277 research outputs found

    Ageing Policies in Slovenia: Before and After "Austerity"

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    Similarly, to other European countries, Slovenia is facing ageing of the population. The European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations in 2012 and the recent economic crisis have influenced social policy in the area of ageing and care for older people. While the EY2012 has raised awareness about issues related to the ageing of the population, the economic crisis after 2008 has put pressure on the welfare system. The purpose of the chapter is to examine the influences of the EY2012 together with the changes in social policies, i.e., austerity measures, which were the results of economic crisis. We analyzed the dominant trends in the development of the care for older people, starting from 1992, when Slovenia gained independence, until the recent economic crisis. We have confirmed the main thesis, claiming that the EY2012 had beneficial effects in raising the awareness about population ageing in general population, but was not followed by the policy development, which would be useful for older people. Moreover, the social policy development was marked by results of austerity measures, which significantly worsen the quality of life of older people and their families

    The Rulemaking Authority of the Executive Branch of Government – An Analysis of Slovenian and American Theory, Legislation and Case Law

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    The rulemaking function of the executive branch of government is a fact of life in modern democratic states. In terms of development, the importance of secondary legislation is growing in both the quantitative and qualitative sense. Because it represents a deviation from the principle of the separation of powers, secondary legislation receives a great deal of attention in both theory and case law. From a comparative standpoint, one can note a wide range of approaches to this question. It could be said that the American approach is pragmatic and flexible, while the Slovenian approach is dogmatic and rigid. In the former, the delegation of rulemaking authority to the executive branch is not problematic provided adequate mechanisms for legal and political oversight are in place; of these mechanisms, special emphasis is placed on the procedure for shaping secondary legislation and the public’s participation therein. In the latter, the executive branch is still always looked upon with distrust, which is why this approach persists in delegating as narrow and substantively precise powers as possible to the executive branch. Although the main burden of the democratic legitimization of the executive branch is still borne by the law, the importance of the procedure for shaping secondary legislation, and within its framework the possibilities for public participation, has been increasing

    Dvadeset godina primjene Europske povelje o lokalnoj samoupravi u Sloveniji: priča o uspjehu?

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    In the approximately two and a half decades since 1990, Slovenia has undergone a series of unprecedented historical events and has often been characterised as a success story. In the field of local self-government, major legal changes occurred several years before the ratification of the ECLSG. Nevertheless, these changes were already in line with this document. The paper focuses on the assessment of the development of Slovenian local self-government in the light of ECLSG’s provisions on subsidiarity and financial autonomy. As to the first, it may be concluded that, according to internationally established quantitative indicators of decentralisation, Slovenia belongs to the group of centralised states. The share of local (subnational) expenditure as a share of total public expenditure is at around 20%, while the share of local (subnational) expenditure as a share of GDP accounts for approximately 10%. General government employment as a percentage of total employment is at around 17%, of which only 24% are local employees. As to the second, the Slovenian Constitution goes beyond the requirements of the ECLSG on financial resources; however, the legislative implementation of these provisions has always been problematic. In general, the autonomy of municipalities on the expenditure side is much better than on the revenue side. Given the situation of public finances in Slovenia and global development trends, with the increasing complexity of local governance, major shifts in the municipal finance model cannot be expected, especially not in the direction of providing significantly higher financial autonomy or a significantly higher volume of own tax resources. However, it is important to upgrade the system towards the redistribution of existing tax resources between the state and local units by strengthening the elements of the tax autonomy of municipalities. Based on all of the above, it may be concluded that Slovenia is having difficulty with the implementation of both the principle of subsidiarity and principle of financial autonomy. A look behind the curtain therefore relativises the “success story” label.U posljednjih se 25 godina u Sloveniji odvio niz događaja bez presedana u njezinoj povijesti. Često ju se navodilo kao uspješan primjer. U području slovenske lokalne samouprave glavne su se zakonske izmjene dogodile nekoliko godina prije ratifikacije Europske povelje o lokalnoj samoupravi (EPLS), no bez obzira na to bile su u skladu s tim dokumentom. Rad se bavi procjenom razvoja slovenske lokalne samouprave u svjetlu odredbi EPLS-a o supsidijarnosti i financijskoj autonomiji. Što se supsidijarnosti tiče, zaključak je da prema međunarodnim brojčanim pokazateljima Slovenija pripada skupini centraliziranih država. Udio lokalnih (subnacionalnih) troškova kao udio ukupnih javnih troškova iznosi oko 20%, dok udio lokalnih (subnacionalnih) troškova kao udio BDP-u iznosi otprilike 10%. Također, postotak zaposlenosti opće države u ukupnoj zaposlenosti kreće se oko 17%, a lokalni zaposlenici čine samo 24% od toga. Što se pak tiče financijske autonomije, Ustav Republike Slovenije stroži je po pitanju financijskih resursa od EPLS-a, no probleme uvijek stvara uvrštenje relevantnih odredbi u zakon. Općenito se može reći da je autonomija općina izraženija kada se o rashodima a ne prihodima. S obzirom na stanje javnih financija u Sloveniji i svjetskih trendova koji upućuju na sve složeniji lokalni governance, ne može se računati na značajnije promjene u modelu općinskog financiranja. Pogotovo se ne može računati na znatno veću financijsku autonomiju ili znatno veći udio vlastitih poreznih resursa. Bez obzira na to, važno je unaprijediti sustav s ciljem redistribucije postojećih poreznih resursa između države i lokalnih jedinica na način da se ojačaju elementi porezne autonomije općina. S obzirom na sve navedeno, možemo zaključiti da primjena načela supsidijarnosti i financijske autonomije u Sloveniji ne ide sasvim glatko, što znači da detaljniji uvid u situaciju čini priču o uspjehu relativnom

