9 research outputs found
Serovarovi i biokemijske osobine izolata bakterije Escherichia coli izdvojenih kod kolibaciloze i iz zadušaka kokoši u Zariji, Nigerija
This study was designed to determine the isolation rate, serovars and biochemical profiles of E. Coli from cases of colibacillosis and dead-in-shell embryos in Zaria-Northern Nigeria. The isolation rate of E. coli from hatcheries studied were 4.67% and 7.50% from farms of Simtu Agricultural Company and National Animal Production Research Institute (NAPRI) Shika Zaria, Nigeria respectively. Twenty E. coli isolates from clinical cases of colibacillosis were also used for this study. The Simtu farm E. coli isolates showed 97.5% motility, while isolates from both NAPRI and clinical colibacillosis cases were 100% motile. The results of carbohydrate fermentation are variable without specific character, except for E. coli isolates from clinical cases of colibaccillosis that showed 100% fermentation especially for lactose, ducitol, rhamnose and xylose. The major serovars recorded from clinical cases of colibacillosis were serovars O8:K50 and O9:K30. Serovars from the dead-in-shell embryos were O78:K80, O8:K50, O9:K30, and O26:K60. Untypable isolates made up the greatest percentage of serogroup of E. coli studied. The antibiotic susceptibility testing indicated that many of the isolates were resistant to more than one antibiotic. Ciprofloxacin was the antibiotic to which majority of isolates were sensitive (85% of the clinical cases and 100% of both the Simtu and the NAPRI farms’ isolates). It is concluded that other methods for controlling E. coli should be evaluated, so that the emergence of resistant isolates be limited and the cost involved in prophylactic and therapeutic treatment programs be reducedIstraživanje je provedeno radi određivanja stope izdvajanja, serotipizacije i određivanja biokemijskih osobina izolata E. coli kod kolibaciloze peradi i zadušaka u Zariji u sjevernoj Nigeriji. Stopa izdvajanja E. Coli iz promatranih valionica bila je 4,67% na 7,50% farmi Poljoprivrednoga dobra Simtu i Nacionalnog instituta za proizvodnju i istraživanje životinja, Shika Zaria, Nigerija. Dvadeset izolata E. coli izdvojenih iz peradi oboljele od kolibaciloze bilo je također upotrijebljeno u istraživanju. 97,5% izolata E. coli s farme Simtu bilo je pokretljivo, dok su izolati Nacionalnog instituta i oni izdvojeni kod kliničke kolibaciloze bili 100% pokretljivi. Rezultati fermentacije ugljikohidrata bili su varijabilni, osim u izolata kod kliničke kolibaciloze u kojih je dokazana fermentacija laktoze, dulcitola, ramnoze i ksiloze. Glavni serovarovi ustanovljeni kod kliničke kolibaciloze bili su O8:K50 i O9:K30. Iz zadušaka su bili izdvojeni serovarovi O78:K80, O8:K50, O9:K30 i O26:K60. Izolati se najvećim dijelom nisu mogli tipizirati unutar pretraživanih seroloških skupina. Mnogi izolati bili su otporni na više antibiotika. Većina sojeva (85% izdvojenih kod kliničke kolibaciloze te 100% s farme Simtu i Nacionalnoga instituta) bila je osjetljiva prema ciprofloksacinu. Zaključuje se da treba vrednovati druge metode za kontrolu E. coli tako da bi se pojava otpornih sojeva mogla ograničiti te smanjiti troškovi profilakse i terapij
Serovarovi i biokemijske osobine izolata bakterije Escherichia coli izdvojenih kod kolibaciloze i iz zadušaka kokoši u Zariji, Nigerija
This study was designed to determine the isolation rate, serovars and biochemical profiles of E. Coli from cases of colibacillosis and dead-in-shell embryos in Zaria-Northern Nigeria. The isolation rate of E. coli from hatcheries studied were 4.67% and 7.50% from farms of Simtu Agricultural Company and National Animal Production Research Institute (NAPRI) Shika Zaria, Nigeria respectively. Twenty E. coli isolates from clinical cases of colibacillosis were also used for this study. The Simtu farm E. coli isolates showed 97.5% motility, while isolates from both NAPRI and clinical colibacillosis cases were 100% motile. The results of carbohydrate fermentation are variable without specific character, except for E. coli isolates from clinical cases of colibaccillosis that showed 100% fermentation especially for lactose, ducitol, rhamnose and xylose. The major serovars recorded from clinical cases of colibacillosis were serovars O8:K50 and O9:K30. Serovars from the dead-in-shell embryos were O78:K80, O8:K50, O9:K30, and O26:K60. Untypable isolates made up the greatest percentage of serogroup of E. coli studied. The antibiotic susceptibility testing indicated that many of the isolates were resistant to more than one