14 research outputs found

    Optimal electricity price calculation model for retailers in a deregulated market

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    The electricity retailing, a new business in deregulated electric power systems, needs the development of efficient tools to optimize its operation. This paper defines a technical-economic model of an electric energy service provider in the environment of the deregulated electricity market in Spain. This model results in an optimization problem, for calculating the optimal electric power and energy selling prices that maximize the economic profits obtained by the provider. This problem is applied to different cases, where the impact on the profits of several factors, such as the price strategy, the discount on tariffs and the elasticity of customer demand functions, is studied. © 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Possibilistic model based on fuzzy sets for the multiobjective optimal planning of electric power distribution networks

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    This paper presents a new possibilistic (fuzzy) model for the multiobjective optimal planning of power distribution networks that finds out the nondominated multiobjective solutions corresponding to the simultaneous optimization of the fuzzy economic cost, level of fuzzy reliability, and exposure (optimization of robustness) of such networks, using an original and powerful meta-heuristic algorithm based on Tabu Search. This model determines the optimal location and size of the future feeders and substations in distribution networks with dimensions significantly larger than the ones usually presented in papers on the matter. The model also allows to determine the optimal reserve feeders (location and size) that provide the best distribution network reliability at the lowest cost for a given level of robustness (exposure). The model and the algorithm have been intensively tested in real distribution networks, which proves their practical application to large power distribution systems. © 2004 IEEE

    Reliability and costs optimization for distribution networks expansion using an evolutionary algorithm

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    This paper presents a multiobjective optimization methodology, using an evolutionary algorithm, for finding out the best distribution network reliability while simultaneously minimizing the system expansion costs. A nonlinear mixed integer optimization model, achieving the optimal sizing and location of future feeders (reserve feeders and operation feeders) and substations, has been used. The proposed methodology has been tested intensively for distribution systems with dimensions that are significantly larger than the ones frequently found in the papers about this issue. Furthermore, this methodology is general since it is suitable for the muitiobjective optimization of n objectives simultaneously. The algorithm can determine the set of optimal nondominated solutions, allowing the planner to obtain the optimal locations and sizes of the reserve feeders that achieve the best system reliability with the lowest expansion costs. The model and the algorithm have been applied intensively to real life power systems showing its potential of applicability to large distribution networks in practice

    Compromise Seeking for Power Line Path Selection Based on Economic and Environmental Corridors

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    This paper presents a new multicriteria decision aid system (DAS) to obtain acceptable power line paths integrating the diverse socioeconomic interests of the different groups involved in the planning process, such as utilities, environmental agents, or local and regional authorities. The DAS is based onthe intensive use of geographic information systems, as well as multicriteria weighting techniques reflecting all group interests. This new DAS can be used to overcome the problems raised by initially opposing positions among different groups stemming from diverse technological, economic, environmental, and/or social interests. The technique is illustrated by an intensive simulation example from a case study reproducing some of the phases of a negotiation process. © 2005 IEEE

    Negotiation Aid System to Define Priority Maps for Wind Far Development

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    This paper presents the structure of a negotiation aid system (NAS) to select the best locations for new DG facilities, using sophisticated spatial techniques [based on geographical information systems (GISs)] and decision aid methodologies for negotiation, based on consensus among groups that may have conflicting interests. This system helps to overcome the problems posed by initially opposing positions stemming from diverse technological, economic, environmental and/or social interests. The NAS use is illustrated with results from a negotiation process between two groups to select locations for new wind farms in the region of La Rioja, Spain. © 2005 IEEE

    Promotion of new wind farms based on a decision support system

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    The integration in electric power networks of new renewable energy facilities is the final result of a complex planning process. One of the important objectives of this process is the selection of suitable geographical locations where such facilities can be built. This selection procedure can be a difficult task because of the initially opposing positions of the different agents involved in this procedure, such as, for example, investors, utilities, governmental agencies or social groups. The conflicting interest of the agents can delay or block the construction of new facilities. This paper presents a new decision support system, based on Geographic Information Systems, designed to overcome the problems posed by the agents and thus achieve a consensual selection of locations and overcome the problems deriving from their preliminary differing preferences. This paper presents the description of the decision support system, as well as the results obtained for two groups of agents useful for the selection of locations for the construction of new wind farms in La Rioja (Spain). © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    GIS Spatial Analysis Applied to Electric Line Routing Optimization

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    This paper presents a new methodology for automated route selection for the construction of new power lines, based on geographic information systems (GIS). It uses a dynamic programming model for route optimization. Environmental restrictions are taken into account together with all of the operating, maintenance, and equipment installation costs, including a new approach to the costs associated with the slope of the terrain crossed by the power lines. The computing and visual representation capacities of GIS are exploited for the selection of economic corridors, keeping the total costs under a threshold imposed by the user. Intensive simulation examples illustrate the power and flexibility of the proposed methodology. © 2005 IEEE

    Daily operation optimisation of hybrid stand-alone system by model predictive control considering ageing model

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    This article presents a method for optimising the daily operation (minimising the total operating cost) of a hybrid photovoltaic-wind-diesel-battery system using model predictive control. The model uses actual weather forecasts of hourly values of wind speed, irradiation, temperature and load. Five control variables are optimised, and thus their optimal set points values determine the optimal control strategy for each day. This involves the use of an accurate model for estimating the degradation of the batteries by considering the capacity loss due to corrosion and degradation. The model considers the extra costs of maintaining and replacing the diesel generator due to running out of its optimal conditions. The optimisation is carried out by means of genetic algorithms. An example of application compares the total operating cost obtained using the optimal control strategy for each day with the cost of using the optimal control strategy found for the whole year, obtaining savings of up to 7.8%. Also the comparison with the cost of using the load following control strategy is analysed, obtaining savings of up to 37.7%. © 2016 Elsevier Lt

    Spatial decision support system for site permitting of distributed generation facilities

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    Distributed Generation (DG) facilities require, like other energy projects, a sitting review process to acquire the permits and approval needs for construction and operation. In this process different groups and individuals with different roles, interests and priorities are involved. This paper presents a Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) that helps to identify permissible areas to install DG facilities. Wind energy facilities are used in this paper to exemplify the use of the SDSS. © 2001 IEEE