    The rulemaking procedure - definition, concepts and publlic participation

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    The importance of delegated legislation is growing in both the quantitative and qualitative sense. Under the American system, the so-called division of rulemaking authority between the legislative and executive branch was resolved at a very early juncture and in a highly pragmatic manner by applying the fundamental principles of the legislative procedure to the level of the rulemaking procedure, which primarily implies the transparency and openness of the latter. Conversely, Continental Europe did not develop a general theory of public participation which could provide a basis for the search for solutions to the situation. The purpose of this paper is to present different concepts of the rulemaking procedure and discuss the question of public participation. We conclude that, as the quantity and complexity of societal relationships grow, it is fruitful to use the so-called problem-solving model of the rulemaking procedure as a starting point for its procedural arrangement. This allows us to focus on the role that civil society, interest groups and the general public play in the contemporary governance process

    Real Estate Valuation Model for Categorised Roads for the Purposes of Legal Transactions

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    The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia has found that the unregulated state in the land-register of the land on which classified roads had been constructed was brought about by the ineffective implementation of land acquisition procedures. Such encroachment upon constitutionally guaranteed property rights shall be treated as expropriation, and the expropriation obligor shall in general be entitled to a refund or compensation in kind for the expropriated real estate. In the particular case dealt with herein, concerning real estate compensation, the provisions of the Spatial Planning Act (ZUreP-1) shall apply, according to which the compensation shall amount to a real estate value which is to be determined by taking into account the actual use of the real estate in question as well as the extra expenses incurred through expropriation. It has been shown that, taking into account the International Agreement and the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, the value of this particular real estate may be represented by its market value only. Concerning this particular case of real estate compensation, this paper analyses in detail all the elements of compensation, in particular, the decreased value of the remaining land. Based on these foundations and having selected an appropriate method, the real estate valuation model for classified roads has been created for the purposes of legal transactions. The difference method selected has been proven appropriate for the implementation of the valuation of classified roads for the purposes of legal transactions, however, for the implementation of valuation within the land acquisition procedure in the entire Republic of Slovenia, certain additional conditions need to be complied

    Kirurško zdravljenje bolnic z rakom materničnega vratu

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    „Happy New Ears“: Lyrik im Zeichen des „sonic turn“

