28 research outputs found

    Energy Harvesting and Energy Storage Systems

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    Sustainable development systems are based on three pillars: economic development, environmental stewardship, and social equity [...

    Newton’s Third Law in the Framework of Special Relativity for Charged Bodies

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    Newton’s third law states that any action is countered by a reaction of equal magnitude but opposite direction. The total force in a system not affected by external forces is, therefore, zero. However, according to the principles of relativity, a signal cannot propagate at speeds exceeding the speed of light. Hence, the action and reaction cannot be generated at the same time due to the relativity of simultaneity. Thus, the total force cannot be null at a given time. In a previous paper, we showed that Newton’s third law cannot strictly hold in a distributed system where the different parts are at a finite distance from each other. This analysis led to the suggestion of a relativistic engine. As the system is affected by a total force for a finite period, the system acquires mechanical momentum and energy. The subject of momentum conversation was discussed in another previous paper, while energy conservation was discussed in additional previous papers. In those works, we relied on the fact that the bodies were macroscopically natural. Here, we relax this assumption and study charged bodies, thus analyzing the consequences on a possible electric relativistic engine

    Parametric analysis of a combined dew point evaporative-vapour compression based air conditioning system

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    A dew point evaporative-vapour compression based combined air conditioning system for providing good human comfort conditions at a low cost has been proposed in this paper. The proposed system has been parametrically analysed for a wide range of ambient temperatures and specific humidity under some reasonable assumptions. The proposed system has also been compared from the conventional vapour compression air conditioner on the basis of cooling load on the cooling coil working on 100% fresh air assumption. The saving of cooling load on the coil was found to be maximum with a value of 60.93% at 46 °C and 6 g/kg specific humidity, while it was negative for very high humidity of ambient air, which indicates that proposed system is applicable for dry and moderate humid conditions but not for very humid conditions. The system is working well with an average net monthly power saving of 192.31 kW h for hot and dry conditions and 124.38 kW h for hot and moderate humid conditions. Therefore it could be a better alternative for dry and moderate humid climate with a payback period of 7.2 years

    Energy Harvesting and Energy Storage Systems

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    Sustainable development systems are based on three pillars: economic development, environmental stewardship, and social equity [...

    A profile of patients registered at art centre Jayarogya hospital Gwalior, MP, India

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    Introduction: An approximately 36.9 million people were living with HIV globally at the end of 2014 with around 2 million new infections in2014. In this study was arranged in order to understand the clinico-epidemiological profile of patients attending ART centre. Methodology: Across sectional study was conducted at an ART center of Gajara Raja Medical College and Jayarogya Hospital Gwalior, Mp, India. The data of500 patients who is suffered from HIV/AIDS registered at ART centre from 1stAugust, 2014 to 31st July, 2015. Result: In this study total 500patients, 299(59.80%) were male, 197(39.40%) were female and 4(0.80%) sample are transgender. in this study Out of the total 500 patients,maximum 178 (35.6%) belonged to 30-39 years of age group. Out of the total 500 patients, 211(42.20%) were unemployed. IntegratedCounseling and Testing Centers (ICTCs), ICTC emerged as being the most common agency to refer HIV-positive patients into ART (67.4%)followed by private practitioners (13.4%) and government health centers (7.6%). other entry point are self referred like DOTS, STI/RTI etc.Psychosocial support, prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections (OI) including tuberculosis, and facilitating home based care andimpact mitigation. In this study was significant improvement in CD4 count, body weight after receiving the ART for an average duration 6month.Conclusion: Building on the experience of past, this phase saw a twin drive to focus on coverage among high-risk groups like commercial sexworkers (CSWs), truck drivers and IDUs as well as to make the programme multisectoral. This resulted in a strongly decentralized programmewith the responsibility of implementation vested with the states as State AIDS Control Societies (SACS) were formed

