185 research outputs found

    High-field recovery of the undistorted triangular lattice in the frustrated metamagnet CuFeO2

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    Pulsed field magnetization experiments extend the typical metamagnetic staircase of CuFeO2 up to 58 T to reveal an additional first order phase transition at high field for both the parallel and perpendicular field configuration. Virtually complete isotropic behavior is retrieved only above this transition, indicating the high-field recovery of the undistorted triangular lattice. A consistent phenomenological rationalization for the field dependence and metamagnetism crossover of the system is provided, demonstrating the importance of both spin-phonon coupling and a small field-dependent easy-axis anisotropy in accurately describing the magnetization process of CuFeO2.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Mapping the B,T phase diagram of frustrated metamagnet CuFeO2

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    The magnetic phase diagram of CuFeO2 as a function of applied magnetic field and temperature is thoroughly explored and expanded, both for magnetic fields applied parallel and perpendicular to the material's c-axis. Pulsed field magnetization measurements extend the typical magnetic staircase of CuFeO2 at various temperatures, demonstrating the persistence of the recently discovered high field metamagnetic transition up to Tn2 ~ 11 K in both field configurations. An extension of the previously introduced phenomenological spin model used to describe the high field magnetization process (Phys. Rev. B, 80, 012406 (2009)) is applied to each of the consecutive low-field commensurate spin structures, yielding a semi-quantitative simulation and intuitive description of the entire experimental magnetization process in both relevant field directions with a single set of parameters.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Bas-fonds et riziculture

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    Spin susceptibility and polarization field in a dilute two-dimensional electron system in (111) silicon

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    We find that the polarization field, B_chi, obtained by scaling the weak-parallel-field magnetoresistance at different electron densities in a dilute two-dimensional electron system in (111) silicon, corresponds to the spin susceptibility that grows strongly at low densities. The polarization field, B_sat, determined by resistance saturation, turns out to deviate to lower values than B_chi with increasing electron density, which can be explained by filling of the upper electron subbands in the fully spin-polarized regime

    Le terroir et son double : Tsarahonenana 1966-1992, Madagascar

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    Temperature dependence of antiferromagnetic susceptibility in ferritin

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    We show that antiferromagnetic susceptibility in ferritin increases with temperature between 4.2 K and 180 K (i. e. below the N\'{e}el temperature) when taken as the derivative of the magnetization at high fields (30Ă—10430\times10^4 Oe). This behavior contrasts with the decrease in temperature previously found, where the susceptibility was determined at lower fields (5Ă—1045\times10^4 Oe). At high fields (up to 50Ă—10450 \times10^4 Oe) the temperature dependence of the antiferromagnetic susceptibility in ferritin nanoparticles approaches the normal behavior of bulk antiferromagnets and nanoparticles considering superantiferromagnetism, this latter leading to a better agreement at high field and low temperature. The contrast with the previous results is due to the insufficient field range used (<5Ă—104< 5 \times10^4 Oe), not enough to saturate the ferritin uncompensated moment.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Formation of collective spins in frustrated clusters

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    Using magnetization, specific heat and neutron scattering measurements, as well as exact calculations on realistic models, the magnetic properties of the \lacuvo compound are characterized on a wide temperature range. At high temperature, this oxide is well described by strongly correlated atomic SS=1/2 spins while decreasing the temperature it switches to a set of weakly interacting and randomly distributed entangled pseudo spins S~=1/2\tilde S=1/2 and S~=0\tilde S=0. These pseudo-spins are built over frustrated clusters, similar to the kagom\'e building block, at the vertices of a triangular superlattice, the geometrical frustration intervening then at different scales.Comment: 10 page
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