26 research outputs found

    A rare case of squamous cell carcinoma of the scrotum with infiltration into penis

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    Squamous cell carcinoma of the scrotum is a tumour that is of interest for clinical and historical reasons.This is a rare case of carcinoma of scrotum invading the penis.We describe, a case of  scrotal and penile squamous cell carcinoma. An old case of balanitis xerotica obliterans for which he had undergone Johannson’s urethroplasty earlier.&nbsp

    MRD: a microsatellite repeats database for prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes

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    MRD is a database system to access the microsatellite repeats information of genomes such as archea, eubacteria, and other eukaryotic genomes whose sequence information is available in public domains. MRD stores information about simple tandemly repeated k-mer sequences where k= 1 to 6, i.e. monomer to hexamer. The web interface allows the users to search for the repeat of their interest and to know about the association of the repeat with genes and genomic regions in the specific organism. The data contains the abundance and distribution of microsatellites in the coding and non-coding regions of the genome. The exact location of repeats with respect to genomic regions of interest (such as UTR, exon, intron or intergenic regions) whichever is applicable to organism is highlighted. MRD is available on the World Wide Web at http://www.ccmb.res.in/mrd webcite and/or http://www.ingenovis.com/mrd webcite. The database is designed as an open-ended system to accommodate the microsatellite repeats information of other genomes whose complete sequences will be available in future through public domain

    SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain displayed on HBsAg virus–like particles elicits protective immunity in macaques

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    Authorized vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 remain less available in low- and middle-income countries due to insufficient supply, high costs, and storage requirements. Global immunity could still benefit from new vaccines using widely available, safe adjuvants, such as alum and protein subunits, suited to low-cost production in existing manufacturing facilities. Here, a clinical-stage vaccine candidate comprising a SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain–hepatitis B surface antigen virus–like particle elicited protective immunity in cynomolgus macaques. Titers of neutralizing antibodies (>104) induced by this candidate were above the range of protection for other licensed vaccines in nonhuman primates. Including CpG 1018 did not significantly improve the immunological responses. Vaccinated animals challenged with SARS-CoV-2 showed reduced median viral loads in bronchoalveolar lavage (~3.4 log10) and nasal mucosa (~2.9 log10) versus sham controls. These data support the potential benefit of this design for a low-cost modular vaccine platform for SARS-CoV-2 and other variants of concern or betacoronaviruses

    Enhanced whitefly resistance in transgenic tobacco plants expressing double stranded RNA of v-ATPase A gene.

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    BACKGROUND: Expression of double strand RNA (dsRNA) designed against important insect genes in transgenic plants have been shown to give protection against pests through RNA interference (RNAi), thus opening the way for a new generation of insect-resistant crops. We have earlier compared the efficacy of dsRNAs/siRNAs, against a number of target genes, for interference in growth of whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) upon oral feeding. The v-ATPase subunit A (v-ATPaseA) coding gene was identified as a crucial target. We now report the effectiveness of transgenic tobacco plants expressing siRNA to silence v-ATPaseA gene expression for the control of whitefly infestation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Transgenic tobacco lines were developed for the expression of long dsRNA precursor to make siRNA and knock down the v-ATPaseA mRNA in whitefly. Molecular analysis and insecticidal properties of the transgenic plants established the formation of siRNA targeting the whitefly v-ATPaseA, in the leaves. The transcript level of v-ATPaseA in whiteflies was reduced up to 62% after feeding on the transgenic plants. Heavy infestation of whiteflies on the control plants caused significant loss of sugar content which led to the drooping of leaves. The transgenic plants did not show drooping effect. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Host plant derived pest resistance was achieved against whiteflies by genetic transformation of tobacco which generated siRNA against the whitefly v-ATPaseA gene. Transgenic tobacco lines expressing dsRNA of v-ATPaseA, delivered sufficient siRNA to whiteflies feeding on them, mounting a significant silencing response, leading to their mortality. The transcript level of the target gene was reduced in whiteflies feeding on transgenic plants. The strategy can be taken up for genetic engineering of plants to control whiteflies in field crops

    Suprasellar ganglioglioma with unusual diffuse involvement of the entire optico-chiasmal hypothalamic pathway

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    Gangliogliomas (GG) are mixed glioneuronal tumors of the central nervous system (CNS), occurring mostly in the pediatric population, with common sites being temporal lobes and less commonly in the frontal and parietal lobes. We report a case of a 7-year-old child who presented with bilateral visual defects for 6 months. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed an intensely enhancing mass lesion with calcification in the sellar and suprasellar region involving the optic chiasm and the left optic nerve. The mass showed almost bilaterally symmetrical diffuse spread along the optic tracts posteriorly and hypothalamus, temporal lobes, thalami and the basal ganglia. The lesion was radiologically indistinguishable from chiasmatic astrocytoma or a germ cell tumor but histopathological features were of a ganglioglioma. While a few optic apparatus gangliogliomas have been reported in the literature, such widespread diffuse involvement of the entire optico-chiasmal hypothalamic pathway is unusual

    Schiffs bases derived from amino acids-imidazole conjugates as promising antioxidant and antimicrobial agents

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    A series of amino acids conjugated imidazole derivatives were synthesized and characterized by standard spectroscopical techniques. The title compoundswere evaluated for their in vitro antimicrobial activity against bacteria and fungi by zone of inhibition method. The results showed that this skeletal frameworkexhibited interesting potency as antimicrobial agents. Amongst, compounds 10,11,13,14,16,17 and 18 showed most potent gram negative and gram positiveantibacterial activity whereas compounds 11,12,14,15,17 and 26 displayed most potent antifungal activity against A. niger and compounds 16,17,18, 21,22and 24 exhibited good antifungal activity against F. oxysporum species. On the other hand, conjugates 11,12,13,14,15,16,17 and 18 showed very goodantioxidant activity compared to commercial standard drugs. The results highlight the amino acids conjugated imidazole derivatives as potential leads fordesigning new future antimicrobial drug candidates possessing good antioxidant properties

    Virtual Vistas: Exploring the Evolution of E-Design and Virtual Design for Sustainable Assessment

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    Over the past few years, the disciplines of E-Design and Virtual Design have experienced significant advancements, leading to transformative changes in our understanding, production, and engagement with digital environments. This abstract offers a look into our extensive investigation of this shift, as we delve into the various aspects that have influenced the virtual design field. Our study employs a comprehensive methodology that incorporates historical analysis, technological progress, and the diverse range of applications of E-Design and Virtual Design across different sectors. This study explores the historical trajectory of digital design, examining its evolution from first experimentation to its present level of advanced complexity. This paper examines the significant impact of technology on the creative process, specifically exploring the transformative influence of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and immersive 3D modelling. This study investigates the influence of these technologies on architectural design, gaming, education, and healthcare, with a focus on the significant advancements that have arisen. Also,, we analyse the societal and cultural ramifications of virtual design, encompassing concerns related to accessibility, ethics, and sustainability. As we contemplate the future, we engage in speculation regarding the different trajectories that this continuously developing discipline may pursue. Our focus lies specifically on the convergence of virtual and physical areas, and the accompanying difficulties and opportunities that arise from this integration