491 research outputs found

    Iowa’s Covered Bridges

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    Stability of Metal Nanowires at Ultrahigh Current Densities

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    We develop a generalized grand canonical potential for the ballistic nonequilibrium electron distribution in a metal nanowire with a finite applied bias voltage. Coulomb interactions are treated in the self-consistent Hartree approximation, in order to ensure gauge invariance. Using this formalism, we investigate the stability and cohesive properties of metallic nanocylinders at ultrahigh current densities. A linear stability analysis shows that metal nanowires with certain {\em magic conductance values} can support current densities up to 10^11 A/cm^2, which would vaporize a macroscopic piece of metal. This finding is consistent with experimental studies of gold nanowires. Interestingly, our analysis also reveals the existence of reentrant stability zones--geometries that are stable only under an applied bias.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, version published in PR

    Finite-temperature Fermi-edge singularity in tunneling studied using random telegraph signals

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    We show that random telegraph signals in metal-oxide-silicon transistors at millikelvin temperatures provide a powerful means of investigating tunneling between a two-dimensional electron gas and a single defect state. The tunneling rate shows a peak when the defect level lines up with the Fermi energy, in excellent agreement with theory of the Fermi-edge singularity at finite temperature. This theory also indicates that defect levels are the origin of the dissipative two-state systems observed previously in similar devices.Comment: 5 pages, REVTEX, 3 postscript figures included with epsfi

    Studies of spin-orbit scattering in noble-metal nanoparticles using energy level tunneling spectroscopy

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    The effects of spin-orbit scattering on discrete electronic energy levels are studied in copper, silver, and gold nanoparticles. Level-to-level fluctuations of the effective gg-factor for Zeeman splitting are characterized, and the statistics are found to be well-described by random matrix theory predictions. The strength of spin-orbit scattering increases with atomic number and also varies between nanoparticles made of the same metal. The spin-orbit scattering rates in the nanoparticles are in order-of-magnitude agreement with bulk measurements on disordered samples.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 in colo

    Flicker Noise Induced by Dynamic Impurities in a Quantum Point Contact

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    We calculate low-frequency noise (LFN) in a quantum point contact (QPC) which is electrostatically defined in a 2D electron gas of a GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructure. The conventional source of LFN in such systems are scattering potentials fluctuating in time acting upon injected electrons. One can discriminate between potentials of different origin -- noise may be caused by the externally applied gate- and source-drain voltages, the motion of defects with internal degrees of freedom close to the channel, electrons hopping between localized states in the doped region, etc. In the present study we propose a model of LFN based upon the assumption that there are many dynamic defects in the surrounding of a QPC. A general expression for the time-dependent current-current correlation function is derived and applied to a QPC with quantized conductance. It is shown that the level of LFN is significantly different at and between the steps in a plot of the conductance vs. gate voltage. On the plateaus, the level of noise is found to be low and strongly model-dependent. At the steps, LFN is much larger and only weakly model-dependent. As long as the system is biased to be at a fixed position relative the conductance step,Comment: 26 revtex APR 94-4

    Zero-bias anomalies of point contact resistance due to adiabatic electron renormalization of dynamical defects

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    We study effect of the adiabatic electron renormalization on the parameters of the dynamical defects in the ballistic metallic point contact. The upper energy states of the ``dressed'' defect are shown to give a smaller contribution to a resistance of the contact than the lower energy ones. This holds both for the "classical" renormalization related to defect coupling with average local electron density and for the "mesoscopic" renormalization caused by the mesoscopic fluctuations of electronic density the dynamical defects are coupled with. In the case of mesoscopic renormalization one may treat the dynamical defect as coupled with Friedel oscillations originated by the other defects, both static and mobile. Such coupling lifts the energy degeneracy of the states of the dynamical defects giving different mesoscopic contribution to resistance, and provides a new model for the fluctuator as for the object originated by the electronic mesoscopic disorder rather than by the structural one. The correlation between the defect energy and the defect contribution to the resistance leads to zero-temperature and zero-bias anomalies of the point contact resistance. A comparison of these anomalies with those predicted by the Two Channel Kondo Model (TCKM) is made. It is shown, that although the proposed model is based on a completely different from TCKM physical background, it leads to a zero-bias anomalies of the point contact resistance, which are qualitatively similar to TCKM predictions.Comment: 6 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Dynamics of a tunneling magnetic impurity: Kondo effect induced incoherence

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    We study how the formation of the Kondo compensation cloud influences the dynamical properties of a magnetic impurity that tunnels between two positions in a metal. The Kondo effect dynamically generates a strong tunneling impurity-conduction electron coupling, changes the temperature dependence of the tunneling rate, and may ultimately result in the destruction of the coherent motion of the particle at zero temperature. We find an interesting two-channel Kondo fixed point as well for a vanishing overlap between the electronic states that screen the magnetic impurity. We propose a number of systems where the predicted features could be observed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, ReVTe

    Measuring Charge Transport in an Amorphous Semiconductor Using Charge Sensing

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    We measure charge transport in hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) using a nanometer scale silicon MOSFET as a charge sensor. This charge detection technique makes possible the measurement of extremely large resistances. At high temperatures, where the a-Si:H resistance is not too large, the charge detection measurement agrees with a direct measurement of current. The device geometry allows us to probe both the field effect and dispersive transport in the a-Si:H using charge sensing and to extract the density of states near the Fermi energy.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Gate-Voltage Studies of Discrete Electronic States in Al Nanoparticles

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    We have investigated the spectrum of discrete electronic states in single, nm-scale Al particles incorporated into new tunneling transistors, complete with a gate electrode. The addition of the gate has allowed (a) measurements of the electronic spectra for different numbers of electrons in the same particle, (b) greatly improved resolution and qualitatively new results for spectra within superconducting particles, and (c) detailed studies of the gate-voltage dependence of the resonance level widths, which have directly demonstrated the effects of non-equilibrium excitations.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure
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