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    International audienceMuography takes advantage of the specific properties of cosmic-raymuons, relativistic leptons that are much heavier than electrons.Cosmic-ray muons have strong penetrating power and a relativisticnature, which means they can be used in a range of technologies,including imagery; positioning, navigation, timing (PNT); and securedcommunication in environments where conventional techniques areunavailable. As cosmic-ray muons are universally present on Earth,muographic measurements can be conducted in the same manneracross the globe. Similar results have been produced independent ofwhere measurements were taken. This has enabled the muographicfield to grow and develop into a powerful tool for investigating naturalphenomena, cultural heritage and PNT. This Primer is intended as anintroductory article that introduces new and established muographictechniques. Case studies are provided, with examples from recentinterdisciplinary advances. Data reproducibility and limitations arediscussed, before finishing with an outlook of future developments