14 research outputs found

    Temporal change in land use by irrigation source in Tamil Nadu and management implications

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    Interannual variation in rainfall throughout Tamil Nadu has been causing frequent and noticeable land use changes despite the rapid development in groundwater irrigation. Identifying periodically water-stressed areas is the first and crucial step to minimizing negative effects on crop production. Such analysis must be conducted at the basin level as it is an independent water accounting unit. This paper investigates the temporal variation in irrigated area between 2000–2001 and 2010–2011 due to rainfall variation at the state and sub-basin level by mapping and classifying Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) 8-day composite satellite imagery using spectral matching techniques. A land use/land cover map was drawn with an overall classification accuracy of 87.2 %. Area estimates between the MODIS-derived net irrigated area and district-level statistics (2000–2001 to 2007–2008) were in 95 % agreement. A significant decrease in irrigated area (30–40 %) was observed during the water-stressed years of 2002–2003, 2003–2004, and 2009–2010. Major land use changes occurred three times during 2000 to 2010. This study demonstrates how remote sensing can identify areas that are prone to repeated land use changes and pin-point key target areas for the promotion of drought-tolerant varieties, alternative water management practices, and new cropping patterns to ensure sustainable agriculture for food security and livelihoods

    Trombose de veia porta: revisão de literatura e relato de caso

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    Os autores apresentam o caso de uma mulher de 78 anos, com trombose venosa de veia porta. De acordo com uma hipótese recente, tromboses venosas, em geral, ocorrem apenas quando vários fatores são combinados. Esses fatores incluem distúrbios herdados ou adquiridos pró-trombótico, outros fatores trombofílicos, e fatores locais.  O diagnóstico é realizado através da ultrassonografia abdominal com Doppler. A questão central da terapêutica é o uso de anticoagulante. O tratamento é direcionado para as complicações, incluindo profilaxia primária e secundária de hemorragia digestiva alta (que resulta da ruptura de varizes esofágicas), e derivações porto-sistêmicas, em casos selecionados. Dessa forma, uma abordagem diagnóstica e terapêutica adequada é desejável na tentativa de se reduzir a morbimortalidade. Os autores apresentam uma breve revisão da literatura, e discutem o caso clínico

    Remote sensing based change analysis of rice environments in Odisha, India.

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    The rainfed rice-growing environment is perhaps one of the most vulnerable to water stress such as drought and floods. It is important to determine the spatial extent of the stress-prone areas to effectively and efficiently promote proper technologies (e.g., stress-tolerant varieties) to tackle the problem of sustainable food production. This study was conducted in Odisha state located in eastern India. Odisha is predominantly a rainfed rice ecosystem (71% rainfed and 29% canal irrigated during kharif-monsoon season), where rice is the major crop and staple food of the people. However, rice productivity in Odisha is one of the lowest in India and a significant decline (9%) in rice cultivated area was observed in 2002 (a drought year). The present study analyzed the temporal rice cropping pattern in various ecosystems and identified the stress-prone areas due to submergence (flooding) and water shortage. The spatial distribution of rice areas was mapped using MODIS (MOD09Q1) 250-m 8-day time-series data (2000?2010) and spectral matching techniques. The mapped rice areas were strongly correlated (R2 = 90%) with district-level statistics. Also the class accuracy based on field-plot data was 84.8%. The area under the rainfed rice ecosystem continues to dominate, recording the largest share among rice classes across all the years. The use of remote-sensing techniques is rapid, cost-effective, and reliable to monitor changes in rice cultivated area over long periods of time and estimate the reduction in area cultivated due to abiotic stress such as water stress and submergence. Agricultural research institutes and line departments in the government can use these techniques for better planning, regular monitoring of land-use changes, and dissemination of appropriate technologies

    Temporal change in land use by irrigation source in Tamil Nadu and management implications

