41 research outputs found

    Ekonomski efekti proizvodnje ozime pšenice na poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima u Republici Srbiji za 2006. i 2011. godinu

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    Based on the comparative analysis of gross margins in 2006 and 2011, the economic impact of winter wheat production on farms in the Republic of Serbia was estimated. The subject of the analysis was variable costs for purchased seed, fertilizers, pesticides, and contract harvesting services. Based on the analysis of the gross margin for winter wheat, it was noted that the value of production (VP), total variable costs (TVC) and gross margin (GM) were significantly higher in 2011 than in 2006. In 2011, VP was higher due to a significantly higher yield and the higher price of winter wheat grain. In addition to higher prices of all inputs, the increase in variable costs was mostly influenced by the higher price of fertilizer. Comparing the two time periods in winter wheat production, it was concluded that the value of GM in 2011 increased by 30%.Na osnovu uporedne analize vrednosti bruto marži u 2006. i 2011. godini procenjen je ekonomski efekat proizvodnje ozime pšenice na poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima u Srbiji. Analizirani su varijabilni troškovi, koji su se odnosili na utrošak novčanih sredstava za nabavku semena, đubriva, pesticida i ugovorene usluge za žetvu. Na osnovu analize kalkulacija bruto marži za ozimu pšenicu konstatovano je da su u odnosu na 2006. vrednost proizvodnje (VP), ukupni varijabilni troškovi (UVT) i bruto marža (BM) bili značajno veći u 2011. godini. U 2011. godini veća VP uslovljena je značajno većim prinosom i višom cenom zrna ozime pšenice. Na povećanje varijabilnih troškova, pored viših cena svih inputa, u najvećoj meri uticala je cena đubriva. Poređenjem ova dva vremenska perioda u proizvodnji ozime pšenice, vrednost BM u 2011. godini bila je veća za 30%

    The nutritive composition of sugar beet leaf

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    SSSL: Shoulder Surfing Safe Login

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    Classical PIN-entry methods are vulnerable to a broad class of observation attacks (shoulder surfing, key-logging). A number of alternative PIN-entry methods that are based on human cognitive skills have been proposed. These methods can be classified into two classes regarding information available to a passive adversary: (i) the adversary fully observes the entire input and output of a PIN-entry procedure, and (ii) the adversary can only partially observe the input and/or output. In this paper we propose a novel PIN-entry scheme- Shoulder Surfing Safe Login (SSSL). SSSL is a challenge response protocol that allows a user to login securely in the presence of the adversary who can observe (via key-loggers, cameras) user input. This is accomplished by restricting the access to SSSL challenge values. Compared to existing solutions, SSSL is both user-friendly (not mentally demanding) and cost efficient. Our usability study reveals that the average login time with SSSL is around 8 sec in a 5-digit PIN scenario. We also show the importance of considering side-channel timing attacks in the context of authentication schemes based on human cognitive skills

    Analiza nosivosti vertikalno opterećenog šipa za potrebe izgradnje petlje „Merošina 1“ na autoputu E-80 deonica: Niš –Merošina

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    U Srbiji je počela izgradnja autoputa E-80 koji će predstavljati saobraćajno čvorište zapadnog Balkana i biće deo glavne regionalne transportne mreže jugoistočne Evrope. Njegova ukupna dužina kroz Srbiju iznosi 77 km, a prva deonica u dužini od 5.5 km je završena i puštena u saobraćaj krajem jula 2023. god. To je prva od četiri deonice Sektora 1 čija je dužina 32.65 km. U sklopu petlje „Merošina 1“ izgrađen je nadvožnjak koji je oslonjen na devet stubnih mesta na međusobnom rastojanju od oko 25 m. Svaki stub je fundiran na šipovima i to sa predloženim rasporedom od 2 šipa u grupi. U radu su na osnovu izvršenih geotehničkih istraživanja terena, analizirani rezultati nosivosti vertikalno opterećenog šipa prečnika 1.2 m i dužine šipa od L = 18 m. Analiza je izvršena primenom različitih metoda koristeći rezultate statičke penetracije-CPT, laboratorijskih ispitivanja tla kao i probnog opterećenja šipa

