273 research outputs found

    Influence of nutrition on productivity and chemical composition of khorasan wheat-triticum turgidum l. Ssp. turanicum jakubz

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    Khorasan wheat (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. turanicum Jakubz.) the white awn population is the optional type of a high-energy grain. This study aimed to examine the influence of plants’ mineral nutrition on the chemical composition of Khorasan grain. The mineral diet used in the supplementary plant nutrition affected the total amount of dry matter and the chemical composition of wheat grains, increasing its nutritional value. At the time of harvest, Khorasan wheat grains contained 89.74% of dry matter, i.e. 10.26% of water, while in the variants with additional nutrition had less dry matter 86.90% and more water, 13.10%, which indicates an extension of the vegetation period of plants in conditions of enhanced mineral nutrition. Mineral nutrition, which primarily increased the amount of nitrogen, statistically significantly affected protein synthesis in plants. Khorasan wheat grains had 14.94% of total proteins in the control and 15.2% in variants with NPP nutrition. Plant nutrition did not have a greater impact on the synthesis of oils in the grains, starch, NFE, and mineral salts content. The supplementary nutrition affected the total amount of dry matter and chemical composition of wheat grain increasing its nutritional value

    An open architecture control system for multi‐axis wood CNC machining center

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    Abstract: This paper presents an open architecture control system for multi‐axis wood computer numerical control (CNC) milling machining centre, based on LinuxCNC. The wood CNC machining system is supported by an equivalent virtual machine in a CAD/CAM environment, as well as in the control system. Simulation within virtual environment is essential for multi‐axis machining, and the developed virtual machines are used for program verification and monitoring of the machining process. The virtual machine in the programming system allows the verification of the program before it’s sent to the actual machine, while the virtual machine in the control system represents the final verification of the program, as well as the process monitoring system. Configuration of the control system and implementation of virtual machines will be shown, along with the conducted machining experiments that ensued after the successful simulation on developed virtual machines

    In situ XRPD and DSC study of order-disorder phase transition in nanosize Li-ferrite

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    An order-disorder phase transition of nanosize Li-ferrite (Li0.50Fe2.50O4) was studied by DSC measurements and in situ XRPD technique. The phase transition temperature is found to be 762 °C (DSC) and (745±5) °C (XRPD).Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Antifungalna aktivnost ekstrakata makrogljiva na fitopatogene sojeve gljiva rodova Fusarium sp. i Alternaria sp.

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    During the last decades, intensive application of synthetic fungicides in the agricultural crop protection practice caused growing concern for the existence of toxic chemical residues in food as well as in the whole environment. Instead of using synthetic fungicides, it is suggested that crop protection be carried out by using preparations based on compounds of natural origin (secondary metabolites of plants or microorganisms, including macrofungi from Basidiomycota) as biological control agents. The potential of macrofungal species as biocontrol agents was analyzed in this investigation of eight autochthonous species from different locations in Serbia. Both the terricolous species: Coprinus comatus, Coprinellus truncorum, Amanita strobiliformis, Hydnum repandum and the lignicolous species: Flammulina velutipes, Stereum subtomentosum, Trametes versicolor and Bjerkandera adusta were examined, with an aim to detect some novel sources of antifungal agents. This study surveyed antifungal activity of selected macrofungal extracts (MeOH, EtOH and CHCl3) against phytopathogenic Fusarium and Alternaria strains isolated from garlic, soybean and rice: F. proliferatum, F. verticillioides, F. proliferatum, F. graminearum and A. padwickii. Microdilution method in 96 well micro-plates was applied for the estimation of antifungal effects of macrofungi extracts in the range from 24.75 to 198.00 mg/ml and determination of minimal inhibitory (MIC) and minimal fungicidal concentration (MFC). EtOH extract of mychorhizal species H. repandum showed antifungal activity against all analyzed phytopathogenic strains, with the strongest effect on Fusarium strains (MIC 24.75 mg/ml; MFC 24.75 mg/ml). Among others, MeOH extracts of S. subtomentosum and C. micaceus showed similar effects while only B. adusta showed slight effect on Fusarium strains (MIC 24.75-99.00 mg/ml; MFC 24.75-99.00 mg/ml) and none effect on A. padwickii. The obtained results indicate the possibility of using examined extracts as efficient antifungal agents and provide the basis for the new formulations of biocontrol agents against phytopathogenic fungi in the future.Tokom poslednjih decenija intezivna primena sintetičkih fungicida u zaštiti poljoprivrednih useva izaziva sve veću zabrinutost ljudi zbog prisustva toksičnih hemijskih ostataka u prehrambenim proizvodima kao i celoj okolini. Umesto korišćenja sintetičkih fungicida, preporučuje se da se zaštita useva vrši korišćenjem preparata na bazi jedinjenja prirodnog porekla (sekundarni metaboliti biljaka ili mikroorganizama uključujući i makrogljive iz razdela Basidiomycota) kao agense biološke kontrole. U ovom radu istraživan je potencijal agenasa biološke kontrole za osam autohtonih vrsta makrogljiva s različitih lokaliteta u Srbiji. Obe, terikolne vrste: Coprinus comatus, Coprinellus truncorum, Amanita strobiliformis, Hydnum repandum i lignikolne vrste: Flammulina velutipes, Stereum subtomentosum, Trametes versicolor i Bjerkandera adusta su istražene s ciljem da se otkriju neki novi izvori antifungalnih agenasa. U okviru ovog rada istražena je antifungalna aktivnost odabranih ekstrakata makrogljiva (metanolni, etanolni i hloroformski) protiv fitopatogenih sojeva Fusarium i Alternaria izolovanih s belog luka, soje i pirinča: F. proliferatum, F. verticillioides, F. proliferatum, F. graminearum i A. padwickii. Za procenu antifungalnog efekta ekstrakata makrogljiva upotrebljena je mikrodiluciona metoda mikrotitar pločama s 96 velova u opsegu koncentracija od 24,75 do 198,00 mg/ml i determinaciju minimalne inhibitorne (MIC) i minimalne fungicidne koncentracije (MFC). Etanolni ekstrakt mikorizne vrste H. repandum pokazao je atifungalnu aktivnost prema svim analiziranim fitopatogenim sojevima, sa najjačim efektom prema sojevima Fusarium (MIC 24,75 mg/ml; MFC 24,75 mg/ml). Između ostalog, sličan efekat pokazali su i metanolni ekstrakti S. subtomentosum i C. micaceus, dok je samo B. adusta imala blagi efekat na sojeve Fusarium (MIC 24,75-99,00 mg/ml; MFC 24,75-99,00 mg/ml), ali ne i na A. padwickii. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na mogućnost korišćenja ispitanih ekstrakata kao veoma efikasnih antifungalnih agenasa i samim tim oni predstavljaju osnovu za nove formulacije biokontrolnih agenasa protiv fitopatogenih gljiva u budućnosti

