12 research outputs found

    Adiponectin, some markers of metabolic risk and abdominal obesity in preschool age

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    Всички проучвания на Балканския полуостров през последното десетилетие откриват нарастваща честота на затлъстяването. Абдоминалното затлъстяване се смята за по-морбидно поради по-високата метаболитна активност на абдоминалната мастна маса, характеризираща се с нискостепенно хронично възпаление.ЦЕЛ: Да се установи връзка между мастната маса (ММ) и някои метаболитни маркери в предучилищна възраст.УЧАСТНИЦИ И МЕТОДИ: Измерени са ръст, тегло и коремна обиколка (KO) на 40 здрави деца от област Варна на средна възраст 5,31 години (4-7 год.), разпределени като нормални, с наднормено тегло и със затлъстяване чрез ИТМ и CDC референтни стойности в зависимост от пола и възрастта. Биохимичните изследвания са взети след 12 ч. нощен глад. Поставени са педометри за определяне нивото на физическа активност (ФА). С цел валидизиране на абдоминалното затлъстяване се проведе DXA изследване заколичество MM.РЕЗУЛТАТИ: Със затлъстяване са 17,5% от участниците, като само 9,7% от всички покриват минималните препоръки за двигателна активност през седмицата и 16,1% през почивните дни. ММ (ср. кг) корелира сигнификантно с ИТМ и KO (р<0,001), a от метаболитните маркери корелира с hsCRP (r=0,533; p=0,04), както и с повишените нива на общ холестерол (r=0,458; р=0,016). Открива се значима връзка между серумния лептин и ИТМ, KO, ММ (р<0,001), както и с общия холестерол (r=0,482; р=0,008) и ниските нива на LDL-холестерол (r=0,434; р=0,019). Нивата на серумен адипонектин корелират обратнопропорционално с теглото (r=-0,415, p=0,025), при контролиране за ФА и с КО (r=-0,437; p=0,042).ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: Настоящото проучване открива значима връзка между коремната обиколка, мастната маса и утвърдени маркери за метаболитен риск при здрави деца дори в тази ранна възраст.All the studies in the Balkan countries, over the last decade, found an increasing incidence of obesity. Abdominal obesity is considered with higher morbidity,due to the higher metabolic activity of the abdominal fat mass, which is characterized by low-level chronic inflammation.OBJECTIVE: to establish a link between (abdominal) fat mass and some metabolic markers in preschool age.PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: height, weight and waist circumference (WC) of 40 healthy children living in Varna district were measured, mean age 5.31 years (4-7 yr.). Normal weight, overweight and (abdominal) obesity was defined by BMI and CDC reference values according to sex and age. Biochemical tests were taken after 12 hours of overnight fasting. Children wore pedometers to measure physical activity. In order to determine and validate the abdominal obesity a DXA study was performed.RESULTS: With obesity were 17.5% of respondents, and only 9.7% of all meet the minimum recommendations for physical activity during the week and 16.1% at weekends. Fat mass correlated significantly with BMI and WC (p <0.001), and of metabolic markers it correlated with hsCRP (r=0,533, p=0,04), as well as with elevated cholesterol levels (r=0,458, р=0,016). A significant correlation between serum leptin and BMI, WC, fat mass (p<0.001), as well as total cholesterol (r=0,482, р=0,008) and lower levels of LDL-cholesterol (r=0,434, р=0,019) was found. Levels of serum adiponectin correlated inversely with weight (r=-0,415, p=0,025), when controlling for the level of physical activity with WC too (r=-0,437, p=0,042).CONCLUSION: This study found a significant association between waist circumference, fat mass and established metabolic risk markers in healthy children even at this early age

    Adiponectin, some markers of metabolic risk and abdominal obesity in preschool age

