29 research outputs found


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    For white wines, in addition to the level of the main chemical constituents defined for each category and type, the properties of fruitiness, aroma and expressiveness, typical of varieties and areas of origin, are fundamental quality criteria. In addition, these products must be offered to consumers in a perfect state of clarity and with lasting stability over time. The capitalization of the viticultural potential that Romania has, in order to obtain sustainable competitive advantages on foreign markets, requires the creation and promotion of an identity of Romanian wine, based on analytical investigations to certify the quality and natural chemical composition of wines. Determining the quality and authentication of wines involves several aspects, such as geographical origin, year of production, variety, producer and quality. It is important that the proof of the authenticity of the wine is based on those chemical parameters that do not change during vinification process or that are difficult to falsify.Â

    Ischemic stroke in children. Controversies, discordances, actual trends

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    Universitatea Lucian Blaga Sibiu, Facultatea de Medicină, Spitalul Clinic de Pediatrie SibiuSummary. Theme topicality. Of great interest, including in developed countries, focal cerebral arteriopathy (FCA), is one of the most important causes of ischemic stroke (IS) in children. In the last decade have been registered considerable improvements for identifying, understanding, and managing IS in pediatrics. Still persists yet some discordances/ controversies looking at the definitions, classifications, even therapeutic management of IS. The material, as well as the scientific methods used, are the ones to review the literature data regarding the discordances, controversies, and actual trends in are in childhood. The results are focused on information such as 1) the intracranial focal stenotic arteriopathy (ISA) is the main cause of IS in children and, also, a unique model of a unilateral, localized, and time-limited arteriopathy process, quasi-specific to childhood; the mechanism of ISA, although it remains largely unknown, is probably inflammatory one; 2) there is currently no evidence that other treatments (antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and anticoagulant) are better than aspirin monotherapy in relapse preventing or in functional outcomes improvement; 3) the acute interventions, such as thrombolysis and thrombectomy can be effective in children which meet very selective criteria; they are exclusively preserved to units where all care providers are prepared to manage all children with acute IS. After the neonatal IS, early clinical management is mandatory in children with a high risk of cerebral palsy, but there are still few shreds of evidence to suggest that early presymptomatic clinical intervention is effective. Conclusions. The findings are revealed by pediatric literature, in connection with persistent controversies regarding the definitions, classifications, and even the various therapeutic management from different countries. Are therefore imperative to make unified international guidelines regarding IS in children, based on updated knowledge.Rezumat. Actualitatea temei. De mare actualitate, inclusiv în ţările dezvoltate, arteriopatiile cerebrale focale (FCA) reprezintă una dintre cele mai importante cauze ale accidentului vascular cerebral (AVC) ischemic la copil. În ultimul deceniu, s-au înregistrat progrese considerabile în identifi carea, înţelegerea şi gestionarea AVC ischemic în pediatrie. Totuşi, persistă încă discordanţe/controverse privind definiţiile, clasificările şi chiar gestionările terapeutice ale AVC ischemic. Materialul şi metodele ştiinţifice folosite, sunt acelea de trecere în revistă a datelor din literatură privind controversele, discordanţele şi tendinţele actuale referitoare la AVC ischemic la copil. Rezultatele se concretizează în informaţii precum: 1) arteriopatia focală stenozantă intracraniană (AIS) este o cauză principală a AVC la copil şi un model unic al unui proces arteriopatic unilateral, localizat şi limitat în timp, cvasi-specific copilăriei; natura AIS deşi rămâne încă în mare parte necunoscută, este probabil inflamatorie; 2) nu există în prezent dovezi că alte tratamente (antivirale, antiinfl amatoare, anticoagulante) sunt mai bune decât monoterapia cu aspirină în prevenirea recidivei sau în îmbunătăţirea rezultatelor funcţionale; 3) intervenţiile acute, cum ar fi tromboliza sau trombectomia, pot fi eficiente la copiii care îndeplinesc criterii foarte selective; ele sunt apanajul exclusiv al unităţilor unde toţi furnizorii de servicii de îngrijire sunt pregătiţi să gestioneze copiii cu AVC acut. După AVC neonatal, monitorizarea clinică precoce este obligatorie la copiii cu risc crescut de paralizie cerebrală; totuşi există puţine dovezi care să sugereze că intervenţia clinică presimptomatică timpurie este eficientă. Concluziile sunt relevate de literatura pediatrică în legatură cu persistenţa controverselor privind defi niţiile, clasificările şi chiar gestionările terapeutice diferite în diverse ţări. Sunt, deci, imperios necesare orientări internaţionale unifi cate privind AVC pediatric, pe baza cunoştinţelor actualizate