    Case report: Embedded Continuous glucose monitor sensor

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    INTRODUCTION In Children with Type 1 diabetes mellitus, embedment of Continuous glucose monitor sensor wire is a rare complication. Case Report We herein report a rare presentation of embedment of continuous glucose monitor sensor wire in a 5year old girl known to have T1DM. She presented after 1year 2month of being on the CGM with a 2-days history of a lump under the skin of her anterior abdominal wall which was confirmed on ultrasound scan as embedded sensor wire in the subcutaneous tissue of anterior abdominal wall. She was discussed with surgeon due to parental anxiety who reviewed her with the images and offered surgical removal of the sensor wire. She was discharged following a day case removal of the sensor wire with no follow up arranged. METHODS Information for the report was retrieved from medical records after obtaining informed consent from the parents. DISCUSSION The definitive management of embedded CGM sensor is often conservative. Surgical retrieval of the sensor is recommended if suspicious of infection or portion of the sensor that is visible above the skin. In our case it was decided to remove the sensor wire surgically because of parental anxiety and choice. CONCLUSION Continuous glucose monitoring sensor break and imbedded under the skin is a rare condition and management is often conservative. It worth being aware of the indications for investigation and possible surgical intervention such as overlie infection, visible part of the sensor above the skin, painful lump or patient’s choice

    Reactance Regulation Using Coils with Perpendicular Magnetic Field in the Tubular Core design

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    This article presents an efficient method for prosumer connection to the distribution line. The prosumers can be connected to the distribution line using specially designed controllable reactive impedance. The reactive impedance is controlled using specially designed coils and magnetic core. The internal coil is wound in the toroidal direction (across the z-axis) and creates a toroidal shape. A thin ferromagnetic strip is coiled on this toroidal shape in the poloidal direction to form the ferromagnetic core. Then, an external coil is wound on this ferromagnetic core in the poloidal direction. The internal coil is controlled by the inductive impedance of the external coil, which is related to the anisotropic properties of ferromagnetic strips. The internal coil is connected between the power supply line and a prosumer. This arrangement confirms the magnetic independence of coils and the symmetry of the current in the internal coil. The magnetic coupling between both coils is very low (~0.015–0.017) and appropriate for engineering applications. It is approved that the impedance of the internal coil is changed due to the anisotropic magnetic properties of the core material

    Studies on Dynamic Properties of Ultracapacitors Using Infinite r–C Chain Equivalent Circuit and Reverse Fourier Transform

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    The specific power storage capabilities of double-layer ultracapacitors are receiving significant attention from engineers and scientific researchers. Nevertheless, their dynamic behavior should be studied to improve the performance and for efficient applications in electrical devices. This article presents an infinite resistor–capacitor (r–C) chain-based mathematical model for the analysis of double layer ultracapacitors. The internal resistance and capacitance were measured for repetitive charging and discharging cycles. The magnitudes of internal resistance and capacitance showed approximately ±10% changes for charge-discharge processes. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy investigations revealed that the impedance of a double-layer ultracapacitor does not change significantly in the temperature range of (−30 °C to +30 °C) and voltage range of (0.3376–2.736 V). The analysis of impedance data using the proposed mathematical model showed good agreement between the experimental and theoretical data. The dynamic behavior of the ultracapacitor was successfully represented by utilizing the proposed infinite r–C chains equivalent circuit, and the reverse Fourier transform analysis. The r–C electrical equivalent circuit was also analyzed using the PSIM simulation software to study the dynamic behavior of ultracapacitor parameters. The simulation study yields an excellent agreement between the experimental and calculated voltage characteristics for repetitive charging-discharging processes

    An approval of MPPT based on pv cell’s simplified equivalent circuit during fast-shading conditions

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    The partial shading conditions significantly affect the functionality of solar power plants despite the presence of multiple maximum power point tracking systems. The primary cause of this problem is the presence of local maxima in the power–current and/or power–voltage characteristic curves that restrict the functionality of the conventional maximum power point tracking systems. The present article proposes a modified algorithm based on the simplified equivalent circuit of solar cells to improve the functionality of traditional maximum power point tracking systems. This algorithm provides a method for regularly monitoring the photo-current of each solar module. The upper and lower boundaries of the regulating parameter such as current or voltage are decided very precisely, which is helpful to find the location of the global maximum. During a sequential search, the control system accurately determines the lower and upper boundaries of the global maximum. Simultaneously, the maximum power point tracking system increases the photovoltaic current up to one of these boundaries and applies one of the conventional algorithms. Additionally, the control system regularly monitors the photovoltaic characteristics and changes the limits of regulating parameter concerning any change in global maximum location. This proposed method is fast and precise to locate the global maximum boundaries and to track global maximum even under fast-changing partial shading conditions. The improved performance and overall efficiency are validated by simulation study for variable solar irradiance.publishedVersionPeer reviewe