40 research outputs found

    Standards and Best Practices - Two NASA Examples

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    Formal international standards as well as promotion of community or recommended practices have their place in ensuring "FAIRness" of data. Data management in NASA's Earth Observation System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) has benefited from both of these avenues to a significant extent. The purpose of this paper is to present one example of each of these, which promote (re)usability. The first is an ISO standard for specifying preservation content from Earth observation missions. The work on this started in 2011, informally within the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) in the US, while the European Space Agency (ESA) was leading an effort on Long-Term Data Preservation (LTDP). Resulting from the ESIP discussions was NASA's Preservation Content Specification, which was applied in 2012 as a requirement for NASA's new missions. ESA's Preserved Data Set Content (PDSC) document was codified into a document adopted by the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS). It was recognized that it would be useful to combine PCS and PDSC into an ISO standard to ensure consistency in data preservation on a broader international scale. This standard, numbered ISO 19165-2 has been under development since mid-2017. The second is an example of developing recommendations for "best practices" within more limited (still fairly broad) communities. A Data Product Developers' Guide (DPDG) is currently being developed by one of NASA's Earth Science Data System Working Groups (ESDSWGs). It is for use by developers of products to be derived from Earth observation data to improve product (re)usability. One of the challenges in developing the guide is the fact that there are already many applicable standards and guides. The relevant information needs to be selected and expressed in a succinct manner, with appropriate pointers to references. The DPDG aims to compile the most applicable parts of earlier guides into a single document outlining the typical development process for Earth Science data products. Standards and best practices formally endorsed by the Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Standards Office (ESO), outputs from ESDSWGs (e.g., Dataset Interoperability Working Group, and Data Quality Working Group), and recommendations from Distributed Active Archive Centers and data producers are emphasized

    Preservation of Data for Earth System Science- Towards a Content Standard

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    Various remote sensing agencies of the world have created a data rich environment for research and applications over the last three decades. Especially over the last decade, the volume and variety of data useful for Earth system science have increased quite rapidly. One of the key purposes of collecting these data and generating useful digital products containing derived geophysical parameters is to study the long-term trends in the Earth s behavior. Long-term observational data and derived products are essential for validating results from models that predict the future behavior of the Earth system. Given the significant resources expended in gathering the observational data and developing the derived products, it is important to preserve them for the benefit of future generations of users. Preservation involves maintaining the bits with no loss (or loss within scientifically acceptable bounds) as they move across systems as well as over time, ensuring readability over time, and providing for long-term understandability and repeatability of previously obtained results. In order to ensure long-term understandability and repeatability, it is necessary to identify all items of content that must be preserved and plan for such preservation. This paper discusses the need for a standard enumerating and describing such content items and reports on the progress made by NASA and the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP Federation) in the U.S. towards such a standard

    Evolution of Archival Storage (from Tape to Memory)

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    Over the last three decades, there has been a significant evolution in storage technologies supporting archival of remote sensing data. This section provides a brief survey of how these technologies have evolved. Three main technologies are considered - tape, hard disk and solid state disk. Their historical evolution is traced, summarizing how reductions in cost have helped being able to store larger volumes of data on faster media. The cost per GB of media is only one of the considerations in determining the best approach to archival storage. Active archives generally require faster response to user requests for data than permanent archives. The archive costs have to consider facilities and other capital costs, operations costs, software licenses, utilities costs, etc. For meeting requirements in any organization, typically a mix of technologies is needed

    NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System - EOSDIS

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    This slide presentation reviews the work of NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS), a petabyte-scale archive of environmental data that supports global climate change research. The Earth Science Data Systems provide end-to-end capabilities to deliver data and information products to users in support of understanding the Earth system. The presentation contains photographs from space of recent events, (i.e., the effects of the tsunami in Japan, and the wildfires in Australia.) It also includes details of the Data Centers that provide the data to EOSDIS and Science Investigator-led Processing Systems. Information about the Land, Atmosphere Near-real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) and some of the uses that the system has made possible are reviewed. Also included is information about how to access the data, and evolutionary plans for the future of the system