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    Traditionally, when making white wines, the musts are subjected to clarification and settling, even those from harvests in perfect phytosanitary condition. The increasingly perfected technical and technological procedures, involved in the operation of clarifying and deburring the musts, lead to the total removal of undesirable impurities, but also of the small fragments of skins and core, the only carriers of varietal aromas specific to each variety. In such situations, wines lacking fruitiness, aromatic "expressiveness" and varietal typicality result. In order to avoid such inconveniences, recently investigations have been intensified on the topic of improving white winemaking technologies, showing that the pellicular maceration is particularly appropriate, especially when the grapes are, at the time of harvesting, in a perfect state phytosanitary and are well matured. By applying pellicular maceration, notable results are obtained in the vinification of semi-aromatic (Sauvignon) and aromatic (Muscat Ottonel) grapes, but significant improvements were also obtained when using grapes of "neutral" aromatic varieties, such as those belonging to the Chardonnay variety

    Perinatal stroke – literature review and case presentation

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    Centrul de Cercetare şi Telemedicina în Bolile Neurologice la Copii, Spitalul Clinic de Pediatrie, Sibiu, Universitatea “Lucian Blaga”, Sibiu, Facultatea de MedicinaSummary. The perinatal stroke, an ischemic or hemorrhagic event specific to the period 20th week gestational age and 28th postnatal days, is the most common cause of hemiplegic cerebral palsy. Characterized by significant morbidity, the perinatal stroke associates long-term neurological deficits: in motor, cognitive, behavioral, somatosensory, and language skills. The authors perform a review of the literature data and present the case of a 9-month-old infant diagnosed with presumed perinatal arterial ischemic stroke. The infant, with restrictive intrauterine growth and good postnatal adaptation, shows at the age of 4-5 months asymmetric, left dominant prehension. He refers late for specialized investigations due to the persistent chronic motor deficit in the right limbs, despite intensive physical therapy. The neurological examination confirms the diagnosis of spastic right hemiparesis and growth restriction including the cranial perimeter. The brain MRI reveals the chronic arterial vascular etiology, the aspect being suggestive of sequelae stroke in the deep and superficial territory of the left medium cerebral artery. Prothrombotic risk factors have not been identified. In evolution, the patient will associate symptomatic focal epilepsy and hyperkinetic behavior. Early initiation of multimodal rehabilitation therapy and multidisciplinary approach allowed improvement in motor deficit, limiting late orthopedic complications.Rezumat. Accidentul vascular cerebral perinatal reprezintă un eveniment ischemic sau hemoragic specifi c intervalului de vârstă între săptămâna 20 gestatională şi ziua 28 postnatal, fiind cea mai frecventă cauză de paralizie cerebrală hemiplegică. Caracterizat printr-o morbiditate semnificativă, AVC perinatal asociază deficite neurologice pe termen lung: motorii, cognitive, psihoafective, somatosenzoriale şi de limbaj. Autorii efectuează o trecere în revistă a datelor din literatura de specialitate şi prezintă cazul unui sugar de sex feminin în vârsta de 9 luni diagnosticat cu stroke ischemic arterial perinatal. Sugarul, cu restricţie de crestere intrauterină, cu adaptare postnatală bună, prezenta la vârsta de 4-5 luni prehensiune asimetrică, deficitară dreaptă. Se prezintă tardiv pentru investigatii de specialitate în contextul persistenţei deficitului motor cronic de hemicorp drept după integarea în program de kinetoterapie. Examenul neurologic confirmă diagnosticul de hemipareză dreaptă spastică, restricţie de crestere inclusiv a perimetrului cranian. IRM cerebral relevă etiologia vasculară arterială cronică, aspectul imagistic fiind sugestiv pentru AVC sechelar în teritoriul profund şi superficial al arterei cerebrale medii stângi. Nu au fost identificaţi factori de risc protrombotici. În evoluţie pacienta va asocia epilepsie focală simptomatică şi comportament hiperkinetic. Iniţierea timpurie a terapiei de reabilitare multimodală şi abordarea multidisciplinară a permis ameliorarea deficitului motor şi limitarea complicaţiilor tardive

