44 research outputs found


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    The introduction of centralized registers of medical data after a long time from the implementation of medical information systems and their long-term daily operation is a very challenging and demanding process. In this paper, three ways for the realization of centralized repositories of medical data are considered, and on that occasion, the advantages and limitations of these solutions are emphasized. Due to the heterogeneity of medical information systems in terms of technologies used and implementation, the construction of a distributed centralized national register of medical data emerges as a good solution. A proposal of architecture for the realization of the distributed central republic register of medical data is given. As an example of the proposed solution, the realized collaboration of the central republic radiological information system and its implementation with the medical information system MEDIS.NET is presented


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    Development and design of new products of various kinds often contain a very complex set of relationships among many coupled tasks. Ranking, controlling and redesigning the features of these tasks can be usefully performed by a suitable model based on the design structure matrix in an iteration procedure. The proposed interval approach of design iteration controls and predicts the convergence speed of iteration work on tasks within a project. Interval method is based on Perron-Frobenius theorem and interval linear algebra where intervals and interval matrices are employed instead of real numbers and real matrices. In this way, a more relaxed quantitative estimation of tasks is achieved and the presence of undetermined quantities is allowed to a certain extent. The presented model is demonstrated in the example of simplified domain-driven design process, an approach to software development

    Parametri klijanja i rani porast ponika kukuruza u različitim nivoima sonog stresa

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    Increased salt concentration has a negative effect on germination parameters and early seedling growth. The objective of this study was to evaluate germination parameters and early seedlings growth of maize under different salinity conditions (0, -0.3, -0.6, -0.9 and -1.2 MPa). Germination was tested in double rolled filter paper, moistened with different NaCl solution, in the dark at 25Ā°C. Osmotic stress had significant effects on all examined characteristics, except on final germination. Under the highest osmotic stress, mean germination time and time to 50% germination were 14 h and 30 h longer than at control. Root and shoot length under those conditions (-1.2 MPa) were 76% and 87% shorter compared to control, while root and shoot weight were reduced (81% and 87%). Minor reduction in germination energy was recorded under stress. These results showed different responses of germination parameters and early seedling growth in the observed genotype under different salinity conditions.Povećane koncentracije soli imaju negativan efekat na parametar klijanja i rani porast klijanaca. Cilj istraživanja bio je ocena parametara klijanja i ranog porasta klijanaca kukuruza u uslovima različite zaslanjenosti (0, -0,3, -0,6, -0,9 i -1,2 MPa). Klijanje je testirano na filter papiru, nakvaÅ”enom rastvorom NaCl različitog osmotskog potencijala, u mraku na 25Ā°C. Osmotski stres je imao značajan uticaj na sve ispitivane parametre, osim na klijavost. U uslovima najviÅ”eg osmotskog stresa, srednje vreme klijanja i vreme dostizanja 50% klijavosti, bili su 14 h i 30 h duži u odnosu na kontrolu. Dužina korenka i izdanka u navedenim uslovima (-1,2 MPa) je bila za 76% i 87% kraća spram kontrole, dok je masa korena i stabla bila manja za 81% i 87%. Energija klijanja je smanjena u manjoj meri u uslovima stresa. Rezultati pokazuju razliku u reakciji parametara klijanja i ranog porasta ponika posmatranog genotipa u uslovima različitog nivoa osmotskog stresa

    Quality Management: Patients Reflections on Health Care at Outpatient Clinic of Internal Medicine Department

