1,002 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Feasibility Study for a Wooden Plastic Composite Project

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    Millions of tons of wastage are produced every year ending up in landfills or burn and causing an environmental problem as they threaten the health of creatures and cause resources depletion. 44% of wastage is organic waste, which is biodegradable. However, 17% and 12% of wastage are paper and plastic respectively, and both are non-degradable. Thus, the comprehensive solution is to recycle them. A suggested solution is to recycle them into wood plastic composite. Up to 90% of WPC raw material is a recycled material, and the final product is 100% recyclable. WPC is comparatively less energy-consuming than other substitute materials as WPC is formed at 180°C, while others need up to 1200°C. In 1990, WPC has emerged in Italy, and it gained its quadruple growth in 2000. By 2024, WPC is expected to reach sales of 8.2 billion $ in market with an annual growth rate of 9.3%. WPC is a thermoplastic reinforced with wood flour. Wood flour has the lowest gravity weight compared to other reinforcing materials, and it enhances modulus of elasticity of the final product. WPC contains 50% recycled wood flour, 40% recycled thermoplastic, and 10% additives. Its formula percentage depends on its intended application. WPC components may receive several types of treatments; chemical treatments to facilitate the production process and improve the final product characteristics; thermal, energetic, and Corona treatments to enhance bonding between plastic and wood particles. Market analysis shows WPC is a prospective product with multiple applications, as it overcomes substitute materials in many points such as being splinter free, easy to install, lightweight, natural-looking, cost efficient, timeless guaranteed, environmentally friendly, recyclable, fire retardant, weather-resistant, anti-fungus, and nontoxic. Egypt consumes 38% of the softwood market in the Middle East, and this study shows that manufacturing WPC in Egypt is a profitable project

    A case of clear cell sarcoma-A rare malignancy

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    Introduction: Clear cell sarcoma (CCS) is a rare tumour of the soft tissue often misdiagnosed, as it shares characteristics with malignant melanoma (MM). Previously, CCS has been characterised, as malignant melanoma of the soft tissue, contemporary immunohistochemical techniques, however, have made this designation obsolete. The true incidence remains unknown, but CCS is believed to represent less than one percent of all sarcomas. Presentation of case: A 22-year-old patient presented with a mass sized 2.6 × 2.7 × 2.7 cm of the left gluteal region, pain, and malaise. Initially, the symptoms were interpreted as an infection. Subsequent, pathological diagnosis after surgical removal was tentatively MM albeit definitive pathological diagnosis was CCS. Discussion: The patient of this case underwent definitive surgical treatment with 2 cm margin. In spite of time delay, because of prolonged time for definitive diagnosis, PET-CT and sentinel lymph node biopsy did not show any metastasis. One-year postoperatively, multidisciplinary follow-up is without suspicion of relapse. Conclusion: Accurate and timely diagnosis of CCS are imperative, as initial misdiagnosis, may cause delay and further tumour growth, which is correlated to the prognosis

    Mandatory Pharmacy Residencies: One way to reduce medication errors

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    We read with disbelief about a newly graduated pharmacist dispensing 30 times the amount of injectable sodium bicarbonate intended, an error that led to a patient’s death.1 As clinicians, we wondered what clinical scenario might mandate the large amount of sodium bicarbonate dispensed—the answer was none. So why did the pharmacist dispense it? The answer is all too clear: With rare exceptions, institutional pharmacists nationwide are largely focused on dispensing. Postgraduate clinical training in the basic aspects of pharmacotherapy is scarce and not viewed as essential. Inadequate pharmacist training and a staffing shortage were suggested as contributing to the death of a six-day-old infant who received 10 times the prescribed dose of i.v. potassium chloride at a university hospital.2 These two sobering misadventures hint at a link between pharmacists’ clinical training and patient safety

    The Effect of Particle Sorting on 230Th Sediment Inventories in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean

