981 research outputs found


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    Bu tez, 14. yüzyılda yaşamış Mâlikî hukukçu İbn Ferhûn’un siyâset-i şer’iyye nazariyesi hakkındaki konumunu tespit etmek amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Bu tespit yapılırken tezimize esas teşkil eden Tebsıratü’l-hükkâm fî usûli’l-akzıye ve menâhici’l-ahkâm adlı eser üzerinde örneklem metodu kullanılarak müellifin siyâset-i şer’iyye kavramını nasıl ele alıp değerlendirdiği ortaya konulmuştur. Bu bağlamda müellifin başlık düzenine bağlı kalınmış, müellifin iktibas yaptığı kaynakların ulaşılabilir olanlarına gidilerek müellifin değerlendirmelerindeki özgünlüğünün boyutu tespite çalışılmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda çalışma bir giriş ile üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölüm, İbn Ferhûn dönemi siyasî ve sosyal yapı ile müellifin hayatı ve eserleri; ikinci bölüm, siyâset-i şer’iyyenin kavramsal çerçevesi içerisinde siyâset-i şer’iyyenin meşrûiyyeti, dayanakları, tezahürleri ve siyâset-i şer’iyye ekseninde oluşan kurumsal yapılar; üçüncü bölüm ise İbn Ferhûn’da siyâset-i şer’iyye nazariyesi başlığı altında siyasetin konumu, siyasetle hüküm yetkisi ve taraflar ile örnek hükümler bağlamında siyâset-i şer’iyye şeklindeki başlıklarından oluşmaktadır


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    This study investigates the removal of Lead and Phosphate ion from aqueous solution using new silica nanoparticles doped with europium (H1) which was characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Fourier-transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The aim of this research is to develop a novel adsorbent material that can efficiently remove contaminated ions from wastewater or aqueous solutions. The adsorption of lead and phosphate ion onto the silica nanoparticles is investigated, and the efficiency of this removal is evaluated. Equilibrium data analysis reveals linear fitting with Langmuir isotherm with 24.76 mg/g Lead ion uptake, while for phosphate the uptake capacity is around 55.62 mg/g at 298.15 K. Overall, this research provides valuable insights into the development of silica nanoparticles doped with europium as a potential adsorbent for the removal of lead and phosphate ion from solution. The findings contribute to the advancement of water purification and environmental remediation technologie

    Study of Tunnel Vision and Rotation as Aspects of Web Site Visibility

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    Department of Computer Scienc

    The epidemiology and economic burden of obesity and related cardiometabolic disorders in the United Arab Emirates: A systematic review and qualitative synthesis

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    Copyright © 2018 Hadia Radwan et al. Background. Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are considered as a global health problem and considered as a public health priority with the more considerable increasing trend of obesity and cardiometabolic disorders rates in the Middle Eastern countries. This systematic review aims at assessing the prevalence, incidence rates, and trends, as well as the cost of obesity and related cardiometabolic disorders in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Methods. A highly sensitive strategy was used to retrieve original observational studies, addressing the epidemiology and cost of obesity and related cardiometabolic disorders in the UAE, irrespective of nationality (nationals and expatriates). The search was conducted on April 4, 2017, within numerous electronic databases and the grey literature. Standardized and validated methods were used for data extraction and analysis as well as quality assessment. Results. 6789 records were retrieved, of which 36 were deemed eligible. High prevalence rates were reported for obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome in all studies. However, the definitions and methods employed by the studies were highly variable. The risk of bias in the epidemiological studies ranged between low and medium. Only one study reported the cost of illness for diabetes. In this study, the estimated cost per patient was $2,015 (adjusted to the year 2015), and it became twofold and sixfold higher in patients with microvascular and macrovascular complications, respectively. Conclusions. Obesity and related cardiometabolic disorders are highly prevalent in the UAE, but quoting a precise prevalence for them is difficult given the methodological heterogeneity of the epidemiological studies addressing them. Nonetheless, we detected a 2-3-fold increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the UAE between 1989 and 2017. It is hopeful that this systematic review will provide an insight into direct future studies, especially longitudinal studies exploring obesity and cardiometabolic risks and their costs