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    Middle and older age group relative share in the community permanently grows. Those are commonly burdened with several chronic health conditions or elevated incidence of acute ones and in more frequent need for consulting health services. In the era of modern technical medicine, it is important to increase quality of services particularly patients orientated. Department of Internal medicine developed questionnaire to assess reflections on medical care from the receiver of medical services point of view. Sample was formed from individuals that visited outpatient triage Unit (OTU) and voluntary enrolled, during period April 1 ā€“ August 31 2008 for any medical reason. Study population structure had similarly equally of both genders, socio-economical background, and was in age range 18ā€“87. Questionnaire was developed by team of experienced personnel covering satisfaction on received medical care. There were 279 returned formulary in a sample of 6700 patients (4.18%). Patients visited OTU chiefly on behalf medical condition secondary to address of residency, followed by personal choice, on advice given by general practitioner, by emergency transportation services, or just due to earlier experiences. Regarding provided medical care extent, 4/5 of patients were examined in lesser than 2 hours, while total workup lasted mostly for 2ā€“4, followed by over four. Over half of patients were moderate toward highly satisfied with provided medical information, personnel communication style and general reflection on all services while being in the Department premises. Astonishing proportion of patients (93%) was satisfied with positive personnel communication. Integration of patientsā€™ self-perceived reports about medical services in organizing process is inevitable for augmenting content and at the same time valuable for developing overall quality of treatment. Communication excellence is of premier importance and unavoidable for giving additional positive effect to remain health status or to ease the healing process of individual and their families

    Uticaj različitih testera na genetičke korelacije u populaciji kukuruza uske genetičke osnove NSA15

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    The goal of this study was to determine correlations between grain yield and other morphological and agronomical traits in two groups of maize half-sib (HS) progenies. Progenies were obtained by crossing every S1 family with two unrelated inbred lines as testers, NS732 and NS27. Field trials with incomplete block design, with replicates within set were conducted in 2008 and 2009 at four locations. The following traits were observed: grain yield, ear length, kernel row number, kernel number per row, 1000-kernel weight, plant height, ear height, number of leaves above ear and grain moisture. Significant moderate strong negative correlation between grain yield and ear length was determined in HS1 progeny. High significant correlations occurred among plant and ear height in both HS and between plant height and number of leaves. Observed differences in levels of correlation imply significant influence of tester in each group on HS progeny.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bilo određivanje korelacija između prinosa zrna i drugih morfoloÅ”kih i agronomskih osobina dve polusrodničke grupe potomstava (HS) kukuruza. Nasumično odabrane biljke iz svake S1 familije su ukrÅ”tene sa testerima NS732 i NS27. Dve polusrodničke grupe potomstava su formirane tako da je svaka S1 familija ukrÅ”tena sa oba testera. Poljski ogledi sa nepotpunim blok dizajnom sa tri ponavljanja po setu su posejana 2008. i 2009. na četiri lokaliteta. Praćene su sledeće osobine: prinos zrna, dužina klipa, broj redova zrna, broj zrna po redu, masa 1000 zrna, visina biljke, visina klipa, broj listova iznad klipa i vlaga zrna. Kod HS1 potomstva je uočena srednje jaka negativna korelacija između prinosa zrna i dužine klipa. Takođe, visina biljke i visina klipa su bile u jakoj vezi kod oba HS potomstva. Dobijene razlike u stepenu korelacije ukazuju na značajan uticaj testera u svakoj grupi HS potomstava

    Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Total Extractive Substances from Galium verum L.

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    Ultrasound-assisted extraction (US-AE) of total extractive substances from the herb Lady`s Bedstraw (Galium verum L.) is useful extraction method for its application in food manufacturing. The effect of different temperatures (T) and solvent-to-solid ratios (S) on the US-AE extraction yield was studied in this paper. The influence and optimum of the operating parameters (T and S) was investigated using response surface methodology (RSM). The T and S had impact on extraction yield. RSM showed that the optimal extraction parameters, which gave a maximum extraction yield of 18.7%, were T of 40 oC and S of 30 kg kg-1. Using modeled optimized conditions, detected relative difference between predicted and experimental yield was 3.3 %. RSM successfully predicted optimal parameters and proved as useful tool for standardization of extraction conditions for bioactive components from plants important for food industry

    Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Total Extractive Substances from Galium verum L.