    Antioxidants (Resveratrol) - possible adjuvant therapy to prevent recurrence of febrile seizures

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    Centrul de Cercetare şi Telemedicină în Bolile Neurologice la Copii, Spitalul Clinic de Pediatrie Sibiu, Facultatea de Medicină, Universitatea “Lucian Blaga” SibiuFebrile Seizures (FS) are the most common epileptic type events in the pediatric age group. The risk of recurrence and their potential role in epileptogenesis entail the detection of the underlying mechanisms, thus identifying new therapeutic alternatives to the known antiepileptic prophylaxis. Recently increasing evidence justify the association between oxidative and nitrosative mitochondrial stress and epilepsy or FS. The FS are placed in the context of a persistent inflammatory process and in specific cases (hippocampal sclerosis) even as a promoter of neuronal destruction and epileptogenesis. A review of the literature supports in vivo studies in animal models and in humans with seizures the potential role of antioxidant therapy in limiting lesions induced by free radicals. Thus, as a potent antioxidant, Resveratrol is emerging as a possible complementary therapy in preventing recurrent CF and epileptigenesis. But in the pediatric practice its role remains controversial and its applicability limited despite a significant number of in vivo animal studies, due to fewer studies with human subjects. The recording of both prooxidant and antioxidant effect of this polyphenol in comparative studies on different organ (in the context of dose-dependent effect, variable affinity of the specific membrane receptors to transresveratrol and different levels of transition metals) requires further research.Convulsiile febrile (CF) reprezintă cele mai frecvente evenimente de tip epileptic la vârsta pediatrică. Riscul de recurenţă şi potenţialul rol în epileptogeneza al acestora motivează decelarea mecanismelor subiacente şi astfel identificarea de noi terapii adjuvante profilaxiei antiepileptice cunoscute. Recent tot mai multe dovezi justifică asocierea dintre stresul oxidativ şi nitrozativ mitocondrial, epilepsie sau CF, plasând CF în contextul unui proces inflamator persistent şi în cazuri specifice (scleroza hipocampică) chiar de promotor al distrucţiei neuronale şi al epileptogenezei. O trecere în revistă a literaturii de specialitate susţine în studii in vivo, pe modele animale de criză dar şi pe subiecţi umani, potenţialul terapiei antioxidante în limitarea leziunilor induse de radicalii liberi. Astfel, antioxidant potent, Resveratrolul se conturează ca posibilă terapie complementară în prevenţia recurenţei CF şi în epileptogeneza. Rolul său rămâne însă controversat, aplicabilitatea terapiei cu Resveratrol fiind limitată în practica pediatrică în pofida unui numar semnificativ de studii in vivo pe animale, datorită numărului redus de studii cu subiecţi umani. Consemnarea în studii comparative pe organe atât a efectelor antioxidante cât şi prooxidante ale acestui polifenol (în contextul efectului dependent de doza, timp, afinitate pentru transResveratrol a receptorilor membranari specifici şi de nivelul variabil al metalelor de tranziţie) impune continuarea cercetării

