28 research outputs found

    Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Hipertensi Pada Akseptor Pil KB Di Kelurahan Sumbersari Kabupaten Jember Tahun 2014 (The Associated Factors of Hypertension Occurence in Oral Contraceptives User at Sumbersari District Area in Jember Regency)

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    The hypertension is the main factor of cardiovascular disease in the world. The hypertension has various factors, one of the risk factors is oral contraceptives use in woman. Prevalence of hypertension have increased 30,73% in 2012 at Jember with a high prevalence at Sumbersari by 1519 woman with hypertension. The purpose of this study is to analyze the association between age, the duration of using oral contraceptives, type of oral contraceptives and regularity blood pressure checkup with hypertension among oral contraceptives user at Sumbersari District Area in Jember Regency in 2014. This research was cross sectional study.The sample was 70 women who use oral contraceptives in last two years. The result is presented in the table, text and analyzed by Chi-Square with the level significance 5% (á=0,05). The result showed that the average respondent with hypertension is an age 37 years old with the duration of using oral contraceptives 8 year. The most type of oral contraceptives which is used contain 0.03-0.05 mg estrogens and most of them is not regularity blood pressure checkup. There are significant associated between age and the duration of using oral contraceptives with hypertension. However, there are not significant associated between type of oral contraceptives and regularity blood pressure checkup with hypertension. Keyword: Oral Contraceptive User, Hypertensio

    Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Kacang Merah Terhadap Daya Terima, Kadar Protein, dan Kadar Serat pada Bakso Jantung Pisang (Addition Effect of Red Beans Flour to the Acceptability, Protein Content, and Dietary Fiber of Banana Blossoms Meatballs)

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    Malnutrition is one of the nutritional problems caused by many factors. One contributing factor is the availability of food. The solution offered is diversification. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of adding red bean flour to the acceptability, protein content, and dietary fiber on the banana blossoms meatball. This study was a quasi experimental study. The sample was 25 panelist. Data were analyzed by using the power received Friedman test and Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test, protein content were tested using One Way ANOVA test, and dietary fiber were tested using the Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann Whitney test with a confidence level of 5% (α = 0,05). Based on the results of Friedman test acceptability flavor and color have a p value > α (0,05) so there was no significant difference between the addition of various proportions of red bean flour with the taste and color acceptance in banana blossoms meatballs. Acceptance smell texture has p value < α (0,05) so there was a significant difference between the addition of various proportions of red bean flour with the taste and color acceptance in meatball banana. The result of the protein content and fiber content indicates p value < α (0,05) so there was a significant difference between the addition of various proportions of red bean flour with protein content and fiber content on the banana blossoms meatballs. Keyword: Red Beans Fluor, Banana Meatballs, acceptability, protein, and dietary fibe

    Intensi Orang Tua dalam Pengambilan Keputusan untuk Menikahkan Anak Perempuan di Bawah Usia 20 Tahun di Kecamatan Pakem Kabupaten Bondowoso (Parents Intention in Decision Making to Wed Their Under 20 Years Old Daughter in Pakem, Bondowoso Regency)

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    Early marriage is a marriage which is conducted before the age of 20th. Early married girl hasmore risk in reproductive health and mortality. Bondowoso Regency has the highest of earlymarriage rates 52,93% from the marriage total in 2012. Pakem Subdistrict in BondowosoRegency has the highest rate for marriage under 20 years. In 2013, Pakem Subdistrict inBondowoso Regency has the higest rate of early marriage rates 53,18% and in 2014, earlymarriage rates 67,02%%. This study aimed to identify factors of parents intention on under20 years old girls marriage in Pakem, Bondowoso Regency. This study based on the Theoryof Planned Behavior with cross-sectional design. The respondent were parents which have10-19 years old daughter not married yet. Spearman correlation test applied to determineassociations between each variable. Result showed that knowledge significantly associatedwith attitude (p=0,000), subjective norm (p=0,008), and behavioural control (p=0,000).Income rate of parents was not significantly associated with attitude (p=0,106), subjectivenorm (p=0,951), and behavioural control (p=0,564). Education significantly associated withattitude (p=0,000), subjective norm (p=0,007), and behavioural control (p=0,035). Attitude(p=0,001), subjective norm (0,001), and behavior control (0,000) were significantly associatedwith parents intention.Keywords: early marriage, intention, attitude, subjective norm, behavioral contro