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    Ultrasound-assisted extraction (US-AE) of total extractive substances from the herb Ladyā€™s Bedstraw (Galium verum L.) is useful extraction method for its application in food manufacturing. The effect of different temperatures (T) and solvent-to-solid ratios (S) on the US-AE extraction yield was studied in this paper. The influence and optimum of the operating parameters (T and S) was investigated using response surface methodology (RSM). The T and S had impact on extraction yield. RSM showed that the optimal extraction parameters, which gave a maximum extraction yield of 18.7%, were T of 40oC and S of 30 kg kg-1. Using modeled optimized conditions, detected relative difference between predicted and experimental yield was 3.3 %. RSM successfully predicted optimal parameters and proved as useful tool for standardization of extraction conditions for bioactive components from plants important for food industry.Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering (2017), 61(3): 200-20

    Rezultati proizvodnje NS uljane repice u 2019/20. i preporuka sortimenta za 2021/22. godinu

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    Uljana repica (Brassica napus L.) se uzgaja uglavnom za proizvodnju semena bogatog uljem (40-48%) i proteinima (18-23%). Zbog visokog sadržaja esencijalnih nezasićenih masnih kiselina uljana repica se izdvaja od drugih gajenih uljanih biljaka. Cvetanje uljane repice u proleće je značajno za pčele kojima predstavlja prvu ispaÅ”u. Istovremeno, uljana repica poseduje veliki potencijal za proizvodnju sveže (zelene) krme u ishrani preživara, prosečnog prinosa u agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima severne Srbije i na većim proizvodnim povrÅ”inama od oko 40 t/ha kod ozimih i oko 30 t/ha kod jarih sorti. U agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima Srbije moguća je proizvodnja i ozime i jare uljane repice, pri čemu ozima forma ima vedci prinos u odnosu na jaru. Poslednjih godina evidentno je povećanje povrÅ”ina u Srbiji pod ovom biljkom, ali je prinos semena neujednačen. Prinos varira od 2 t/ha do 3,2 t/ha u zavisnosti od godine, odnosno vremenskih uslova tokom vegetacionog perioda, Å”to čini potrebu poznavanja tehnologije proizvodnje joÅ” značajnijom. Proizvodnu 2019/2020. je obeležila velika varijabilnost vremenskih činilaca - suÅ”a u vreme pripreme za setvu i setva sa povecanom količinom padavina tek krajem septembra, izuzetno topao jesenji i zimski period, suÅ”no proleće kao i česte i obilne padavine tokom zavrÅ”nih faza sazrevanja semena. U agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima Srbije nedovoljna količina padavina u vreme pripreme za setvu i u setvi u pojedinim godinama predstavlja otežavajuću okolnost za proizvodnju uljane repice

    Rezultati proizvodnje NS uljane repice u 2018/19. i preporuka sortimenta za 2020/21. godinu

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    Tradicija gajenja uljane repice u Evropi datira iz XIII veka. Raznolikost formi i sortimenta dozvoljava gajenje uljane repice u skoro svim klimatskim oblastima, a njen agrotehnički i ekonomski značaj, kao i intenzivno oplemenjivanje omogućavaju stalni rast povrÅ”ina i prinosa repice. Danas je uljana repica najviÅ”e gajeni uljani usev u Evropi sa prosečnom godiÅ”njom proizvodnjom od 26,3 Mt (FAOSTAT, 2017). U Srbiji se gaji uglavnom ozima forma jer postiže veće prinose semena i ulja po jedinici povrÅ”ine u odnosu na jaru. Oplemenjivački program na uljanoj repici u Srbiji postoji jedino u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, gde su postignuti značajni rezultati. Glavne komponente semena uljane repice su ulje (~45%) i proteini (~23%). Ulje uljane repice ima dvojako koriŔćenje, upotrebljava se kao hrana i ima neprehrambenu upotrebu. U poslednjim godinama se sve viÅ”e koristi i za proizvodnju energije, odnosno biogoriva