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    Всички проучвания на Балканския полуостров през последното десетилетие откриват нарастваща честота на затлъстяването. Абдоминалното затлъстяване се смята за по-морбидно поради по-високата метаболитна активност на абдоминалната мастна маса, характеризираща се с нискостепенно хронично възпаление. Цел: Да се установи връзка между мастната маса (ММ) и някои метаболитни маркери в предучилищна възраст.Участници и методи: Измерени са ръст, тегло и коремна обиколка (KO) на 40 здрави деца от област Варна на средна възраст 5,31 години (4-7 год.), разпределени като нормални, с наднормено тегло и със затлъстяване чрез ИТМ и CDC референтни стойности в зависимост от пола и възрастта. Биохимичните изследвания са взети след 12 ч. нощен глад. Поставени са педометри за определяне нивото на физическа активност (ФА). С цел валидизиране на абдоминалното затлъстяване се проведе DXA изследване за количество MM.Резултати: Със затлъстяване са 17,5% от участниците, като само 9,7% от всички покриват минималните препоръки за двигателна активност през седмицата и 16,1% през почивните дни. ММ (ср. кг) корелира сигнификантно с ИТМ и KO (р<0,001), a от метаболитните маркери корелира с hsCRP (r=0,533; p=0,04), както и с повишените нива на общ холестерол (r=0,458; p=0,016). Открива се значима връзка между серумния лептин и ИТМ, KO, ММ (р<0,001), както и с общия холестерол (r=0,482; p=0,008) и ниските нива на LDL-холестерол (r=0,434; p=0,019). Нивата на серумен адипонектин корелират обратнопропорционално с теглото (r=-0,415, p=0,025), при контролиране за ФА и с КО (r=0,437; p=0,042).Заключение: Настоящото проучване открива значима връзка между коремната обиколка, мастната маса и утвърдени маркери за метаболитен риск при здрави деца дори в тази ранна възраст.All the studies in the Balkan countries, over the last decade, found an increasing incidence of obesity. Abdominal obesity is considered with higher morbidity, due to the higher metabolic activity of the abdominal fat mass, which is characterized by low-level chronic inflammation.Objective: to establish a link between (abdominal) fat mass and some metabolic markers in preschool age. Participants and methods: height, weight and waist circumference (WC) of 40 healthy children living in Varna district were measured, mean age 5.31 years (4-7 yr.). Normal weight, overweight and (abdominal) obesity was defined by BMI and CDC reference values according to sex and age. Biochemical tests were taken after 12 hours of overnight fasting. Children wore pedometers to measure physical activity. In order to determine and validate the abdominal obesity a DXA study was performed. Results: With obesity were 17.5% of respondents, and only 9.7% of all meet the minimum recommendations for physical activity during the week and 16.1% at weekends. Fat mass correlated significantly with BMI and WC (p <0.001), and of metabolic markers it correlated with hsCRP (r=0,533, p=0,04), as well as with elevated cholesterol levels (r=0,458, p=0,016). A significant correlation between serum leptin and BMI, WC, fat mass (p<0.001), as well as total cholesterol (r=0,482, p=0,008) and lower levels of LDL-cholester ol (r=0,434, p=0,019) was found. Levels of serum adiponectin correlated inversely with weight (r=-0,415, p=0,025), when controlling for the level of physical activity with WC too (r=-0,437, p=0,042).Conclusion: This study found a significant association between waist circumference, fat mass and established metabolic risk markers in healthy children even at this early age. Keywords: metabolic risk, adiponectin, abdominal obesity, preschoolers

    Design and specific features of the Programme for Early Detection and Follow-Up of Full-Term and Preterm Children, Born Small for Their Gestational Age

