110 research outputs found

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis ClpC1: characterization and role of the N-terminal domain in its function

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    Caseinolytic protein, ClpC is a general stress protein which belongs to the heat shock protein HSP100 family of molecular chaperones. Some of the Clp group proteins have been identified as having a role in the pathogenesis of many bacteria. The Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome demonstrates the presence of a ClpC homolog, ClpC1. M. tuberculosis ClpC1 is an 848-amino acid protein, has two repeat sequences at its N-terminus and contains all the determinants to be classified as a member of the HSP100 family. In this study, we overexpressed, purified and functionally characterized M. tuberculosis ClpC1. Recombinant M. tuberculosis ClpC1 showed an inherent ATPase activity, and prevented protein aggregation. Furthermore, to investigate the contribution made by the N-terminal repeats of ClpC1 to its functional activity, two deletion variants, ClpC1Δ1 and ClpC1Δ2, lacking N-terminal repeat I and N-terminal repeat I along with the linker between N-terminal repeats I and II, respectively were generated. Neither deletion affected the ATPase activity. However, ClpC1Δ1 was structurally altered, less stable and was unable to prevent protein aggregation. Compared with wild-type protein, ClpC1Δ2 was more active in preventing protein aggregation and displayed higher ATPase activity at high pH values and temperatures. The study demonstrates that M. tuberculosis ClpC1 manifests chaperone activity in the absence of any adaptor protein and only one of the two N-terminal repeats is sufficient for the chaperone activity. Also, an exposed repeat II makes the protein more stable and functionally more active

    Physical properties of an Indian Ayurvedic medicine (<em>Shankh Bhasma</em>) as nano materials for its application

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    178-183The aim of present study is to describe Physical properties of an Indian Ayurvedic medicine (Shankh Bhasma) as nano materials for its applications. Shankh Bhasma has been synthesized by using method mentioned in an Ayurvedic text using conch shell and characterized by the modern scientific tools such as; X-ray diffractomter (XRD), Fourier Transform spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM).When we treated shankh bhasma on C. elegans and E. coli. C elegans produces more egg than normal calcium and there is no effect on E. coli. X-ray diffraction pattern and SEM analysis revealed that this Bhasma is in agglomerated nano crystalline materials and be considered as nanomedicine. An FTIR measurement reveals the bond stretching during the incineration process and found peaks of carboxylic group, Carbon with chloride and fluroide. Magnetization-Hysteresis (MH) loop study by the Vibrating sample magnetometer reveals that the di-magnetic nature of the Bhasma. Investigation of Shankh bhasma nanoparticles on C. elegen shows slightly increasing in egg production with compare to normal calcium oxide. There is not bacterial static effect was found on E.coli

    India, Germany and Europe: a Spatial Perspective at SDG 3 on Good Health and Well-Being

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    Responding to crucial challenges in urban and rural development led the United Nations decide on the New Urban Agenda as well as the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In order to understand the spatial patterns, which SDGs produce, a national and supranational spatial perspective is taken on SDG 3 “Good health and Well-Being”. Progress in health concomitantly affects several pathways of development in a country. Persistent improvements in the life expectancy at birth ascertain significant progress towards health care in any country. The development in the respective health system is validated by improving health-related indicators, such as institutional deliveries, infant and child mortality rates, full immunisation and nutrition. Sub-goal 3.7 addresses the universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services, including family planning, information and education. Adolescent pregnancy leading to teenage parenthood is an obviously global concern affecting low- and high-income countries in the same way. Alternating maps illustrate the spatial perspective on SDG 3 in India, Germany and Europe by taking manifold national as well as supranational views wherever feasible

    India, Germany and Europe: a Spatial Perspective at SDG 4 on Quality Education

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    Responding to crucial challenges in urban and rural development led the United Nations decide on the New Urban Agenda as well as the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In order to understand the spatial patterns, which SDGs produce, a national and supranational spatial perspective is taken on SDG 4 "Quality Education". SDG 4 highlights the human right on education and requests institutions to ensure inclusive and equal access to education for all. In many countries, one can note gender differences related to schooling at all levels or at graduation. Education in general and the education of females in particular influences largely the social and economic development of countries, ranging from health and birth control to a higher economic output of enterprises lead by mixed teams. The chapters visualise the spatial analysis of SDG 4, respectively on school graduates, female school graduates and scholar exclusion. Alternating maps illustrate the spatial perspective on SDG 4 in India, Germany and Europe by taking manifold national as well as supranational views wherever feasible