    Low-profile Flexible Perovskite based Millimetre Wave Antenna

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    This paper presents the potential of perovskite antenna in the millimeter band. New materials have been developed to obtain suitable chemical characteristics to offer several advantages including simple structure, high operating bandwidth, high gain, compact and low-profile antennas in the millimeter range. The performance of antennas fabricated using these materials is analyzed here. Simulated results of the antenna prototype show a wide bandwidth of 26-33 GHz. Moreover, simulation evaluation of peak gain of the antenna is 1.443 dB at 28.8 GHz. Low efficiency of 45% in the range of operation presents as the main drawback of this design. The analysis is further extended to examine the impact of different flexible substrate materials. The thickness of the patch is also examined to optimize the antenna radiation performance

    Analysis Of The Dimensions Of Intellectual Capital In Commercial Banks Using SWOT Tool (Afield Study In Commercial Banks In The Syrian Coast)

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    The research aimed to determine the role of (SWOT) tool in analyzing of intellectual capital in the branches of commercial banks in the Syrian coast. and determining the most  important factors that could influence the intellectual capital within the banks under study, The strength and support of intellectual capital and weaknesses in intellectual capital and ways to address them, and the most important factors that will help commercial banks in identifying the most important opportunities for the development of intellectual capital and the most important threats that may face it, the research relied on the deductive approach, in order to characterize variables The Urged and analysis based on preliminary data collected, in addition to secondary data available, through a questionnaire developed by informed researcher on the published literature, and has been relying on statistical analysis software (SPSS), as a tool for the analysis of the available data. The research concluded: 1-There is a significant relationship between the use of SWOT tool in the analysis of human capital of relative importance (69.152%), in the analysis of structural capital and of relative importance (78.384%), in the analysis of client capital and of relative importance (77.288%) in Syrian commercial banks studied. 2-There is a significant relationship between the use of the tool (SWOT) in the analysis of intellectual capital in the Syrian commercial banks studied. 3-Syrian commercial banks have the human resources and the great physical possibilities to use SWOT tool in analyzing intellectual capital and drawing banking strategies in the banking market. هدف البحث إلى تحديد دور أداة (SWOT) في تحليل رأس المال الفكري في فروع المصارف التجارية في الساحل السوري، وتحديد أهم العوامل التي من شانها التأثير على رأس المال الفكري داخل المصارف محل الدراسة، وتحديد مجموعة من العوامل التي من شأنها مساعدة المصارف التجارية في تحديد أهم نقاط قوة رأس المال الفكري وتدعيمها ونقاط الضعف في رأس المال الفكري وسبل معالجتها، وأهم العوامل التي من شانها مساعدة المصارف التجارية في تحديد أهم فرص تطوير رأس مالها الفكري واهم التهديدات التي من الممكن أن تواجه ذلك، واعتمد البحث على المقاربة الاستنباطية، وذلك من أجل توصيف متغيرات البحث وتحليلها اعتماداً على البيانات الأولية التي تم جمعها، بالإضافة إلى البيانات الثانوية المتوفرة، من خلال استبانة تم تطويرها من خلال اطلاع الباحث على الأدبيات المنشورة ثم تم الاعتماد على برنامج التحليل الإحصائي (SPSS)، كأداة لتحليل البيانات المتوفرة. وتوصل البحث إلى أن: 1-هناك علاقة معنوية بين استخدام أداة (SWOT) في تحليل رأس المال البشري بأهمية نسبية بلغت (69.152%)، وفي تحليل رأس المال الهيكلي وبأهمية نسبية بلغت (78.384%)، وفي تحليل رأس المال الزبائني وبأهمية نسبية بلغت (77.288%) في المصارف التجارية السورية المدروسة. 2-هناك علاقة معنوية بين استخدام أداة (SWOT) في تحليل رأس المال الفكري في المصارف التجارية  السورية المدروسة. 3-تمتلك المصارف التجارية السورية الموارد البشرية والإمكانيات المادية الكبيرة لاستخدام أداة (SWOT) في تحليل رأس المال الفكري ورسم الاستراتيجيات المصرفية في السوق المصرفية

    Contextual Beamforming: Exploiting Location and AI for Enhanced Wireless Telecommunication Performance

