220 research outputs found

    Conditioned Food Aversions: Principles and Practices, with Special Reference to Social Facilitation

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    Conditioned food aversion is a powerful experimental tool to modify animal diets. We have also investigated it as a potential management tool to prevent livestock from grazing poisonous plants such as tall larkspur (Delphinium barbeyi), white locoweed (Oxytropis sericea) and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) on western US rangelands. The following principles pertain to increasing the strength and longevity of aversions: mature animals retain aversions better than young animals; novelty of the plant is important, although aversions can be created to familiar plants; LiCl is the most effective emetic, and the optimum dose for cattle is 200 mg/kg body weight; averted animals should be grazed separately from non-averted animals to avoid the influence of social facilitation which can rapidly extinguish aversions. Social facilitation is the most important factor preventing widespread application of aversive conditioning. When averted animals see other animals eat the target food they will sample it, and if there is no adverse reaction they will continue eating and extinguish the aversion. However, if averted animals can be grazed separately, aversions will persist. Aversive conditioning may provide an effective management tool to prevent animals from eating palatable poisonous plants that cause major economic loss

    In situ hybridisation and S1 mapping show that the presence of infiltrating plasma cells is associated with poor prognosis in breast cancer.

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    In order to identify potential markers of prognosis in breast cancer, representative cDNA libraries were constructed using RNA isolated from primary breast tumour tissue associated with good and poor prognosis. Cross-screening of these libraries repeatedly identified cloned mRNA species associated with the immune system, in particular B-cells, in libraries derived from tumours of poor prognosis. We have used one of these a kappa IV light chain cDNA probe, in two complementary studies to investigate the relationship between immunoglobin gene expression and prognosis. The results obtained using a combination of S1 mapping, RNA blotting and in situ hybridisation demonstrate that the presence of plasma cells, as defined by infiltrating cells which express high levels of immunoglobulin kappa-chain mRNA, is associated with a poor prognosis

    Developmental changes in patterns of distribution of fibronectin and tenascin-C in the chicken cornea: evidence for distinct and independent functions during corneal development and morphogenesis

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    The cornea forms the tough and transparent anterior part of the eye and by accurate shaping forms the major refractive element for vision. Its largest component is the stroma, a dense collagenous connective tissue positioned between the epithelium and the endothelium. In chicken embryos, the stroma initially develops as the primary stroma secreted by the epithelium, which is then invaded by migratory neural crest cells. These cells secrete an organised multi-lamellar collagenous extracellular matrix (ECM), becoming keratocytes. Within individual lamellae, collagen fibrils are parallel and orientated approximately orthogonally in adjacent lamellae. In addition to collagens and associated small proteoglycans, the ECM contains the multifunctional adhesive glycoproteins fibronectin and tenascin-C. We show in embryonic chicken corneas that fibronectin is present but is essentially unstructured in the primary stroma before cell migration and develops as strands linking migrating cells as they enter, maintaining their relative positions as they populate the stroma. Fibronectin also becomes prominent in the epithelial basement membrane, from which fibronectin strings penetrate into the stromal lamellar ECM at right angles. These are present throughout embryonic development but are absent in adults. Stromal cells associate with the strings. Since the epithelial basement membrane is the anterior stromal boundary, strings may be used by stromal cells to determine their relative anterior–posterior positions. Tenascin-C is organised differently, initially as an amorphous layer above the endothelium and subsequently extending anteriorly and organising into a 3D mesh when the stromal cells arrive, enclosing them. It continues to shift anteriorly in development, disappearing posteriorly, and finally becoming prominent in Bowman’s layer beneath the epithelium. The similarity of tenascin-C and collagen organisation suggests that it may link cells to collagen, allowing cells to control and organise the developing ECM architecture. Fibronectin and tenascin-C have complementary roles in cell migration, with the former being adhesive and the latter being antiadhesive and able to displace cells from their adhesion to fibronectin. Thus, in addition to the potential for associations between cells and the ECM, the two could be involved in controlling migration and adhesion and subsequent keratocyte differentiation. Despite the similarities in structure and binding capabilities of the two glycoproteins and the fact that they occupy similar regions of the developing stroma, there is little colocalisation, demonstrating their distinctive roles

    Actin and Type I Collagen Propeptide Distribution in the Developing Chick Cornea

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    PURPOSE. To determine the organization of actin filaments and distribution of type I procollagen during the development of the chick corneal stroma. METHODS. Embryonic chicken corneas of ages 6 to 18 days and 18 days posthatch were cryosectioned and fluorescently labeled for filamentous actin with phalloidin and for the N-and C-terminal propeptides of type I procollagen with specific monoclonal antibodies. Tissue sections were examined by fluorescence and confocal microscopy. RESULTS. Prominent actin filament bundles were present at all embryonic stages, arranged in orthogonal arrays. Type I collagen propeptides were also present, with the C-propeptide visible as small foci, often associated with the actin label. The N-propeptide was also detected in the stromal matrix, especially in Bowman's layer. Actin filaments were also prominent in the corneal epithelium, along with collagen propeptide labeling, up to embryonic day14. CONCLUSIONS. Actin filament bundles are abundant in the stroma, presumably in the keratocytes of the developing chick cornea, and are arranged in an orthogonal manner suggesting a possible role in cell and matrix organization in this tissue. Filament bundles appear to be closely associated with the foci of type I procollagen label, suggesting a possible association between the actin cytoskeleton and the trafficking of collagen. The presence of the N-propeptide of type I collagen in the extracellular matrix and the restricted distribution of the Cpropeptide suggest differential processing of these molecules after secretion. The persistence of the N-propeptide implies a role in development, possibly in association with control of collagen fibril diameter and spacing. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci

    Actin and Type I Collagen Propeptide Distribution in the Developing Chick Cornea

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    PURPOSE. To determine the organization of actin filaments and distribution of type I procollagen during the development of the chick corneal stroma. METHODS. Embryonic chicken corneas of ages 6 to 18 days and 18 days posthatch were cryosectioned and fluorescently labeled for filamentous actin with phalloidin and for the N-and C-terminal propeptides of type I procollagen with specific monoclonal antibodies. Tissue sections were examined by fluorescence and confocal microscopy. RESULTS. Prominent actin filament bundles were present at all embryonic stages, arranged in orthogonal arrays. Type I collagen propeptides were also present, with the C-propeptide visible as small foci, often associated with the actin label. The N-propeptide was also detected in the stromal matrix, especially in Bowman's layer. Actin filaments were also prominent in the corneal epithelium, along with collagen propeptide labeling, up to embryonic day14. CONCLUSIONS. Actin filament bundles are abundant in the stroma, presumably in the keratocytes of the developing chick cornea, and are arranged in an orthogonal manner suggesting a possible role in cell and matrix organization in this tissue. Filament bundles appear to be closely associated with the foci of type I procollagen label, suggesting a possible association between the actin cytoskeleton and the trafficking of collagen. The presence of the N-propeptide of type I collagen in the extracellular matrix and the restricted distribution of the Cpropeptide suggest differential processing of these molecules after secretion. The persistence of the N-propeptide implies a role in development, possibly in association with control of collagen fibril diameter and spacing. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci

    Cell-independent matrix configuration in early corneal development

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    Mechanisms controlling the spatial configuration of the remarkably ordered collagen-rich extracellular matrix of the transparent cornea remain incompletely understood. We previously described the assembly of the emerging corneal matrix in the mid and late stages of embryogenesis and concluded that collagen fibril organisation was driven by cell-directed mechanisms. Here, the early stages of corneal morphogenesis were examined by serial block face scanning electron microscopy of embryonic chick corneas starting at embryonic day three (E3), followed by a Fourier transform analysis of three-dimensional datasets and theoretical considerations of factors that influence matrix formation. Eyes developing normally and eyes that had the lens surgically removed at E3 were studied. Uniformly thin collagen fibrils are deposited by surface ectoderm-derived corneal epithelium in the primary stroma of the developing chick cornea and form an acellular matrix with a striking micro-lamellar orthogonal arrangement. Fourier transform analysis supported this observation and indicated that adjacent micro-lamellae display a clockwise rotation of fibril orientation, depth-wise below the epithelium. We present a model which attempts to explain how, in the absence of cells in the primary stroma, collagen organisation might be influenced by cell-independent, intrinsic mechanisms, such as fibril axial charge derived from associated proteoglycans. On a supra-lamellar scale, fine cords of non-collagenous filamentous matrix were detected over large tissue volumes. These extend into the developing cornea from the epithelial basal lamina and appear to associate with the neural crest cells that migrate inwardly to form, first the corneal endothelium and then keratocytes which synthesise the mature, secondary corneal stroma. In a small number of experimental specimens, matrix cords were present even when periocular neural crest cell migration and corneal morphogenesis had been perturbed following removal of the lens at E3

    Observations on nascent matrix structures in embryonic cornea: Important in cell interactions, or merely vestiges of the lens surface?

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    Here we present some new observations on early stages in chick corneal development obtained by remining of datasets obtained via serial block face scanning electron microscopy. We focus on matrix cords, proteoglycan-rich structures of apparent ectodermal origin, emerging from the epithelial basal lamina, which extend proximally into the growing collagenous matrix destined to become the corneal stroma. Cords have no known function. In their earliest manifestation, we describe how they appear to run continuously from epithelium to the lens, in contact with both tissues and may therefore be simply vestigial structures, remaining from the earlier detachment of the lens from its parent ectoderm. However, neural crest cells migrating to form the corneal endothelial monolayer appear to form close associations with cords via elaborate pseudopodial extensions. Presumptive endothelium and keratocytes, in the subsequent wave of neural crest cell influx, may conceivably utilise cords, as well as utilising collagenous fibrils of the interstitial matrix, as substrate cues in cell guidance, attachment and migration. The possibility also exists that cords fulfil a functional role in corneal morphogenesis via mechanotransduction through cell matrix interactions
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