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    The 230Th Method of determining mass accumulation rates (MARs) assumes little to no fractionation during lateral syndepositional processes occurring at the seafloor. We examine 230Th inventories in paired jumbo piston core sediments from paired winnowed and focused sites to radiocarbon-dated multicore sediments at the Carnegie Ridge in the Panama Basin. Radiocarbon-derived coarse content MARs, likely representative of vertical rain of particles poorly transported by sea bottom currents, are spatially and temporally similar, whereas measured xs230Th-derived MARs are lower than age-model-derived MARs at both sites. 230Th-normalization suggests focusing factors ranging from 2 at “thin” site 11JC, and 5 at “thick” site 17JC, with little temporal differences between MIS 1 and MIS 2. 230Th-normalized coarse content shows no temporal or spatial patterns, whereas age-model-derived coarse content yields the expected temporal similarities between both sites. The latter method also suggests higher productivity (higher deposition rates) during MIS 2 compared to those measured during MIS 1. 230Th-normalized measurements of one component of the fine-grained fraction, dust fraction as estimated with the 232Th concentrations, provides evidence for the utility of 230Th constant-flux proxy in highly focused regions in the ocean

    توافقات فرض الحماية الفرنسية على المغرب الأقصى 1902 -1912

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    يمثل المغرب الجناح الغربي للوطن العربي، وكان انضمام هذه البلاد إلى حظيرة الأمة العربية وانتشار الدين الإسلامي والثقافة والدماء العربية بها في وقت مبكر، فصبغت هذه البلاد بالصبغة العربية ، وأدت بلاد المغرب العربي للإسلام خدمات جليلة منها حمل شعلة الدين الجديد والحضارة العربية إلى قلب إفريقيا بل و إلى أوروبا. كان لموقع المغرب العربي أثره على تاريخه، فقد أتاح موقعه البعيد عن مركز الخلافة العربية في بغداد أو غيرها مجالاً للعناصر المنشقة عن الخلافة ، فإن المغرب الأقصى خضع على غرار الدول العربية إلى الحماية المزدوجة، والتي ظهرت بوادرها في المغرب الأقصى منذ بداية القرن العشرين، وقد شهدت هذه الفترة تنافساً استعمارياً شديداً على المنطقة، مما جعل فرنسا تعتمد على سياسة الاتفاقيات مع الدول المنافسة والتي تريد إقامة إمبراطوريات استعمارية لها لتحقيق مصالحها، وقدمت فرنسا تنازلات لم تكن ضمن حساباتها من أجل الحفاظ على مستعمراتها في شمال إفريقيا، وإذا كان البرتغاليون والأسبان قد افتتحوا هذه الصفحة الاستعمارية في القرن الخامس عشر بهجماتهم المتتالية على الثغور المغربية المطلة على البحر المتوسط والمحيط الأطلسي، فقد شهد القرن التاسع عشر موجات أخرى متمثلة في نشاط القوى البحرية والدول العظمى الأخرى التي بدأت تدخل في ميدان الاستعمار، فقد تنافس الفرنسيون والإنكليز والإيطاليون والألمان على الخصوص في بسط نفوذهم على بلاد المغرب العربي وذلك لقربها من أراضيهم، ولكن الفرنسيون هم أكثر من عمل جاهداً لبسط حمايته على المغرب الأقصى لاستكمال سيطرته على جميع دوله.     

    Evaluation of Tribological aspects of Al-Si 12 alloy and their Metal Matrix hybrid Composites produced by Liquid-metal Forging Method

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    Particulate Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites (Al-MMC) have emerged as advanced engineering materials in view of their improved properties. Ceramic reinforced Al-MMC were more suitable because of being economical and exhibiting isotropic properties. Al-MMCs manufacturing methods are expensive, demand skilled and complex operations and vortex liquid metallurgy results into higher porosity. The liquid-metal forging/squeezed casting of stirred molten slurry can eliminate porosity as molten metal is pressurized during solidification forming near net shapes. During many instances, influence of process parameter (PP)s on mechanical part properties is being studied. In the present study, composites were produced using Al-Si12 alloy as base material, aluminium oxide and silicon carbide particles as reinforcements by varying the PPs. Tribological tests were conducted under dry sliding condition at room temperature showed hard reinforcements in Al alloy reduced the wear rate (WR) and increased the coefficient of friction (f) for all PPs. For PPs, increasing the squeeze pressure and decreasing the pouring and die preheating temperature resulted in a reduction of WR and f with an increase in normal load and sliding velocity. Initially f falls and then raised with an increase in normal load, but only raised with growing sliding velocity compared to Aluminium base material.

