38 research outputs found

    Morfološko istraživanje duodenuma kod male azijske tekunice (Spermophilus xanthoprymnus)

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    In the present study six adult souslik duodenums were fixed in the formaldehyde solution. The trimmed parts were blocked in the paraffin and sectioned in 5 micrometers thick parts. The sections were stained with the methods of Haemotoxylin-Eosin and PAS in the Souslik duodenum, the main mucosal constituents villi intestinales, crypts and goblet cells were prominent. The average heights of the villi intestinales in the duodenum formed 76% of the whole transversal diameter of the first part (I), 82% of the middle part (II) and 65% of the last part (III) near the jejunum. The average height of the villi intestinales in the middle part (II) was 40% and 60% higher than the average heights of the part I and III. The goblet cells were stained by the PAS reaction excessively but Brush border and the duodenal glands were slightly stained by the PAS reaction.In the present study six adult souslik duodenums were fixed in the formaldehyde solution. The trimmed parts were blocked in the paraffin and sectioned in 5 micrometers thick parts. The sections were stained with the methods of Haemotoxylin-Eosin and PAS in the Souslik duodenum, the main mucosal constituents villi intestinales, crypts and goblet cells were prominent. The average heights of the villi intestinales in the duodenum formed 76% of the whole transversal diameter of the first part (I), 82% of the middle part (II) and 65% of the last part (III) near the jejunum. The average height of the villi intestinales in the middle part (II) was 40% and 60% higher than the average heights of the part I and III. The goblet cells were stained by the PAS reaction excessively but Brush border and the duodenal glands were slightly stained by the PAS reaction

    Macroanatomy of cecum in german mast geese (Anser Anser) and investigation with scanning electron microscope (Sem)

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    Our study aimed to compare the cecum of German mast geese with other poultry species through macroanatomy and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Adult German geese were used as research material, which were obtained from its breeders and died of various causes. In the study, after determining the macroanatomical features of the German mast goose cecum, it was examined with a scanning electron microscope (JEOL JSM-5600LV) and the general structures were photographed. The craniodorsal of the rectum of German mast geese was shaped with two ceca, giving right and left arms to the cranial symmetrical to each other near the end of the ileum. The macroanatomy of the apex, corpus, and basis cecum parts was examined in the cecum divided into two. In the study, it was determined that villus extensions were sparse in the right and left apex ceci parts in the cecum SEM images of the German mast geese, while the number of the corpus and basis ceci parts was higher. As a result, the macroanatomy and scanning electron microscopic findings of German mast geese cecum were examined in detail and its differences from other poultry species were revealed

    Macro-anatomy of the bones of thoracic limb in dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus)

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    WOS: 000465283200009In this study, the bones forming the poultry skeleton of the Dalmatian pelican were macroscopically examined. For this purpose, three Dalmatian pelicans were used. In the Dalmatian pelicans, the shoulder girdle (Ossa cinguli membri thoracici) is formed by the scapula, os coracoideum and clavicula bones. The scapula bone was short and flat. The humerus was a long bone with a cylindrical, pneumatic structure. Os corocoideum was also in the processus coracoideus tuber. Radius formed a joint with the ulna, and presented a slight slope from proximal to distal direction. Ossa carpi bones (skeleton manus) were composed of os carpi ulnare and os carpi radiale. The phalanx proximalis digiti majoris had a triangular shape on the dorsal side and two blade-shaped phalanxes. The bones that make up the structure of the Dalmatian pelican's wing have significant similarities to other birds, but also to have many particular characteristics

    Comparative macro-anatomical and morphometric ınvestigations on splanchnocranium in guinea fowls (numida meleagridis) and turkeys(meleagridis gallapova)

