4 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Implementasi Pasar Karbon Hutan di Indonesia

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    Pasar karbon REDD+ dapat menjadi insentif bagi pelaku implementasi REDD+ di lapangan. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah ketidakpastian pasar yang tinggi yang diakibatkan oleh belum tersedianya mekanisme transaksi karbon. Komitmen pemerintah daerah baik propinsi maupun kabupaten relatif tinggi yang ditunjukan dengan disusunnya peraturan pendukung implementasi REDD+. Kegiatan REDD+ adalah dalam rangka menjaga hutan lestari dan seandainya terjadi perdagangan karbon maka hasil perdagangan merupakan manfaat tambahan.Stakeholder terutama pemda belum mengetahui secara pasti tentang tata cara atau mekanisme pasar karbon, termasuk standar karbon dan metodologi untuk mengha­sil­kan kredit karbon. Insentif yang diharapkan atas capai­an penurunan emisi yang dihasilkan lebih didasarkan pada perannya dalam pengelolaan hutan lestari/peningkatan kese­jah­teraan masyarakat bukan berdasarkan harga karbon. Terkait dengan pemenuhan target penurunan emisi 26% masih perlu kajian lebih jauh tentang proporsi yang dapat diklaim oleh pembeli. Besarnya proporsi perlu mempertimbangkan pangsa modal investasi antara pembeli dan pemerintah yang dikeluarkan, lain halnya jika pembiayaan awal ditanggung oleh pemerintah. Juga diperlukan lembaga registri yang mengelola kegiatan, capaian penurunan emisi, dan fasilitasi implementasi REDD+ di lapangan.Selain itu lembaga ini mengatur sistem insentif dan disinsentif dalam pengelolaan resiko kebocoran dan ketidakpermanenan

    The feasibility of a role for community health workers in integrated mental health care for perinatal depression: a qualitative study from Surabaya, Indonesia.

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    BACKGROUND: Indonesian maternal health policies state that community health workers (CHWs) are responsible for detection and referral of pregnant women and postpartum mothers who might suffer from mental health problems (task-sharing). The documents have been published for a while, however reports on the implementation are hardly found which possibly resulted from feasibility issue within the health system. AIMS: To examine the feasibility of task-sharing in integrated mental health care to identify perinatal depression in Surabaya, Indonesia. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 62 participants representing four stakeholder groups in primary health care: program managers from the health office and the community, health workers and CHWs, mental health specialists, and service users. Questions on the feasibility were supported by vignettes about perinatal depression. WHO's health systems framework was applied to analyse the data using framework analysis. RESULTS: Findings indicated the policy initiative is feasible to the district health system. A strong basis within the health system for task-sharing in maternal mental health rests on health leadership and governance that open an opportunity for training and supervision, financing, and intersectoral collaboration. The infrastructure and resources in the city provide potential for a continuity of care. Nevertheless, feasibility is challenged by gaps between policy and practices, inadequate support system in technologies and information system, assigning the workforce and strategies to be applied, and the lack of practical guidelines to guide the implementation. CONCLUSION: The health system and resources in Surabaya provide opportunities for task-sharing to detect and refer cases of perinatal depression in an integrated mental health care system. Participation of informal workforce might facilitate in closing the gap in the provision of information on perinatal mental health

    Institutional Form and the Impact of Community Empowerment Through Wild Honey Harvesting (Apis Dorsata) in Ujung Kulon National Park

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    National Park Management is faced with conflicts of interest in conservation and community economics. A partnership is one of the answers to this problem. The study was conducted in the buffer area of Ujung Kulon National Park involving 17 respondents who were selected by purposive sampling. The results showed that the communities involved in the partnership gained legal access to harvest wild honey in forest areas, as well as ease of market access and decent prices. The partnership pattern builds awareness of farmer groups to maintain forest sustainability. They realize that if the forest is maintained, it will increase the wild honey harvest and their income