2 research outputs found

    Clinical and mycological evaluation of patients with full-arch implant-supported fixed prostheses

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    Introdução: Considerando-se a crescente tendência da utilização de próteses sobre implantes tanto em nossa população quanto em âmbito mundial, ganha importância o estudo das diversas condições envolvidas na longevidade e funcionalidade dessas peças para os indivíduos em geral. Objetivo: Determinar a ocorrência de alterações patológicas associadas a próteses totais implantadas e correlacioná-las a variáveis individuais, das peças protéticas e à participação de leveduras do gênero Candida nesses indivíduos. Metodologia: Pacientes portadores de próteses sobre implantes foram avaliados no momento da remoção das peças para controle e manutenção, após anuência com os termos do consentimento livre e esclarecido. Os participantes tiveram seus fluxos salivares totais avaliados inicialmente. Após a remoção das próteses, as peças foram avaliadas tecnicamente (próteses, implantes, parafusos e abutments), a boca examinada clinicamente, as condições da mucosa subjacente às próteses foram anotadas, e eventuais lesões associadas às próteses foram avaliadas e tratadas. Paralelamente foi realizada coleta de material para exame micológico de dois sítios - mucosa sob a prótese e base da prótese. O material foi coletado com auxílio de swabs e transferido a placas com meio de cultura diferencial (Chromagar®) para observação de crescimento e identificação de leveduras. Resultados: Foram coletados dados referentes a 91 participantes e 102 próteses sobre implantes. Trinta e quadro homens e 57 mulheres com idade média de 66,6 anos. Quatro overdentures, 72 protocolos inferiores e 26 superiores. Nenhum participante apresentou hipossalivação. Candida spp foram identificadas em 70,3% das arcadas inferiores e 85,7% das arcadas superiores. O tempo de uso das próteses interferiu na porcentagem de identificação das leveduras. Candida albicans foi a principal espécie identificada (93% dos casos positivos). Outras espécies identificadas foram: Candida glabrata, C. kruzei e C. tropicalis. Técnicas de higienização adicionais à escovação convencional reduziram a contaminação pelos fungos, enquanto hábitos de fumar ou consumir bebidas alcoólicas a aumentaram. Inflamação em mucosa relacionou-se positivamente à presença de Candida em mucosa e próteses. Oito participantes foram submetidos a intervenções cirúrgicas para remoção de processos proliferativos inflamatórios (8,8%). Foram avaliados 532 implantes, registrando-se perda de 1,13% deles e necessidade de reaperto em 271 parafusos (50,1%). Os dados foram analisados de forma descritiva e submetidos a testes estatísticos adequados ao tipo de dados obtidos. Conclusões: Os resultados obtidos nesta investigação sugerem que os cirurgiões dentistas que trabalham na área da Implantodontia devem rever seus protocolos de orientação aos pacientes e regimes de manutenção das próteses totais sobre implantes, a fim de manter a saúde dos indivíduos, prevenir lesões inflamatórias nos tecidos orais e proporcionar longevidade à reabilitação.Introduction: Considering the increasing tendency of the use of prostheses on implants in both our population and worldwide, it is important to study the several conditions involved in the longevity and functionality of these parts for individuals in general. Aim: To determine the occurrence of pathological changes associated with full-arch implant-supported fixed prostheses and to correlate them with individual variables, prosthetic specimens and the participation of Candida yeasts in these individuals. Methodology: Patients with full-arch implant-supported fixed prostheses and overdentures were evaluated at the time of removal of the parts for control and maintenance, after consent with the terms of free and informed consent. The participants had their total salivary flows initially evaluated. After the removal of the prosthesis, the pieces were evaluated technically (prostheses, implants, screws and abutments), the mouth examined clinically, the conditions of the mucosa underlying the prostheses were noted, and any lesions associated with the prostheses were evaluated and treated. In parallel, material was collected for mycological examination of two sites - mucosa under the prosthesis and base of the prosthesis. The material was collected with the help of swabs and transferred to plates with differential culture medium (Chromagar®) for observation of growth and identification of yeasts. Results: Data were collected on 91 participants and 102 implants. Thirty-one men and 57 women with mean age of 66.6 years. Four overdentures, 72 in the lower arch and 26 in the upper arch. No participant presented hyposalivation. Candida spp. were identified in 70.3% of the lower arches and 85.7% of the upper arches. The time of use of the prostheses interfered in the percentage of identification of the yeasts. Candida albicans was the main species identified (93% of the positive cases). Other species identified were: Candida glabrata, C. kruzei and C. tropicalis. Hygiene techniques in addition to conventional brushing reduced fungal contamination, while smoking or drinking increased. Inflammation in mucosa was positively related to the presence of Candida in mucosa and prostheses. Eight participants underwent surgical interventions to remove proliferative inflammatory processes (8.8%). A total of 532 implants were evaluated, with a loss of 1,13% of them and the need to re-tighten 271 screws (50.1%). Data were analyzed descriptively and submitted to statistical tests appropriate to the type of data obtained. Conclusions: The results obtained in this research suggest that dental surgeons working in the implantology area should review their patient orientation protocols and maintenance of full-arch implant-supported fixed prostheses in order to maintain the health of individuals, prevent inflammatory lesions in tissues oral and provide longevity to rehabilitation