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    In 2007 the International Consensus for Management of Children Born Small for Their Gestational Age (SGA) was published. SGA birth is connected to many complications in different periods of life. Often in practice children born with small sizes are underestimated and not always referred timely to а pediatric endocrinologist. Thеse children represent а significant part of children with growth problems. In our country there is not enough information for the condition and algorithm for its follow-up. Having all this in mind, Varna Pediаtric Endocrine Society (VAPES) and Bulgarian Neonatology Association (BNА) created the Programme for Early Detection and Follow-Up of Full-Term and Pre-Term Children, Born SGA. The current publication presents the design of the study. The Programme is scientifically applied investigation for early detection of full-term and preterm SGA children, aiming to facilitate timely diagnosis of syndromes and conditions connected to SGA births and, if needed, to recommend additional testing, including genetic. Through the Programme we expect to update the data for the prevalence of SGA births and SGA children without postnatal catch-up in our country. At the end of the Programme, we will evaluate its cost-effectiveness and will create an algorithm for detection and treatment of these children

    Phompsis Capsici and Colletotrichum Coccoides Infecting Pepper in Macedonia

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    Phomopsis capsici and Colletotrichum coccodes were found on pepper fruits during a joint expedition carried out in Macedonia. The lesions caused by P. capsici often occurred together and resembled slightly those incited by C. coccodes. Phomopsis lesions could be differentiated on the basis of pliable leathery condition of the affected tissue and of pycnidium presence while C.coccodes produced lesions with regular round shape and abundant acervuli, setae and microsclerotia in colonized fruit tissue. On some fruits P. capsici caused single infection but mixed infections of Phomopsis and Colletotrichum were observed, as well, C. coccodes is a soil-borne pathogen that produces long-lasting structures (microsclerotia) in the plant debris. The development of this pathogen on pepper might contribute to the building up of inoculum in the soil which could serve as reservoir for other Solanaceae. To our knowledge, this is the first report of P. capsici and C. coccodes on pepper in Macedonia

    Dental Trauma. Decoronation Technique as a Successful Method in the Treatment of Ankylosis

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    Introduction: Dental trauma is a common condition among children which occurs more often at the age of 8-12 years. Posttraumatic dental ankylosis is a major problem that can be solved with decoronation.  This is a technique developed in 1984 to remove ankylosed teeth and increase marginal bone levels in young growing individuals.Materials and Methods: After studying different articles and researches we have tried to describe the main advantages of the decoronation technique.Results: The decoronation technique is suggested as an alternative treatment to the extraction of ankylosed teeth which attempts to preserve its surrounding alveolar bone and prevent tooth infra-positioning. This procedure involves gingival mucoperiosteal flap elevation, subcrestal removal of the tooth crown leaving the root in its alveolus to be replaced by bone. Following complete crown removal, the existing root canal filling is removed to prevent foreign body reaction. The preservation of decoronated roots in the alveolar process helps maintain existing bone volume and enables vertical bone growth which can be observed coronally to the decoronated root. Studies show that in early mixed dentition (age 7-10 years) cases - decoronation should be performed within 2 years, whereas in late mixed dentition (age 10-12 years) cases - a decision based on the individual case  should be made.Conclusion: In conclusion, we can summarize that dental trauma often results in tooth ankyloses, which can lead to serious complications such as root resorption, tooth infra-position, or can affect the development of the alveolar ridge. The adequate treatment in such cases requires performing the decoronation technique, which not only helps in preserving the bone volume but also complements the future prosthetic treatment

    Initial results from the treatment with growth hormone of short, small for gestational age children

