478 research outputs found

    Maternal and perinatal outcome in placenta previa - one year study in tertiary care center in Tamil Nadu, India

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    Background: Obstetric hemorrhage is one of the most dangerous and devasting group of disorders in Obstetrics of which placenta previa contributes 1/5th of the cases. The aim of this study was to analyze the obstetrical factors and the maternal and perinatal outcome of these cases.Methods: This was a retrospective study conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Thanjavur Medical College Hospital, Thanjavur from August 2014 - July 2015. Chart records of all women who had undergone cesarean section for placenta previa were reviewed. Relevant clinical findings were noted.Results: In the present study, 134 cases of placenta previa were studied regarding type of clinical presentation, clinical course, maternal and perinatal outcome. Information obtained was arranged statistically. A placenta previa case was highest in the age group 20-29 years (79.85%) and in multiparous group (63.43%). Most common risk factor was previous cesarean section (39.5%) followed by abortion in 24.6%. Major degree of placenta previa constitutes 69.4% i.e., majority of cases and minor degree constitutes 30.59% of cases. In the present study massive blood transfusion was required in 0.04% of all cases, adherent placenta previa in 1.9%, 12.68% required hysterectomy. Perinatal morbidity was 25.92% and perinatal mortality incidence was 16.41%. Prematurity contributed the most 63.6% followed by RDS about 4.58%. Newborn with weight above 2 kg has very good survival rates, whereas newborn with weight <1 kg has poor survival rates.Conclusions: Placenta previa poses danger to both the mother and the baby with high maternal morbidity and adverse perinatal outcome

    Selected risk factors of infertility in women: case control study

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    Background: Infertility implies apparent failure of a couple to conceive. If a couple fails to achieve pregnancy after one year of unprotected intercourse, it is an indication to investigate the couple. This is based on the observation that, 80% of the normal couples achieve conception within a year.Methods: A case control study on the selected risk factors of female infertility among fifty females attending the Tertiary care centre was conducted. The data was collected from fifty cases and fifty controls, matched for age, using a pre-structured questionnaire. The data collected included menstrual details, uterine or ovarian disorders, genito-urinary infections, systemic illness, hyperprolactinemia and weight gain. Data was analysed to find out risk factors and its association using Odds ratio, chi-square and logistic regression.Results: The factors include age, duration of menstrual cycles, dysmenorrhea, Hyperprolactinemia, recent weight gain, body mass index (BMI), ovarian dysfunctions, thyroid disorders and uterine abnormalities.Conclusions: Early screening and diagnosis of menstrual disorders and diseases like hyperprolactinemia, Thyroid disorders, uterine abnormalities, ovarian dysfunctions and correcting them by appropriate treatment

    Estimation of fetal weight in utero by Dawn's formula and Johnson's formula: a comparative study

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    Background: Survival of the premature infant has been shown to be related more to fetal weight than to any other consideration. A lot of work has been done to find out accurate methods for estimation of fetal size and weight in utero.Methods: This study consists of total 200 case studies included patient of different parity all delivered in these hospitals either vaginally or by caesarian section. Two methods of estimation of birth weight were assessed and compared.Results: 33.5% of cases were within ±100gms by Johnson's formula, whereas in Dawn's formula 51.5% cases were within +100 gm of actual birth weight.73% of cases by Johnson's formula were within ±250 gms and 88.5% of cases by Dawn's formula were within ±250 gms of actual birth weight.91% of cases by Johnson's formula and 99% of cases by Dawn's formula were within ±500 gms of actual birth weight.Conclusions: Dawn's formula was found to be more accurate (88.5% within ±250 gms) than Johnson's formula (53.5% within ±250 gms) in prediction of antenatal fetal weight

    Fibromyoma of the uterus and its surgical management

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    Background: Uterine fibroids are the commonest tumor affecting the female reproductive tract. In many instances they are asymptomatic, but in some women there does appear to be an association with heavy menstrual blood loss and subfertility. Classically treatment has been surgical with hysterectomy the most common approach for women who have completed their fertility and myomectomy for those who wish to conceive. The surgery can be carried out laparoscopically, vaginally and abdominally, although all routes are associated with an appreciable rate of morbidity. The aims of this study are (i) to formulate the line of surgical treatment of fibromyomas according to age and parity of the patient, (ii) to assess their efficacy, safety and long-term outcome.Methods: A study of 50 patients attending the Obstetrics and Gynecology OPD of a tertiary care institute was conducted over a period of one year. Detailed history and examination of the patients were done.Results: The best surgical options for individual patients were evaluated according to age and parity of the patient. Various surgical options were Hysterectomy and Myomectomy.Conclusions: Uterine fibroids can cause multiple bleeding and pain symptoms, which might have a negative impact on women's life, influencing their sexual, social and work life. Despite these consequences uterine fibroid data, especially on epidemiology, symptomatology and their impact on women's health are still limited and further research is required


