118 research outputs found

    Peran Dinas Perhubungan, Komunikasi dan Informatika Kota Pekanbaru dalam Pengelolaan Retribusi Parkir Tahun 2013

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    Of parking lot as the original one of the components area (PAD) that make a contribution to PAD. Parking fee retribution is done by the Government through the body by many elements that have been determined based on Local regulation No. 3 Year 2009 about of service in the field land transportation Office of Transportation, is Communication and Informatics Pekanbaru . Management of parking lot is not yet been viewed as a matter that is very important in order to support development in area because many potential areas that comes from retribution parking area that is not well-managed because of the lack of initiative and the role Office of Transportation, Communication and Information Pekanbaru to make efforts in to improve regionals original Pekanbaru. The aim of the research is to know the role of Communication Department, and Communication Medical Informatics City of Pekanbaru in management of parking area in 2013 and to know these obstacles by the Transportation, Communication and Informatics City of Pekanbaru in management of parking area in 2013.The method data analysis that is used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis method that is trying to present based on the phenomena that are and to all the facts related to problems that discussed based on the results of research that is the role of Communication Department and Informatics, Communication Pekanbaru in the management of parking area in 2013.The Department of Relations role, Communications and Information on the field are still many shortcomings in controlling the area path circulation parking, vehicles and retribution that has affected and cheating in wild parking by a spokesman parking this was to make the minimum entry in the sector of parking area in the City Pekanbaru in 2013. Obstacles in the Department of Relations carrying out their role and function to manage of parking at induced the bride price of the officers parking, still over the natural resources construction of a lack of man (the parking lot) that he did not show productivity in performance management in the field, the wild parking in the City Pekanbaru causes entering the Original Regional City of Pekanbaru.Key words : role, Management of Parking, Pekanbar

    Penyelidikan Oleh Kepolisian Sektor Tenayan Raya Terhadap Tindak Pidana Pembuangan Bayi Di Wilayah Hukum Tenayan Raya

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    Baby disposal crimes more often happens. This happens due to peope sometimes failed to prevent himself from doing deviant tendencies because of economic interests, biological demands, status and the pride of himself. Even though this evil doings is a form of perversion of the norms and values of humanity. The Police as law enforcement agencies have to cope with this criminal act to avoid recurrence. But in the process of tackling this problem, there are some obstacles of course. Therefore, the author is interested to do research on the phenomenon in order to know the investigation process, obstacles and efforts by police investigation in Tenayan Raya sector against criminal acts of the baby disposal in jurisdiction of Tenayan Raya. To find the answers to these problems, the research done through interview and literature studies. Based on qualitative data analysis by the method of deductive reasoning obtained the answers that the investigation of baby disposal crimes in jurisdiction of Tenayan Raya is already running as it should, but not optimal. Tenayan Raya sector police's obstacles in the investigation of criminal disposal of baby include: lack of investigators, community, lack of facilities and infrastructure, lack of information and the difficulty expressing the evidences factors. The efforts by the police in the investigation of baby disposal crimes in the Tenayan Raya's region of law are: adding personnel, making a good relationship with the community, looking for an alternative use of facilities and infrastructure that less, published a wanted list, and disclosing effort of evidences. The author suggests that Tenayan Raya's police are investigating quickly and thoroughly, making cooperation with other forces such as the institution for the protection of children in this investigation, and completing facilities and infrastructure that is needed

    Uji Beberapa Dosis Cendawan Entomopatogen Cordyceps SP. Lokal Pada Media Bekatul Padi Terhadap Larva Oryctes Rhinoceros L. Di Laboratorium

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    Oryctes rhinoceros L. grubs is one of the important pest on palm oil. Alternative to control this pest can be use local entomopathogen fungi such as Cordyceps sp. has opportunity as a biological control agent. The experiment was conducted in Plant Pests Laboratory Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau from Agustus until September 2015. The objective study was to find the better doses of local entomopathogen Cordyceps sp. The treatment tested were doses of local entomopathogen Cordyceps sp. 0 g/cm3, 15 g/cm3, 20 g/cm3, 25 g/cm3 and 30 g/cm3. The experiment used completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The result showed that local entomopathogen Cordyceps sp. to control O.rhinoceros L. grubs can cause 87.50% total mortality in dose 25 g/cm3