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    Introduction: Growth is important indicator of a child`s health. According to the literature, every year between 3 and 7% children are born with birth length and/or weight less than the 10th percentile for the corresponding gestational age. From those born short for gestational age (SGA), one in every ten children cannot catch up in growth. Recently, these children are defined in the literature as “short, SGA children”. Namely, in those children, especially in those untreated, metabolic and cardiovascular changes can be seen with age. In Bulgaria there is still no reimbursement for growth hormone (GH) treatment of this indication, and treatment is supported by a nation-wide charity (The Bulgarian Christmas).Aim: The aim of this article is to assess patients born SGA, without catch-up growth, regarding the age at start of the treatment, duration and effect of growth hormone treatment.Patients and Methods: Patients’ data was collected retrospectively from the maintained VECRED record. Statistical analysis was conducted by means of the SPSS programme. The most important factors regarding growth hormone treatment efficacy were assessed.Results: Currently at the center there are 43 SGA patients with short stature at an average age of 10.3 ± 7.1 y (1.7–40.1), 26 (60.5%) at an average age of 10.3 ± 4.2 y (3.7–17.3) are treated with growth hormone and 17 (39.5%) are just followed. The average age when the GH treatment was initially started is 6.5 ± 3.7 y (1.4–12.1). The gender distribution of the group is nearly 1:1 (22 boys:21 girls). The most common specific diagnosis is Silver-Russell Syndrome (22, 51.2%), followed by Noonan syndrome (3, 6.9%), Di George Syndrome (2, 4.7%), Lowe syndrome, etc. On the average the treatment duration is 39.3 ± 30.2 months (4–120). From the start of the treatment until the current survey, the height of the patients has increased with 1.23 ± 1.8 SDS.Conclusion: Growth hormone treatment in short SGA children leads to good results and that is why it is currently an accepted standard worldwide. This is also confirmed by the current results

    Synthesis and characterization of sol-gel mesoporous organosilicas functionalized with amine groups

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    In this work we report on the synthesis of porous amine functionalized organosilica materials prepared by co-condensation of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) and bis-[3-(trimethoxyosilyl)propyl] amine (BTPA). The gels were prepared through a one-step sol-gel process catalyzed by the - NH- groups of BTPA. A block copolymer poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(propylene glycol)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) (P123) was employed as a porogen using the surfactant template method. The resultant materials have been characterized by nitrogen gas sorption, powder X-ray diffraction, FT-IR, SEM, Si-29 MAS NMR, C-13 CP MAS NMR and TG/DTA analysis. In order to examine the potential of these materials as adsorbents for heavy metals, Hg(II) adsorption experiments were also performed. The hybrids showed mesoporous disordered structure as evidenced by N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms and XRD patterns. Adsorption of Hg(II) ions from aqueous solutions showed high capacities suggesting that these materials could be used as adsorbents for Hg(II) ions in acid solutions. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Modified Approach Using Mentha arvensis in the Synthesis of ZnO Nanoparticles&mdash;Textural, Structural, and Photocatalytic Properties

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    Zinc oxide arouses considerable interest since it has many applications&mdash;in microelectronics, environmental decontaminations, biomedicine, photocatalysis, corrosion, etc. The present investigation describes the green synthesis of nanosized ZnO particles using a low-cost, ecologically friendly approach compared to the classical methods, which are aimed at limiting their harmful effects on the environment. In this study, ZnO nanoparticles were prepared using an extract of Mentha arvensis (MA) leaves as a stabilizing/reducing agent, followed by hydrothermal treatment at 180 &deg;C. The resulting powder samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) phase analysis, infrared spectroscopy (IRS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The specific surface area and pore size distribution were measured by the Brunauer&ndash;Emmett&ndash;Taylor (BET) method. Electronic paramagnetic resonance spectra were recorded at room temperature and at 123 K by a JEOL JES-FA 100 EPR spectrometer. The intensity of the bands within the range of 400&ndash;1700 cm&minus;1 for biosynthesized ZnO (BS-Zn) powders decreased with the increase in the Mentha arvensis extract concentration. Upon increasing the plant extract concentration, the relative proportion of mesopores in the BS-Zn samples also increased. It was established that the photocatalytic performance of the biosynthesized powders was dependent on the MA concentration in the precursor solution. According to EPR and PL analyses, it was proved that there was a presence of singly ionized oxygen vacancies (V0+) and zinc interstitials (Zni). The use of the plant extract led to changes in the morphology, phase composition, and structure of the ZnO particles, which were responsible for the increased photocatalytic rate of discoloration of Malachite Green dye