    Collaborations and Partnerships in NASAs Earth Science Data Systems

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    NASA has been collecting Earth observation data from spaceborne instruments since 1960. Today, there are tens of satellites orbiting the Earth and collecting frequent global observations for the benefit of mankind. Collaboration between NASA and organizations in the US and other countries has been extremely important in maintaining the Earth observation capabilities as well as collecting, organizing and managing the data. These collaborations have occurred in the form of: 1. NASAs developing and launching spacecraft and instruments for operation by other agencies; 2. Instruments from collaborating organizations being flown on NASA satellites; and 3. Instruments from NASA being flown on satellites from collaborating organizations. In addition, there are collaborations such as joint science teams, data exchanges, and participation in international organizations to promote interoperability of various data systems. The purpose of this paper is to describe some of the Earth science data-related collaborative efforts in which NASA participates, and highlight a few results relevant to Earth system science research obtained through such collaborations

    Importance and Incorporation of User Feedback in Data Stewardship

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    Since August 1994, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA's) Earth Observation System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) has been serving a global community of over 3 million users with Earth science data in a variety of disciplines. During the entire life of EOSDIS, various mechanisms for user feedback have been extremely important and valuable to its evolution and proven performance. Some inputs from user groups have resulted in fundamental changes in the architecture, design and operations of EOSDIS, while others have provided ideas for incremental changes. The purpose of this paper is to share this experience and the benefits that have resulted from the user feedback.In early to mid-1990s, the EOSDIS Advisory Panel (a.k.a. Data Panel) provided significant inputs for the architecture and design of EOSDIS resulting in NASA's establishment of a set of Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) and development of a "working prototype with operating elements" called Version 0 EOSDIS, which went into operation in August 1994. The Data Panel also participated in many of the requirement and design reviews and influenced the design of EOSDIS through their comments.In 1995, the U.S. National Research Council's Committee on Global Change Research conducted a review of the U.S. Global Change Research Program and NASA's Mission to Planet Earth/EOS, including the plans for EOSDIS. One of this committee's recommendations was that the "Responsibility for product generation and publication and for user services should be transferred to a federation of partners selected through a competitive process open to all". In response, NASA initiated an experiment with a "self-governing" federation called the Working Prototype ESIP (WP-ESIP) Federation. This federation, with support from NASA, NOAA and USGS, has now grown into the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) with over 140 member organizations.The EOSDIS DAACs' User Working Groups (UWGs) represent broad user communities served by the respective DAACs. As regular users of the DAACs and experts in their scientific disciplines, the UWG members provide valuable inputs for planning and prioritizing the services as well as addition of new datasets for the benefit of the community

    Evolution of Web Services in EOSDIS: Search and Order Metadata Registry (ECHO)

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    During 2005 through 2008, NASA defined and implemented a major evolutionary change in it Earth Observing system Data and Information System (EOSDIS) to modernize its capabilities. This implementation was based on a vision for 2015 developed during 2005. The EOSDIS 2015 Vision emphasizes increased end-to-end data system efficiency and operability; increased data usability; improved support for end users; and decreased operations costs. One key feature of the Evolution plan was achieving higher operational maturity (ingest, reconciliation, search and order, performance, error handling) for the NASA s Earth Observing System Clearinghouse (ECHO). The ECHO system is an operational metadata registry through which the scientific community can easily discover and exchange NASA's Earth science data and services. ECHO contains metadata for 2,726 data collections comprising over 87 million individual data granules and 34 million browse images, consisting of NASA s EOSDIS Data Centers and the United States Geological Survey's Landsat Project holdings. ECHO is a middleware component based on a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). The system is comprised of a set of infrastructure services that enable the fundamental SOA functions: publish, discover, and access Earth science resources. It also provides additional services such as user management, data access control, and order management. The ECHO system has a data registry and a services registry. The data registry enables organizations to publish EOS and other Earth-science related data holdings to a common metadata model. These holdings are described through metadata in terms of datasets (types of data) and granules (specific data items of those types). ECHO also supports browse images, which provide a visual representation of the data. The published metadata can be mapped to and from existing standards (e.g., FGDC, ISO 19115). With ECHO, users can find the metadata stored in the data registry and then access the data either directly online or through a brokered order to the data archive organization. ECHO stores metadata from a variety of science disciplines and domains, including Climate Variability and Change, Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems, Earth Surface and Interior, Atmospheric Composition, Weather, and Water and Energy Cycle. ECHO also has a services registry for community-developed search services and data services. ECHO provides a platform for the publication, discovery, understanding and access to NASA s Earth Observation resources (data, service and clients). In their native state, these data, service and client resources are not necessarily targeted for use beyond their original mission. However, with the proper interoperability mechanisms, users of these resources can expand their value, by accessing, combining and applying them in unforeseen ways