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    ABSTRAK PERANCANGAN IDENTITAS VISUAL DAN MEDIA PROMOSI EVENT CRAFASHTIVAL 2016 Subsektor fashion dan craft ini telah tumbuh dan berkembang dengan sendirinya, namun tetap diperlukan suatu penguatan, dan dukungan penuh dari instansi dan pemerintah terkait, supaya industri tersebut dapat terus berkembang dan berlanjut. Keunggulan subsektor industri kreatif fashion dan craft ini harus didukung oleh media promosi yang dapat menyampaikan pesan dan nilai yang diusung secara efektif. Upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah kota Bandung untuk mengatasi hal ini, salah satu nya adalah dengan menyelenggarakan acara CRAFASHTIVAL. CRAFASHTIVAL merupakan acara “One Day Fashion and Craft” yang diselenggarakan oleh Pemerintah Kota Bandung dengan leading sector Dinas KUKM & PERINDAG kota Bandung untuk mempromosikan, menumbuhkan kesadaran, serta memperkenalkan kembali produk-produk lokal fashion and craft kota Bandung. Perancangan event ini di lakukan sebagai wadah untuk menampung kreativitas warga kota Bandung. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah observasi pada objek penelitian, studi pustaka, wawancara narasumber terkait. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif, melalui metode pendekatan deskriptif analisis, dengan menggunakan analisis SWOT. Setelah data diperoleh penulis melakukan perancangan identitas visual dan media promosi. Identitas visual yang dirancang meliputi logo, ilustrasi. Untuk media promosi poster, billboard, x-banner, infografis, ambient media dan maket sebagai gambaran dari objek penelitian. Kata Kunci: event, identitas visual, media promos

    Identifikasi Dan Karakterisasi Potensi Air Tanah Untuk Pengembangan Irigasi Suplementer Di Pabrik Gula Rendeng Dan Trangkil Jawa Tengah (Identification and Characterization of Ground Water Potential for Developing Suplementary Irrigation in ...

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    Micro sugar industry have some potential problem that needed serious interested, issues of global climate change have affected long drought period with the result that water availability for sugarcane very limited, and problem of land resources in specific location. To anticipate water scarcity in sugarcane plantation need to be optimalization water use through identification ground water potential to know depth and distribution groundwater resources used supplementary irrigation. This paper is attempt in optimalising water resources use through mapping of ground water to know ground water potencyl for developing supplementer irrigation with pumping and deep irrigation to increase sugar cane productivity, rendemen, and production in upland sugarcane PG. Rendeng and of Trangkil. Measurement of ground water characteristic through geolistrict survey using Terameter by detecting electrics into ground by electrodes and take the resistivity value in time dimension, this equipment can identify material underground more than 200 metre depth without passing drilling. Of underground material which have known, hence can be determined resistivity and aquifer thickness. The results of this research showed that in PG. Rendeng and and Trangkil have moderate ground water potency (overburden thickness 6-15 and aquifer thickness 16-25 m) until good (overburden thickness 16-25 and aquifer thickness 26-35 m) but moderate is to be dominant. Ground water potency is distribute in the middle and east of PG. Rendeng and Trangkil

    Higiene dan Sanitasi Makanan Jajanan di Kantin Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Buke Kabupaten Konawe Selatan Tahun 2016