    Laser feedback interferometry in multi-mode terahertz quantum cascade lasers

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    The typical modal characteristics arising during laser feedback interferometry (LFI) in multi-mode terahertz (THz) quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are investigated in this work. To this end, a set of multi-mode reduced rate equations with gain saturation for a general Fabry-Pérot multi-mode THz QCL under optical feedback is developed. Depending on gain bandwidth of the laser and optical feedback level, three different operating regimes are identified, namely a single-mode regime, a multi-mode regime, and a tuneable-mode regime. When the laser operates in the single-mode and multi-mode regimes, the self-mixing signal amplitude (peak to peak value of the self-mixing fringes) is proportional to the feedback coupling rate at each mode frequency. However, this rule no longer holds when the laser enters into the tuneable-mode regime, in which the feedback level becomes sufficiently strong (the boundary value of the feedback level depends on the gain bandwidth). The mapping of the identified feedback regimes of the multi-mode THz QCL in the space of the gain bandwidth and feedback level is investigated. In addition, the dependence of the aforementioned mapping of these three regimes on the linewidth enhancement factor of the laser is also explored, which provides a systematic picture of the potential of LFI in multi-mode THz QCLs for spectroscopic sensing applications

    Origin of Shifts in the Surface Plasmon Resonance Frequencies for Au and Ag Nanoparticles

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    Origin of shifts in the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) frequency for noble metal (Au, Ag) nanoclusters are discussed in this book chapter. Spill out of electron from the Fermi surface is considered as the origin of red shift. On the other hand, both screening of electrons of the noble metal in porous media and quantum effect of screen surface electron are considered for the observed blue shift in the SPR peak position.Comment: 37 pages, 14 Figures in the submitted book chapter of The Annual Reviews in Plasmonics, edited by Professor Chris D. Geddes. Springer Scinec

    Tunneling and propagation of vacuum bubbles on dynamical backgrounds

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    In the context of bubble universes produced by a first-order phase transition with large nucleation rates compared to the inverse dynamical time scale of the parent bubble, we extend the usual analysis to non-vacuum backgrounds. In particular, we provide semi-analytic and numerical results for the modified nucleation rate in FLRW backgrounds, as well as a parameter study of bubble walls propagating into inhomogeneous (LTB) or FLRW spacetimes, both in the thin-wall approximation. We show that in our model, matter in the background often prevents bubbles from successful expansion and forces them to collapse. For cases where they do expand, we give arguments why the effects on the interior spacetime are small for a wide range of reasonable parameters and discuss the limitations of the employed approximations.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, typos corrected, matches published versio