578 research outputs found

    Virtual-crystal approximation that works: Locating a composition phase boundary in Pb(Zr_{1-x}Ti_3)O_3

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    We present a new method for modeling disordered solid solutions, based on the virtual crystal approximation (VCA). The VCA is a tractable way of studying configurationally disordered systems; traditionally, the potentials which represent atoms of two or more elements are averaged into a composite atomic potential. We have overcome significant shortcomings of the standard VCA by developing a potential which yields averaged atomic properties. We perform the VCA on a ferroelectric oxide, determining the energy differences between the high-temperature rhombohedral, low-temperature rhombohedral and tetragonal phases of Pb(Zr_{1-x}Ti_x)O_3 at x=0.5 and comparing these results to superlattice calculations and experiment. We then use our new method to determine the preferred structural phase at x=0.4. We find that the low-temperature rhombohedral phase becomes the ground state at x=0.4, in agreement with experimental findings.Comment: 5 pages, no figure

    Influence of daily oral prophylactic selenium treatment on the dibutyltin dichloride (DBTC)-induced pancreatitis in rats

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    Dibutyltin dichloride (DBTC) is an organotin compound used as model for acute and chronic pancreatitis. Oxidative stress is one of the mechanisms of propagation of acinar cell injury in acute pancreatitis. Selenium is an essential cofactor in the antioxidant glutathione peroxidase pathway. Selenium levels are described to be subnormal in patients with acute and chronic pancreatitis. The aim of our studies was to determine the prophylactic effect of Na-selenite [5 mg kg-1 body weight (b.w.) per os (p.o.) 7 days] on the pathogenesis and course of DBTCinduced pancreatitis. Male inbred rats (LEW-1W Charles River) of 150 g body weight were used in this study. Experimental pancreatitis was induced by intravenous administration of 6 mg kg-1 b.w. DBTC in rats. Na-selenite was administered as daily oral dose of 5 mg kg-1 b.w. 7 days before induction of DBTC-pancreatitis. Malondialdehyde (MDA) was measured for monitoring levels of oxidative stress. Elimination of DBTC was reflected as tin concentration in bile and urine. Organ changes were indicated by serum parameters as well as histology. A prophylactic Na-selenite application significantly diminished MDA- and bilirubin concentration in serum, activities of lipase and transaminases as well as organ injuries compared to DBTC- treated rats in the absence of Naselenite. The prophylactic oral treatment with Na-selenite in the scope of DBTC-induced pancreatitis points to a reduced oxidative stress characterized by diminished MDA serum levels and a milder course of pancreatitis suggesting prophylactic substitution with Na-selenite to probably elicit beneficial effect on the clinical outcome in patients with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)

    Characterization of DNA Sequences that Confer Complement Resistance in \u3ci\u3eLeishmania chagasi\u3c/i\u3e

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    Serial passage of axenically cultured Leishmania chagasi promastigotes results in a progressive diminution in resistance to complement-mediated lysis (CML), whereas high CML resistance is seen in infectious metacyclic promastigotes from the sandfly vector as well as metacyclic-like promastigotes within low-passage cultures at stationary growth phase. As we previously reported, in a screen seeking to identify novel genes involved in CML resistance: (1) a genomic cosmid library derived from DNA of CML-resistant L. chagasi promastigotes was transfected into highpassage (constitutively CML-sensitive) L. chagasi promastigotes; (2) transformants were screened for acquisition of CML-resistance; (3) multiple cosmid-transfectants exhibited partial CML resistance; and (4) the sequence for one of the cosmids (Cosmid 51) was determined. This report extends the analysis of Cosmid 51, and identifies by deletion analysis a subregion of the cosmid insert that is critical to the CML-resistance phenotype of Cosmid 51 transformants. We also report the sequence determination and initial CML-resistance activity of another cosmid that also confers partial resistance to CML

    Variance Decomposition of the Continuous Assessment of Interpersonal Dynamics (CAID) system: Assessing sources of influence and reliability of observations of parent-teen interactions

