755 research outputs found

    Validity of the technology acceptance model (TAM) : A sensemaking perspective

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    This study investigates whether sensemaking activities influence technology acceptance and if the strength of relationship between TAM’s constructs changes over a period of time. This study was a panel-based longitudinal study, whereby data was collected in three stages within a single semester. The setting of the study was at the School of Management, USM. The major findings of the study showed that sensemaking does influence the TAM if activities are undertaken at high and low levels and also sensemaking influences individual constructs of TAM rather than the whole model. This study failed to prove that there is a significant change in the strength of relationship between TAM constructs over a period of time under sensemaking influence, which is that sensemaking activities were found not to exhibit any moderation effect on the TAM constructs. Sensemaking acts as an external variable which influences TAM rather than moderate the strength of the relationship between TAM constructs. This could be because the technology in question was mandatory to be used by the subjects rather than voluntary. Implications for managers are discussed

    Change management and implementation of total productive maintenance: an exploratory study of Malaysian manufacturing companies

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    This study examines the effects of change management towards the implementation of productivity and quality improvement programs through the concept of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), in manufacturing firms in Malaysia. The factors measured are management commitment, training and education, employee empowerment, team culture and company policies and goals for change management. Autonomous maintenance and planned maintenance factors were used to measure TPM. The findings of the study provide empirical evidence that change management factors significantly enhances the extent of TPM implementatio

    Determinants of environmental degradation: reflections on the impact of identified economic variables on the environment

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    Purpose. The main objective of this study is to investigate the determinants of environmental degradation within the broader framework of the environmental Kuznets Curve analysis. To better understand the economic impact on the environment, the study focuses on the relationship between carbon emission and the variables income per capita, trade openness, foreign direct investment, energy use and urbanization. Methods. In the context of the dynamic carbon emission model a Generalized-Method-of-Moments (GMM) technique was used to analyse World Bank of 125 countries for the period 2000 to 2014. This era was chosen as the most appropriate given the completeness of the dataset. Findings. The findings indicate that economic growth and energy use are significant variables in explaining environmental degradation, supporting previous research in to the particularly negative impact of energy use on the environment. The research however, found that urbanisation had only marginal significance in explaining the impact on the environment. Originality. The findings contribute to existing research in the area of environmental degradation, providing insight into the debate surrounding urbanisation and CO2 emission which had previously received mixed results. The findings take research forward through the examination of explanatory variables and their respective impact on CO2 emission in countries which have observed an increase in the number of urban dwellers. Practical implications. Given the debate in academic and practitioner literature around climate change, pollution and a general concern over a lack of collective action to address environmental concerns, the findings have practical implications for government institutions and businesses to better understand the economic impact on the environment.Мета. Визначення факторів, які викликають екологічну деградацію довкілля в широкому контексті екологічної кривої Кузнеця, на основі вивчення взаємозв’язку між вуглецевими викидами і такими змінними як дохід на душу населення, відкритість торгівлі, прямі іноземні інвестиції, використання енергії та урбанізація. Методика. Для побудови динамічної моделі вуглецевої емісії були використані дані Всесвітнього банку по 125 країнам у період з 2000 по 2014 роки, проаналізовані за допомогою узагальненого методу моментів. Даний проміжок часу був обраний як той, що найбільш повно представляє базу даних. Результати. Встановлено, що економічне зростання і використання енергії є найсуттєвішими факторами, які визначають екологічну деградацію, що підтверджується більш ранніми дослідженнями негативного впливу використання енергії на навколишнє середовище. Виявлено, що урбанізація впливає на стан навколишнього середовища тільки побічно. Рекомендовано в наступних дослідженнях розглянути інші заходи для уявлення урбанізації, а саме можливість вивчення даних по великих містах, а не по країнам. Такий підхід може дати додаткове уявлення про вплив урбанізації та можливих відмінностей між містами і регіонами. Наукова новизна. Отримано нові знання щодо оцінки впливу урбанізації та вуглецевих викидів на навколишнє природне середовище, які раніше мали неоднозначні результати. Прогрес у вивченні даних проблем було досягнуто за рахунок аналізу ключових змінних і їх впливу на емісію CO2 в країнах, де спостерігається зростання міського населення. Практична значимість. Результати дослідження мають істотне практичне значення для державних установ та бізнесових структур, оскільки допомагають краще зрозуміти сутність економічного впливу на навколишнє середовище і вносять вклад у вирішення проблеми екологічної деградації.Цель. Определение факторов, вызывающих экологическую деградацию окружающей среды в широком контексте экологической кривой Кузнеца, на основе изучения взаимосвязи между углеродными выбросами и такими переменными как доход на душу населения, открытость торговли, прямые иностранные инвестиции, использование энергии и урбанизация. Методика. Для построения динамической модели углеродной эмиссии были использованы данные Всемирного банка по 125 странам в период с 2000 по 2014 годы, проанализированные при помощи обобщенного метода моментов. Данный промежуток времени был выбран как наиболее полно представляющий базу данных. Результаты. Установлено, что экономический рост и использование энергии являются самыми существенными факторами, определяющими экологическую деградацию, что подтверждается более ранними исследованиями негативного влияния использования энергии на окружающую среду. Выявлено, что урбанизация воздействует на состояние окружающей среды только косвенно. Рекомендовано в следующих исследованиях рассмотреть другие меры для представления урбанизации, а именно возможность изучения данных по крупным городам, а не по странам. Такой подход может дать дополнительное представление о влиянии урбанизации и возможных различий между городами и регионами. Научная новизна. Получены новые знания касательно оценки влияния урбанизации и углеродных выбросов на окружающую природную среду, которые ранее имели неоднозначные результаты. Прогресс в изучении данных проблем был достигнут за счет анализа ключевых переменных и их влияния на эмиссию CO2 в странах, где наблюдается рост городского населения. Практическая значимость. Результаты исследования имеют существенное практическое значение для государственных учреждений и бизнес структур, поскольку помогают лучше понять сущность экономического воздействия на окружающую среду и вносят вклад в решение проблемы экологической деградации.The authors would like to thank Taylor’s University for funding this research project (Source of funding: TRGS (Taylor’s Research Grant Scheme); Grant Project Code: TRGS/ERFS/1/2018/TBS/009)

