37 research outputs found

    Enhancement of Confidentiality of Data Transmitted over Covert Channel Using Grid Cipher Scheme

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    In this fast developing world, the interchange of information is playing a key role. Everything needs information and processes them. This interchange of information needs an authentication, confidentiality and integrity. The security of information is provided many algorithms. There are vast numbers of algorithms for symmetry key cipher. All these algorithms have used either complicated keys to encrypt the plain text to cipher text or a complicated algorithms used for it. The level of security of algorithms is dependent on either number of iterations or length of keys. A comparative study have been made with RSA, DES, IDEA, BAM and other algorithms with frequency distribution, bit ratio to check the security level of proposed algorithm. Finally, a comparison has been made for time complexity for encryption of plain text and decryption from cipher text with above existing algorithms

    Spintronics: Combination of Nanotechnology & Superconductivity

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    Advances in fabrication & characterization of magnetic & superconductivity materials on nanometre length scales paves the way for new experimental, theoretical & technological frontiers. This paper emphasize on “spintronics”:  it is a nanoscale technology in which information is carried not by the electon’s charge, as it is in conventional microchips, but by the electron’s intrinsic spin, by controlling the spin degree of freedom in solid – state heterostructures & magnetic quantum  dots,  Spintronics  offers new possibilities for developing data processing speeds, lower electric consumption & the ability to carry out radically new quantum computations over conventional electronics. Spintronics a prototype device that is already in use in industry as a read head & a memory –storage cell is the giant – magneto resistive (GMR) sandwich structure which consists of alternating ferromagnetic & non-magnetic metal layers. Experimental work is reviewed with the emphasis on the fundamentals & application in which external electric & magnetic field will be used to control spin & charge dynamics to create new functionalities which are ineffective with conventional electronics. Key Words: spintronics,  superconductivity,  giant – magneto resistive (GMR),  magnetic field,  heterostructures,  conventional electronics etc

    Rainfall-Runoff Modeling of Upper Mountainous Riverine Watershed Area in Uttarakhand

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    Floods are one of the most prevalent natural catastrophes that occur every year all around the planet. Due to severe precipitation, cloud bursts landside, or glacial lake outbursts, flash floods are a typical occurrence in alpine rivers and places. Hydrological modeling is the outcome of a precise calculation for various mountainous aggregations. Flash flood prediction owing to heavy perception is being replicated in this research study utilizing rainfall data from a different occurrence for hydrological modeling. The parametric hydrologic modeling for the Mandakini River system upstream to Rudraprayag is covered in this research. Hydrographs are generated using the HEC-HMS semi-distributed hydrological model. In HEC-HMS, both stations, Agastmuni and Thaytur, are employed as point locations for precipitation time - series. Precipitation parameterized numerous climatic factors such as land use/land cover, topography information, rains, and soil texture, and ASTER DEM data were utilized as input to the model. The data was processed and analyzed using ArcGIS and the HEC-HMS model. These settings were used to simulate three historical flash floods: July 31, 2010, September 13, 2012, and June 13, 2013. Utilizing IMD rainfall distribution and TRMM 3B42 v7 3-hourly products, these parameters are confirmed for accuracy and likelihood of detecting flash flood ratio. For the study, the obtained results might be valuable to the hydrology and water reserves departments and research institutes

    Enhancement of Confidentiality of Data Transmitted over Covert Channel Using Grid Cipher Scheme

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    In this fast developing world, the interchange of information is playing a key role. Everything needs information and processes them. This interchange of information needs an authentication, confidentiality and integrity. The security of information is provided many algorithms. There are vast numbers of algorithms for symmetry key cipher. All these algorithms have used either complicated keys to encrypt the plain text to cipher text or a complicated algorithms used for it. The level of security of algorithms is dependent on either number of iterations or length of keys. A comparative study have been made with RSA, DES, IDEA, BAM and other algorithms with frequency distribution, bit ratio to check the security level of proposed algorithm. Finally, a comparison has been made for time complexity for encryption of plain text and decryption from cipher text with above existing algorithms