    Evaluation of Tribological aspects of Al-Si 12 alloy and their Metal Matrix hybrid Composites produced by Liquid-metal Forging Method

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    Particulate Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites (Al-MMC) have emerged as advanced engineering materials in view of their improved properties. Ceramic reinforced Al-MMC were more suitable because of being economical and exhibiting isotropic properties. Al-MMCs manufacturing methods are expensive, demand skilled and complex operations and vortex liquid metallurgy results into higher porosity. The liquid-metal forging/squeezed casting of stirred molten slurry can eliminate porosity as molten metal is pressurized during solidification forming near net shapes. During many instances, influence of process parameter (PP)s on mechanical part properties is being studied. In the present study, composites were produced using Al-Si12 alloy as base material, aluminium oxide and silicon carbide particles as reinforcements by varying the PPs. Tribological tests were conducted under dry sliding condition at room temperature showed hard reinforcements in Al alloy reduced the wear rate (WR) and increased the coefficient of friction (f) for all PPs. For PPs, increasing the squeeze pressure and decreasing the pouring and die preheating temperature resulted in a reduction of WR and f with an increase in normal load and sliding velocity. Initially f falls and then raised with an increase in normal load, but only raised with growing sliding velocity compared to Aluminium base material.


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    学位の種別:課程博士University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Cyber Security Applications in the Modern Tourism Industry

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    The main objective of the study is to demonstrate the importance of cyber security in the applications of the modern tourism industry, and to study the most important safe practices in the preservation of digital databases in all aspects of the modern tourism industry, including airlines, travel & tourism offices, and facilities of hospitality. It aims to enhance the security of the electronic information policy, both Descriptive and Spatial, securing digital networks, and providing possible tools and means for the sustainable preservation of digital databases, in order to achieve all the competitive and comparative advantages of all parties to the modern tourism industry, through helping decision makers to understand the importance of adopting cybersecurity in all inputs of the tourism and hospitality industry in the current century, in light of the enormous expansion in the concepts of smart tourism. The study found out the importance of cybersecurity along with physical security in tourism, which is the most important key in the process of development, marketing and management of tourist sites at the time being. Keywords: E-Tourism, Cyber Security, Cyber Space, Cyber Governance, Cloud Computing, Cyber Risks. DOI: 10.7176/JTHS/43-05 Publication date:September 30th 201

    Kuwaiti - British relations since the beginning of the 19th century tillAL-Himaya treaty 1899

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      The Arabian Gulf region, including Kuwait, was part of the Ottoman Empire, enjoying an almost autonomous role in managing its affairs. Given the Persian Gulf, India became the scene of a conflict between the European states and the Ottoman Empire. And the fact that the Arabian Gulf was subject to nominal Ottoman state, which left the matter of internal affairs of its local rulers and the weakness of central government, and the lack of interest in it only after the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 on the one hand, and the disintegration of his emirates and manshes and the lack of coordination and unity among them from the othe, It led to the success of Britain to impose its control over the Arabian Gulf in accordance with a series of agreements with the princes and rulers of those regions,And entered into a clearly defined political conflict with the Ottoman Sultanate to control and impose protection on Kuwait. This conflict emerged when Sheikh Mubarak bin Sabah al-Sabah came to power in 1896-1916, and he became a haven for all the opponents of the Ottoman Empire. Has to face in front of them only the alliance with Britain, which took advantage of that period to strengthen its influence in the Arabian Gulf. If Britain was not able to put Kuwait under its protection in the first stage, maintaining the independence of the Presbyterian from the Ottoman Empire was in its interest