    Decomposition And Insect Succession Pattern On Monkey Carcasses Placed Indoor And Outdoor With Notes On The Life Table Of Chrysomya Rufifacies (Diptera: Calliphoridae)

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    This study was conducted in the Durian Valley, USM, Penang from 15 February to 4 April, 11 June to 30 July and 10 October to 28 November, 2012, using total of 18 monkey carcasses; 6 carcasses per study period. Kajian ini dijalankan di Lembah Durian, USM, Pulau Pinang dari 15 Februari hingga 4 April, 11 Jun hingga 30 Julai dan 10 Oktober hingga 28 November, 2012, dengan menggunakan 18 bangkai monyet; 6 bangkai monyet bagi setiap tempoh kajian

    Course Website Usage Does Prior Experience Matter?

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    Course websites have been used to enhance the delivery of learning materials that is not bounded by time and space

    The Impact Of Intra And Inter-Firm Sourcing Strategy On Supplies' Quality, Delivery And Cost

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    In recent years, the business environment has become extremely competitive. Firms, searching for sources of competitive advantage began to look into the potential of sourcing in adding value as purchased inputs account for 60% to 80% of cost of goods sold. Thus, the objective of this paper is to investigate which sourcing strategy, inter-firm or intra-firm, will lead to better supplies' quality, delivery and cost and whether in the process of achieving this outcome, it is moderated by environment-related factors. Intra-firm sourcing takes place when a firm procures materials, parts and components from within its corporate system, either a parent from its subsidiaries, or subsidiaries from their parent or from other related subsidiaries. By contrast, inter-fi rm sourcing occurs when a firm sources from independent, unrelated suppliers. The population for thi s study is the organizations that are involved in the manufacturing of electronics and electrical product located in Penang. The results reveal that in all of the three performance measures: quality, delivery and cost, intra-firm sourcing is seen to outperform inter-firm sourcing. Additionally, assets specificity is not a significant moderating variable on the differences in supplies' quality, delivery and cost of intra-firm and inter-firm sourcing, but bargaining power is. This study provides an avenue for further exploration on the potential of intra-firm sourcing

    Laporan Lingam Bocor: JPM buat aduan polis

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    Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM) hari ini membuat laporan polis ekoran tindakan beberapa organisasi media menyiarkan isi kandungan laporan Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja berhubung klip video V.K.Lingam sebelum kabinet membuat keputusan untuk mendedahkan laporan itu

    The mediating effect of perceived usefulness towards tax service quality and the continuance usage intention of the filing system in Malaysia

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    This study examines the mediating effect of perceived usefulness on the relationship between tax service quality (correctness, response time, system support) and continuance usage intention of e-filing system in Malaysia. A total of 116 data was analysed using Partial Least Squared Method (PLS). The result showed that Perceived Usefulness has a partial mediating effect on the relationship between tax service quality (Correctness, Response Time) with the continuance usage intention and tax service quality (correctness) has significant positive relationship with continuance usage intention. Perceived usefulness was found to be the most important predictor of continuance usage intentio

    Closed-Loop Supply Chain Adoption and The Mediating Effect of Green Capabilities - Evidence from Malaysia

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    The concept of a closed-loop supply chain (CLSC) is concerned with the recovery of value from returned consumer products via resales. The rapidness of economic growth gives manufacturers no option but to shorten the product life cycle. Consequently, new versions following product upgrades happen too fast, increasing product returns in the form of End-of-Life (EOL) or End-of-Use returns. This issue has become crucial with a lack of processes for effectively handling product returns in Malaysia; thus, firms often use a third party, although this is considered improper by global standards. Therefore, this research aims to clarify the connection between Institutional Theory and the Natural Resource-Based View (NRBV) Theory in light of CLSC adoption in Malaysia. The findings highlight the role of government in overpowering competitors and customers in adopting a CLSC. The study’s limitations include presenting a formation of ideas that haven’t been previously linked in a research framework, setting the stage for more research in this area.

    Intention to shop online amongst MBA students: Applicability of the theory of reasoned action (TRA)

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    Internet has changed the way business is conducted and one of the emerging uses of the Internet is for shopping.With an increasing affluent community the potential of Internet shopping cannot be ignored.The purpose of this paper is to test the applicability of the TRA (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975; Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980) in predicting the intention to shop online among a group of Masters of Business Administration students of a public institution of higher learning.A structured questionnaire was used to elicit information from MBA students using a convenience sampling techniques.A total of 102 responses were received.The findings indicate that the TRA is a valid model in the prediction on the intention to shop online.Attitude (β = 0.575, p< 0.01) and subjective norm (β = 0.213, p< 0.01) were found to be positively related to intention with attitude being the more influential predictor. Subjective norm also positively influences (β = 0.374, p< 0.01) the attitude to shop online