    Iskorištavanje hrane, metaboliti u krvi i ponašanje pri unosu hrane u teladi sahival pasmina odabrane s obzirom na visoki ili niski ostatni unos hrane

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    This study aimed to evaluate differences in feed utilization between low and high residual feed intake (RFI) in Sahiwal calves by comparing performance, ingestive behavior and blood metabolites. Eighteen, growing, female Sahiwal calves (aged 10-14 months; body weight (BW) 100-125 kg) were fed ad libitum on a total mixed ration for 90 d. RFI varied from -0.53 to 0.40 kg dry matter (DM)/d with a mean RFI of -0.27 to 0.17 kg DM/d in low and high RFI Sahiwal calves, respectively. Calves with low RFI consumed 26% less DM and required 35% less metabolizable energy for body maintenance (MEm) compared to high RFI, yet gained at a similar rate. Low RFI calves digest feed more efficiently than less efficient calves. Conventional efficiency measures also showed better efficiency in low RFI than high RFI calves. Low RFI calves spent less time in feeding, rumination, and chewing. Higher plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), growth hormone (GH), and creatinine, and lower concentrations of albumin, plasma urea nitrogen (PUN), and triglycerides were observed in the low RFI group than the high RFI group. However, plasma total protein, glucose, cholesterol, non esterified fatty acid (NEFA), beta-hydroxy butyric acid (BHBA), calcium (Ca), and phosphorus (P) concentrations were similar in both groups. In summary, low RFI calves utilized feed more efficiently by spending less time and energy in feeding, and the variability in blood metabolites might be due to differences in body metabolism.Ovo istraživanje imalo je za cilj, na temelju proizvodnje, ponašanja kod unosa hrane i metabolita u krvi, procijeniti razlike u iskorištavanju hrane između sahival teladi s niskim ostatnim unosom hrane i visokim ostatnim unosom hrane (Residual Feed Intake - RFI). Osamnaest sahival teladi ženskog spola (u dobi od 10 do -14 mjeseci i tjelesnoj masi od 100 do 125 kg) hranjeno je 90 dana, ad libitum, kompletnim mješovitim obrokom. Ostatni unos hrane kretao se od -0,53 do 0,40 kg suhe tvari/d, sa srednjom vrijednošću od -0,27 kod sahival teladi s niskim ostatnim unosom i srednjom vrijednošću od 0,17 kg kod sahival teladi visokim ostatnim unosom hrane. Iako je telad s niskim ostatnim unosom hrane u odnosu na onu s visokim ostatnim unosom hrane konzumirala 26% manje suhe tvari i zahtijevala 35 % manje uzdržne energije za metabolizam tijela, prirast obje skupne teladi kretao se po sličnoj stopi. Telad s niskim ostatnim unosom hrane imala je učinkovitiju hranidbu što su pokazali i standarni pokazatelji prema kojima je ta telad provela hranidbu u kraćem vremenu, uz kraće žvakanje i preživanje. U usporedbi s teladi koja ima viši ostatni unos hrane, telad s niskim ostatnim unosom hrane imala je u plazmi veće koncentracije inzulinu-sličnog faktora rasta-1 (IGF-1), hormona rasta (GH) i kreatinina, te niže koncentracije albumina, dušika iz ureje i triglicerida. Koncentracije ukupnih proteina, glukoze, kolesterola, neesterificirane masne kiseline (NEFA), betahidroksi maslačne kiseline (BHBA), kalcija (Ca) i fosfora (P) bile su slične u obje skupine teladi. Sažeto, telad s niskim ostatnim unosom hrane iskorištavala je hranu učinkovitije, provodeći kraće vrijeme i trošeći manje energije prilikom hranjenja, a varijacije metabolita u krvi mogle bi biti posljedica razlika u metabolizmu

    Dodatak kroma u teladi azijskog vodenog bivola (Bubalus bubalis) pod stresom od hladnoće: učinci na prirast, hranidbenu iskoristivost te staničnu i humoralnu imunost

