7 research outputs found

    Nordic AI and Data Hackathon

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    Contributing to the launch of Nordic Innovation’s AI and Data Program 2021-2024, a Nordic AI and data hackathon was conducted on 18-19th March 2022. The event was prepared and executed by Ramboll Management Consulting and Happy42 in close cooperation with Nordic Innovation and held at venues at the Danish Technical University in Copenhagen, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, and virtually as a hybrid event. The hackathon had a dual purpose. One primary objective was to create awareness around the AI and Data Program and engage important AI and data communities – both public and private – in utilising Nordic open public data for the sustainable solutions of the future. There is great potential in strengthening visibility and awareness of public data in academic and industrial AI and data communities. In addition, the hackathon aimed to get insights on the applicability of Nordic datasets with high potential by getting students, start-ups, public data owners and private sector actors together and work with data.  This report is taking a look into the Nordic AI and Data Hackathon and evaluating the outcome of it.

    Grænsehindringer i Norden (Cross border trade in the Nordics)

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    Denne rapport indeholder resultaterne af et 360 graders eftersyn af grænsebarrierer i Norden anno 2012. På baggrund af en opsummering af udviklingen i samhandel og investeringer på tværs af de nordiske lande samt den eksisterende viden på området, tegner rapporten således et aktuelt billede af de nordiske virksomheders opfattelse af og erfaring med grænsehindringer samt centrale årsager hertil

    International Social Survey Programme: Religion IV - ISSP 2018

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    Attitudes towards religion and religious practice Topics: Assessment of personal happiness; satisfaction with relationships with family members; attitudes towards extramarital sex; attitudes towards homosexual relationships between adults; attitudes towards abortion if family has very low income; gender roles in marriage; institutional trust (parliament, business and industry, churches and religious organisations, courts and legal system, schools and educational system); attitudes towards the influence of religious leaders on voters; attitudes towards science and religion (too much trust in science and too little religious faith, more conflicts through religions than peace, intolerance of people with strong religious convictions); assessment of the power of churches and religious organisations in the country; acceptance of a person from different religion as spouse of a relative (social distance); attitudes towards freedom of expression for religious extremists in public meetings, on the Internet and in social media; doubt or firm belief in God (scale deism); past or present belief in God; belief in life after death, heaven, hell, religious miracles and supernatural powers of deceased ancestors; attitude towards a higher truth and the meaning of life (God concerns himself with human beings, people can do little to change life (fatalism), life is meaningful because God exists, life does not serve any purpose, own actions give meaning to life, own way in connecting with God without church or worship services); Opinion on gender equality in one´s own religion; religion of mother and father in the respondent´s childhood; religion the respondent raised in; frequency of church attendance by father and mother in the respondent´s childhood; personal frequency of church attendance at the age of 11-12; frequency of prayers; frequency of participation in church activities (apart from attending church services); read or listened to religious scriptures outside of church services in the last 12 months (e.g. Bible, Koran, Torah or other religious scriptures); shrine, altar or religious object (e.g. cross) in the respondent´s home; frequency of visiting a holy place (shrine, temple, church or mosque) for religious reasons; self-assessment of religiousness and spirituality; religion helps people to make friends and to gain comfort in difficult times; religions are a barrier to equality between women and men; opinion on the separation of state and religion (government should not interfere with attempts of religion to spread); opinion on the peaceful coexistence of people belonging to different religions; religion represents the past and not the future; religion is as relevant to life today as in the past; personal attitude towards different religious groups (Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, atheists or non-believers); self-assessment of health status. Optional items (not in all countries): born-again experience; feelings about the Bible; new commitment to religion after a turning point; belief in lucky charms, fortune tellers, faith healers and horoscopes; decision criteria for personal actions (laws or religious principles); perceived threat of people belonging to different groups (Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, non-believers); people can be trusted vs. can´t be too careful in dealing with people; belief in reincarnation and Nirvana; country’s laws should not be based on religion. Demography: sex; age; year of birth; years of full-time schooling; country specific highest completed degree of education; highest completed degree of education (derived from country specific degree) ; current or former employment status; hours worked weekly; employment relationship; supervision of other employees; number of other employees supervised; type of organisation: for-profit vs. non-profit and public vs. private; occupation (ISCO/ILO-08); main status; living in steady partnership; trade union membership; religious affiliation or denomination (country specific); groups of religious denomination (derived from country specific religion); attendance of religious services; top-bottom self-placement; vote participation in last general election; country specific party voted for in last general election; left-right scheme of party voted for in last general election (derived from country-specific parties); ethnic group 1 and 2 (country specific); household size; household composition: number of adults in the household; number of children above school entry age in the household; number of children below school age in the household; personal income (country specific); household income (country specific); legal partnership status; father´s and mother´s country of birth (migration background); place of living: urban – rural; region (country specific). Information about spouse/ partner on: current or former employment status; hours worked weekly; employment relationship; supervision of other employees; occupation (ISCO/ILO-08); main employment status. Additionally coded was: respondent-ID; case substitution flag; interview date (year, month, day); weight; mode of data-collection; country (ISO 3166, country/ Sample ISO 31666, country/ Sample Prefix ISO 3166); flag variable indicating partially completed cases