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    Ayurveda is a science with holistic approach in the management of different diseases. Dravya is the entity which has been given with prime importance for its role in the prevention and treatment of different ailments. Generally Dravya act according to Rasa, Guna, Virya and Vipaka. In some other conditions the action of Dravya cannot be expressed or explained with the help of Rasa, Guna, Virya and Vipaka. Diseases will be manifested because of the involvement of single Dosha or in combination with other Dosha or all three together. It will be easy to understand the symptomatology of Ekadoshaja Vyadhi but situation will be little typical and difficult to understand in case of two (Samsargaja) or three (Sannipataja) Dosha involvement in few diseases like Sannipataja Jwara. In such conditions concept of Vikruthi Visama Samavetha is helpful. In this paper an effort will be made to understanding the concept of Vikruthi Visama Samavetha


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    A study on the symptamatology and diagnostic methodology of Madakku Pilavai

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    The author concludes the study on Madakku Pilavai with fruitful results validating the Symptomatology and Siddha diagnostic methodology. Study on Manikkadai Nool threw up a narrow identifiable range (91/2) for Madhumegam and 9¾ for Madakku Pilavai. Nearly 60% of the cases were observed results a clinician can diagnose this study clinical entity as Madhumegam with confidence. Mental stress is said to be an important factor precipitating the Diabetes or Madhumegam. In this study also most of the patients were having mental stress prior to onset of disease. It can be concluded that with the genesis of Madhumegam and subsequently the Madhumegam could be the path of development of the disease. So along with medicines for control the blood glucose levels, yogam and meditation which calm the mind can be advised. Pitham humour which is the root cause of the disease was found to be elevated which confirms the literary stand point said by Sage Theran. Therefore steps should be taken to keep it under check. From the study on Neerkkuri, it was found that many cases of Madakku Pilavai had polyuria, cloudy urine and fruity odor in urine. So neerkkuri can be taken as one of the significant diagnostic tool for diagnosing this disease. From the study on Naadi (pulse), it was found that majority of patients were with vatha pitha naadi. So presence of vatha pitha naadi in Madakku Pilavai patients should be taken as a sign of increased pitha humour which might lead on to madhu megam. If normal patients were found with pitha vatha naadi other than pithakaalam, they should be taken as pathological state and preventive measures should be adopted. With the study on udal thaathukkal, it was found that all cases (100%) had affected udal thaathukkal (all the seven). So drugs that strengthen the udal thaathukkal should be prescribed. CONCLUSION: The patients with symptoms of Madakku Pilavai mentioned by Sage Siddha Maruthuvam confirmed to majority symptoms mentioned in the modern literature of complications of Diabetes mellitus. Thus the study validated the symptomatology elucidated by Sage Madakku Pilavai and matched it with complications of Diabetes mellitus. From the study it is evident that, with naadi, manikkadai nool, neerkkuri, naa, and udal thaathukkal examination, Madakku Pilavai can be diagnosed easily and confidently. The author concludes that these diagnostic parameters can be successfully implemented by a physician at the clinical level in the diagnosis of Madakku Pilavai

    Detection of Compromised Accounts in Online Social Networks

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    Social behavioral profile appropriately reflects a user’s OSN activity patterns. People get right of entry to OSNs using both conventional computer PCs and new emerging cellular devices. With multiple billion customers global, OSNs are a brand new venue of innovation with many difficult studies issues. In this paper, we look at the social behaviors of OSN customers, i.e., their utilization of OSN offerings, and the utility of which in detecting the compromised accounts. We capture user conduct with the subsequent metrics: user connectivity, user hobby and user reactions. We validate and represent the person social hobby on OSN. The take a look at is based totally on distinct ClickStream data, the ClickStream data reveals key features of the social network workloads, consisting of how frequently humans connect to social networks and for a way lengthy, in addition to the kinds and sequences of activities that users conduct on those websites. We take note of the traits of social behaviors were view malicious behaviors of OSN users and show the social behavioral profiles can correctly differentiate man or woman OSN users and discover compromised account

    Efficient Task Scheduling and Fair Load Distribution Among Federated Clouds

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    The federated cloud is the future generation of cloud computing, allowing sharing of computing and storage resources, and servicing of user tasks among cloud providers through a centralized control mechanism. However, a great challenge lies in the efficient management of such federated clouds and fair distribution of the load among heterogeneous cloud providers. In our proposed approach, called QPFS_MASG, at the federated cloud level, the incoming tasks queue are partitioned in order to achieve a fair distribution of the load among all cloud providers of the federated cloud. Then, at the cloud level, task scheduling using the Modified Activity Selection by Greedy (MASG) technique assigns the tasks to different virtual machines (VMs), considering the task deadline as the key factor in achieving good quality of service (QoS). The proposed approach takes care of servicing tasks within their deadline, reducing service level agreement (SLA) violations, improving the response time of user tasks as well as achieving fair distribution of the load among all participating cloud providers. The QPFS_MASG was implemented using CloudSim and the evaluation result revealed a guaranteed degree of fairness in service distribution among the cloud providers with reduced response time and SLA violations compared to existing approaches. Also, the evaluation results showed that the proposed approach serviced the user tasks with minimum number of VMs
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