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    The Continuous Assessment of Interpersonal Dynamics (CAID) is an observational tool that measures warmth and dominance dynamics in real time and is sensitive to individual, dyadic, and contextual influences. Parent-adolescent interpersonal dynamics, which conceptually map onto parenting styles, are an integral part of positive adolescent adjustment and protect against risky outcomes. The current study’s goal was to test the degree to which sources of influence on CAID data observed in a previous study of married couples generalize to a sample of parent-adolescent dyads. We examined data from ten raters who rated moment-to-moment warmth and dominance using CAID in a sample of 61 parent-adolescent dyads (N = 122) who were largely non-Hispanic White (62%) or African American (30%) based on parent report (adolescent M age = 14; 57% female). Dyads interacted in four different discussion segments (situations). We applied Generalizability Theory to delineate several sources of variance in CAID parameters and estimated within and between-person reliability. Results revealed a number of different influences, including the person, kinsperson (adolescent versus parent), dyad, rater, situation, and interactions among these factors, on ratings of parent-adolescent interpersonal behavior. These results largely replicate results from married couples, suggesting that the factors that influence ratings of interpersonal interactions largely generalize across sample types

    Carbohydrate utilization by the gut microbiome determines host health responsiveness to whole grain type and processing methods

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    Little is known about how interactions among grain processing, grain type, and carbohydrate utilization (CU) by the microbiome influence the health benefits of whole grains. Therefore, two whole grains – brown rice and whole wheat – and two processing methods – boiling (porridge) and extrusion – were studied for their effects on host metabolic outcomes in mice harboring human microbiomes previously shown in vitro to have high or low CU. Mice carrying either microbiome experienced increases in body weight and glycemia when consuming Western diets supplemented with extruded grains versus porridge. However, mice with the high but not low CU microbiome also gained more weight and fat over time and were less glucose tolerant when consuming extruded grain diets. In high CU microbiome mice, the exacerbated negative health outcomes associated with extrusion were related to altered abundances of Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae as well as elevated sugar degradation and colonic acetate production. The amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) associated with extruded and porridge diets in this in vivo study were not the same as those identified in our prior in vitro study; however, the predicted functions were highly correlated. In conclusion, mice harboring both high and low CU microbiomes responded to the whole grain diets similarly, except the high CU microbiome mice exhibited exacerbated effects due to excessive acetate production, indicating that CU by the microbiome is linked to host metabolic health outcomes. Our work demonstrates that a greater understanding of food processing effects on the microbiome is necessary for developing foods that promote rather than diminish host health

    The Inherited Intestinal Microbiota from Myeloid-Specific ZIP8KO Mice Impairs Pulmonary Host Defense against Pneumococcal Pneumonia

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    Intestinal dysbiosis increases susceptibility to infection through the alteration of metabolic profiles, which increases morbidity. Zinc (Zn) homeostasis in mammals is tightly regulated by 24 Zn transporters. ZIP8 is unique in that it is required by myeloid cells to maintain proper host defense against bacterial pneumonia. In addition, a frequently occurring ZIP8 defective variant (SLC39A8 rs13107325) is strongly associated with inflammation-based disorders and bacterial infection. In this study, we developed a novel model to study the effects of ZIP8-mediated intestinal dysbiosis on pulmonary host defense independent of the genetic effects. Cecal microbial communities from a myeloid-specific Zip8 knockout mouse model were transplanted into germ-free mice. Conventionalized ZIP8KO-microbiota mice were then bred to produce F1 and F2 generations of ZIP8KO-microbiota mice. F1 ZIP8KO-microbiota mice were also infected with S. pneumoniae, and pulmonary host defense was assessed. Strikingly, the instillation of pneumococcus into the lung of F1 ZIP8KO-microbiota mice resulted in a significant increase in weight loss, inflammation, and mortality when compared to F1 wild-type (WT)-microbiota recipients. Similar defects in pulmonary host defense were observed in both genders, although consistently greater in females. From these results, we conclude that myeloid Zn homeostasis is not only critical for myeloid function but also plays a significant role in the maintenance and control of gut microbiota composition. Further, these data demonstrate that the intestinal microbiota, independent of host genetics, play a critical role in governing host defense in the lung against infection. Finally, these data strongly support future microbiome-based interventional studies, given the high incidence of zinc deficiency and the rs13107325 allele in humans

