23 research outputs found

    Sequencing of Non-model Plants for Understanding the Physiological Responses in Plants

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    From a genomic point of view, plants are complex organisms. Plants adapt to the environment, by developing different physiological and genetic properties, changing their genomic and expression profiles of adaptive factors, as exemplified by polyploidy studies. These characteristics along with the presence of duplicated genes/genomes make sequencing with early low-throughput DNA sequencing technologies in plants a challenging task. With the development of new technologies for molecular analysis, including transcriptome, proteome or microarray profiling, a new perspective in the genomic analysis was open, making possible to programs in species without genomic maps. The opportunity to extend molecular studies from laboratory model scale toward naturally occurring plant populations made it possible to precisely answer the longstanding important ecological and evolutionary questions. Some plant species have unique properties that could help to understand their adaptability to environment, crop production, pest protection or other biological processes. Molecular studies on non-model plants, including algae, mosses, ferns and plants with very specific characteristics are ongoing

    Ecos de la academia: Revista de la Facultad de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología - FECYT Nro 6

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    Ecos de la academia, Revista de la Facultad de Educación Ciencia y Tecnología es una publicación científica de la Universidad Técnica del Norte, con revisión por pares a doble ciego que publica artículos en idioma español, quichua, portugués e inglés. Se edita con una frecuencia semestral con dos números por año.En ella se divulgan trabajos originales e inéditos generados por los investigadores, docentes y estudiantes de la FECYT, y contribuciones de profesionales de instituciones docentes e investigativas dentro y fuera del país, con calidad, originalidad y relevancia en las áreas de ciencias sociales y tecnología aplicada.Modelos multidimensionales del bienestar en contextos de enseñanza- aprendizaje: una revisión sistemática. Nuevas tendencias para el área académica de la Publicidad en la zona 1 del Ecuador. Propuesta de un curso de escritura académica bajo la base de modelos experienciales. Aproximación al estudio de las emociones. Seguimiento a egresados y graduados para actualizar el perfil de egreso y profesional. Impacto de la Gerencia de Calidad en el clima organizacional en Educación Básica. Comunicación efectiva del gerente educativo orientada al manejo de conflictos en el personal docente. Meritocracia: Democratización o exclusión en el acceso a la educación superior en Ecuador. Asertividad y desempeño académico en estudiantes universitarios. La creatividad en la formación profesional. Aspectos metodológicos en el proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje de la gimnasia en estudiantes de Educación Física. English Language Learning Interaction through Web 2.0 Technologies. La sistematización de la práctica educativa y su relación con la metodología de la investigación. El ozono y la oxigenación hiperbárica: una vía para mejorar la recuperación en lesiones deportivas. La labor tutorial: Independencia del aprendizaje en el contexto universitario. Motivación hacia la profesión docente en la Enseñanza Secundaria. El uso académico de Facebook y WhatsApp en estudiantes universitarios... La educación superior en Ecuador: situación actual y factores de mejora de la calidad. El Proyecto de Investigación “Imbabura Étnica”

    Effect of Sub-inhibitory Amounts of Nisin and Mineral Salts on Nisin Production by Lactococcus lactis UQ2 in Skim Milk

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    The effect of nisin regulatory system of the quorum-sensing mechanism and mineral salts on the production of nisin A by the native strain Lactococcus lactis UQ2 growing in skim milk was evaluated using a static culture. A 6 × 3 full factorial design with two replicates was conducted, aiming to study nisin production during growth of L. lactis UQ2 in skim milk as model food. At appropriate time intervals, the produced nisin, microbial population, and medium pH were measured. Sub-inhibitory amounts of commercial nisin (IN; 0, 0.05, 0.65, 1.25, 1.87, and 2.5 μg/L) were added as inducer to skim milk. A mixture of Mg/Mn (MS; 0, 0.5/0.1, and 0.2/0.04 g/L) was also added. These two factors (IN, MS) and their interactions were highly significant for nisin production by L. lactis UQ2. The highest nisin production (75 ± 7 IU/mL) was achieved at 10 h of incubation, for treatment containing 1.87 μg/L of IN and MS 0.5/0.1 g/L, while only 3.5 ± 0.5 IU/mL were produced by control cultures at 6 h. In contrast with other reports, nisin production started at mid-log phase, and the maximum activity was observed well beyond the beginning of the stationary phase (6 h). This was attributed to the effect of IN. Semi-quantification of thhttps://digital.csic.es/listadoMetadatos.jsp?ID=autores&vocabulary=autores&plataforma=pasarelae structural nisin gene nisA by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction indicated that it was expressed 2.2 times more than the control treatment. L. lactis UQ2 is different from most strains of this genus, because of its poor lactose consumption and lactic acid production when growing in skim milk. Given the capacity of nisin production and the well-known antimicrobial properties of this bacteriocin, this strain may be useful to enhance the safety of low acidity dairy products such as Mexican-style fresh cheese. © 2009 Springer Science + Business Media, LLC.Peer Reviewe