    Panic buying research: A bibliometric review

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    Background: Panic buying has been reported during a period of crisis when people buy an extra amount of essential commodities and hoard them anticipating their future utility. As a newer entity, a bibliometric analysis would reveal the research gaps for further studies. We aimed to do a bibliometric analysis of researchers published on panic buying over the past two decades. Methods: A literature search was conducted in the SCOPUS database using the keyword “panic buying”. All published research in the English language between 1st January 2001 to 1st August 2021 was included in the analysis of this study. Results: We identified a total of 142 articles on panic buying published over the past two decades. There is an exponential increase in the publication on this topic during the COVID-19 pandemic (n=127). Majority of the articles were published from the United States (n=23), followed by the United Kingdom (n=20), and China (n=20). The Frontiers in Public Health and Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services published the highest number of articles (eight each). Arafat SMY published the highest number of publications as a single author (n=10) and Enam Medical College and Hospital, Bangladesh has the highest number of papers as an institution (n=10). Among all the publishers, Elsevier has published the maximum number of papers (n=38). Conclusion: There is an exponential growth of panic buying research during 2020-21. The global crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic has been attributed to the recent rise in panic buying research

    Nanoparticle-formulated curcumin prevents posttherapeutic disease reactivation and reinfection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis following isoniazid therapy

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    Curcumin, the bioactive component of turmeric also known as “Indian Yellow Gold,” exhibits therapeutic efficacy against several chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases. Even though considered as a wonder drug pertaining to a myriad of reported benefits, the translational potential of curcumin is limited by its low systemic bioavailability due to its poor intestinal absorption, rapid metabolism, and rapid systemic elimination. Therefore, the translational potential of this compound is specifically challenged by bioavailability issues, and several laboratories are making efforts to improve its bioavailability. We developed a simple one-step process to generate curcumin nanoparticles of ~200 nm in size, which yielded a fivefold enhanced bioavailability in mice over regular curcumin. Curcumin nanoparticles drastically reduced hepatotoxicity induced by antitubercular antibiotics during treatment in mice. Most interestingly, co-treatment of nanoparticle-formulated curcumin along with antitubercular antibiotics dramatically reduced the risk for disease reactivation and reinfection, which is the major shortfall of current antibiotic treatment adopted by Directly Observed Treatment Short-course. Furthermore, nanoparticle-formulated curcumin significantly reduced the time needed for antibiotic therapy to obtain sterile immunity, thereby reducing the possibility of generating drug-resistant variants of the organisms. Therefore, adjunct therapy of nano-formulated curcumin with enhanced bioavailability may be beneficial to treatment of tuberculosis and possibly other diseases

    Deutschland, Europa und Indien: SDG 11 "Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden" in räumlicher Perspektive

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    Responding to crucial challenges in urban and rural development led the United Nations decide on the New Urban Agenda as well as the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The progress made in implementing the New Urban Agenda is referenced against the SDGs and vice versa. In order to understand the spatial patterns which SDGs produce, a national and supranational spatial perspective is taken on SDG 11 "Inclusive, Safe, Resilient and Sustainable Cities and Communities". While data availability determines the analysis, national or even supranational programmes support respective development and change. The chapters visualise the spatial analysis of SDG 11. Alternating maps illustrate the spatial perspective on SDG 11 in India, Germany and Europe by taking manifold national as well as supranational views wherever feasible

    Depression and suicidal behavior in South Asia: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Abstract Background Estimates of depression in suicidal behavior in South Asia would help to formulate suicide prevention strategies in the region that hasn't been assessed yet. Objectives We aimed to systematically assess the prevalence of depression in fatal and non-fatal attempts of suicide in eight South Asian countries. Methods We searched Medline, Embase, and PsychINFO by specific search terms to identify articles assessing depression in fatal and non-fatal attempts of suicide in South Asian countries published between 2001 and 2020. Two separate meta-analyses were conducted for fatal and non-fatal attempts. Due to the high heterogeneity of studies (96–98%), random-effects models were used to calculate pooled prevalence rates. Results A total of 38 studies was identified from five south Asian countries (India [27], Pakistan [6], Sri Lanka [3], Nepal [1], and Bangladesh [1]). The majority of studies (n = 27) were published after 2010. Twenty-two studies reported non-fatal attempts, and sixteen reported suicide. The prevalence of depression among non-fatal attempts ranged from 14% to 78% where the pooled prevalence rate was 32.7% [95% CI 26–39.3%]. The prevalence of depression among suicides ranged from 8% to 79% where the pooled prevalence estimate was 37.3% [95% CI 26.9–47.6%]. Conclusions This review revealed the pooled prevalence of depression among fatal and non-fatal suicidal attempts in South Asian countries, which seems to be lower when comparedto the Western countries. However, a cautious interpretation is warranted due to the heterogeneity of study methods, sample size, and measurement of depression
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