{\mu}} for F0F \to 0. In this paper, we question this picture on the specific example of the directed polymer in a two dimensional random medium. We have recently shown (C. Monthus and T. Garel, arxiv:0802.2502) that its dynamics for F=0 can be analyzed in terms of a strong disorder renormalization procedure, where the distribution of renormalized barriers flows towards some "infinite disorder fixed point". In the present paper, we obtain that for small FF, this "infinite disorder fixed point" becomes a "strong disorder fixed point" with an exponential distribution of renormalized barriers. The corresponding distribution of trapping times then only decays as a power-law P(τ)1/τ1+αP(\tau) \sim 1/\tau^{1+\alpha}, where the exponent α(F,T)\alpha(F,T) vanishes as α(F,T)Fμ\alpha(F,T) \propto F^{\mu} as F0F \to 0. Our conclusion is that in the small force region α(F,T)<1\alpha(F,T)<1, the divergence of the averaged trapping time τˉ=+\bar{\tau}=+\infty induces strong non-self-averaging effects that invalidate the usual creep formula obtained by replacing all trapping times by the typical value. We find instead that the motion is only sub-linearly in time hG(t)tα(F,T)h_G(t) \sim t^{\alpha(F,T)}, i.e. the asymptotic velocity vanishes V=0. This analysis is confirmed by numerical simulations of a directed polymer with a metric constraint driven in a traps landscape. We moreover obtain that the roughness exponent, which is governed by the equilibrium value ζeq=2/3\zeta_{eq}=2/3 up to some large scale, becomes equal to ζ=1\zeta=1 at the largest scales.Comment: v3=final versio

    Talent Management in the ‘New Normal’ – Case Study of Indian IT Services Multinationals in China

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    Emerging market multinational corporations (MNCs) are coming under increasing scrutiny for their international performance. While the success of Indian IT multinationals in the West has been extensively researched and reported, there is a lack of research on their relative failure in China. The rise of economic nationalism and the COVID-19 pandemic pose challenges for the mobility of professionals and the global talent management (GTM) strategy of MNCs. Through in-depth interviews with senior managers from four well-known Indian IT services multinationals, this article presents an evidence-based critique of the design and implementation of their GTM strategy both inside and outside China. It focuses specifically on the quality of the IT talent pool in China, control and coordination issues, and the challenges of workforce localization

    Field Theory And Second Renormalization Group For Multifractals In Percolation

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    The field-theory for multifractals in percolation is reformulated in such a way that multifractal exponents clearly appear as eigenvalues of a second renormalization group. The first renormalization group describes geometrical properties of percolation clusters, while the second-one describes electrical properties, including noise cumulants. In this context, multifractal exponents are associated with symmetry-breaking fields in replica space. This provides an explanation for their observability. It is suggested that multifractal exponents are ''dominant'' instead of ''relevant'' since there exists an arbitrary scale factor which can change their sign from positive to negative without changing the Physics of the problem.Comment: RevTex, 10 page

    Scaling for the Percolation Backbone

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    We study the backbone connecting two given sites of a two-dimensional lattice separated by an arbitrary distance rr in a system of size LL. We find a scaling form for the average backbone mass: LdBG(r/L)\sim L^{d_B}G(r/L), where GG can be well approximated by a power law for 0x10\le x\le 1: G(x)xψG(x)\sim x^{\psi} with ψ=0.37±0.02\psi=0.37\pm 0.02. This result implies that LdBψrψ \sim L^{d_B-\psi}r^{\psi} for the entire range 0<r<L0<r<L. We also propose a scaling form for the probability distribution P(MB)P(M_B) of backbone mass for a given rr. For rL,P(MB)r\approx L, P(M_B) is peaked around LdBL^{d_B}, whereas for rL,P(MB)r\ll L, P(M_B) decreases as a power law, MBτBM_B^{-\tau_B}, with τB1.20±0.03\tau_B\simeq 1.20\pm 0.03. The exponents ψ\psi and τB\tau_B satisfy the relation ψ=dB(τB1)\psi=d_B(\tau_B-1), and ψ\psi is the codimension of the backbone, ψ=ddB\psi=d-d_B.Comment: 3 pages, 5 postscript figures, Latex/Revtex/multicols/eps