2 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Latihan Aerobik dan Senam Aerobik Low Impact terhadap Peningkatan VO2 Maks pada Siswi SMA MTA Surakarta

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    Background: Aerobic exercise as a complex of low to high intensity physical training that requires oxygen for a long time. As a result, there are beneficial changes that occur in the lungs, heart and blood vessel system. There are several phenomena that occur in the environment, especially the environment of high school children who live in dormitories. Starting from the school schedule and additional intensive hours, organizational activities, extracurricular activities, and boarding activities. There were many boarding school students who fell asleep in class, almost did not do sports or physical exercise in their school. If this continues to be a habit, then over time it will cause a decrease in the quality of physical fitness. So from that, physical fitness is always maintained and maintained. Physical fitness is closely related to VO2 max. One of the things that can be done to improve fitness is aerobic exercise in the form of jogging and low impact aerobics. In addition to simple and practical exercises and media needed, this exercise can be done anywhere, anytime, and does not require a large and special place. In addition, this exercise is more economical, does not require a lot of money, and is very influential in increasing VO2 Max. Objective: To find out the differences in the effect on the aerobic exercise group with the low impact aerobic exercise group on the increase in VO2 max in Surakarta MTA High School students. Research Methods: This research method uses the Quasi Experimental approach with design pre test and post test two group. The study sample was a class XI Surakarta MTA high school student aged 15-17 years. Number of 20 female students, 10 groups treated with aerobic exercise (jogging) and 10 groups treated with low impact aerobic exercise. This study was conducted for 4 weeks, carried out 3 times a week with a Bleep Test measuring instrument. Normality test data processing using shapiroilk test, homogeneity test using levene test, hypothesis I and II test using paired sample t-test, and hypothesis III test using independent sample t-test. Results: Hypothesis I test p value = 0,000 (p <0.05), in the group of aerobic exercise (jogging) increasing VO2 max. Hypothesis II test p = 0.003 (p 0.05), there was no difference in effect on the aerobic exercise group and the low impact aerobic exercise group on the increase of VO2 max in Surakarta MTA High School students. Conclusion: There was no difference in effect on the aerobic exercise group and the low impact aerobic exercise group, but aerobic exercise was more effective against the increase in VO2 max in Surakarta MTA High School female students. Suggestion: Aerobic exercise so that it is always done to increase VO2 max. Keywords: Aerobic Exercise (jogging), Low impact aerobic exercise, VO2 max, Bleep Test

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Kasus Cervical Root Syndrome Di RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta

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    Background: Cervical Root Syndrome is a condition that is caused by irritation of cervical nerve root compression by disc protrusion intervertebralis or degenerative so the symptoms are neck pain radiating to the arms, wrist, paraesthesia, and muscle spasm. Modalities of this condition is Infra Red, Transcutaneus Electrical Stimulation, and exercise therapy. Objective: To determine the benefits of Infra Red modalities, Transcutaneus Electrical Stimulation, and exercise therapy in reducing pain and improving LGS. Result: After 4 times therapy result (1) decrease in pain from TI to T4 by VDS (Verbal Descriptive Scale), on the M. Sternocleidomastoideus dextra and M. Upper trapezius obtained a value to pain tenderness T1 dan T2 3- T3 and T4 2, pain motion T1 and T2 3- T3 and T4 2, (2) increase ROM extensi cervical from T1 and T2 50º- T3 and T4 60º, rotation dextra cervical T1 and T2 60º- T3 and T4 70º. Conclusion: Management of physiotherapy using Infra Red, Transcutaneus Electrical Stimulation, and exercise therapy on Cervical Root Syndrome conditional can reduce pain and improve the LGS