51 research outputs found

    Initiation of student participation in practice:An audio diary study of international clinical placements

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    Background: Differences in professional practice might hinder initiation of student participation during international placements, and thereby limit workplace learning. This study explores how healthcare students overcome differences in professional practice during initiation of international placements. Methods: Twelve first-year physiotherapy students recorded individual audio diaries during the first month of international clinical placement. Recordings were transcribed, anonymized, and analyzed following a template analysis approach. Team discussions focused on thematic interpretation of results. Results: Students described tackling differences in professional practice via ongoing negotiations of practice between them, local professionals, and peers. Three themes were identified as the focus of students’ orientation and adjustment efforts: professional practice, educational context, and individual approaches to learning. Healthcare students’ initiation during international placements involved a cyclical process of orientation and adjustment, supported by active participation, professional dialogue, and self-regulated learning strategies. Conclusions: Initiation of student participation during international placements can be supported by establishing a continuous dialogue between student and healthcare professionals. This dialogue helps align mutual expectations regarding scope of practice, and increase understanding of professional and educational practices. Better understanding, in turn, creates trust and favors meaningful students’ contribution to practice and patient care

    Script concordance test; a tool to assess cognitive integration?

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    Bewegen van eigen zekerheid naar gedeeld vertrouwen

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    Voortschrijdende specialisatie, in combinatie met de toenemende complexiteit van zorgvragen, leidt mede ertoe dat een integrale aanpak vangezondheidsproblemen alleen gerealiseerd kan worden wanneer alle bij de behandeling betrokken zorgverleners onderling goed afstemmen en samenwerken. Onvoldoende communicatie en samenwerking tussen zorgverleners behoren tot de belangrijke oorzaken van medische missers en incidenten. Zorgverleners zijn zich daarvan bewust maar de praktijk blijft weerbarstig. Lector dr. Stephan Ramaekers gaat in zijn rede in op de factoren en mechanismen die een goede besluitvorming, in samenspraak met de patiënt en in teamverband, verhinderenn hoe die hindernissen kunnen worden weggenomen. Aan de hand daarvan zal worden belicht waar onderzoek en praktijkinnovatie in dit lectoraatop zijn gericht

    Computing Sciences, Utrecht University,

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    Netherware: analysis, results and success factors of the designed curriculum unit Report on EMP-project 2004-2005 1 IVLOS, Institute of Educatio

    Effectiveness of a programme design for the development of competence in solving clinical problems

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    BACKGROUND: To apply what has been learned theoretically in a clinical context is for many students a major challenge. In order to ease their transition into practice, a training programme was developed, focusing on learning to solve clinical problems. AIMS: The programme is designed for veterinary medicine students in the preclinical phase with already a sound theoretical base in biomedical and clinical sciences. The design is based on the engagement in learning and work processes derived from clinical practice and exposure to a large variety of real and paper-based cases. This article addresses the effectiveness of this programme design. METHOD: Programme effectiveness was defined in terms of the progress made by the students. This progress was established using methodological triangulation of the results from student questionnaires, performance observations and (pre and post) assessment. RESULTS: On all dimensions of effectiveness, the results consistently showed that the programme was perceived as effective and led to improved performances in solving clinical problems and better solutions in the assessment. The students' progress was substantial. CONCLUSIONS: At preclinical level, a course design based on the work processes in clinical practice and a mixture of real and paper-based patients is effective in enhancing problem-solving competence