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    Der Aufsatz untersucht anhand der Arbeiten von Cia Rinne, Valeri Scherstjanoi und Jörg Piringer drei unterschiedliche Arten der Arbeit mit Klanglichkeit, als Beispiele für möglichst verschiedene Ansätze in der ‚klangorientierten‘ Lyrik nach 2000. Es zeigen sich drei verschiedene Ebenen: die verbal-semantische Wortebene, die über Klang zwischen den Sprachen, dem numerischen und dem alphabetischen System wechselt, die nichtverbale Ebene der physisch produzierten Laute und die Ebene der digital prozessierten Sprache und Klänge. Der Aufsatz fokussiert die Bereiche, aus denen diese Arbeiten auf technischer Ebene schöpfen und fragt nach deren Verhältnis zur Geschichte der Lautpoesie und zur Musik, insbesondere zur elektronischen Musik, die neue Möglichkeiten der Arbeit mit Klanglichkeit eröffnet. Die Arbeiten positionieren sich angesichts der zunehmenden Digitalisierung von Klang und Sprache mit postdigitalen Tendenzen, indem sie eine Materialität der Klanglichkeit zum Ausdruck bringen.En s’appuyant sur les travaux de Cia Rinne, Valeri Scherstjanoi et Jörg Piringer, cet article étudie trois façons différentes de travailler avec la sonorité, trois approches originales de la poésie sonore et acoustique après 2000. L’étude révèle trois niveaux d’analyse distincts : le niveau lexical, verbal et sémantique, qui présente, à travers le son, une alternance entre les langages et les systèmes numérique et alphabétique, le niveau non verbal, correspondant aux sons produits physiquement, et le niveau du langage et des sonorités émises numériquement. L’article se concentre sur les domaines qui nourrissent ces travaux sur le plan technique et s’interroge sur leur relation à l’histoire de la poésie sonore et à la musique, en particulier la musique électronique qui ouvre de nouvelles possibilités de travail avec la sonorité. Les travaux étudiés se positionnent au vu de la numérisation croissante du son et du langage à l’ère post-numérique en exprimant une matérialité de la sonorité.The paper examines through the analysis of works by the poets Cia Rinne, Valeri Scherstjanoi and Jörg Piringer three different ways of working with sound as examples of different poetic approaches in ‚sound-oriented‛ German-language poetry after 2000. Three different levels can be perceived: the level of word-based verbal semantics which shifts via sound between languages, as well as between the numeric and the alphabetic system, the nonverbal level of physically produced sounds and the level of digitally processed language and sound. The paper examines the areas on which these works draw technically and focuses on their relation to the history of sound poetry as well as to music, in particular to electronic music which has opened up new possibilities of working with sound. These works position themselves in relation to the increasing digitalisation of sound and language with post-digital tendencies by expressing a materiality of sound

    Ocenjevanje vplivov predpisov

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    Regulatorna funkcija države je v zadnjih nekaj desetletjih postala predmet široke razprave v različnih forumih, pri čemer se je kot eno izmed osrednjih vprašanj izpostavilo vprašanje kakovosti regulacije. Splošno sprejeto stališče je, da je eden izmed glavnih instrumentov, namenjenih izboljšanju le-te, analiza učinkov predpisov oz. ocenjevanje vplivov predpisov (Regulatory Impact Analysis, RIA).V Sloveniji so bili pred kratkim na vladni ravni storjeni prvi konkretni koraki k sistematični uvedbi RIA, katere sestavni del bo tudi vključevanje javnosti. Na ta način bo RIA služila ne samo tehničnemu vidiku reguliranja (učinkovitost in uspešnost), ampak s transparentnostjo in odprtostjo tudi interesnemu vidiku (legitimnost)

    Mobile application for hair salons and their customers

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    Razvita je bila platforma, ki uporabniku omogoča, da se preko mobilne aplikacije naroči na storitev pri izbranem frizerskem salonu. Stranka lahko izvede svoj izbor na podlagi mesta, kjer se salon nahaja, imenu salona ali pa glede na trenutno oddaljenost. Po opravljeni storitvi lahko podajo oceno frizerskemu salonu. Sistem je obenem na voljo tudi frizerjem, ki lahko upravljajo z naročili, vidijo svoje zasedene oziroma proste termine ter celoten urnik salona, kjer so zaposleni. Aplikacija je na voljo za operacijski sistem Android in iOS. Tako je aplikacija dostopna vsem uporabnikom ne glede na njihovo napravo.A platform has been developed that allows the user to subscribe to a service at a selected hair salon via mobile application. The customer can make their choice based on the location of the salon or according to the current distance. After the service, they can give rating to the hair salon. The system is also available to hairdressers who can make certain adjustments to their orders, see their busy or free appointments and the entire schedule of the salon where they are employed. The application is available for Android and also iOS mobile system