    The Value of Being a Trustworthy Repository

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    Today, NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS), a system ofactive archives is attaching the CoreTrustSeal to its websites signifying that it merits theconfidence of its user community. But what value does being a trustworthy repository impart to auser? What does it mean to the owners and operators of repositories? What will it mean in thefuture? EOSDIS was started in the 1990s based on a framework of discipline-oriented, geographicallydistributed centers of expertise, named Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs). The functionof EOSDIS is to collect Earth Science data sensor measurements (principally those created andneeded by NASA) and manage the data and many derived digital products. EOSDIS providesmany services, including processing, curating, documenting, disseminating, and enabling datadiscovery as well as efficient use of the data. The EOSDIS has been operational over 25 years andmany lessons have been learned relative to the TRUST principles. During the tenure of EOSDIS,many changes have occurred as we have increased the size of the collection from gigabytes totens of petabytes and the distribution of the data to millions of users. We have had severalstages of system evolution that have improved EOSDIS in order to meet both stakeholder andcustomer expectations. This type of evolution is an on-going process to ensure that ourrepositories remain trustworthy. It is also important that our own community of data managersand system engineers add value in being trustworthy. This paper will discuss approaches to change within a large system of Earth Science data and services, while remaining a trustworthyrepository

    Developing a Standard for Earth Observation Data Preservation Content - A Path to Future Usability

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    For datasets to be usable, many pieces of information in addition to the data themselves are essential. During the active parts of the lifecycle of dataset generating projects, the needed information is usually accessible through individuals familiar with the various aspects of the projects. However, the utility of datasets tends to outlive the lives of projects, by several decades in many cases. Thus it is essential to capture all the relevant information about the datasets, data, metadata and associate knowledge that is sufficient to read, understand, interpret and reuse the datasets, while the projects are still active. The capture and preservation should be such that the data are usable when no consultation is available from the original project participants. Identification of specific categories of content through an international standard is beneficial to the user communities of the future, so that projects involving Earth observations and generating data products can consistently plan for preservation and future usability of the project outcomes. While there are existing standards that address archival and preservation in general, there are no existing international standards or specifications today to address what content should be preserved. The standard, ISO 19165-1, titled "Geographic Information - Preservation of digital data and metadata Part 1: Fundamentals" considers geographic information preservation in general. It acknowledges that "specific content items needed to preserve the full provenance and context of the data and associated metadata depend on the needs of the designated community and types of datasets (e.g., maps, remotely sensed data from satellites and airborne instruments, physical samples). Follow-up parts to this standard may be developed detailing content items appropriate to individual disciplines." NASA proposed an extension to this standard, titled "Geographic information -- Preservation of digital data and metadata -- Part 2: Content specifications for Earth observation data and derived digital products." The development of this extension is in progress with participation by an international team representing nine countries. The purpose of this paper is to introduce this standard and report on its status

    NASA's Earth Observing Data and Information System - Near-Term Challenges

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    NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) has been a central component of the NASA Earth observation program since the 1990's. EOSDIS manages data covering a wide range of Earth science disciplines including cryosphere, land cover change, polar processes, field campaigns, ocean surface, digital elevation, atmosphere dynamics and composition, and inter-disciplinary research, and many others. One of the key components of EOSDIS is a set of twelve discipline-based Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) distributed across the United States. Managed by NASA's Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project at Goddard Space Flight Center, these DAACs serve over 3 million users globally. The ESDIS Project provides the infrastructure support for EOSDIS, which includes other components such as the Science Investigator-led Processing systems (SIPS), common metadata and metrics management systems, specialized network systems, standards management, and centralized support for use of commercial cloud capabilities. Given the long-term requirements, and the rapid pace of information technology and changing expectations of the user community, EOSDIS has evolved continually over the past three decades. However, many challenges remain. Challenges addressed in this paper include: growing volume and variety, achieving consistency across a diverse set of data producers, managing information about a large number of datasets, migration to a cloud computing environment, optimizing data discovery and access, incorporating user feedback from a diverse community, keeping metadata updated as data collections grow and age, and ensuring that all the content needed for understanding datasets by future users is identified and preserved