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    Bu araştırmada Phasianidae familyasının Numididae alt familyasında yer alan beç tavuğu ve hindinin splanchnocranium kemikleri karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenerek farklılıkların ortaya konulması amaçlandı. Cinsiyet gözetmeksizin erişkin yedi adet beç tavuğu ve yedi adet hindi kafatası kemikleri masere edildi. Splanchnocranium; os ethmoidale, os lacrimale, os nasale, os intermaxillare, os maxillare, os zygomaticum, os palatinum, os pterygoideum, os vomer, os quadratum, mandibulae’dan oluşmaktaydı. Bazı kanatlı türlerinde olmayan os vomer kemiği her iki türde de belirgindi. Os intermaxillare’nin uzunluğu, os zygomaticum’un uzunluğu, os dentale ile os articulare arası uzunluk ve septum nasi’nin dikey ve yatay çapları, hindilerde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık göstermekteydi. Sonuç olarak; aynı familyada yer alan beç tavuğu ve hindi splanchnocranium’unu oluşturan kemikler arasında önemli farklılıklar tespit edildiIn this study, splanchnocranial bones of guinea fowl and turkey in Numididae subfamilies of Phasianidae family was investigated comparatively to reveal differences. Seven guinea fowls and seven turkeys were used regardless of their gender. The splanchnocranium consisted of the ethmoidal, lacrimal, nasal, intermaxilla, maxilla, zygomatic, palatine, ptergoid, vomer, quadrate and mandible bones. The vomer bone that might not be found in some avian species was significant in guinea fowl and turkeys. The length of intermaxilla, and zygomatic length between dental- articular and septum nasis vertical and horizontal diameter were measured and it showed statistically significant difference in turkeys. As a result, located in the same family of guinea fowl and turkey, it was determined that there were substantial differences between the bones forming the splanchnocranium

    Comparative study of some osteometri measurements of the neurocranium and splanchnocranium bones in Aksaray Malaklı and Kangal Dogs

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    İlgün, Ramazan ( Aksaray, Yazar )Bu çalışmada Aksaray Malaklı köpeği ile Kangal köpeği neurocranium ve splanchnocranium’un spesifik özelliklerini oluşturan yapılar karşılaştırmalı olarak incelendi. Aksaray İli köpek yetiştiricilerinden, çeşitli sebeplerden ölmüş yaşları dört ve beş arasında değişen beş adet Aksaray Malaklı köpeği ve beş adet Kangal köpeği, cinsiyet farkı gözetilmeksizin temin edildikten sonra kafatasları formaldehitsiz olarak %10 oranında NaHCO3 eklenmiş suda 5 saat kaynatıldı ve % 5’lik H2O2’li suda 5-10 dk bekletildikten sonra maserasyona bırakıldı. Kafatasları titiz bir çalışma ile incelemeye hazır hale getirilip, digital kumpas ile ölçüleri alındı. Fotoğraf makinasıyla görüntülendi. Terminolojik ifadelerin yazılımında Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria esas alındı.In this study, the structures forming the spesific features of the neurocranium and splanchnocranium of the Malaklı and Kangal dogs were studied comparatively. The ossa cranii of five Aksaray Malaklı and five Kangal dogs at 4-5 years of age were obtained from the dog breeders and were macerated, –after 5 hours boiling in the water without formaldehyde but with 10% NaHCO3 and then holding in 5 H2O2 for % 5-10 min. Ossa cranii were prepared with carefully to examine and were measured with the digital compass, photographed with. For the terminology Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria was used

    Macro-anatomical study of Columna Vertebralis in the feral pigs (sus scrofa)

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    Bu çalışmada yaban domuzlarında columna vertebralis iskeletini oluşturan kemikler incelendi. Bu amaçla, 5 adet yaban domuzu kullanıldı. Yaban domuzlarında omur sayısının C7, T14, L6-7, S3-4, C18-22 olduğu tespit edildi. Atlasta foramen vertebrale laterale, foramen alare ve foramen transversarium bulunmaktaydı. Tuberculum dorsale yüksek ve yumru şeklindeydi. Thoracal omurların processus spinosus’ları uzun ve genişti. Onbirinci thoracal omur'un anticlinal omur olduğu gözlendi. Processus accessorius sonuncu thoracal omurdan ilk dört lumbal omura kadar bulunmaktaydı. Sacral omurların sadece corpusları kaynaşmıştı. Sacral omurların facies auricularisleri caudoventrale dönüktü ve processus spinosusları ince bir crista halindeydi. Sonuç olarak, yaban domuzlarında columna vertebralis’in carnivor ve diğer vahşi türlerden farklı olduğu ortaya konuldu.ln this study, the bones consisting of the vertebral column in feral pigs were examined. For this purpose, 5 feral pigs were used. It was determined that feral pigs had C7, T14, L6-7, S3-4, C18-22 vertebras. Data available within the atlas illustrated the foramen vertebrale laterale, foramen alare and foramen transversarium. The dorsale tubercle was high and in the form of a tube. The spine processus of thoracic vertebrae were long and wide. The eleventh thoracic vertebra was found as anticlinal vertebra. The accessory processuses were present from the last thoracal of the vertebra to the first four lumbal vertebrae. Only the corpus of sacral vertebrae were joined one another. The auricular surface of sacral vertebra was faced to caudo-ventral direction and spine processes were thin and crest. As a result, it was determined that vertebral column skeleton in the feral pigs were different from the carnivor and other wildlife species

