20 research outputs found


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    Background: ‘Internet addiction’ is excessive computer use that interferes with daily life of a person. We designed this study in order to evaluate the predictor effect of depression, loneliness, anger and interpersonal relationship styles for internet addiction as well as develop a model. Subjects and methods: Forty (40) male internet addicted patients were selected from our hospital’s internet Addiction Outpatient Clinic. During the study, the Internet Addiction Test (IAT), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the State Trait Anger Expression Scale (STAXI), the UCLA-Loneliness Scale (UCLA-LS), and the Interpersonal Relationship Styles Scale (IRSS) were used for the evaluation of the patients. Results: The results of this study showed that the ‘duration of internet use’ (B=2.353, p=0.01) and STAXI ‘anger in’ subscale (B=1.487, p=0.01) were the predictors of internet addiction. Conclusion: When the clinicians suspect for the internet overuse, regulation of internet usage might be helpful. Psychiatric treatments for expressing anger and therapies that focus on validation of the feelings may be useful

    Psychometric Properties of the Metacognition Scales about Rumination in Clinical and Non-clinical Turkish Samples 2

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    SUMMARY Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the reliability and validity of the Turkish adaptations of the Positive Beliefs about Rumination Scale (PBRS) and the Negative Beliefs about Rumination Scale (NBRS) in clinical and non-clinical samples. Method: While the non-clinical sample of the study consisted of 455 participants, the clinical sample was composed of 60 major depressive disorder (MDD), 30 panic disorder (PD) and 30 social anxiety disorder (SAD) cases. Results: The results of the factor analyses confirm the construct validity and original factor structure of the scales. Findings obtained from internal consistency and test-retest analyses indicated good reliability for the scales. Supporting the convergent validity of the scales, the correlations between metacognitions about rumination and depressive symptoms, rumination, metacognitions about worry, pathological worry, and anxiety symptoms were found to be positive and significant in the non-clinical sample. Hierarchical regression analyses demonstrated that both scales have predictive validity for depressive symptoms after controlling for anxiety symptoms. As for extreme group comparisons, it supported the criterion-related validity of the scales. In discriminant clinical validity examinations, although both scales were able to differentiate MDD, PD, and SAD groups from healthy controls, they were unable to differentiate the depressive group from the other anxiety disorder groups. Conclusion: A comprehensive psychometric evaluation of the scales demonstrated that both PBRS and NBRS are reliable and valid assessment devices that can be used for research purposes both in clinical and non-clinical groups in Turkey

    Obsessive beliefs in generalized anxiety disorder

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    Several studies have shown that obsessive beliefs are not specific for OCD, may also play a role in occurence of other anxiety disorders and depression. In these studies, anxiety disorders were evaluated together, with mixed samples of anxiety disorders. Obsessive beliefs are assessed in a sample of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and compared with healthy control group. The current study compared 119 patients with GAD and 137 healthy controls. Written informed consent was provided and Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire-44 (OBQ-44), Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) scale, Beck Depression Inventory (BDE), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) were administered to each participant. Total scores and subscale scores for OBQ-44 in the GAD group were found to be significantly higher the control group (p0,05) except perfectionism/intolerance of uncertainty subscale (p=0,000). According to of our study, perfectionism/intolerance of uncertainty continues to be statistically significant when state anxiety, trait anxiety and depression levels were controlled respectively. The perfectionism/intolerance of uncertainty may contribute to development and persistence of GAD symptoms and evaluation and development of approaches to change these beliefs may improve results of cognitive behavioral therapy in GAD patients. [JCBPR 2017; 6(3.000): 115-122


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    Internet use had been distinguished in two categories such as 'specific' and 'generalized' according to the intention. In the specific type, internet is used for a particular purpose such as online sex, gaming, gambling, stock tracking or shopping. Motivational interviewing is important in the treatment of Internet addiction as it is in all behavioral dependencies. This case study includes three different patients with specific internet addiction who presented to the Internet Addiction Clinic of Bakirkoy Training and Research Hospital for Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurosurger

    Ruminative Response Styles and Metacognitions in Internet Addicts

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    Objective: Although cognitive behavioral model of Internet addiction has been well described, studies on metacognitions and ruminative response styles related with Internet addiction are very limited. The aim of the present study was to compare metacognitions and ruminative response style in Internet addicts with a healthy control group. Method: The study included 30 males who presented to our Internet Addiction Outpatient clinic, and diagnosed with Internet addiction, and a control group of 30 healthy males with similar sociodemographic characteristics. A sociodemographic data form, Internet Addiction Test (IAT), Metacognitions Questionnaire (MCQ-30), Ruminative Response Scale-short version (RRS-SV), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were used for data collection. Results: The MCQ-30 total, MCQ-30 uncontrollability and danger score, MCQ-30 need to control thoughts score and RRS-SV scores statistically significantly higher in study group compared the control group. After correcting for BDI by ANCOVA, the difference between MCQ-30 total score and RRS-SV disappeared. Conclusion: Internet addicts show ruminative responses instead of having an effective problem-solving attitude and defining problems; and this self-focused rumination leads an individual to recall more reinforced memories about the Internet so that the problem of Internet addiction becomes deeper. As a result of this study, although Internet addiction is accompanied by depression primarily or secondarily, manifestation of Internet addiction is exacerbated by depression through ruminative responses and metacognitions. [JCBPR 2013; 2(3.000): 167-172

