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    Online learning methods are still the main way to access learning resources. The SPADA UPI platform is essential in supporting the academic and non-academic activities of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. In supporting these activities, user experience must also be considered when using online learning platforms. The results of the user experience survey of UPI students stated that all aspects assessed, such as attractiveness, perspicuity, efficiency, dependability, stimulation and novelty, responded poorly. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to redesign the SPADA UPI website to make it an intuitive website. In designing an intuitive website, a design thinking approach is used with output as a prototype of the SPADA UPI website. The User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) is a user experience evaluation tool that outputs quantitative values. Comparing the UEQ results of the SPADA UPI website and the SPADA UPI website prototype will help determine whether the website prototype design provides a better user experience. The initial UEQ results that have been carried out and compared with the results of the prototype test of the SPADA UPI website show a good increase in value. With initial UEQ results averaging poor or less than 0.8, they improve by providing a score of more than 0.8 or excellent. Therefore, the design thinking approach is beneficial for designing an intuitive product that produces a better user experience

    Analisis Manajemen Risiko Bisnis (Studi pada Kedai Kopi dan Rempah Trem)

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    Abstrak: Fenomena minum kopi telah menjadi lifestyle dari berbagai kalangan. Dibuktikan dengan data konsumsi kopi yang terus meningkat dari tahun 2016-2021. Hal ini yang kemudian memunculkan banyaknya usaha yang berjalan di bidang industri kafe. Oleh karenanya, terciptalah persaingan bisnis antar pelaku bisnis kafe, yang mana membuat mereka harus melakukan pengelolaan risiko agar dapat bertahan pada industri tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan identifikasi manajemen dan sumber risiko, melakukan penilaian terhadap kemungkinan risiko dan dampaknya, serta penanggulangan yang dapat dilakukan. Adapun objek yang diteliti adalah Kedai Kopi dan Rempah Trem, dengan proses analisis menggunakan metode RSCA. Dalam hal ini, didapatkanlah hasil bahwa terdapat tiga belas hal kemungkinan risiko yang dapat mengganggu efektivitas kafe, yang terbagi ke dalam tiga klasifikasi faktor, seperti faktor alam, manusia, serta sistem dan infrastruktur. Menimbang frekuensi kejadian dan dampak yang ditimbulkan, risiko yang tergolong ke dalam level tertinggi adalah human error dan ketidakpuasan pelanggan, dengan penanggulangannya adalah menerapkan konsep human awareness, quality control, dan menyediakan kotak saran.   Kata kunci: Kafe, Manajemen, Risiko, RSCA    Abstract: The phenomenon of drinking coffee has become a lifestyle for many people. Evidenced by data on coffee consumption which continues to increase from 2016-2021. This has led to many businesses running in the cafe industry. Therefore, business competition is created between cafe business people, which makes them have to carry out risk management to survive in the industry. The purpose of this research is to identify management and sources of risk, to evaluate the possibility of risks and their impacts, as well as countermeasures that can be implemented. The object under study is the Tram Coffee and Spice Shop, with the analysis process using the RSCA method. In this case, the results show that thirteen possible risks could interfere with the cafe's effectiveness, which is divided into three-factor classifications, such as natural, human, and system and infrastructure factors. Considering the frequency of occurrence and the resulting impact, risks belonging to the highest level are human error and customer dissatisfaction, the countermeasures of which are implementing the concepts of human awareness, quality control, and providing a suggestion box.   Keywords: Café, Management, Risk, RSCA &nbsp