    Comparative study on metal versus zirconium dioxide infrastructure manufacturing in prosthetic rehabilitation in the maxillary frontal zone

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    Prosthetic rehabilitation of the maxillary front teeth is an extremely laborious problem for the dental team, consisting of the dentist and the dental technician. If for the physiognomic component the most recommended materials are the ceramic masses, for the resistance substrate there are several variants. Conventional technologies using dental alloys and modern ones involving the use of zirconium dioxide can be used successfully in performing fixed prosthetic restorations in the maxillary frontal area, both options having both advantages and disadvantages, as we will describe in this material

    Неэпилептические пароксизмальные расстройства и диагностические ошибки: вызов для врачей

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Departamentul Pediatrie, IMSP Institutul Mamei și Copilului, Universitatea din Sibiu, Facultatea de MedicinăObjective. This review has the aim of informing the pediatricians about the non epileptic paroxysmal events and of discussing the clinical discoveries, treatment, and differential diagnoses of non epileptic paroxysmal events. Methods. A search for ‘non-epileptic disorders’was completed. Here were included someobservational studies and reviews. Results. Non epileptic paroxysmal events are recurrent movement disorders with acute onset and ending, which is similar to epilepsy. The diagnosis can prevent unnecessary drug use and psychological damage. The duration, place, timing of the attacks, and state of conciousness may confuse pediatricians about the diagnosis of epilepsy and non epileptic paroxysmal events. Conclusion.The essence in the diagnosis is taking an accurate and detailed history. Wrong diagnosis can cause anxiety of both the family and the child, long term damages such as education or career planning problems.Цель. Этот обзор направлен на обсуждение клинических результатов, лечения и дифференциальной диагностики неэпилептических пароксизмальных явлений, а также на повышение осведомленности о неэпилептических пароксизмальных явлениях среди педиатров. Методы. Был завершен поиск ‘неэпилептических расстройств». Сюда были включены некоторые наблюдательные исследования и обзоры. Результаты. Неэпилептические пароксизмальные явления - это рецидивирующие двигательные расстройства с острым началом и окончанием, которые могут имитировать эпилепсию. Длительность, место, время приступов и состояние сознания могут ввести педиатров в заблуждение относительно диагноза эпилепсии и неэпилептических пароксизмальных явлений. Диагноз может предотвратить ненужное употребление таблеток и психологический ущерб. Вывод. Ключевым моментом в постановке диагноза является взятие точного и подробного анамнеза. Неправильный диагноз может вызвать тревогу как в семье, так и в ребенке, перебои в обучении ребенка, ограничения в планировании карьеры и необратимые повреждения в долгосрочной перспективе

    Enhancing the effects of neurofeedback training: the motivational value of the reinforcers

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    The brain activity that is measured by electroencephalography (EEG) can be modified through operant conditioning, specifically using neurofeedback (NF). NF has been applied to several disorders claiming that a change in the erratic brain activity would be accompanied by a reduction of the symptoms. However, the expected results are not always achieved. Some authors have suggested that the lack of an adequate response may be due to an incorrect application of the operant conditioning principles. A key factor in operant conditioning is the use of reinforcers and their value in modifying behavior, something that is not always sufficiently taken into account. This work aims to clarify the relevance of the motivational value versus the purely informational value of the reinforcer. In this study, 113 subjects were randomly assigned two different reinforcer conditions: a selected reinforcer—the subjects subjectively selected the reinforcers—or an imposed reinforcer— the reinforcers were assigned by the experimenter—and both groups undertook NF sessions to enhance the sensorimotor rhythm (SMR). In addition, the selected reinforcer group was divided into two subgroups: one receiving real NF and the other one sham NF. There were no significant differences between the groups at baseline in terms of SMR amplitude. After the intervention, only those subjects belonging to the selected reinforcer group and receiving real NF increased their SMR. Our results provide evidence for the importance of the motivational value of the reinforcer in Neurofeedback succes