antibiotic. Ciprofloxacin was the antibiotic to which majority of isolates were sensitive (85% of the clinical cases and 100% of both the Simtu and the NAPRI farms’ isolates). It is concluded that other methods for controlling E. coli should be evaluated, so that the emergence of resistant isolates be limited and the cost involved in prophylactic and therapeutic treatment programs be reducedIstraživanje je provedeno radi određivanja stope izdvajanja, serotipizacije i određivanja biokemijskih osobina izolata E. coli kod kolibaciloze peradi i zadušaka u Zariji u sjevernoj Nigeriji. Stopa izdvajanja E. Coli iz promatranih valionica bila je 4,67% na 7,50% farmi Poljoprivrednoga dobra Simtu i Nacionalnog instituta za proizvodnju i istraživanje životinja, Shika Zaria, Nigerija. Dvadeset izolata E. coli izdvojenih iz peradi oboljele od kolibaciloze bilo je također upotrijebljeno u istraživanju. 97,5% izolata E. coli s farme Simtu bilo je pokretljivo, dok su izolati Nacionalnog instituta i oni izdvojeni kod kliničke kolibaciloze bili 100% pokretljivi. Rezultati fermentacije ugljikohidrata bili su varijabilni, osim u izolata kod kliničke kolibaciloze u kojih je dokazana fermentacija laktoze, dulcitola, ramnoze i ksiloze. Glavni serovarovi ustanovljeni kod kliničke kolibaciloze bili su O8:K50 i O9:K30. Iz zadušaka su bili izdvojeni serovarovi O78:K80, O8:K50, O9:K30 i O26:K60. Izolati se najvećim dijelom nisu mogli tipizirati unutar pretraživanih seroloških skupina. Mnogi izolati bili su otporni na više antibiotika. Većina sojeva (85% izdvojenih kod kliničke kolibaciloze te 100% s farme Simtu i Nacionalnoga instituta) bila je osjetljiva prema ciprofloksacinu. Zaključuje se da treba vrednovati druge metode za kontrolu E. coli tako da bi se pojava otpornih sojeva mogla ograničiti te smanjiti troškovi profilakse i terapij
Antimicrobial profiles of Salmonella species isolated from ruminants slaughtered at the two major abattoirs in Ilorin, Nigeria
Background: Foodborne illness due to the genus Salmonella is one of the major challenges affecting public health worldwide and a threat to socioeconomic activities especially in the developing countries. The present study was carried out to determine the isolation rate and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of Salmonella species from ruminants slaughtered for human consumption at the two major abattoirs in Ilorin, Kwara State. Methods: Between November, 2019 and February, 2020, a total 500 samples were collected from the two major abattoirs in Ilorin metropolis (cattle, n = 240; goat, n = 260). Salmonella species were isolated and identified using standard bacteriological techniques. The isolates were subjected antimicrobial susceptibility test using Kirby Bauer disk diffusion assay. Results: 20 (4 %) Salmonella isolates were obtained, there was no significant statistical difference between the isolation rates from cattle (3.75 %) and the small ruminant (4.23 %). Varying degree of resistance patterns were obtained with high proportion of the isolates (> 60 %) displaying resistance to penicillin and cephalosporin tested while low resistant phenotypes (5 %) were observed against quinolones. The isolates were pan-susceptible to gentamicin. Conclusion: The study documented multidrug resistant Salmonella isolates from ruminants slaughtered for human consumption. It is recommended that further studies to characterize the isolates will assist in recommending the appropriate control strategies to prevent the transmission of resistant Salmonella strains to human via food chain
Jednodnevni kunići kao model za uzrokovanje proljeva enterohemoragičnim sojevima bakterije Escherichia coli
Day-old infant rabbits inoculated with enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 strain developed severe diarrhoea and ruffl ed coats, usually culminating in death. All rabbits (n=8) inoculated intragastrically with either UMDL 29 or MC 110 developed severe diarrhoea two days post inoculation. None of the control rabbits inoculated with PBS developed diarrhoea. The UMDL 29 and MC 110 infected rabbits also developed ruffl ed coats by day two post inoculation. Mortality started to occur on day four post infection. The diarrhoea which started 24 hr post inoculation was associated with loss of mass and infl ammation of the intestines. At necropsy, the ceca and colons of rabbits inoculated with either UMDL 29 or MC 110 were distended or fi lled with loose stool and fl uids. In contrast, the ceca and colons of rabbits inoculated with PBS were not distended and contained hard, formed pellets. The intestinal contents