    Comparative macro-anatomical investigations on Os hyoideum in Guinea fowls (Numida meleagridis) and Turkeys(Meleagridis gallapova)

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    İlgün, Ramazan ( Aksaray, Yazar )Bu araştırmada Phasinidiae familyasında yer alan beç tavuğu ve aynı familyadaki hindinin os hyoideum'ları karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiş ve önemli farklılıklar ortaya konulmuştur. Beç tavuklarında ve hindilerde çift kıkırdaksal olarak bulunan os entoglossum'ların lateral'e yönelmiş yüzlerinin derin birer fossa oluşturmakta olduğu görüldü. Entoglossal kemik basihyoideum'a bağlanarak beç tavuğunda öne doğru sivrilmiş yassı vaziyetteyken, hindilerde daha keskin bir ok ucu şeklinde idi. Beç tavuklarında os hyoideum'un ramus hyoideus'u oluşturan kısa kıkırdakları lateral olarak cranium'a doğru yanlardan basık dışbükey olarak seyretmekte iken hindilerde aynı isimli kollar daha fazla dışbükey olarak lateral'e doğru uzanmakta ve daha uzundu.In this study, os hyoideum of the guinea fowl and turkeys that belong to same Phasinidae family were comparatively analyzed and this revealed important differences. The faces oriented laterally of the os entoglossum situated in pairs as a cartilage forming a deep fossa were observed in the Guinea fowl and turkeys. While the entoglossal bone connected to the basihoideum pointed flat condition in the guinea fowl, turkey's were sharper shape like an arrow head. In the guinea fowl the short cartilage generating the ramus hyoideus of the os hyoideum side of the flatten convex shape extended lateraly towards to the cranial whereas in the turkeys arms of the same name extended more convex to the lateral and were formed longer

    Comparative macro-anatomical ınvestigations and morphometric ınvestigations on neurocranium in guinea fowls (numida meleagridis) and turkeys (meleagridis gallapova)

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    İlgün, Ramazan (Aksaray, Yazar)Bu araştırmada Phasinidae familyasının Numidinae alt familyasında yer alan beç tavuğu ve hindinin neurocranium kemiklerinin karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenerek önemli farklılıkların ortaya konulması amaçlandı. Cinsiyet gözetmeksizin 5 adet beç tavuğu ve 5 adet hindi kullanıldı. Neurocranium’un; os occipitale, os sphenoidale, ossa parietalia, ossa frontalia ve ossa temporalia’dan oluştuğu gözlendi. Beç tavuğunda fontanella düz olarak, hindide kabarık olarak yer aldığı tespit edildi. Sadece neurocranium kemiklerinin oluşturduğu kafatası ağırlığı hindilerde daha fazla olduğu ve istatiksel açıdan P<0.01 düzeylerinde önemli olduğu gözlendi. Os parietale’nin beç tavuğunda caudal’de, hindilerde dorsal’de olduğu gözlendi. Beç tavuğunda ossa frontalia, dar ve ortasında miğfer şeklinde ibiğin oluşumuna katılan caudodorsal yönde boynuz çıkıntısı yer almaktayken, hindilerde geniş ve çıkıntı bulunmamaktaydı. Sonuç olarak; aynı familyada yer alan beç tavuğu ve hindi neurocranium’u oluşturan kemikler arasında önemli farklılıklar tespit edildi.In this study, neurocranial bones of guinea fowl and turkey in Numidinae subfamilies of Phasinida family was investigated comparatively to reveal significant differences. Five guinea fowls and 5 turkeys were used regardless of their gender. The neurocranium consisted of the occipital, sphenoid, parietal, frontal and temporal bones. The fontanella was located smooth in the guinea fowl, while convex in the turkey. Weight of neurocranium bones only in turkey was heavier than that of guinea fowl and significant (P<0.01). It was observed that the parietal bone of the guinea fowl was located to be flat caudal, turkey was located to be flat dorsal. Frontal bones were narrow and in the middle of it caudo-dorsal horn protrusion located the helmet shape in participating in the formation of comb in the guinea fowl, while broad and there was no protrusion in the turkey. As a result, located in the same family of guinea fowl and turkey, it was determined that there were significant differences between the bones forming the neurocranium