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    Various stressors significantly increase urinary excretion of chromium (Cr), suggesting that Cr may be physiologically linked to the responses to control stress. The aim of this study was to determine the physiological responses of buffalo calves to increased Cr supply under low ambient temperature. In a randomized complete block design, twenty-four Murrah buffalo calves were assigned to 4 treatments for a period of 120 days. Treatments included either no supplemental Cr (control), 0.5 mg of supplemental Cr/kg DM, 1.0 mg of supplemental Cr/kg DM, or 1.5 mg of supplemental Cr/kg DM. Buffalo calves were monitored daily for physiological variables, dry matter intake (DMI) and fortnightly for body mass change. Blood samples were collected at fortnightly intervals and analyzed for the biomarkers of immunity and plasma trace mineral concentration. At the end of the 120 day experimental period, a 7 day metabolic trial was conducted. The average temperature-humidity index (THI) and relative humidity (RH) during the study were 58.10 units and 52.0% respectively. Physiological variables, DMI and growth performance did not differ among all treatments. 1.5 mg Cr/kg DM increased B and T-cell proliferation, neutrophil phagocytic activity and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) value, whereas plasma total immunoglobulin (TIg) and immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentrations were the highest in the 1.0 and 1.5 mg Cr/kg DM group. Nutrient digestibility, nitrogen (N) metabolism and trace mineral bioavailability did not differ between treatments, while the bioavailability of Cr showed a positive correlation with supplemental Cr level. The results suggest that in cold conditions, increased Cr supply can improve immune response without affecting physiological response, growth performance and nutrient utilization in buffalo calves.Različiti stresori značajno povećavaju izlučivanje kroma (Cr) mokraćom što naznačuje da Cr može biti fiziološki vezan s odgovorom za kontrolu stresa. Cilj je ovog rada bio odrediti fiziološke odgovore u bivolje teladi na povećani dodatak Cr u uvjetima niske temperature okoliša. Prema metodi slučajnog odabira skupina, 24 Murrah bivolska teleta bila su raspodijeljena u četiri skupine koje su bile različito tretirane u razdoblju od 120 dana. Životinjama jedne skupine dodavano je 0,5 mg Cr/kg suhe tvari, druge skupine 1,0 mg Cr/kg suhe tvari, a treće skupine 1,5 mg Cr/kg suhe tvari, dok kontrolnoj skupini Cr nije bio dodavan. U teladi su dnevno bile promatrane fiziološke varijable, uzimanje suhe tvari te svaka dva tjedna promjena tjelesne mase. Uzorci krvi bili su uzimani u razmacima od 14 dana i pretraženi na biomarkere imunosti i koncentraciju minerala u tragovima u plazmi. Na kraju pokusnog razdoblja od 120 dana proveden je sedmodnevni metabolički pokus. Prosječni indeks temperature i vlažnosti tijekom istraživanja iznosio je 58,10 jedinica dok je relativna vlažnost bila 52,0 %. Fiziološke varijable, uzimanje suhe tvari i prirast reducirajućeg željeza nisu se razlikovali među skupinama. Količina od 1,5 mg Cr/kg suhe tvari povećala je proliferaciju B- i T-limfocita, fagocitoznu aktivnost neutrofila i vrijednost antioksidacijske sposobnosti, dok su koncentracije ukupnih imunoglobulina plazme i imunoglobulina G (IgG) bile najveće u skupinama koje su dobivale 1,0 odnosno 1,5 mg Cr/kg suhe tvari. Nutritivna probavljivost, metabolizam dušika (N) i biološka raspoloživost minerala u tragovima nisu se razlikovali među skupinama. Biološka raspoloživost Cr bila je u korelaciji s razinom njegova dodatka. Rezultati upućuju na zaključak da povećani dodatak Cr u hladnoći može poboljšati imunosni odgovor bez utjecaja na fiziološki odgovor, prirast i hranidbenu iskoristivost u bivolje teladi

    Identification of Unique Peptides for SARS-CoV-2 Diagnostics and Vaccine Development by an In Silico Proteomics Approach

