3,461 research outputs found
Is neglected heterogeneity really an issue in binary and fractional regression models? A simulation exercise for logit, probit and loglog models
In this paper we examine theoretically and by simulation whether or not unobserved heterogeneity independent of the included regressors is really an issue in logit, probit and loglog models with both binary and fractional data. We found that unobserved heterogeneity: (i) produces an attenuation bias in the estimation of regression coefficients; (ii) is innocuous for logit estimation of average sample partial effects, while in the probit and loglog cases there may be important biases in the estimation of those quantities; (iii) has much more destructive effects over the estimation of population partial effects; (iv) only for logit models does not affect substantially the prediction of outcomes; and (v) is innocuous for the size and consistency of Wald tests for the significance of observed regressors but, in small samples, reduces their power substantially.Binary models; fractional models; neglected heterogeneity; partial effects; prediction; wald tests.
Extracting the Omega- electric quadrupole moment from lattice QCD data
The Omega- has an extremely long lifetime, and is the most stable of the
baryons with spin 3/2. Therefore the Omega- magnetic moment is very accurately
known. Nevertheless, its electric quadrupole moment was never measured,
although estimates exist in different formalisms. In principle, lattice QCD
simulations provide at present the most appropriate way to estimate the Omega-
form factors, as function of the square of the transferred four-momentum, Q2,
since it describes baryon systems at the physical mass for the strange quark.
However, lattice QCD form factors, and in particular GE2, are determined at
finite Q2 only, and the extraction of the electric quadrupole moment, Q_Omega=
GE2(0) e/(2 M_Omega), involves an extrapolation of the numerical lattice
results. In this work we reproduce the lattice QCD data with a covariant
spectator quark model for Omega- which includes a mixture of S and two D states
for the relative quark-diquark motion. Once the model is calibrated, it is used
to determine Q_Omega. Our prediction is Q_Omega= (0.96 +/- 0.02)*10^(-2) efm2
[GE2(0)=0.680 +/- 0.012].Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. D. Version with small modifications. 8 pages,
1 figur
A relativistic quark model for the Omega- electromagnetic form factors
We compute the Omega- electromagnetic form factors and the decuplet baryon
magnetic moments using a quark model application of the Covariant Spectator
Theory. Our predictions for the Omega- electromagnetic form factors can be
tested in the future by lattice QCD simulations at the physical strange quark
mass.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure
Nonparametric models of financial leverage decisions
This paper investigates the properties of nonparametric decision tree models in the analysis of financial leverage decisions. This approach presents two appealing features: the relationship between leverage ratios and the explanatory variables is not predetermined but is derived according to information provided by the data, and the models respect the bounded and fractional nature of leverage ratios. The analysis shows that tree models suggest relationships between explanatory variables and the relative amount of issued debt that parametric models fail to capture. Furthermore, the significant relationships found by tree models are in most cases in accordance with the effects predicted by the pecking-order theory. The results also show that two-part tree models can accommodate better the distinct effects of explanatory variables on the decision to issue debt and on the amount of debt issued by firms that do resort to debt.Capital structure, Fractional regression, Decision trees, Two-part models
Moment-based estimation of nonlinear regression models with boundary outcomes and endogeneity, with applications to nonnegative and fractional responses
In this article, we suggest simple moment-based estimators to deal with unobserved heterogeneity in a special class of nonlinear regression models that includes as main particular cases exponential models for nonnegative responses and logit and complementary loglog models for fractional responses. The proposed estimators: (i) treat observed and omitted covariates in a similar manner; (ii) can deal with boundary outcomes; (iii) accommodate endogenous explanatory variables without requiring knowledge on the reduced form model, although such information may be easily incorporated in the estimation process; (iv) do not require distributional assumptions on the unobservables, a conditional mean assumption being enough forconsistentestimationofthestructuralparameters;and(v)undertheadditionalassumption that the dependence between observables and unobservables is restricted to the conditional mean, produce consistent estimators of partial effects conditional only on observables.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Asymptotic bias for GMM and GEL estimators with estimated nuisance parameters
This papers studies and compares the asymptotic bias of GMM and generalized empirical likelihood (GEL) estimators in the presence of estimated nuisance parameters. We consider cases in which the nuisance parameter is estimated from independent and identical samples. A simulation experiment is conducted for covariance structure models. Empirical likelihood offers much reduced mean and median bias, root mean squared error and mean absolute error, as compared with two-step GMM and other GEL methods. Both analytical and bootstrap bias-adjusted two-step GMM estimators are compared. Analytical bias-adjustment appears to be a serious competitor to bootstrap methods in terms of finite sample bias, root mean squared error and mean absolute error. Finite sample variance seems to be little affected.
Efeito dos inseticidas nas plantas.
RevisĆ£o de literatura sobre os efeitos de inseticidas nas plantas.bitstream/item/134093/1/45251-1.pd
Combining micro and macro data in hedonic price indexes
This paper proposes arithmetic and geometric Paasche quality-adjusted price indexes that combine micro data from the base period with macro data on the averages of asset prices and characteristics at the index period. The suggested indexes have two types of advantages relative to traditional Paasche indexes: (i) simplification and cost reduction of data acquisition and manipulation; and (ii) potentially greater efficiency and robustness to sampling problems. A Monte Carlo simulation study and an empirical application concerning the housing market illustrate some of those advantages.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Impact of bullying on occupational commitment in young nursing professionals: the mediating role of emotional labour and emotional exhaustion
Background: Nurses are often exposed to workplace bullying, which leads to their burnout and leaving the profession. However, the processes by which workplace bullying leads to such outcomes are not clear. Aims: This study investigates how work-related and personal-related bullying affect nursesā occupational commitment by integrating emotional labour and emotional exhaustion. Method: This study employs a cross-sectional design. The model was tested using structural equation modelling wif a sample of 245 Chinese nurses. Results: Work-related bullying is positively related to both surface acting and deep acting, and a negative relationship exists between deep acting and emotional exhaustion. Personal-related bullying is not related to either surface acting or deep acting, but is positively related to emotional exhaustion. Emotional exhaustion is negatively related to affective occupational commitment. Conclusions: This study implies that bullying behaviours should be distinguished wif work-related bullying and personal-related bullying, and emotional regulation strategies are meaningful in managing the negative impact of work-related bullying. Implication for nursing management: Policymakers and managers need to distinguish two types of bullying behaviour and manage them accordingly wif different strategies. For nursing schools it is important to prepare nursing students wif not only professional skills but also social competence and emotional management skills.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
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