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    Higiene merupakan USAha kesehatan preventif yang menitik beratkan kegiatannya kepada USAha kesehatanindividu. Sedangkan sanitasi diartikan sebagai USAha pencegahan penyakit dengan cara mengatur faktor -faktorlingkungan yang berkaitan dengan rantai perpindahan penyakit. Faktor -faktor yang mempengaruhi higiene dansanitasi makanan jajanan, yaitu: pengetahuan, penjamah makanan, sanitasi peralatan, sanitasi penyajian dansanitasi sarana penjajah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Pengetahuan penjamah makanan,serta untuk mengetahui gambaran higiene dan sanitasi makanan jajanan di kantin Sekolah Dasar di KecamatanBuke Kabupaten Konawe Selatan tahun 2017. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif survei observasional untukmemperoleh gambaran tentang higiene dan sanitasi makanan jajanan di kantin Sekolah Dasar di KecamatanBuke Kabupaten Konawe Selatan Tahun 2017. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Sekolah dasar di Kecamatan BukeKabupaten Konawe Selatan pada tahun 2017 terdiri dari 16 sekolah dasar dengan jumlah populasi 28 kantin disekolah dasar. Dalam penelitian ini memakai total sampling dimana mengambil semua sampel dari jumlahpopulasi. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa pengetahuan penjamah di kantin sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Bukesudah baik, sedangkan higiene penjamah dan sanitasi makanan jajanan di Kecamatan Buke Kabupaten KonaweSelatan belum memenuhi syarat

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Seleksi Siswa Kelas Ungulan di SMP Negeri 7 Malang

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    Proses  seleksi  siswa  kelas  unggulan  merupakan  peranan  penting  dalam  membangun  suatu  kelas unggulan,  Untuk menghasilkan peserta didik dalam kelas unggulan di perlukan penilaian secara spesifik. Akan tetapi seleksi siswa kelas unggulan yang terjadi saat ini di SMP Negeri 7 Malang masih secara manual.  Metode yang digunakan pada sistem pendukung keputusan ini adalah metode TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by  Similarity  to  Ideal  Solution).Metode  TOPSIS  merupakan  salah  satu  metode  pengambilan  keputusan  untuk menentukan  pilihan  terbaik  dari  kriteria  tertentu.Dalam  proses  seleksi  kelas  unggulan  terdapat  beberapa  nilai kritria  untuk  setiap  siswa  yang  dinilai  langsung  oleh  guru  pengajar,  dimana  pada  kriteria  tersebut  terdiri  dari nialai  akademik,  Prestasi,  Sanksi,  Absensi,  Nilai  Intelektual  dan  Kepribadian.  Nilai-nilai  tersebut  diolah menggunakan metode TOPSIyang nantinya akan menghasilkan beberapa nilai akhir dari tiap alternatif yang akan diurutkan berdasarkan nilai tertinggi. Hasil dari penelitian ini siswaakan mendapatkan rekomendasi untuk kelas unggulan berdasarkan hasil nilai-nilai siswa yang telah diolah menggunakan metode TOPSIS

    Analisis Kemampuan Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Matematika Menggunakan Pendekatan Saintifik Berdasarkan Tahapan Heuristik Polya

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    In accordance with the problem formulation, namely the evaluation carried out by students when solving mathematics problems and the aim is to see how effective the application of the scientific approach with the Polya Heuristic stages is to problems. Solving mathematics problems for students uses descriptive qualitative research based on research findings in classes VIIA and VIIB of SMP Negeri 2 Tompaso about analyzing students' ability to answer mathematics questions using a scientific approach with polya heuristic steps. In general, it shows the existence of factors or obstacles that influence class VII students at SMP Negeri 2 Tompaso when working on mathematics questions given by their teacher. This is shown by children's complaints about mathematics subjects which they say are very difficult and cannot be understood well so that they have no interest or interest in mathematics subjects and as a result they are unable to do the mathematics problems given during observations at school. and taking part in the teaching process for almost a month, it can be seen that students at SMP Negeri 2 Tompaso are more interested in other subjects than mathematics because their interest is lacking, and there are still students who cannot read and dictate questions so that is also a mistake. one of their obstacles in working on math problems. Their abilities can also be analyzed using the benchmark questions that have been given, they may almost be able to solve easy questions but not quite long story questions because they prefer to make up or look at the answers from their classmates for the reason that they are too lazy to read the good questions. long. So it can also be concluded that many students at SMP Negeri 2 who are in class VII A and B. Tompaso lack literacy due to a lack of interest in reading questions or introductory books that have been facilitated by the school, so this could be an obstacle for them in solving questions because of their lack of interest in literacy
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