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    Ongoing evolution of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus strains is posing new COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment challenges. To help efforts to meet these challenges we examined data acquired from proteomic analyses of human SARS-CoV-2-infected cell lines and samples from COVID-19 patients. Initially, 129 unique peptides were identified, which were rigorously evaluated for repeats, disorders, polymorphisms, antigenicity, immunogenicity, toxicity, allergens, sequence similarity to human proteins, and contributions from other potential cross-reacting pathogenic species or the human saliva microbiome. We also screened SARS-CoV-2-infected NBHE and A549 cell lines for presence of antigenic peptides, and identified paratope peptides from crystal structures of SARS-CoV-2 antigen-antibody complexes. We then selected four antigen peptides for docking with known viral unbound T-cell receptor (TCR), class I and II peptide major histocompatibility complex (pMHC), and identified paratope sequences. We also tested the paratope binding affinity of SARS-CoV T- and B-cell peptides that had been previously experimentally validated. The resultant antigenic peptides have high potential for generating SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies, and the paratope peptides can be directly used to develop a COVID-19 diagnostics assay. The presented genomics and proteomics-based in-silico approaches have apparent utility for identifying new diagnostic peptides that could be used to fight SARS-CoV-2

    Unlocking the Potential of the CA2, CA7, and ITM2C Gene Signatures for the Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer: A Comprehensive Analysis of RNA-Seq Data by Utilizing Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Colorectal cancer affects the colon or rectum and is a common global health issue, with 1.1 million new cases occurring yearly. The study aimed to identify gene signatures for the early detection of CRC using machine learning (ML) algorithms utilizing gene expression data. The TCGA-CRC and GSE50760 datasets were pre-processed and subjected to feature selection using the LASSO method in combination with five ML algorithms: Adaboost, Random Forest (RF), Logistic Regression (LR), Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB), and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The important features were further analyzed for gene expression, correlation, and survival analyses. Validation of the external dataset GSE142279 was also performed. The RF model had the best classification accuracy for both datasets. A feature selection process resulted in the identification of 12 candidate genes, which were subsequently reduced to 3 (CA2, CA7, and ITM2C) through gene expression and correlation analyses. These three genes achieved 100% accuracy in an external dataset. The AUC values for these genes were 99.24%, 100%, and 99.5%, respectively. The survival analysis showed a significant logrank p-value of 0.044 for the final gene signatures. The analysis of tumor immunocyte infiltration showed a weak correlation with the expression of the gene signatures. CA2, CA7, and ITM2C can serve as gene signatures for the early detection of CRC and may provide valuable information for prognostic and therapeutic decision making. Further research is needed to fully understand the potential of these genes in the context of CRC


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    Objective: The outbreak of COVID-19 has increased the vulnerability of global population to diseases; above all, the patients suffering from tuberculosis (TB) COVID-19. Both being diseases of the respiratory tract, a confection of the two might cause severe implications. The WHO has set a goal of eradicating TB globally by the year 2035 (END-TB program). To achieve this goal, various initiatives are being taken with respect to early diagnosis, screening – research and development of new diagnostic as well as treatment tools. Although, the pandemic largely interrupted these initiatives setting back progress by approximately a decade; it should not be overlooked that COVID-19 has unlocked new doors to research and development in the niche of infectious diseases. This study was aimed at analyzing of inflammatory markers in patients of TB, COVID-19, and COVID-TB confection. Methods: A total of 164 patients aged between 18 years to 85 years were included in this study. Total patients (164) were, then, divided into three groups on the basis of their disease diagnosis. The patient groups are as follows: 57 COVID-19-positive patients, 53 COVID-TB coinfection-positive patients, and 54 TB-positive patients. Serological analysis data of C-reactive protein (CRP), D-dimer, and SGOT were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA. Results: The results of analysis of variance showed significant results for all three inflammatory markers with p<0.05. The levels of CRP, D-dimer, and SGOT underwent the highest increase among COVID-TB coinfection patient. Conclusion: Through this study, it can be concluded that the addition of inflammatory markers testing in TB patients and diagnostic protocols may prove to be of significant assistance in diagnosis of TB and also to estimate the severity of infection in patients of active TB. It is also noteworthy that the levels of these markers were found to be highest in patients suffering from a coinfection of both the diseases