    The prevalence of urinary tract infection in children with febrile seizures

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    Clinical Pediatric Hospital Sibiu, Center for Research in Neurological Diseases in Children, Sibiu, Romania, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of MoldovaInfecţiile de tract urinar reprezintă afecţiuni bacteriene comune în copilărie şi un important factor precipitant al convulsiilor febrile. În contextul unui tablou clinic nespecific al infecţiei de tract urinar la vârstele mici, cunoaşterea prevalenţei acestora la pacienţii cu convulsii febrile ar permite o evaluare optimă a contextului infecţios. Acest studiu a fost realizat pentru a determina prevalența infectiilor de tract urinar în rândul copiilor cu convulsii febrile. Studiul prospectiv a inclus un număr de 136 pacienţi internaţi în Spitalul de Pediatrie Sibiu, cu 197 convulsii febrile distincte. Au fost identificaţi 20 pacienţi (10,2%) cu infecţie de tract urinar, majoritatea băieţi (60%). În lotul nostru infecţia de tract urinar reprezintă a treia cauză infecţioasă a convulsiilor febrile, după infecția acută de căi respiratorii superioare (72,1%) şi infecția acută de căi respiratorii inferioare (14,2%). În primul an de viaţă predomină sexul masculin (80%). O treime din pacienţii cu infecţie de tract urinar şi convulsii febrile au fost oligosimptomatici, tabloul clinic fiind limitat la febră. Doar 20% din pacienţi au prezentat simptome urinare. Agenţii patogeni cel mai frecvent izolaţi au fost bacteriile de origine enterică, respectiv E coli (45%), Proteus mirabilis (25%), Enterobacter spp. (10%) şi, izolat, Enterococcus spp. Prevalenţa ridicată a infecţiei de tract urinar în cazul pacienţilor cu convulsii febrile, împreună cu tabloul clinic oligosimptomatic sau nespecific al infecţiei de tract urinar la categoria de vârstă mică sugerează că infecţia de tract urinar trebuie luată în considerare în cazul tuturor pacienţilor cu convulsii febrile. În concluzie, recomandăm efectuarea de rutină a uroculturii în cazul acestor pacienţi.Urinary tract infections are common bacterial diseases in childhood and a major precipitating factor of febrile seizures. Considering the nonspecific clinical picture of urinary tract infection at an early age, knowing their prevalence in patients with febrile seizures would allow an optimal assessment of the infectious context. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of urinary tract infections among children with febrile seizures. The prospective study included a number of 136 patients hospitalized in the Sibiu Pediatric Hospital with 197 distinct febrile seizures. 20 patients (10.2%) with urinary tract infection were identified, most of them boys (60%). In our group urinary tract infection is the third infectious cause of febrile seizures, after acute upper respiratory tract infection (72.1%) and acute lower respiratory tract infection (14.2%). In the first year of life, urinary tract infection is more frequent in males (80%). One third of patients with urinary tract infection and febrile seizures were oligosymptomatic, with a clinical picture limited to fever. Only 20% of patients had urinary symptoms. The most commonly isolated pathogens were enteric bacteria, respectively E coli (45%), Proteus mirabilis (25%), Enterobacter spp. (10%) and, isolated, Enterococcus spp. The high level of urinary tract infection in patients with febrile seizures, together with the oligosymptomatic or nonspecific clinical picture of urinary tract infection in the young age suggest that urinary tract infection should be considered in all patients with febrile seizures. In conclusion, we recommend routine urine culture in these patients

    Dentists, members of the French Resistance movement during the World War II

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    The Resistance was a reaffirmation of France's independence and individuality, as well as a struggle to regain freedom and, above all, national integrity. In fact, many historians appreciate that the French Resistance could have achieved more if it had been more effectively integrated into Allied plans and strategies. Thus, in this material we tried to present some short biographies of dentists who worked in the French Resistance against the German occupation troops, some of them even paying with their lives for the courage they showed