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    Interannual variation in rainfall throughout Tamil Nadu has been causing frequent and noticeable land use changes despite the rapid development in groundwater irrigation. Identifying periodically water-stressed areas is the first and crucial step to minimizing negative effects on crop production. Such analysis must be conducted at the basin level as it is an independent water accounting unit. This paper investigates the temporal variation in irrigated area between 2000–2001 and 2010–2011 due to rainfall variation at the state and sub-basin level by mapping and classifying Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) 8-day composite satellite imagery using spectral matching techniques. A land use/land cover map was drawn with an overall classification accuracy of 87.2 %. Area estimates between the MODISderived net irrigated area and district-level statistics (2000–2001 to 2007–2008) were in 95 % agreement. A significant decrease in irrigated area (30–40 %) was observed during the water-stressed years of 2002–2003, 2003–2004, and 2009–2010. Major land use changes occurred three times during 2000 to 2010. This study demonstrates how remote sensing can identify areas that are prone to repeated land use changes and pin-point key target areas for the promotion of drought-tolerant varieties, alternativewater management practices, and new cropping patterns to ensure sustainable agriculture for food security and livelihoods

    Idiopathic orbital myositis in childhood: A case report [Çocuklarda idiopatik orbital miyozit: Bir vaka takdimi]

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    Idiopathic orbital myositis is an autoimmune disease which is rarely seen among children. Corticosteroids are the mainstay of treatment, inducing rapid and dramatic reversal of inflammatory findings. An extended taper of the corticosteroids is advised to prevent rebound inflammation. In this case report, we present an 11-years-old girl who admitted to our clinic with acute onset orbital pain, periorbital edema and diplopia and who was finally diagnosed as idiopathic orbital myositis

    Remote sensing based change analysis of rice environments in Odisha, India

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    The rainfed rice-growing environment is perhaps one of the most vulnerable to water stress such as drought and floods. It is important to determine the spatial extent of the stress-prone areas to effectively and efficiently promote proper technologies (e.g., stress-tolerant varieties) to tackle the problem of sustainable food production. This study was conducted in Odisha state located in eastern India. Odisha is predominantly a rainfed rice ecosystem (71% rainfed and 29% canal irrigated during kharif-monsoon season), where rice is the major crop and staple food of the people. However, rice productivity in Odisha is one of the lowest in India and a significant decline (9%) in rice cultivated area was observed in 2002 (a drought year). The present study analyzed the temporal rice cropping pattern in various ecosystems and identified the stress-prone areas due to submergence (flooding) and water shortage. The spatial distribution of rice areas was mapped using MODIS (MOD09Q1) 250-m 8-day time-series data (2000–2010) and spectral matching techniques. The mapped rice areas were strongly correlated (R2 = 90%) with district-level statistics. Also the class accuracy based on field-plot data was 84.8%. The area under the rainfed rice ecosystem continues to dominate, recording the largest share among rice classes across all the years. The use of remote-sensing techniques is rapid, cost-effective, and reliable to monitor changes in rice cultivated area over long periods of time and estimate the reduction in area cultivated due to abiotic stress such as water stress and submergence. Agricultural research institutes and line departments in the government can use these techniques for better planning, regular monitoring of land-use changes, and dissemination of appropriate technologies

    Shieling Areas: Historical Grazing Pressures and Landscape Responses in Northern Iceland

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    Historical domestic livestock grazing in sensitivelandscapes has commonly been regarded as a major cause ofland degradation in Iceland. Shieling areas, where milkinglivestock were taken to pasture for the summer, representedone element of grazing management and in this paper weconsider the extent to which historical shieling-based grazingpressure contributed to land degradation. Based on a grazingmodel to assess pressures and tephrochronology -based soilaccumulation rates allied to micromorphology as a proxy forland degradation, our findings suggest that the shieling system contributed to the maintenance of upland vegetationcover and related productivity levels without causing landdegradation from settlement through to ca. AD 1300. As landdegradation accelerated from ca. AD 1477 it is likely thatshieling management continued to operate effectively contributingto the overall resilience of livestock farming