    Plasma rico en fibrina (PRF) y placa de titanio en el tratamiento exitoso de un defecto óseo asociado a osteonecrosis causado por bisfosfonatos: reporte de caso

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    Bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) is a progressive condition that still has no consensus about its ideal treatment. Fibrin-rich plasma (FRP) therapy shows effectiveness on BRONJ’s treatment by clinicians. A 76-year-old male patient attended for our evaluation complaining of pain in his mouth for 8 months. The medical history showed multiple myeloma metastasis and the use of bisphosphonate (BP) for metastasis control. On intraoral clinical evaluation, suppuration and exposed bone was evident on posterior left mandible measuring approximately 4 centimeters. On panoramic radiograph, we observed a radiolucent image and an area of osseous trabeculae disorganization on left mandible. Computed Tomography (CT) image showed some destruction of lingual and buccal cortical, suggestive of bone sequestration. The treatment was to remove all necrotic bone and fill the defect with FRP from the patient's own blood. Sutures were placed to provide wound primary closure and after 2 months without evidence of exposed bone, the patient came complaining with pain again. After a panoramic radiograph, it was clearly observed a radiolucent image with an image of a jaw discontinuity line, suggestive of mandible fracture in the same side treated before. New surgery was performed and as the intraoral mucosa was perfectly healthy, an extraoral access was made. All the necrotic bone was removed and titanium plates were placed. After 3 months following up, there were signs of bone consolidation and no pain complaint by patient. The patient was able to eating properly and had his quality of life improved.La osteonecrosis de la mandíbula asociada a bisfosfonatos (BRONJ) es una afección progresiva que aún no tiene consenso sobre su tratamiento ideal. La terapia con plasma rico en fibrina (PRF) ha demostrado ser efectiva en BRONJ. El presente caso relata el tratamiento de un paciente masculino de 76 años que asistió quejándose de dolor en la boca durante 8 meses. Su historial médico reportó metástasis de mieloma múltiple y uso de bisfosfonatos, que había dejado de tomar tres meses antes. En la mandíbula posterior izquierda, la evaluación clínica intraoral presentó supuración y exposición ósea de aproximadamente 4 cm; en la radiografía panorámica se identificó una imagen radiotransparente y desorganización de trabéculas óseas; en la tomografía computarizada fue evidente cierta destrucción de la cortical lingual y bucal, que sugirió secuestro óseo. El diagnóstico fue osteonecrosis asociada a bisfosfonatos. El tratamiento consistió en extraer el hueso necrótico y llenar el defecto con PRF obtenido de la sangre del paciente. Se consiguió el cierre completo de la herida. Después de 2 meses, el paciente volvió a quejarse de dolor, una radiografía panorámica mostró una línea radiolúcida de discontinuidad, sugestiva de fractura mandibular en la zona tratada previamente. Se realizó una segunda cirugía con acceso extraoral ya que la mucosa oral se encontraba completamente sana. Se extrajo el hueso necrótico y se colocaron placas de titanio. Después de 3 meses de seguimiento, hubo signos de consolidación ósea y ausencia de dolor; el paciente pudo comer adecuadamente y su calidad de vida mejoró