    Hiperurisemia Pada Remaja di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Arjasa Kabupaten Situbondo Hyperuricemia in Adolescents (16-24 Years Old) in Arjasa Primary Health Center, Situbondo Regency

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    Abstract Hyperuricemia is a condition which there is an elevated of&nbsp; uric acid serum level&nbsp; above normal, whereas gout is a group of diseases caused by deposition of monosodium urate crystals in the tissues, due to metabolism disorders in the form of hyperuricemia. Most commonly experienced by the elderly, but this disease also can be experienced by elderly and young adolescents. The purpose of this study is to describe of hyperuricemia patients in adolescents (16-24 years) in Arjasa Primary Health Center (PHC) area of ​​Situbondo Regency, as many 11&nbsp; people. The cross-sectional method is used in this study. We measure&nbsp; body mass index (BMI) and consumption pattern using food frequency questions (FFQ) method. Most of hyperurisemia patient in young adolescent are male, have good enough education level ie Senior High School, unemployement, have enough knowledge, have family income &gt; 1,374,000, -, have a history of hyperuricemia in their family, obesity, consumption of&nbsp; high purine food ie offal, food and drink containing alcohol ie tapé, and do not consume of deuretic medicines. &nbsp; Keywords: Hyperuricemia, Adolescent


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    Background: Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite index that calculated based on life expectancy, education level, and income. HDI is one of indicators to measure the development of specific region and one single statistics indicator that served as a social and economic development reference. Objective: Objectives of this research is to looking at correlative phenomena between HDI and the percentage of cases, rate/ratio, or any other similar indexes in certain area such as: disease, environment, and community nutrition in international level. Method: The research method is Cross - National study by using the country as the unit analysis and looking at the country as part of international ecosystem components that can be compared. Selected countries are the member of UNDP as many as 187 countries. Result: The results showed a statistically significant relationship between HDI, EPI, GHE, mortality rate of the disease (infectious and non-infectious disease), and the percentage of malnutrition and overweight in children (under 5 years). Keyword: HDI, EPI, GHE, mortality, malnutrition, overweigh

    ANALISIS DETERMINAN TERLAMBATNYA DETEKSI DINI PENDERITA KUSTA DI KECAMATAN JENGGAWAH JEMBER 2008 (Determinan Analysis Late Early Detections Of Leprosy's Patient At Jenggawah) Jember 2008)

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    ABSTRACT Leprosy is infectious disease which causes disability that can be prevented by early detection and also regularity treatment and care. Proportion of disability grade 2 at Jenggawah subdistric is 38,3% at 2008. The purpose of this research is to analyze influence factor to late of early detection. This was an analytic observational research in case-control approach with the comparison by 1:2. Case sample was taken from the 14 newly patients of leprosy with disability of grade 2. Control sample was taken from the 28 newly patients of leprosy with disability of grade 0 and 1. Dependent variable was late of early detection. Independent variables were health services factors while role of Puskesmas, circumstance geography of Puskesmas, and distant of Puskesmas, health worker factor, patient factors while education and knowledge of leprosy, and stigma of leprosy at community. The sample was taken by using a simple random sampling technique with lottery. The statistical analysis used a simple logistic regression with =0,05. The research showed that the risk factors of the late of early detection were role of Puskesmas (CI 95%= 2,109-39,847 and OR=9,167), health worker factor (CI 95%=1,117-18,132 and OR=4,500), knowledge of leprosy (CI 95%=2,003-58,224 and OR=10,800), and stigma of leprosy at community (CI 95%=1,599-27,243 and OR=6,600). Circumstance geography of Puskesmas, distant of Puskesmas, and education were not the influence factors. According to the results of this research, known that require to increase health workerâs performance by providing health workerâs motivation, incentive, and improvement the ability with countinously training and increase counselling about leprosy according to the socio cultural of the community with entangle religion figure and use Madura language. Keyword : leprosy, disability of leprosy, late early detectio

    Kesesuaian Penggunaan Alat Kontrasepsi Berdasarkan Permintaan KB pada Pasangan Usia Subur (PUS) di Kecamatan Puger Kabupaten Jember (Contraceptives Use Compatibility Based On Contraceptive Demand Among Fertile Age Couple at Puger Sub District, Jember Dist