    A real-time PCR assay for accurate quantification of the individual members of the Altered Schaedler Flora microbiota in gnotobiotic mice

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    Changes in the gastrointestinal microbial community are frequently associated with chronic diseases such as Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. However, understanding the relationship of any individual taxon within the community to host physiology is made complex due to the diversity and individuality of the gut microbiota. Defined microbial communities such as the Altered Schaedler Flora (ASF) help alleviate the challenges of a diverse microbiota by allowing one to interrogate the relationship between individual bacterial species and host responses. An important aspect of studying these relationships with defined microbial communities is the ability to measure the population abundance and dynamics of each member. Herein, we describe the development of an improved ASF species-specific and sensitive real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for use with SYBR Green chemistry to accurately assess individual ASF member abundance. This approach targets hypervariable regions V1 through V3 of the 16S rRNA gene of each ASF taxon to enhance assay specificity. We demonstrate the reproducibility, sensitivity and application of this new method by quantifying each ASF bacterium in two inbred mouse lines. We also used it to assess changes in ASF member abundance before and after acute antibiotic perturbation of the community as well as in mice fed two different diets. Additionally, we describe a nested PCR assay for the detection of lowly abundant ASF members. Altogether, this improved qPCR method will facilitate gnotobiotic research involving the ASF community by allowing for reproducible quantification of its members under various physiological conditions

    Experimental Evidence for Adaptation to Species-Specific Gut Microbiota in House Mice

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    The gut microbial communities of mammals have codiversified with host species, and changes in the gut microbiota can have profound effects on host fitness. Therefore, the gut microbiota may drive adaptation in mammalian species, but this possibility is underexplored. Here, we show that the gut microbiota has codiversified with mice in the genus Mus over the past 6 million years, and we present experimental evidence that the gut microbiota has driven adaptive evolution of the house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus. Phylogenetic analyses of metagenomeassembled bacterial genomic sequences revealed that gut bacterial lineages have been retained within and diversified alongside Mus species over evolutionary time. Transplantation of gut microbiotas from various Mus species into germfree M. m. domesticus showed that foreign gut microbiotas slowed growth rate and upregulated macrophage inflammatory protein in hosts. These results suggest adaptation by M. m. domesticus to its gut microbiota since it diverged from other Mus species

    Experimental evaluation of ecological principles to understand and modulate the outcome of bacterial strain competition in gut microbiomes

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    It is unclear if coexistence theory can be applied to gut microbiomes to understand their characteristics and modulate their composition. Through experiments in gnotobiotic mice with complex microbiomes, we demonstrated that strains of Akkermansia muciniphila and Bacteroides vulgatus could only be established if microbiomes were devoid of these species. Strains of A. muciniphila showed strict competitive exclusion, while B. vulgatus strains coexisted but populations were still influenced by competitive interactions. These differences in competitive behavior were reflective of genomic variation within the two species, indicating considerable niche overlap for A. muciniphila strains and a broader niche space for B. vulgatus strains. Priority effects were detected for both species as strains’ competitive fitness increased when colonizing first, which resulted in stable persistence of the A. muciniphila strain colonizing first and competitive exclusion of the strain arriving second. Based on these observations, we devised a subtractive strategy for A. muciniphila using antibiotics and showed that a strain from an assembled community can be stably replaced by another strain. By demonstrating that competitive outcomes in gut ecosystems depend on niche differences and are historically contingent, our study provides novel information to explain the ecological characteristics of gut microbiomes and a basis for their modulation
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