18 research outputs found

    Immunogenicity and Efficacy of Single Antigen Gp63, Polytope and PolytopeHSP70 DNA Vaccines against Visceral Leishmaniasis in Experimental Mouse Model

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    Polytope approach of genetic immunization is a promising strategy for the prevention of infectious disease as it is capable of generating effective cell mediated immunity by delivering the T cell epitopes assembled in series. Leishmaniasis is a significant world wide health problem for which no vaccine exists. In this study we have compared immunogenicity and efficacy of three types of DNA vaccines: single antigen Gp63 (Gp63/pcDNA), polytope (Poly/pcDNA) and Polytope fused with hsp70 (Poly/hsp/pcDNA) against visceral leishmaniasis in susceptible BALB/c mice. Mice vaccinated with these plasmids generated strong Th1 immune response as seen by dominating IFN-γ over IL-10 cytokine. Interestingly, cytotoxic responses generated by polytope DNA plasmid fused with hsp70 of Leishmania donovani were significantly higher when compared to polytope and single antigen Gp63 vaccine. Challenge studies revealed that the parasite load in liver and spleen was significantly lower with Poly/hsp/pcDNA vaccination compared to other vaccines. Therefore, our study indicates that polytope DNA vaccine is a feasible, practical and effective approach for visceral leishmaniasis

    DING Proteins from Phylogenetically Different Species Share High Degrees of Sequence and Structure Homology and Block Transcription of HIV-1 LTR Promoter

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    Independent research groups reported that DING protein homologues isolated from bacterial, plant and human cells demonstrate the anti-HIV-1 activity. This might indicate that diverse organisms utilize a DING-mediated broad-range protective innate immunity response to pathogen invasion, and that this mechanism is effective also against HIV-1. We performed structural analyses and evaluated the anti-HIV-1 activity for four DING protein homologues isolated from different species. Our data show that bacterial PfluDING, plant p38SJ (pDING), human phosphate binding protein (HPBP) and human extracellular DING from CD4 T cells (X-DING-CD4) share high degrees of structure and sequence homology. According to earlier reports on the anti-HIV-1 activity of pDING and X-DING-CD4, other members of this protein family from bacteria and humans were able to block transcription of HIV-1 and replication of virus in cell based assays. The efficacy studies for DING-mediated HIV-1 LTR and HIV-1 replication blocking activity showed that the LTR transcription inhibitory concentration 50 (IC50) values ranged from 0.052–0.449 ng/ml; and the HIV-1 replication IC50 values ranged from 0.075–0.311 ng/ml. Treatment of cells with DING protein alters the interaction between p65-NF-κB and HIV-1 LTR. Our data suggest that DING proteins may be part of an innate immunity defense against pathogen invasion; the conserved structure and activity makes them appealing candidates for development of a novel therapeutics targeting HIV-1 transcription

    New approaches for developing biomarkers of hormonal contraceptive use

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    To identify biomarkers of hormonal contraceptive (HC) use in urine and saliva, we conducted a pilot study with 30 women initiating levonorgestrel (LNG) containing combined oral contraceptives (COCs) or depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) (15/group). Based on established COC pharmacokinetics, we collected serum and urine samples before COC ingestion and during Days one and three of use, or before DMPA injection and on Days 21 and 60 post-injection. We used liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) to measure serum/urine LNG and MPA. LNG was undetectable at baseline (specificity 100%); post ingestion, most urine samples had detectable LNG levels (sensitivity: 80% 6 h post Dose one, 93% 6 h post Dose three). We used a DetectX LNG immunoassay kit and showed 100% sensitivity measuring urine LNG. Urine MPA levels were undetectable in 14/15 women at baseline (specificity 91%); post-injection all urine samples had detectable MPA levels (sensitivity: 100% days 21 and 60). Results suggest urine sampling can be used to identify a biomarker of LNG and MPA use. Based on evidence from other steroidal hormonal studies showing changes affecting the transcriptome profile of saliva at 24 h, we used the same (COC, DMPA) timepoints to collect saliva. We performed transcriptome analysis and detected several differentially expressed genes in DMPA users’ saliva on Days 21 and 60 compared to baseline; none among COC users. We plan further research of differential gene expression in saliva as a HC biomarker of DMPA use, and will explore longer periods of COC use and saliva collection times, and application of microRNA sequencing to support using saliva as a COC biomarker

    Evaluation of pDING, PfluDING, X-DING-CD4 and HPBP therapeutic efficacy against HIV-1.

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    <p>Dose versus response was calculated by GraphPad Prism version 5.00 for Windows. The efficacy of selected DING proteins to block HIV-1 LTR transcription was measured by RSA (A); and to block HIV-1 replication was measured by MAGI (B). The C3 peptide P16 was used as a negative control. The results are representative of at least three separate experiments.</p

    Structure superposition of the four different DING proteins.

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    <p>Structure alignment for X-DING-CD4 and pDING was modeled into to HPBP and PfluDING X-ray structures. The backbone of PfluDING (pdb:2Q9T), HPBP (pdb:2V3Q), p38SJ (pDING) and X-DING-CD4 is shown in green, cyan, magenta and yellow, respectively. The phosphate molecule is marked by sphere.</p

    Human, plant and bacterial DING proteins block replication of HIV-1 in human PBLs.

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    <p>Replication of HIV-1 was assessed by measurements of HIV-1 p24 core antigen (bars, right axis) and the viability of cells was established by the dye exclusion method (lines, left axis). The results are representative of at least three separate measurements.</p