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    The pervasive nature of wireless telecommunication has made it the foundation for mainstream technologies like automation, smart vehicles, virtual reality, and unmanned aerial vehicles. As these technologies experience widespread adoption in our daily lives, ensuring the reliable performance of cellular networks in mobile scenarios has become a paramount challenge. Beamforming, an integral component of modern mobile networks, enables spatial selectivity and improves network quality. However, many beamforming techniques are iterative, introducing unwanted latency to the system. In recent times, there has been a growing interest in leveraging mobile users' location information to expedite beamforming processes. This paper explores the concept of contextual beamforming, discussing its advantages, disadvantages and implications. Notably, the study presents an impressive 53% improvement in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by implementing the adaptive beamforming (MRT) algorithm compared to scenarios without beamforming. It further elucidates how MRT contributes to contextual beamforming. The importance of localization in implementing contextual beamforming is also examined. Additionally, the paper delves into the use of artificial intelligence schemes, including machine learning and deep learning, in implementing contextual beamforming techniques that leverage user location information. Based on the comprehensive review, the results suggest that the combination of MRT and Zero forcing (ZF) techniques, alongside deep neural networks (DNN) employing Bayesian Optimization (BO), represents the most promising approach for contextual beamforming. Furthermore, the study discusses the future potential of programmable switches, such as Tofino, in enabling location-aware beamforming

    International multi-center study of iatrogenic retinal tears in pars plana vitrectomy

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    AIM: To study and compare the effect of different surgical settings on the development of iatrogenic retinal tears (IRT) in conventional (20-gauge) and microincisional vitrectomy. METHODS: An international retrospective comparative study of 394 patients who had simple vitrectomy at three tertiary centers. Surgeries were performed by four retina surgeons using different viewing systems. Two groups of eyes were compared: microincisional vitrectomy (327 eyes) and conventional (67 eyes) vitrectomy. An iatrogenic tear was defined as the occurrence of one or more peripheral retinal tears during surgery or at any visit in the first 6wk postoperatively. RESULTS: Mean age was 67+/-12y and 55% were female. Iatrogenic tears occurred in 11/394 (2.8%) of eyes. The rate of tears was similar among different surgeons and viewing systems (P=0.93 and P=0.76, respectively). Surgical indication, preexisting pseudophakia/aphakia, induction of posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) during surgery, and the use triamcinolone acetonide didn\u27t significantly affect the rate of tears (P \u3e 0.1 for all factors). A higher rate of tears was found in the conventional group compared to the microincisional group (respectively, 7.5%, 1.8%, P=0.02). CONCLUSION: The rate of IRT in vitrectomy is not significantly affected by surgical indication, preexisting PVD or pseudophakia, or use of triamcinolone or different viewing systems but is significantly higher in conventional vitrectomy. Microincisional platforms improve the safety of vitrectomy regardless of the viewing system used

    A comparative assessment of the amount and rate of orthodontic space closure toward a healed vs recent lower premolar extraction site.

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    To investigate and compare the amount and rate of space closure and tooth tipping during orthodontic space closure toward a recent vs healed first premolar extraction site. The mandibular arches of 23 patients were included. Treatment plans included lower first premolar extractions. After reaching 0.019 × 0.025-inch stainless-steel archwires (SSAW), patients were subdivided into two groups (Group 1: space closure was carried out toward a healed first premolar extraction space and Group 2: space closure was carried out immediately after first premolar extraction). Elastomeric power chain from second molar to second molar was used to close lower extraction spaces. The following time points were defined: T1: just before space closure; T2-T4: 1-3 months after initial space closure. Records consisted of dental study models. The amount and rate of extraction space closure were evaluated at each time point. In Group 1 (healed socket), a total amount of 1.98 mm (coronally) and 1.75 mm (gingivally) of space closure was achieved. The rate of space closure was 0.66 mm/month coronally and 0.58 mm/month gingivally. In Group 2 (recent socket), the total amount of space closure was 3.02 mm coronally and 2.68 mm gingivally. The rate of space closure was 1.01 mm/month coronally and 0.89 mm/month gingivally. Differences between the two groups were significant (P .05). In the lower arch, the amount and rate of space closure toward a recent extraction site were higher than that toward a healed extraction socket with similar tipping of teeth in both groups.This study was supported by the Deanship of Research/Jordan University of Science and Technology (Grant number 53/2019)