of the infected rabbits that died and of those that were euthanatized were fi lled with watery content. A microscopic examination of colons showed mild infl ammatory cell infi ltration, thinning of the intestinal wall, or necrotic foci. The lungs of infected rabbits were congested. The limitations of current animal models led us to reexamine the day-old infant rabbit model for the study of EHEC pathogenicity. This study indicates that infant rabbits are a useful model for investigation of the intestinal stage of EHEC pathogenesis and suggest that shiga toxin and other virulence factors of E. coli O157 may play a critical role in causing diarrhea and infl ammation in patients infected with EHEC.Pokusna zaraza enterohemoragičnim sojem bakterije Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 u jednodnevnih se kunića očitovala teškim proljevom, kovrčavom dlakom i uginućem. Teški proljev u kunića (n=8) zaraženih u želudac sojem označenim UMDL 29 ili sojem MC 110 razvio se dva dana nakon inokulacije. Proljev se nije javio u kontrolnih kunića inokuliranih puferiranom fi ziološkom otopinom. Kovrčavost dlačnog pokrivača javila se također dva dana nakon infekcije. Uginuća su se počela javljati četiri dana nakon infekcije. Proljev koji je
započeo 24 sata nakon inokulacije javio se kao posljedica upale crijeva, a doveo je do gubitka tjelesne mase. Razudbom je ustanovljeno da su slijepa crijeva u inokuliranih kunića bila naduta ili ispunjena rijetkim sadržajem odnosno tekućinom. Suprotno, slijepa crijeva i debelo crijevo kunića koji su dobili puferiranu fi ziološku otopinu nisu bila naduta, a sadržavala su tvrdo formirani feces. Crijevni sadržaj uginulih kao i eutanaziranih kunića bio je vodenast. Mikroskopska pretraga tkiva kolona pokazala je blagu infi ltraciju upalnih stanica, stanjenu stijenku crijeva i nekrotična žarišta. Ustanovljena je kongestija pluća u zaraženih kunića. Ograničene mogućnosti rabljenja dosadašnjih životinjskih modela potaknule su na ponovnu uporabu jednodnevnih kunića kao modela za istraživanje patogenosti EHEC. Može se zaključiti da se jednodnevni kunići mogu rabiti za proučavanje patogeneze crijevne infekcije uzrokovane EHEC te da šiga toksin i drugi čimbenici virulencije bakterije E. coli
O157 imaju kritičnu ulogu u nastanku proljeva i upale u pacijenata infi ciranih EHEC
ELISA-based serological survey of Mycoplasma bovis in cattle in three local government areas in Adamawa State, Nigeria
A serological survey for the detection of antibodies to Mycoplasma bovis was conducted in Adamawa State, Nigeria during the year 2012. A total of 400 serum samples were collected from three local government areas (LGA) namely Yola (n=140), Mubi (n=130) and Ganye (n=130), and the samples were examined for the presence of M. bovis antibodies using BIO-X M. bovis antibody ELISA Kit. The overall seroprevalence of M. bovis was recorded as 19.5% (n=78/400). The highest seroprevalence was recorded in Ganye LGA (27.7%; n=36/130), followed by Yola LGA (20.0%; n=28/140) and Mubi LGA (10.8%; n=14/130). The cattle aging <1-year had the highest prevalence (25.8%), followed by 4-year-old cattle (22.4%). Based on sex distribution, 20.4% of the cows and 17.4% of the bulls were seropositive to M. bovis. Breed susceptibility to M. bovis infection showed that White Fulani had the highest prevalence (21.8%), and Sokoto Gudali had the lowest (11.9%). No statistical significant association was found between M. bovis infection and age, sex and breed of the cattle. In conclusion, the above findings are indicative for the presence of M. bovis in the study area
Serological prevalence of leptospirosis in cattle slaughtered in the Zango abattoir in Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria
Leptospirosis is an occupational zoonosis caused by pathogenic leptospires. In this study, the presence and prevalence of antibodies specific to Leptospira spp. serovar Hardjo in 142 cattle slaughtered between June and July 2011 was investigated using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Five (3.50%) of the 142 cattle sampled were seropositive for antibodies to Leptospira spp. serovar Hardjo. Despite the fact that there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in seropositivity between sexes and between breeds sampled, there was a significant difference (p<0.05) in sero-positivity between the different age groups examined. Leptospirosis is present in cattle slaughtered in the Zango abattoir; butchers and abattoir workers are exposed to infected animals and are at risk of being infected by Leptospira spp. serovar Hardjo