    El Hidrogel acrilato de potasio como sustrato en cultivo de pepino y jitomate

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    Agriculture is the basis of food,it develops in soil and hydroponics. Hydroponics is explained as crops without soil, in nutritive solutions, in the case of tomato and cucumber it is in substrate. Substrates have increased productivity, with efficient use of water and fertilizers. If agriculture consumes 70% of water and spending 30% is fertilizers, the objective of this work was to use potassium acrylate hydrogel for its ability to reduce the loss of fertilizers, such as reserving water, allowing to maintain tomato production and cucumber. The research was carried out in Querétaro in 2017. Different saturation capacities of the hydrogel were evaluated for its properties, the mixture of substrate and the yield of tomato and cucumber, finding significant differencesLa agricultura es la base de la alimentación, se desarrolla en suelo e hidroponía. La hidroponía se explica cómo cultivos sin suelo, en soluciones nutritivas, para el caso del tomate y del pepino es en sustrato. Los sustratos han incrementado la productividad, con uso eficiente de agua y fertilizantes. Si la agricultura consume 70% de agua y en gasto 30% es fertilizantes, el objetivo de este trabajo fue utilizar hidrogel de acrilato de potasio por su capacidad de disminuir la pérdida de fertilizantes como ser reserva de agua, permitiendo mantener la producción de tomate y pepino. La investigación se realizó en Querétaro en 2017. Se evaluó diferentes capacidades de saturación del hidrogel para sus propiedades, la mezcla de sustrato y el rendimiento de tomate y pepino, encontrando diferencias significativa

    Selección de genotipos de chile resistentes al complejo patogénico de la marchitez

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    In Mexico the most important root disease of the chili pepper crop is the wilt disease, it is primarily controlled with fumigants and fungicides that help to select resistant isolates and cause environment and health damage.A safe environmental option could be the resistant varieties cultivation, but there are few disease resistance varieties. This study's aim was to isolate the pathogens associated with chili pepper wilt disease in central and north of Mexico and to identify chili pepper resistant genotypes. During 2006 and 2007, chili pepper plants with wilt disease symptoms were collected in 118 lots from Chihuahua, Colima, Durango, Guanajuato, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí and Zacatecas, from which pathogens were isolated and pure cultures were obtained. They were individually or in mixtures inoculated to select resistant germplasm, in 44 chili pepper accessions of INIFAP's germplasm bank and 141 collections from Durango, Guanajuato, Michoacán, San Luis Potosí and Zacatecas. Fusarium spp., was isolated with a 42.6% frequency, Rhizoctonia solani 37% and Phytophthora capsici 3.9%. 26 collections were identified with at least one of them resistant to Fusarium spp., and six to R. solani. Only BG102 and BG107 accessions from the gene bank wereresistant to P. capsici and to the group of three pathogens. These are potential materials to be used in chili pepper genetic improvement.En México la enfermedad de raíz más importante del cultivo de chile es la marchitez, esta se controla principalmente con fumigantes y fungicidas que contribuyen a seleccionar aislados resistentes, y provocan daños al ambiente y a la salud. Una opción inocua con el ambiente podría ser el cultivo de variedades resistentes; sin embargo, hay pocas variedades con resistencia a esta enfermedad. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue aislar los patógenos asociados a la marchitez del chile, en la región centro y norte de México e identificar genotipos de chile resistentes. Durante 2006 y 2007, se colectaron plantas de chile con síntomas de marchitez en 118 lotes de los estados de Chihuahua, Colima, Durango, Guanajuato, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí y Zacatecas, a partir de las cuales se aislaron los patógenos y se obtuvieron cultivos puros. Estos se inocularon individualmente o en mezcla para seleccionar germoplasma resistente en 44 accesiones de chile del banco de germoplasma del INIFAP y 141 colectas procedentes de Durango, Guanajuato, Michoacán, San Luis Potosí y Zacatecas. Fusarium spp. fue aislado con una frecuencia de 42.6%, Rhizoctonia solani 37%, y Phytophthora capsici 3.9%. Se identificaron 26 colectas con al menos un individuo resistente a Fusarium spp., y seis a R. solani. Sólo las accesiones BG102 y BG107 del banco de germoplasma fueron resistentes a P. capsici y a la mezcla de los tres patógenos. Estos materiales tienen potencial para usarse en programas de mejoramiento genético del chile