    Failure Assessment of Embankment Dam Elements: Case Study of the Pirot Reservoir System

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    The paper presents a functionality investigation of the key dam elements based on finite element analysis. A detailed analysis of filtration processes, dam strength, and the surrounding rock mass was conducted. Dam elements whose potential damage could jeopardize the normal functioning of the embankment dam have been identified. A particular emphasis was placed on the analysis of dam elements that have been identified as weak points. A numerical analysis of the impact of individual grout curtain zone failure on leakage under the dam body, a strength analysis of the overflow section, as well as the analysis of the slope stability that can compromise the functioning of the spillway have been performed. To analyze the partial stability of individual structural elements, a new measure of local stability was introduced as the remaining load-bearing capacity. As a case study, the Zavoj dam, which is a part of the Pirot reservoir system in the Republic of Serbia, was used. Investigation revealed that local damage to the grout curtain will not significantly increase leakage under the dam body, the overflow section is one of the most robust elements of the dam, but the slope above the spillway can compromise the functioning of the overflow and thus the safety of the entire dam. Based on the analysis of the results of the remaining load-bearing capacity, the dependence of the spillway capacity on earthquake intensity has been defined. The established relationship represents a surrogate model for further assessment of dynamic resilience of the complex multipurpose reservoir system, within the scope of the advanced reservoir system management

    In situ XRPD and DSC study of order-disorder phase transition in nanosize Li-ferrite

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    An order-disorder phase transition of nanosize Li-ferrite (Li0.50Fe2.50O4) was studied by DSC measurements and in situ XRPD technique. The phase transition temperature is found to be 762 °C (DSC) and (745±5) °C (XRPD).Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    THE CLASSIFICATION OF CYTOLOGIC FINDINGS OF CERVIX UTERI »ZAGREB 2002« The Modification of the »Zagreb 1990« and »NCI Bethesda System 2001« Classifications

