1 research outputs found

    Promoting self-determination skills in the classroom: the Self-determined Learning Model of Instruction (Spanish version)

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    Within Spanish context, initiatives to promote self-determination in educational settings still lacking despite of the availability of instruments designed to enable the instruction of self-determination skills, such as the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction. This evidence-based practice enables teachers to instruct students to develop self-determination actions and skills. This study aims to present the Spanish translated and adapted version of the afore mentioned program/tool, in an effort to improve the focus of self-determination instruction in the Spanish educational context by providing practitioners with a model of instruction intended to teach skills associated with the promotion and enhancement of self-determined action.La promoci贸n de la autodeterminaci贸n en contexto escolar sigue siendo una tarea pendiente en el contexto espa帽ol, junto a la existencia de diferentes instrumentos centrados en la ense帽anza de habilidades relacionadas con la conducta autodeterminada. Algunos, como el Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction o Modelo de Ense帽anza/Aprendizaje de la Autodeterminaci贸n han demostrado su eficacia en el fomento de dichas habilidades en contexto estadounidense. El presente estudio pretende dar a conocer la versi贸n adaptada de dicho modelo de intervenci贸n, su modo de implementaci贸n, as铆 como las evidencias emp铆ricas que avalan su eficacia, a fin de ofrecer un instrumento de intervenci贸n que los profesionales educativos puedan usar en contexto escolar.