    İnternet Bağımlılarında Üstbilişler ve Ruminatif Yanıt Biçimleri

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    İnternet Bağımlılarında Üstbilişler ve Ruminatif Yanıt Biçimleri Amaç: İnternet bağımlılığının bilişsel davranışçı modeli iyi bir şekilde tanımlanmış olmasına rağmen, internet bağımlılığıyla ilişkili üstbilişler ve ruminatif yanıt biçimleri üzerine bilgiler oldukça kısıtlıdır. Çalışmamızın amacı internet bağımlılığı olan kişiler ile sağlıklı kontrol grubu arasında üstbilişlerin ve ruminatif yanıt biçimlerinin karşılaştırılmasıdır. Yöntem: İnternet Bağımlılığı Polikliniği'ne başvuran ve internet bağımlılığı tanısı konulan 30 erkek hasta ile benzer sosyodemografik özelliklere sahip 30 sağlıklı erkek çalışmaya dahil edildi. Çalışmada sosyodemografik veri formu, İnternet Bağımlılığı Testi (İBT), Üstbiliş Ölçeği-30 (ÜÖ-30), Ruminasyon Ölçeği-Kısa Form (RÖ-KF) ve Beck Depresyon Envanteri (BDE) uygulandı.Bulgular: Çalışma grubunun ÜÖ-30 toplam, ÜÖ-30 kontrol edilemezlik ve tehlike, ÜÖ-30 düşünceleri kontrol ihtiyacı ve RÖ-KF puanları kontrol grubuna göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede yüksekti. Depresyonun karıştırıcı etkisi ANCOVA analizi ile kontrol edildiğinde gruplar arası ÜÖ-30 toplam puanı ve RÖ-KF puanları istatiksel anlamlılığını kaybetti. Sonuç: İnternet bağımlıları problemi tanımlama ve etkili problem çözme yerine ruminatif yanıt biçimleri gösterirler. Bu kendine odaklı ruminasyon, kişinin interneti daha çok hatırlayarak belleğinde tutmasını pekiştirir ve internet bağımlılığı problemini ağırlaştırır. Sonuç olarak, internet bağımlılığı birincil ya da ikincil olarak depresyona eşlik etmesine rağmen, internet bağımlılığının klinik tabloları ruminatif yanıt biçimleri ve üstbilişler yoluyla şiddetlenirİnternet Bağımlılarında Üstbilişler ve Ruminatif Yanıt Biçimleri Amaç: İnternet bağımlılığının bilişsel davranışçı modeli iyi bir şekilde tanımlanmış olmasına rağmen, internet bağımlılığıyla ilişkili üstbilişler ve ruminatif yanıt biçimleri üzerine bilgiler oldukça kısıtlıdır. Çalışmamızın amacı internet bağımlılığı olan kişiler ile sağlıklı kontrol grubu arasında üstbilişlerin ve ruminatif yanıt biçimlerinin karşılaştırılmasıdır. Yöntem: İnternet Bağımlılığı Polikliniği’ne başvuran ve internet bağımlılığı tanısı konulan 30 erkek hasta ile benzer sosyodemografik özelliklere sahip 30 sağlıklı erkek çalışmaya dahil edildi. Çalışmada sosyodemografik veri formu, İnternet Bağımlılığı Testi (İBT), Üstbiliş Ölçeği-30 (ÜÖ-30), Ruminasyon Ölçeği-Kısa Form (RÖ-KF) ve Beck Depresyon Envanteri (BDE) uygulandı.Bulgular: Çalışma grubunun ÜÖ-30 toplam, ÜÖ-30 kontrol edilemezlik ve tehlike, ÜÖ-30 düşünceleri kontrol ihtiyacı ve RÖ-KF puanları kontrol grubuna göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede yüksekti. Depresyonun karıştırıcı etkisi ANCOVA analizi ile kontrol edildiğinde gruplar arası ÜÖ-30 toplam puanı ve RÖ-KF puanları istatiksel anlamlılığını kaybetti. Sonuç: İnternet bağımlıları problemi tanımlama ve etkili problem çözme yerine ruminatif yanıt biçimleri gösterirler. Bu kendine odaklı ruminasyon, kişinin interneti daha çok hatırlayarak belleğinde tutmasını pekiştirir ve internet bağımlılığı problemini ağırlaştırır. Sonuç olarak, internet bağımlılığı birincil ya da ikincil olarak depresyona eşlik etmesine rağmen, internet bağımlılığının klinik tabloları ruminatif yanıt biçimleri ve üstbilişler yoluyla şiddetleni

    Two Cases of Excessive Internet Use with Comorbid Family Relationship Problems

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    WOS: 000346118900016PubMed: 28360639Although the internet is used effectively and beneficially in every aspect of life, several users have been experiencing some problems due to excessive and uncontrolled use. While the term "internet addiction" still remains controversial, disturbed family relationships are considered to be a diagnostic criterion. The use of the internet, even in non-excessive levels, is associated with disturbance in family and social life. As considering from systemic point of view; while family relationships may be disturbed with internet addiction, people who have problems with their family relationships also may use internet excessively. This case report is composed of both the cases with excessive internet usage and those who had problems in complying with the changes in their family systems following the decrease in duration of internet usage during the treatment process