447 research outputs found

    Morphological filtering on hypergraphs

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    The focus of this article is to develop computationally efficient mathematical morphology operators on hypergraphs. To this aim we consider lattice structures on hypergraphs on which we build morphological operators. We develop a pair of dual adjunctions between the vertex set and the hyper edge set of a hypergraph H, by defining a vertex-hyperedge correspondence. This allows us to recover the classical notion of a dilation/erosion of a subset of vertices and to extend it to subhypergraphs of H. Afterward, we propose several new openings, closings, granulometries and alternate sequential filters acting (i) on the subsets of the vertex and hyperedge set of H and (ii) on the subhypergraphs of a hypergraph


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    The research study presents a real time method based on some video and image processing algorithms for eye blink detection to voice conversion. The motivation of this study is to help the disabled people who cannot communicate with human. The Haar Cascade Classifier is used for face and eye recognition to gain details about the eyes and facial axes. In comparison, the same classifier is used to assess the relation among the senses like eye and axis of the face to position the eye based on haar like features. This proposes an effective eye detection system which uses the sensed face location. An efficient eye detection method is proposed which uses the position of detected face. Finally, an eye blink detection method is done based on eyelids movement whether it is open or closed and is used for controlling mobile phones. The study have designed a very low-priced device that coverts the eye blinks to voice message with more accuracy compared to existing system. The eye blinks that are detected can be helpful in applications such as health assistance, S.O.S, basic utility. Test results show that our proposed system for a distance of 35cm delivers a overall accuracy of 98% and a detection accuracy of 98

    Reproductive biology and diet of the grey sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon oligolinx Springer, 1964 (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhinidae) from the north-eastern Arabian Sea

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    Information on reproductive biology is presented for the grey sharpnose shark Rhizoprionodon oligolinx Springer, 1964 (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhiniformes), collected off the north-west coast of India in the Arabian Sea. A total of 711 individuals, of 27.0 to 93.0 cm total length (TL), 180 to 2600 g total weight (TW) were used for the study. The length-weight relationships were significantly different between the sexes. The size-at-maturity (Lm50) for females and males was estimated to be 62.3 and 59.5 cm TL respectively. Number of embryos ranged from 1 to 7 and the size at birth was estimated between 25 to 30 cm TL. Overall sex ratio favoured the females slightly at the rate of 1.27:1. There was significant positive correlation between maternal TL and number of embryos (p<0.001). Dietary analysis of stomach contents (%IRI) revealed that R. oligolinx feeds primarily on teleosts (95.5%), cephalopods (3.2%) and crustaceans (1.2%). This study presents the first detailed biological observation on size, sex composition, size-at-maturity (Lm50) and length-weight relationship of R. oligolinx from the northern Arabian Sea

    Rare occurrence of cusk eel, Brotula multibarbata

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    A single specimen of cusk eel, Brotula multibarbata (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) commonly known as Goatsbeard brotula, was landed by a multiday trawler on 8th May 2019 in New Ferry Wharf. The trawl was operated at a depth of 50 m off Mumbai. The specimenmeasured 284 mm in total length and weighed 176 g


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    Objective: The eukaryotic translational initiation factor 3A (eIF3A) is reported to be over expressed in most breast cancer cells. In the present study, our aim is to suppress the over expression of eIF3A in human breast cancer MCF-7 cell line using gene silencing technique (RNA interference (RNAi)).Methods: The artificial microRNA (amiRNA) targeting eIF3A gene was constructed by incorporating short interference RNA (siRNA) sequences against eIF3A gene into endogenous microRNA30 (miR-30) and cloned into pcDNA3.1 vector. The amiRNA containing plasmid was then transfected into MCF-7 cell line and the expression of eIF3A was examined by RT-PCR. The cytotoxicity of plasmid with amiRNA targeting eIF3A on MCF–7 cells was evaluated by MTT assay.Results: The amiRNA construct significantly inhibited eIF3A gene expression and reduce the cell viability of MCF-7 cell line.Conclusion: The usage of modified endogenous amiRNA in vector based expression system with significant gene silencing efficiency suggests that RNAi based gene silencing method can be considered as one of the effective means to control cancer.Â

    Surge in number of the Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis) washed up on Juhu and Girgaum beaches, Mumbai, Maharashtra

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    After the onset of South-west monsoon along the west coast of India, swarming of blue bottle jelly fish the Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis) is observed at Juhu and Girgaum beaches, Mumbai almost every year. Portuguese man-of-war, though often mistaken as a jellyfish, is a marine Cnidarian of the family Physalidae. Its venomous tentacles can deliver painful sting. In July, 2013 sudden strong winds and high tide had brought in several bluebottle jelly fish (Fig 1). For several people, a walk by the seaside at Juhu and Girgaum beaches during first week of July, 2013 ended in redness of skin, swelling, irritation, itching, blisters and severe body ache. The daily news papers carried news items on the marine venomous creature, Portuguese man-of-war and their venomous sting threat to public

    Broodstock development through regulation of photoperiod and controlled breeding of silver pompano, Trachinotus blochii (Lacepede, 1801) in India

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    The silver pompano, Trachinotus blochii is recognised as a promising species for mariculture. In India, broodstock development, controlled breeding and seed production of silver pompano was achieved for the first time at Mandapam Regional Centre of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute. Sub-adult fishes collected from the wild were grown in circular sea cages of 6 m diameter and 3.5 m depth. Twelve fishes were selected from a sea cage and acclimatized to laboratory conditions. Among these, four fishes (1 female and 3 males) were pre-conditioned to sexual maturity in a 10 t FRP tank with photoperiod control facility (2000 lux; 14 L: 10 D). In about 2 months, the gonads reached right stage for spawning. The brooders were administered human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) intramuscularly, at a dosage of 350 IU kg body weight-1. A total of 5 experiments were conducted and successful spawnings were obtained resulting in the production of fertilized eggs. The time taken for spawning ranged from 30-36 h. The total number of eggs spawned ranged from 0.08 to 0.184 million. The fertilization percentage varied from 75 to 95. Freshly spawned eggs measured above 900 μ. The success obtained in all the consecutive five experiments indicated that predictable spawnings of pompano could be achieved by employing the techniques developed

    Logistics service provider selection for disaster preparation: a socio-technical systems perspective

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    Since 1990s, the world has seen a lot of advances in providing humanitarian aid through sophisticated logistics operations. The current consensus seems to be that humanitarian relief organizations (HROs) can improve their relief operations by collaborating with logistics service providers (CLSPs) in the commercial sector. The question remains: how can HROs select the most appropriate CLSP for disaster preparation? Despite its practical significance, no explicit effort has been done to identify the criteria/factors in prioritising and selecting a CLSP for disaster relief. The present study aims to address this gap by consolidating the list of criteria from a socio-technical systems (STS) perspective. Then, to handle the interdependence among the criteria derived from the STS, we develop a hybrid multi-criteria decision making model for CLSP selection in the disaster preparedness stage. The proposed model is then evaluated by a real-life case study, providing insights into the decision-makers in both HROs and CLSPs