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    Fertile age couple in Indonesian and east java majority used contraceptives with pills and syringe method, while the purpose of family planning was limiting birth. Puger sub district is one of sub district in Jember district that fertile age couple also the most used contraceptives with pills and syringe method, while the purpose of family planning was limiting birth. This show that contraceptives use isn’t compatibility with contraceptive demand. The aim of this study was to analyze the contraceptives use compatibility based on demand contraceptive. A cross sectional study design was used in this study. This research involved 87 fertile age couple. This research was analyzed using chi-square with α=0,05. Age, parity, children of living, education level, health service place, cost of service had significant with contraceptive demand. Child of demand and income didn't have significant with contraceptive demand. Parity, children of living, health service place, cost of service had significant with contraceptives use compatibility. Age, child of demand, eduction dan income didn't have significant with contraceptives use compatibility Contraceptive demand were also had a significant correlation with use compatibility. Keywords: contraceptives use compatibility, contraceptives deman

    Pemetaan Risiko Hepatitis A dengan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) di Kabupaten Jember Tahun 2013 (The Mapping of Hepatitis A Risk with Geographic Information System (GIS) in Jember District, 2013)

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    Hepatitis A is an inflammation of the liver disease caused by Hepatitis A virus. Jember was an area that often became endemic of Hepatitis A. The aim of this study was to describe the spread of Hepatitis A and the spreading pattern of the risk of hepatitis A in 2013 by using a Geographic Information System (GIS). This type of research uses descriptive method. Risk factor of Hepatitis A studied clean live and healthy behavior, defecation behavior, clean water access, family privy, waste management, number of street food corner, and population density. There are two types of maps that will be produced Hepatitis A case maps and Hepatitis A risk factor maps. The technique of data analysis used grading, scoring and calculation of the strength of the infection. The risk level is divided into three classes, namely high (score 1), moderate (score 2) and low (score 3). The results showed that there were 183 cases of Hepatitis A were recorded from medical records of RSD dr. Soebandi, RSD Balung, RS Bina Sehat and RS Jember Klinik in 2013, 27% (51 people) are in the age range 21-30 years, whereas 115 male sex. Areas that have cases with high category Sumbersari and Patrang subdistrict. An area that has Hepatitis A infection strength with high category Silo and Kaliwates subdistrict. The difference Hepatitis A case maps and Hepatitis A risk factor maps becaused low hygiene of food handle and inexact food management. Keywords: risk, case, Geographic Information System, force of infectio

    Determinan Penghentian Penggunaan IUD di Indonesia

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    Contraceptive discontinuation is the big problem that can threat Family Planning (FP) program. Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that has increased the contraceptive discontinuation, especially IUD. The aim of this study was to analyze the determinants of IUD discontinuation in Indonesia. A cross sectional study design was used in this study. Data of this study were based on the results of IDHS 2007, with 706 samples. This research was analyzed using univariable analysis, bivariable analysis using Chi-square, and multivariable analysis using Logistic Regression with each significance level α=0,05. Residence, religion, economic status, exposure to mass media, FP information, and follow up of FP didn’t have significant relationship with IUD discontinuation. Age, parity, education, occupation, and FP discussion between husband-wife had significant relationship with IUD discontinuation. The factors that can be used to predict the IUD discontinuation were age, parity, and education. Keywords: IUD, Family Planning, Discontinuatio


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    Even though for two last years the national target of rate of cases that succeed to be found from suspects; that represented as Case Detection Rate (CDR) has been fulfilled, performances of each forty-nine Community Health Center in Jember, Indonesia was fluctuated. Two primary factors, that contributing to CDR are Error Rate and Suspect Rate. Suspect rate never been evaluated by TB+ program. This research was aimed to produce Suspect Rate indicator and target, that applicable for Community Health Center in Jember.This study was a part of Research and Development (R&amp;D), towards to four years data of forty-nine Community Health Center in Jember.From this study concluded that applicable Suspect Rate indicator definites as “Amount of checked suspects (its phlegm) among 10.000 residents at one particular Community Health Center region in one year“ and the target that realistic is minimum 75 checked suspects among 10.000 residents