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    »Zagreb 2002«, nova jedinstvena klasifikacija citoloških nalaza vrata maternice u Hrvatskoj, predstavlja modifikaciju klasifikacija »Zagreb 1990« i »NCI Bethesda system 2001«. Za ocjenu primjerenosti uzorka koriste se dvije skupine, »zadovoljava« i »ne zadovoljava«, s tim da ocjena ne zadovoljava uključuje i uzorke koji nisu analizirani kao i one koji su analizirani ali procjena abnormalnosti nije moguća, uz dodatna objašnjenja razloga. Prema općoj podjeli nalazi se klasificiraju kao »negativno na intraepitelnu ili invazivnu leziju« (uredan nalaz, promjene uz reaktivne i reparatorne¬ reakcije, nalaz koji ukazuje na određeni rizik) i »abnormalne stanice« (stanične promjene koje su morfološki u skladu s intraepitelnim ili invazivnim malignim lezijama). Opisna dijagnoza sadrži rubrike »mikroorganizmi«, »drugi ne-neoplastični nalazi« i »abnormalne stanice« (skvamozne, glandularne, neodređena značenja i druge maligne neoplazme). U skupinu »Drugi ne-neoplastični nalazi«, koji se mogu naći uz ili bez abnormalnih stanica, svrstane su reaktivne promjene na stanicama, reparatorni epitel, rezervne stanice, parakeratoza, diskeratoza, hiperkeratoza, nalaz cilindričnih stanica iza histerektomije, nalaz endometralnih stanica izvan ciklusa ili u postmenopauzi, te konstatacija da citohormonski status ne odgovara dobi i/ili anamnezi. Skvamozne lezije su podijeljene u tri skupine: »atipične skvamozne stanice« (ASC), »skvamozna intraepitelna lezija« (SIL) i »carcinoma planocellulare«. Novost je da unutar kategorije atipične skvamozne stanice (ASC) razlikujemo pod¬skupine: »neodređena značenja« (ASC-US), »ne može se isključiti HSIL« (ASC-H) i »ne može se isključiti invazija«. Za skupinu skvamozna intraepitelna lezija (SIL) u upotrebi su i dalje sva tri aktualna nazivlja, a jedina promjena se odnosi na dodatak »početna invazija se ne može isključiti«, koja se odnosi na inače karakteristične citološke slike karcinoma in situ s nekim promjenama na stanicama i podlozi, koje ukazuju na mogućnost rane invazije strome. Glandularne lezije su također podijeljene u tri skupine: »atipične glandularne stanice« (tri podskupine; vjerojatno reaktivne, vjerojatno intraepitlne i vjerojatno invazivne), »adenocarcinoma in situ« (AIS) i »adenocarcinoma«, uz naznaku¬ porijekla.¬ Skupina »abnormalne stanice neodređena značenja« i skupina »druge maligne neoplazme« se odnosi na abnormalnosti, gdje je/nije moguće postaviti diferencijalnu citološku dijagnozu.»Zagreb 2002«, a new unique classification of cytologic findings of the cervix uteri in Croatia presents the modification of the »Zagreb 1990« and »NCI Bethesda system 2001« classifications. There are two categories, that are »adequate« and »inadequate«, applied for the assessment of specimen adequacy. The category of inadequate also includes specimen that have not been analysed as well as the ones that have been analysed but the abnormality assessment cannot be given for whatever the reason is, accompanied by the additional explanation. According to the general division, the findings are classified as »negative for intraepithelial or invasive lesion« (no irregularities, changes with reactive and reparative reactions, results indicating certain risk) and »abnormal cells« (cellular changes which morphologically are in compliance with intraepithelial or invasive malignant lesions). Descriptive diagnosis contains the following sections: »micro-organisms«, »other non-neoplastic findings« and »abnormal cells« (squamous, glandular, non-defined and other malignant lesions). Reactive cellular changes, reparative epithelium, reserve cells, parakeratosis, dyskeratosis, hyperkeratosis, glandular cells status post hysterectomy, endometrial cells finding out of the cycle or during the postmenopause, as well as the definition that cytohormonal status is not adequate to the age and/or anamnesis all pertain to the category of »other non-neoplastic findings«, that can be found with or without abnormal cells. Squamous lesions are divided into the three groups: »atypical squamous cells« (ASC), »squamous intraepithelial lesion« (SIL) and »carcinoma planocellulare«. The news is there are the three subgroups, those are »non defined« (ASC-US), »HSIL cannot be excluded« (ASC-H) and »invasion cannot be excluded« within the category of »atypical squamous cells«. There are still three current names applied for the category of squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL). The only change concerns the supplement »initial invasion cannot be excluded« which refers to typical cytologic pictures of carcinoma in situ with several changes on cells and the base that indicate the possibility of the early stroma invasion. Glandular lesions are also divided into the three groups: »atypical glandular cells« (three subgroups: »favor reactive, favor intraepithelial and favor invasive), »adenocarcinoma in situ« (AIS) and »adenocarcinoma«, accompanied by the suggestion of origin. The »abnormal non-defined cells« group and »other malignant neoplasms« group refer to abnormalities where it is not/is possible to set a differential cytologic diagnosis

    Dynamic response of existing embankment dams in specific geotechnical and seismological conditions: contemporary framework for Serbian national guidelines

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    We suggest a new approach for evaluating the dynamic response of existing embankment dams as a guideline for national engineering regulations in Serbia. This novel concept is applied to the case study of the existing embankment dam “Zavoj” (Serbia), built at the place of the previously formed natural dam (due to large landslide activity), and exposed to Mw7.4 Vrančea earthquake and under double impact of Kresna earthquake (Mw6.8 and Mw7.1). Results of transient FEM and direct dynamical analysis of the three-dimensional FEM model of the “Zavoj” dam indicate that the existing dam is stable in dynamic conditions, while the surrounding terrain is either on the verge of stability or becomes unstable, depending on the assumed geotechnical conditions and a relevant earthquake analyzed. As a result, we construct a landslide hazard map in dynamic conditions and the dam damage map, which enables the identification of unstable, damaged, or weak parts of the dam, its immediate surroundings, and the accumulation zone in general. The results indicate that direct dynamical analysis is obligatory when two succeeding earthquakes occur and temporal evolution of displacements in the model is required. Additionally, the application of the remaining bearing capacity criterion indicates a much larger zone of potential instability compared to the extent of equivalent plastic strain and the location of the old sliding surface. By following the proposed guidelines, one secures the inclusion of all the relevant influential factors in the comprehensive dynamic analysis of existing embankment dams, leading eventually to reliable decisions on further design, (re)construction, and/or monitoring activities