    Elicitation of Bacillus cereus-Amazcala (B.c-A) with SiO2 Nanoparticles Improves Its Role as a Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria (PGPB) in Chili Pepper Plants

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    Agriculture needs to decrease the use of agrochemicals due to their high toxicity and adopt new strategies to achieve sustainable food production. Therefore, nanoparticles (NPs) and plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) have been proposed as viable strategies to obtain better crop yields with less environmental impact. Here, we describe the effect of silica nanoparticles (SiO2-NPs) on survival, antioxidant enzymatic activity, phosphate solubilization capacity, and gibberellin production of Bacillus cereus-Amazcala (B.c-A). Moreover, the effect of the co-application of SiO2-NPs and B.c-A on seed germination, physiological characteristics, and antioxidant enzymatic activity of chili pepper plants was investigated under greenhouse conditions. The results indicated that SiO2-NPs at 100 ppm enhanced the role of B.c-A as PGPB by increasing its phosphate solubilization capacity and the production of GA7. Moreover, B.c-A catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were increased with SiO2-NPs 100 ppm treatment, indicating that SiO2-NPs act as a eustressor, inducing defense-related responses. The co-application of SiO2-NPs 100 ppm and B.c-A improved chili pepper growth. There was an increase in seed germination percentage, plant height, number of leaves, and number and yield of fruits. There was also an increase in CAT and PAL activities in chili pepper plants, indicating that bacteria–NP treatment induces plant immunity

    Simulación del crecimiento y desarrollo de pimiento ("capsicum annumm" l.) bajo condiciones de invernadero

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    Greenhouse horticultural production demands practices to have the desired effect, this requires an accurately determination of deviations that occur during growth and crops development. Modeling allows having in a quantitative way the plant simultaneous processes and therefore changes in crops state variables can be anticipated. This work aims to contribute to pepper growth and development prediction using simulation. Considering the specif ic production conditions of Querétaro, Mexico; during 2008-2009. It discusses the implementation in pepper of a growth and development model, originally developed for tomato crop. The model used is TOMGRO (TOMato GROwth Model) simplified, which predicts potential crop growth by solar radiation in photosynthesis (PAR), temperature and carbon dioxide amount at the experimental site. Pepper varieties used were Triple Star and Triple 4. Model parameters adjustment was made by obtaining adequate results in crop development prediction, therefore, generated model adjusted for pepper can be used in intermediate technology greenhouses in Mexico.La producción hortícola en invernadero demanda que las prácticas tengan el efecto esperado, para ello es necesario que se pueda determinar con precisión las desviaciones, que ocurran durante el crecimiento y desarrollo de los cultivos. La modelación permite tener de forma cuantitativa la interacción de procesos simultáneos en la planta y en consecuencia se pueden anticipar los cambios de las variables de estado en los cultivos. Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de contribuir la predicción del crecimiento y desarrollo del pimiento mediante el uso de la simulación. Justamente se hace considerando las condiciones de producción particulares de Querétaro, México, durante el periodo 2008-2009. Se aborda la implementación en pimiento de un modelo de crecimiento y desarrollo, creado originalmente para el cultivo de jitomate. El modelo utilizado es el TOMGRO (TOMato GROwth model) simplificado, el cual predice el crecimiento potencial del cultivo, tomando en cuenta la radiación solar que incide en fotosíntesis (PAR), temperatura y cantidad de dióxido de carbono en el sitio experimental. Se utilizaron las variedades Triple Star y Triple 4 de pimiento. Se realizó el ajuste de parámetros del modelo obteniendo resultados adecuados en la predicción del desarrollo del cultivo; por lo tanto, el modelo ajustado para pimiento que se generó puede ser usado en invernaderos de tecnología intermedia en México

    Review. Advantages and disadvantages of control theories applied in greenhouse climate control systems

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    Today agriculture is changing in response to the requirements of modern society, where ensuring food supply through practices such as water conservation, reduction of agrochemicals and the required planted surface, which guarantees high quality crops are in demand. Greenhouses have proven to be a reliable solution to achieve these goals; however, a greenhouse as a means for protected agriculture has the potential to lead to serious problems. The most of these are related to the inside greenhouse climate conditions where controlling the temperature and relative humidity (RH) are the main objectives of engineering. Achieving appropriate climate conditions to ensure high yield and quality crops reducing energy consumption have been the objective of investigations for some time. Different schemes in control theories have been applied in this field to solve the aforementioned problems. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to present a review of different control techniques applied in protected agriculture to manage greenhouse climate conditions, presenting advantages and disadvantages of developed control platforms in order to suggest a design methodology according to results obtained from different investigations