    Genomic instability as a prognostic marker in malignant brain cancer

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    Introduction: Glioblastoma and Astrocytoma are diff use malignant brain tumors and characterized as the most aggressive and invasive brain cancers. Glioblastoma IDH wild-type is a primary brain tumour that develops de novo, and Astrocytoma IDH mutant is a secondary tumour which arises by progression from lower tumour grades. They are characterized by poor survival, resistance to therapy and poor prognosis which develops as a consequence of genomic instability. Genomic instability also contributes to tumour heterogeneity and provides the genomic diversity necessary for selecƟ on. Materials and methods: 31 paƟ ents with Glioblastoma IDH wild-type and Astrocytoma IDH mutant, grade 3 and 4, were analysed for the presence of genomic instability using AP-PCR, DNA profi ling method. Comparing DNA profi les between tumour Ɵ ssue and normal Ɵ ssue (blood) of the same paƟ ent, we detected qualitaƟ ve and quanƟ taƟ ve changes. QualitaƟ ve changes are detected as the presence and absence of bands and are the manifestaƟ on of microsatellite instability (MIN). QuanƟ taƟ ve changes are the representaƟ on of chromosomal instability (CIN) and are detected as diff erences in the intensity of bands. Survival analyses were performed using Kaplan & Maier test for survival data in relaƟ on to diff erent histological tumour type and genomic instability. StaƟ sƟ cal diff erences were considered signifi cant for p≤ 0,05. Results: PaƟ ents with Glioblastoma IDH wild-type have signifi cantly shorter survival compared to other histological types (p=0,025). For each histological type that we analysed and each type of instability MIN, CIN and total genomic instability, two groups of paƟ ents were made – those with high and low instability. PaƟ ents with Glioblastoma IDH wild-type that have low total genomic instability have signifi cantly shorter survival (p=0,045) compared to other analysed types of brain cancer. PaƟ ents with Astrocytoma IDH mutant grade 4 who have high total genomic instability and high CIN have signifi cantly shorter survival (p=0,018, p=0,007 respecƞ ully). Conclusion: PaƟ ents with Glioblastoma IDH wild-type have shorter survival which makes this tumour the most aggressive and malignat of all analysed tumours. Our results show that low genomic instability in Glioblastoma IDH wild-type and high genomic instability lead by high CIN in Astrocytoma IDH mutant, gradus 4 contribute to shorter survival, which makes genomic instability a potential good prognostic markerThe first number of Oncology Insights includes Proceedings book of The Sixth Congress of the Serbian Association for Cancer Research with international participation (Oct 2-4, 2023, Belgrade

    Diagnostic Value of Cytology and Colposcopy for Squamous and Glandular Cervical Intraepithelial Lesions

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    The main objective of work was to determine a diagnostic value of cytology and colposcopy as a method of screening and differential diagnosis, as well as to determine the relative value of some colposcopic features of squamous and glandular cervical intraepithelial lesions. Cytological diagnosis and colposcopy findings is compared with histological ones for 187 patients with intraepithelial lesions (142 squamous and 45 glandular ones with or without squamous components) and determined the sensitivity and positive predictive value of cytology and colposcopy, including the types of colposcopic abnormalities associated with squamous/glandular intraepithelial lesions. The sensitivity of cytology as a screening method for SIL (squamous intraepithelial lesions) is 89% and for GIL (glandular intraepithelial lesions) 98%. Positive predictive value of differential cytology for SIL is 59% and for GIL 53%. Sensitivity of colposcopy for both lesions\u27 type is 87%. Acetowhite epithelium occurs far more often with SIL, whereas atypical vessels and unequal, dilated gland openings with GIL (p<0.05). Cytology and colposcopy as screening methods have a high sensitivity. Nevertheless, cytology is far more accurate in determining differential diagnosis of SIL than GIL and some colposcopy abnormalities suspicious of GIL should be further tested in praxis